Friday, April 9, 2010



A beautiful sunny day brought out hundreds of egg seekers to Durham's Town Landing.  Durham Parks and Recreation and ORPP sponsored the annual Egg Hunt on Saturday.  Over 4000 eggs were found in a matter of minutes. The community soaked up the sun while enjoying the view, snacks, touring the fire truck, catching up with friends, and visiting with the Bunny. Thank you to all who helped make this wonderful event possible, including the Durham Fire Department.  Photos courtesy Sara Badger Wilson



2009 community garden at WHF. Courtesy Dennis Meadows


Grow your own food and make new friends

There will again be community gardening plots on land at Wagon Hill Farm and other sites in Durham and Lee. This year will be even better than 2009. Many more plots are being prepared, raised beds are being built, water near the gardens is being offered, and a tool storage space is being provided. If you wish to consider taking a garden plot this season, please attend the information and planning meeting on Sunday, April 11, from 3:00 – 5:00 PM in the Trustees Board Room first door on the right immediately inside the front door of Thompson Hall on the campus of the University of New HampshireOn Sundays all parking spaces on campus are open for public use, so participants can park for free in any of the university parking lots in the vicinity of the Thompson Hall.  

If you plan to come, send an e-mail message to Dennis Meadows (LATAILLEDE@AOL.COM). If you wish to come, but cannot, please inform Dennis of your interest. 



2009 Town of Durham Fiscal AUDIT

This week a team of eight auditors from the firm of Plodzik and Sanderson Professional Association have been using the Council chambers to evaluate the Town of Durham's financials, expenditures, revenues, and fiscal controls as part of the annual fiscal audit for 2009.  When the audit report is received, it will be presented to the Town Council and the public as part of our annual process.



newmarket leads in Census Challenge - 10 Questions, 10 Minutes

The City Managers from Durham, Dover, and Newmarket have made a friendly wager that their respective communities will have the greatest percentage of residents who mail in responses to the 2010 Census by an April 16 deadline.  After the results are tallied, the winning community will receive a visit from the other two managers, who will grab a sponge and bucket and scrub one of the winning community's fire trucks.


As of Friday, April 9, 2010, Newmarket leads in the competition as follows:


Rockingham County – 67%

Newmarket – 66% Return

Strafford County – 65%

State of New Hampshire – 64%

U.S. Participation Rate – 64%

Dover – 63% Return


Durham – 61% Return


If residents have not already completed and returned their Census forms, please take 10 minutes and do so at your earliest convenience. If you did not receive a Census form in the mail, forms are available at the Town Clerk’s office, Mon-Fri, 8:00 to 5:00 PM.

About $85 million is saved for every one percent increase in mail participation.  Data from the Census is used to reapportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, for redistricting of state and local governments, and to determine how more than $400 billion annually in Federal funding is distributed.  



With recently hiring four new police officers, the Durham Police Department needed to purchase uniforms for these officers. As part of the ongoing Kaizen effort, the department decided to look into the implications of changing its existing uniform shirts from “French blue” to a dark blue for a number of reasons, including functionality due to the color and the potential for stain and dirt resistance.  By making this change, the Police Department will save approximately $500 annually on shirts. The officers and administration at the department are congratulated for their willingness and interest in enhancing process efficiency at the department.



The Durham Police Department has been collecting data over the past three years in order to analyze police responses, as well as comparisons, to rental properties throughout the community. As this initiative continues, additional annual data will enhance the department’s ability to form conclusions about problematic properties, as well as recognize those that have undertaken initiatives to improve behavior and negate the need for police response. To view the information which represents Durham police responses to rental properties for the period January 1-March 31, 2009, please click HERE



The Durham Memorial Day Parade will take place on Monday, May 31st.  This year there will be a slight modification to the parade route.  In past years, the parade has originated from Laurel Lane.  This year the parade will begin at Old Landing Road

At 10:00 AM on the 31st, the Oyster River wreath-dropping ceremony will take place on the footbridge at the Durham Town Landing.  Immediately following the ceremony, the parade will depart Old Landing Road and turn left onto Route 108.  At the 108 intersection the parade will proceed towards downtown for the second ceremony at Memorial Park.  A third ceremony will take place up at the Memorial Union Building Chapel following the events at Memorial Park.  Parade participants are asked to park at the Durham Town Landing parking area or at the Town Hall and must report to Old Landing Road by 9:30 AM. Parade spectators are asked not to enter Old Landing Road prior to the start of the parade.

For a map of the new parade route, please click HERE.  Please contact Parks & Recreation Director Michael Mengers at 817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us with questions.


