Katherine "Kitty" Marple - Town Council Candidate

The Town of Durham New Hampshire

82 Madbury Road 

Education:  BS Mechanical Engineering, University of New Hampshire

Occupation:  Former government engineer, homemaker

Years as Durham Resident:  31

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards, Commissions, Committees, or Organizations:

--I am currently a Town Council representative to the Rental Housing Commission.  I support initiatives to protect the rights of permanent Durham residents and their neighborhoods.
--I am the Town Council representative to the Integrated Waste Management Committee.  This small group is making some substantive inroads on reducing the waste stream in Durham. 
--I am a member of the Design Review Board for the Durham Business Park.
--I sat on an oral hiring review board for the Durham Police department.  Was one of two residents who provided a community perspective on the hiring of a police officer.
--I volunteered at the elementary and middle schools.
--I register voters at the polls on most election days

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office:
My initial impetus to become engaged in town government was to offer protection to homeowners dealing with town-gown issues.  My three years as a councilor have been very instructive and I feel that I have been on a learning curve.  I am more capable of making sound decisions regarding town issues.  I will continue to respect rights of individuals as landowners but will foster a sense of community when making decisions affecting the town as a whole.

Some of my general interests include:

  • Waste reduction
  • Smart redevelopment of the core downtown areas (including parking) to encourage new business
  • Support of police and fire departments
  • Encouraging local food production
  • Support of the new library
  • Protection of water resources and other “taken for granted” amenities such as infrastructure and public areas
  • Encouraging stewardship of conservation properties
  • Allowing neighborhoods to maintain a tranquil quality of life
  • Alternative energy initiatives for the municipality, residents and local property owners