"Friday Updates"

August 21, 2009

Courtesy Adam Schultz

Forecasters are predicting that Hurricane Bill will track west of Bermuda and east of the Eastern US Coast over the next few days, and we are expected to receive rain throughout the weekend. Although it does not appear that Hurricane Bill will be a threat to our area, residents are encouraged to monitor the hurricane's progress. Durham Public Works will have staff on call this weekend in case problems arise here as a result of the storm.  If there are any widespread implications for Durham, the Town will utilize the list server and web site to disseminate public service announcements.

PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR Review of Central Business District Zoning, Commercial Core Strategic Plan, and Additional Services as Needed

This spring, the Town sent out "Request for Proposals” (RFP) for professional services (Consultant) for the review of the zoning in the Central Business District (CBD) and recommendations for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, as well as to assist with strategic planning in the CBD and downtown commercial core and for planning services on an “as needed” basis to potentially include an upcoming Master Plan update process.

The Town received proposals from eight (8) firms, and a panel consisting of the Director of Planning & Community Development, Zoning Administrator, Town Administrator, Neil Niman, and Kevin Gardner interviewed three (3) of these firms. Upon completing the interview process, the panel chose B. Dennis Town & Building Design. In addition to B. Dennis Town & Building Design, the consultant team consists of a variety of other professionals including a project manager, a transportation engineer, an illustrator, a comprehensive planner, and a GIS consultant.  It is a well-rounded team of professionals.

At the Durham Town Council meeting on Monday, August 24, 2009, the Council will receive a presentation from B. Dennis Town & Building Design. After the presentation, the Council will vote to approve and authorize the Administrator to sign an agreement with this firm for the Review of Central Business District Zoning, Commercial Core Strategic Plan, and Additional Services as Needed. To view the project proposal submitted by B. Dennis, please click HERE.


    Installation of solar loop plumbing in the basement                    Final step: installation of evacuated tubes

Solar Energy Raisers Come to Durham

On August 8, 2009, Kevin Gardner (Durham Energy Committee) took part in the first “Community Energy Raiser” of the Seacoast Renewable Energy Initiative (SEAREI) at the home of Michael and Ann Bliss in Portsmouth. Community Energy Raisers are modeled after a “barn-raising” following the tradition of neighbor helping neighbor.  The goals of the Energy Raisers are to increase the community’s accessibility to solar energy, bring down the cost of installing renewable energy systems, provide hands on education for the homeowner so they end up with a strong understanding of how their system works, develop a support network of knowledgeable families, provide local tradespeople an avenue to learn about installing renewable energy systems, and build community connections while we all prepare for life in a lower energy world.

More information can be found at http://www.searei.org and http://www.plymouthenergy.org/


On Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 3:00 PM, the Historic District/ Heritage Commission of Durham cordially invites you to an afternoon history walk around Durham sponsored by the Durham Historic District/Heritage Commission, Durham Historical Association, Community Church of Durham UCC, and Three Chimneys Inn. Walk around Durham’s Historic District and listen to brief talks by local experts at all these locations. The district is on the National Register of Historic Places. Meet your community and maybe learn something new about your town. The walk is FREE. Participants should wear comfortable walking shoes, bring cameras, layered clothing.

The tour starts at 3:00 PM at the Museum in the Old Courthouse building (Main Street & Newmarket Road). The Museum will be open to the public from 2-3:00 PM.


1.    Durham Historical Museum (1825) Joseph Coe  

2.    Community Church of Durham (1848) and see the John Hatch paintings of the FALLS & MEETING HOUSE.

3.    Red Tower (1780), home of Hamilton Smith. 

4.    Smith Family Chapel (c1900) built by Hamilton Smith family

5.    Oyster River dam (the oldest Ambursen dam in NH) and learn about the history of the dam and hydropower.  

6.    Winborn Adams House (1750),

7.    James Paul House (1830) the only stone house in Durham

8.    General Sullivan House (1740) National Register                   

9.    General Sullivan Monument Walk across the historic and scenic Oyster River to the

10.  Three Chimneys Inn  (1649) home of Valentine Hill.

Three Chimneys Inn will host a cookout with live music, FREE for Durham residents. Non residents  are welcome to join the cookout for $10.  To make a reservation for the cookout, please contact Three Chimneys at 868-78 by Wednesday, September 9th.

Kaizen in Durham

The Town is continuing its efforts to introduce Kaizen (改善, Japanese for "improvement") into the municipal workplace here in Durham.  Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement throughout all aspects of life. When applied to the workplace, Kaizen activities continually improve all functions of a business, from manufacturing to management, and from the CEO to front line staff.  This approach takes the perspective that no matter how well a process works, it can always be made more efficient.  By improving standardized activities and processes, Kaizen aims to eliminate waste and improve efficie ncy.