Application for Elderly Exemptions  

Eligible citizens may apply for an Elderly Exemption or other exemptions/credits (Veterans Credit, Blind Exemption, Solar, etc.) by the deadline of April 15, 2010 for the 2010 spring tax bill. An application may be obtained from the Planning, Zoning, and Assessing Office located on the first floor of the Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road.  Questions regarding these exemptions can be directed to the Planning, Zoning, and Assessing Office at 868-8064. Current criteria and exemption amounts for the elderly are as follows:


Income Criteria

            Single net income:                            Not more than $32,500.00

            Married, combined income:             Less than        $43,700.00


Asset Criteria

            Net assets:                                         Not in excess of $200,000.00


Age Eligibility Criteria                                  Exemption Amount

            65 years up to 75 years:                   $125,000.00

            75 years up to 80 years:                   $175,000.00

            80 years or older:                              $225,000.00


NH Rapper Video on Youtube - Compare and Contrast

A Durham resident has forwarded to us a link to the new NH Rapper Youtube video about the Granite State.  To view it, residents can go to

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX7nQrCgALMDurham residents can compare this production to the Town of Durham's promotional video on our web site (and also on Youtube) at http://ci.durham.nh.us/COMMUNITY/PromoVideo.html




MUCH New Construction Under Way IN DURHAM

Several construction projects continue throughout Town. Matt Crape, 6 Jenkins Court, is constructing a new mixed-use 3-story commercial/residential building with housing for 60 students on the former Houghton Hardware store site (above left). Bryant Park West at 262 Mast Road is constructing two 3-story apartment buildings which will house 120 students with anticipated occupancy in late summer (above right).



The Department of Public Works has completed a mock-up of Wiswall Bridge curbing/railing configuration and has determined that the department’s snow plows will have little difficulty fitting between the curbing and railings of the soon to be completed Wiswall Bridge. To view the mock-up with dimensions, please click HERE.



Department of Public Works crews began street painting this week thanks to the mild weather.  Spring street sweeping continues ahead of schedule, with approximately 50% of the sweeping already completed.  In addition, crews spent much of this past week on gravel road maintenance such as shoulder cleanup on Dame Road.  Weather permitting, the departments anticipates all gravel road maintenance and grading to be completed by the end of next week.



The Durham Water Department completed its semiannual water meter readings this week.  Water/sewer bills typically follow within four weeks of the meter reading completion. 


Spring Cleanup

Residents should have received a flyer this week regarding Spring Cleanup.  This year the cleanup will be held on May 3rd.  Remember that all items should be out no earlier than Saturday, May 1st and no later than 7AM on Monday, May 3rd.  There will be a flyer has details regarding this collection. 


Wind Storm Brush and Woody Debris Collection

The Department of Public Works opened bid requests on Tuesday of this week to conduct a town-wide residential curbside brush collection due to the wind storm on February 25th. York Woods Tree Service of South Berwick, ME is the apparent low bidder for the roadside and chipping aspect of the collection.  The department is anticipating that the contractor will begin collection on April 12, 2010 with a completion goal date of April 30, 2010.  Please have all brush out by Monday, April 12th.  The Packers Falls Gravel Pit will still be opened for residents who are hauling their own brush or having a private contractor haul it for them. 



New Police Officers

Pictured above, Pam Donley, Nick Glowacki, and Jonathan Lavoie stand in front of John Hatch’s three-dimensional map at Town Hall as Town Clerk Lorrie Pitt administers the oath of office to Durham’s three newest police officers who began their careers on Monday.  The three officers will be completing a variety of tasks in the coming weeks as they prepare for entry into the New Hampshire Police Academy on April 26th with graduation scheduled for July 30th


It’s Prom and Graduation season

Each weekend during prom/graduation season, nearly 50 teenagers will be killed nationally in motor vehicle accidents.  Many teenagers, and sadly many parents, consider alcohol and/or drug use as normal adolescent rites of passage.  Now is the time to reinforce parental obligations and ensure that our teenagers celebrate safely without alcohol or drugs. To ensure that parents can provide accurate and relevant information to their teenagers, the Durham Police Department will focus upon relevant New Hampshire laws during this graduation season:


Alcohol laws that pertain to persons under the age of 21:

Possession of alcohol such as having beer cans or bottles, and/or internal possession of alcohol which is defined as a blood alcohol level of .02+, is a mandatory $300 fine plus a $50 penalty assessment for the first offense.  Additionally, the person’s license will be suspended regardless of whether a vehicle was involved or not. The presiding Judge can require up to a 60 day suspension of driver’s license.  Additionally, the Department of Motor Vehicles can add an additional suspension of driver’s license.  If the person is not a licensed driver, that person can be required to surrender their license for a period of time once the operator successfully passes their test!  The conviction for this offense remains attached to the violator’s motor vehicle record for a period of three (3) years creating significant issues with staggering insurance rates or even denial of coverage all due to this non-motor vehicle related alcohol offense.


Oyster River Water Quality Monitoring Program – Volunteer Water Monitors Needed

The Oyster River Water Quality Monitoring Program, sponsored by the Durham/UNH Water Supply, Oyster River Watershed Association, and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, is seeking volunteer water monitors. Working in teams, volunteers collect water quality data on the Oyster River using state-of-the-art instruments. Field sites are easily accessible and sampling trips last just several hours.  Volunteers can be involved at different levels, depending on interest and time available. For more information, contact Tom Lee, 659-2269, tom.lee@unh.edu or Brian Gallagher, 862-1390, brian.gallagher@unh.edu.


