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Dianne Thompson - Library Board of Trustees
DIANNE THOMPSON - Library Board of Trustees
22 Perley Lane
Education: Masters in Computer Education
Occupation: Retired
Years as Durham Resident: 35 years
Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards, Commissions, Committees, or Organizations:
I served for 3 years on DCAT and was the Chair the last two. As a member of DCAT, I was on the team that negotiated the most recent contract between the town of Durham and Comcast.
Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office:
First, let me say that the addition of the new library to the town of Durham is one of the most exciting projects that I believe the town has ever undertaken. It is not only a building that we can be incredibly proud of, but everything from the capital campaign to the grand opening was done in a thoughtful manner. I am very proud to have been a small part of this initiative.
As far as my background, I am now retired, but I have worked many years in public education. I taught in Austin, Texas for five years before moving to Durham. In the last seventeen years I worked, I was a technology coordinator working for several school districts. In that position, I worked closely with the librarians of all my schools and came to have even more respect for the role of a library. In schools, it is truly the heartbeat of a building and I believe that, in this town, our library will be the heartbeat of Durham. Now that the building is complete, I would like to be a part of the team that will guide it as it faces the challenges of the twenty-first century.