Earlier this year, our Durham payroll Kaizen team was able to enhance efficiencies within the weekly payroll process. Staff at the Fire Department and within the Code Enforcement Office is presently working to consolidate permits utilized, enhance collaboration between the departments, and make the general permit process more user-friendly for residents, property owners, and contractors alike.  In addition, each bi-monthly Durham department head meeting now begins with a Kaizen-based exercise identifying a municipal process or function to evaluate for potential improvement. 

Today, the Administrator and several department heads travelled to Augusta, Maine to meet with representatives of the Maine Department of Transportation to discuss Kaizen efforts underway there. 


The University of New Hampshire will be opening next week at which time we anticipate a large influx of students, staff, faculty, and visitors throughout the weekend of August 28th. Durham police, fire, and DPW are ready for the influx and have been, and will continue to be, in close communication with UNH during this time.


The UNH Vice President for Student and Academic Services Office has placed a prominent link on its “Welcome Back” page for returning students to Durham’s new community video to showcase its host community: http://www.unh.edu/vpsas/


Durham: It’s Where U Live (DIWUL) is looking for volunteers to help welcome new students and their families to UNH and Durham. This year volunteers will hand out reusable grocery bags and maps of Durham/UNH. It's a great day that is always fun. Volunteers will meet in front of the Durham Marketplace on Friday, August 28 at 8:30 AM. All volunteers will receive a complimentary coffee and muffin as well as a DIWUL t-shirt. We plan on being done at 12:00 noon. Interested volunteers can register at www.diwul.org or https://www.events.unh.edu/RegistrationForm.pm?event_id=6016

Unique Marketing & Public Relations Opportunity – UNIVERSITY DAY 2009 PICNIC AND STUDENT ACTIVITES FAIR

On Tuesday, September 15, 2009, the University of New Hampshire will hold its annual University Day Picnic. This event signals the beginning of a new school year.  Part of the University Day celebration includes a student activities fair held outside on the lawn of Thompson Hall.  There are over 200 exhibitor tables primarily catering to the student population in addition to family entertainment and a complimentary barbecue on Main Street.  The campus community, including students, faculty and staff, and residents in the surrounding towns of Durham, Lee and Madbury, are invited to attend.  In the past three years the attendance rate has averaged 6,000 - 8,000 guests.

For those looking for a unique marketing and public relations opportunity to get their business in front of students, faculty, staff, and members of the surrounding community, please click on: http://www.unh.edu/presidentialevents/uday/ and go to the “External Exhibitors (Paid)” section. 

For more information contact:         Susan Entz, Director

                                                            The Office of Presidential Events and Programs

                                                            University of New Hampshire

Susan.entz@unh.edu   /   603.862.1553

ORCSD Strategic Plan Update

The Oyster River School Board adopted a goal to develop a District Strategic Plan and in June, established an Oversight Committee to help shape and oversee this exciting work. There are 20 members of the Strategic Plan Oversight Committee and its members include teachers, administrators, and community members representing Durham, Lee, and Madbury.  The committee began its work in July and is in the process of collecting data to define Working Groups.  Co-chairs of the committee are Paula Roy, ORMS Guidance Teacher, and Jocelyn O'Quinn, ORCSD Board Member.  For more information about the ORCSD Strategic Plan, please visit www.orcsd.org.


An upcoming Ladies Night Out is being scheduled for September 16th starting at 6:00 PM and will include wine tasting and hors d'oeuvres, as well as a special introduction to eScentials Bath and Body Products at Tastes of New England, hand massages at Hair Dimensions, special tiny tattoo pricing at Hazel's Inkwell, and a 20% store wide shopping discount at Bindy's Boutique. Contact Mary Reed at Tastes of New England, 7 Jenkins Court, (603) 762-4155 for more details, or if you would be interested in participating as a local business.  


Monday, September 7th is Labor Day.  All Town offices will be closed for the Labor Day holiday, however, there will be NO CHANGE to the refuse and recycling collection that normally occurs on Monday’s.  As always, please have all items out by 7:00 AM. 


The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated below.

Durham Energy Committee – Monday, August 24, 2009 (4:30 PM)

Town Council – Monday, August 24, 2009

Planning Board, Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Economic Development Committee – Friday, August 28, 2009 (7:30 PM)

To view the agenda for the meetings listed above, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 

To view the Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

The Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meet every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Durham Public Library.  All are welcome to attend. To view the Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


To view a listing of the DCAT programming schedule, please click HERE.