Lyme Disease Prevention

The ticks have arrived, bringing with them the increased threat of tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. Citizens are urged to take precautions to prevent the potential for becoming infected with tick-borne diseases by performing frequent, thorough tick checks, wearing light-colored clothes, tucking pants into socks, and placing clothes in the dryer for 30 minutes to kill ticks.  More information may be obtained by contacting the Lyme Disease Association, Inc., PO Box 1438, Jackson, NH 08527, calling Toll-free (888) 366-6611, or by E-mail: Lymeliter@aol.com. You may also visit their website at: www.LymeDiseaseAssociation.org. 



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. To view the agenda for the meetings listed below, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


Durham Energy Committee – Monday, April 12, 2010 (7:00 PM)

Zoning Board of Adjustment – Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Planning Board – Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee – Thursday, April 15, 2010


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE



Stay current with all Durham P&R programs by viewing the April Recreation Reminder, please click HERE.  Also, visit our website at http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/COMMUNITY/recreation.html or on Facebook - search ‘Town of Durham Parks.’ 


§         Wednesday, April 14, 1:45 PM, Durham P&R:  Afterschool Movie – Tales of Despereaux

§         Monday, April 19, 6:00 PM, Durham Town Landing:  HIIT Walks Begin

§         Saturday, April 24, 10:00 AM – Noon, UNH’s Great Lawn:  World Tai Chi Day

§         Wednesday, April 28, 4:00 PM, Durham P&R:  Broadway Bound Begins

§         Tuesday, May 4, 7:00 PM, Durham P&R:  Tuesday Yoga Begins

§         Saturday, May 8, 9:30 AM, Durham P&R:  Introduction to Digital Photography


To register for any of the above classes please contact Durham P&R Director Michael Mengers at 817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us, or visit the Town Clerk’s Office.



§         Saturday, April 10, Oyster River High School: 7th Annual Todd’s Trot 5K Road Race/Walk. Help make this year’s race more environmentally-friendly by contributing to the event’s green initiatives. Bring your old sneakers to be recycled by Nike. The recycling program transforms old sneakers and reutilizes the materials in the construction of courts, tracks, and playground surfaces. Also, take advantage of the premium parking spots set aside for carpools of three or more people in a car. Go to http://www.toddstrot.org/ to register and learn more about Todd's Trot.

§         Sunday, April 11, 2:00 - 5:00 PM, Scorpion’s Bar and Grill, 45 Main Street: St. Baldrick’s Cut for a Cure. Local resident Scott Righini, Wildcat Fitness and Scorpions, and a number of local volunteers have teamed up again this year to shave their heads in both the honor and memory of children who have suffered and passed from cancer.

§         Saturday, April 24, 10:00 AM – Noon, Great Bay Wildlife Management Area at Crommet Creek:  Celebrate the Sweet Trail for Earth Day hosted by the Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership. Come join us for field trips and the official trail opening in honor of Earth Day.

§         Saturday, May 1, 5:00 – 9:00 PM, C-lot off of Mill RoadMay Day Carnival. Come join UNH's Campus Activities Board in the first UNH May Day Carnival! The night will have 3 large carnival rides, musical performances, food, and free Honest Tea and Vitamin-Water!  Food will be available from various Durham locations including DHOP, JP's, Kurt's Lunchbox, and more. The event is open to the public and free for all UNH ID Holders, $3 for others, with families getting a discounted entrance fee.

§         Saturday, May 8, 12:00 noon, Town Landing:  Oyster River Quackfest sponsored by Oyster River Womenade – a rubber duck race down the Oyster River. Ducks will launch at 1:30 PM. To learn more about Oyster River Womenade and the Quackfest, visit: www.orwomenade.org.

§         Saturday, May 15, 8:00 AM, Oyster River High SchoolBobcat Bolt 5K/10K Race and Oyster River Festival. Proceeds from the races go directly to The Oyster River Alumni Association. This non-profit organization will donate the proceeds to The Durham Teen Initiative for the construction of a youth center in Durham in the names of Josh and Nate Hardy. Registration can be completed online at www.bobcatbolt.com. Following the race, the Oyster River Festival will commence with live music, art exhibitions, and food vendors on-site. For more information, contact Race Director Christopher Jerard at cj@bobcatbolt.com or Festival Director Anita Mathur at orhs92@yahoo.com (or anita@bobcatbolt.com). Residents should expect traffic delays; especially in the area of the Oyster River High School.


Weekly Police Arrest Report


Week – 9

6 UNH (67%)

3 Other (33%)

*2009/10 Academic Year – 699

439 UNH (63%)  

260 Other (37%)

Calendar Year – 156

103 UNH (66%)      

53 Other (34%)

*Commenced September 1, 2009 


Historical data for the same week

This data represents the 2009/10 Academic year report which begins anew each August

when UNH students begin arriving in Durham.



















Academic Year






Calendar Year








New Hampshire did not officially adopt a state flag until 1909. Prior to that, New Hampshire was represented by numerous regimental flags. The present flag has been changed only once, in 1931 when the state’s seal was modified.” AmericanProfile Magazine – First appeared: 12/30/2007


Have a good weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.