Parks & recreation Department ‘Back to school bash’
Just because school is back in session doesn’t mean that the summer fun is over.
  On Friday, September 11, 2009 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM at Woodridge Field, join the Parks & Recreation Department for one last summer hurrah.  There will be free ice cream off the ice cream truck, two live performances from local performer Story Telling with Shawn, as well as other games and activities presented by the Durham Public Library and the Parks & Recreation Committee.  If you have any questions about going back to school in style, contact P&R Director Michael Mengers at 868-8064.

Parks & Recreation department looking for adults interested in playing flag football or dodge ball this fall
The Parks & Recreation Department is organizing a coed flag football and dodge ball team to compete this fall in the New Hampshire Sports & Social Club. The flag football season runs from October through November.  Games will be played on Saturday mornings at The Commons in New Castle.  Individual registration will cost $40 for the season. The dodge ball season runs from October through December. Games will be played on Tuesday nights in Portsmouth.  Individual registration will cost $50 for the season. All ages and skill levels are welcome.  Encourage your friends and neighbors to come out and play. Please contact Parks & Recreation Director Michael Mengers at 868-8064 to register or if you have any questions. Also check out the New Hampshire Sports & Social Club website.

Parks & Recreation ‘Get Walking in durham’ Program
The Durham Parks & Recreation Department is proud to announce a partnership with Durham resident, Pamela Faltin.  Pamela is certified by American Fitness Professional & Associates and she is starting all-inclusive fitness classes located in Durham for Durham residents.  Classes include walking programs, interval training, nutrition and hydration, basic weight training, stretching, balance, and stability.  All ages and ability levels are welcome.  Classes will cost $5 or $25 for a six week session.  The fall schedule will begin shortly.  For more information and registration, contact P&R Director Michael Mengers at 868-8064 or Instructor Pamela Faltin at 659-7571.

Parks & recreation department website updated
Please check out the updated Parks & Recreation Department website. The page now contains listings of recreation programs and cultural events that are all happening right here in Durham. If you see any programs, events, or organizations missing please contact Director Michael Mengers at 868-8064 so the listings can be updated. Keep checking back to the Parks & Recreation Department webpage because many more additions will be made soon


On Saturday, August 22, 2009, beginning at 1:00 PM, Durham residents Marc Lessard and Christina Wilson will host a local river boat race at Jackson’s Landing. Those racing in a Racing Class race must have a racing style boat (racing canoe or kayak) and be proficient enough to use it. Any person with a canoe or kayak may enter the recreational race. The goal of the race is to have fun on the water and encourage people to come down to the Oyster River to see the updates at Jackson’s Landing and enjoy the river. Registration will be from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.  For more information, please contact Christina or Marc at 868-1816.


Great Bay Rowing is pleased to announce an Adult Rowing Clinic.  This weeklong workshop is for adults interested in experiencing the sport of rowing. No experience is necessary. The adult workshop week will end with an evening BBQ with the GBR Master’s (adult rowers) as a meet-and-greet social event.

Workshop:                           August 24-28, 2009 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.

Meet-and-Greet BBQ:        Friday, August 28, 2009 at 7:00 PM for master’s and workshop attendees.

More information can be found online at www.greatbayrowing.org or emailing greatbayrowing@comcast.net


On Saturday, September 12, 2009 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, the Durham churches of St. George Episcopal Church, Durham Community Church, and St. Thomas More Church will hold the annual 700-family yard sale. Come search for possible treasures in electronics, toys, furniture, house wares, books, and more. Enjoy baked goods and coffee or a delicious BBQ on the lawn. Bring a friend and shop, rain or shine.


On Saturday, August 22, 2009 beginning at 8:00 PM, Durham native Benjamin Rous along with Clara Lee join with guests Abigail Karr and Karina Fox to present a program of string quartet music. The concert will include works by Haydn, Schubert, and Brahms. Admission is free (donations accepted).


In February 2009, President Obama passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA). In that legislation there were some important changes made to the First Time Home Buyer Credit (FTHC). If you are thinking of buying your first home, you may qualify for this credit. On Wednesday, September 9, 2009 from 6:30-8:00 PM, an in-depth presentation and question and answer session will be held at the Durham Public Library regarding this program. For more information, please visit the DPL website, www.durhampubliclibrary.org


“1934 – We have the distinction of having the fire station burn. Two students rescued one of the engines and started for Massachusetts to visit a girl, but were stopped by state police. Damaged was the Daniel Webster plough, but now restored and safe at his birthplace in Salisbury.”

Have a nice weekend.
