Friday, June 18, 2010



The above photograph of a Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in Durham was taken by resident Jeanne Wishengrad. The Blanding’s Turtle has been ranked as an endangered species in the State of New Hampshire. To read more about the Blanding’s Turtle, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department web site: http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife/Nongame/turtles/blandings_turtle.htm


Summer officially begins on Monday, June 21st, at 7:28 AM.  It is also supposed to FEEL like summer this weekend, with temperatures reaching the 90’s.


                 Courtesy Robin Mower


Bicycling to Town Hall? Look for the new bike rack location!

If you thought there was no place to park your bike at Town Hall, that may be because you had a hard time finding it. (For years a bike rack was tucked up against the building on the grass near the back-door access ramp.) The Durham Energy Committee and the Department of Public Works have come to the rescue!


The parking space closest to School House Lane and the Town Hall was identified by the Committee and the Administrator as a better option for the existing bike rack. This location provides safety for cyclists and reminds visitors that the Town encourages the use of alternative forms of transportation. The new space hosted three bikes at the same time on its very first day—a record use!


The Energy Committee reminds residents that bike racks may be also found at the Police Department and the Department of Public Works. UNH hosts racks at the Amtrak train station (among many other locations) and the Durham Mill Plaza hosts a rack near the library and Wildcat Fitness Center.



Wiswall Bridge Grand Opening - RESCHEDULED

The Grand Opening ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Wiswall Bridge has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 10:00 AM on the east side of the bridge. The bridge contractor, R.S. Audley, completed installation of the approach guard rails last week. The side slopes have been seeded and mulched, and the protective rock revetment near the abutments is complete. Also, the new signage is installed, and final paving was completed yesterday.  A few minor details remain to be completed today and the plug joints on the ends of the bridge deck pavement are to be installed on Monday. 



On Monday evening, June 22, 2010, the Town Council will be asked to ratify the Collective Bargaining Unit Agreement between the Town of Durham and the Durham Professional Mid-Managers Association (DPMMA) that will extend January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013. Administrator Selig recommends passage of the DPMMA Collective Bargaining Agreement as presented. As part of the negotiated changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the base annual salaries for each employee in the unit will be adjusted in the following years of this Agreement as follows:


January 1, 2010 - 0% COLA

January 1, 2011- 2% COLA

January 1, 2012 – 2% COLA

January 1, 2013 – 2% COLA



The UNH Outdoor Pool is now open and pool vouchers are available for Durham youths ages 2-17 and senior citizens 62 years and older to receive a $45.00 discount off the full price of a season pass. There are currently 219 vouchers remaining. Vouchers can be picked up at the Town Clerk’s Office located in the Town Hall from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Monday-Friday. Pool pass vouchers must be picked up BEFORE purchasing a pool pass.


Pool passes are sold at the Front Service Desk at the Hamel Student Recreation Center, located next to the Whittemore Center on the UNH campus.  When purchasing pool passes be sure to ask about the great value you can receive on a family membership package. This is NEW and is being run on a trial basis. If successful, the University may consider offering it in future years. The rates are listed below.



2010 UNH




(For Durham Residents)


YOUTHS (2 to 17 yrs)








SENIOR CITIZENS (Age 62 or over)











FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (4 family members maximum with no vouchers)




     -- 4 family members with 1 voucher




     -- 4 family members with 2 voucher





ADULTS (18-61 years)
























DAILY PASS  (Under 3 years)








DAILY PASS  (Over 4 years)








DASH PASS  (Adults only – good for swimming after 5:00 pm M-F and

all weekends)












Town Offices Closed for Independence Day

The Town Offices will be closed in observance of the July 4th holiday on Monday, July 5, 2010. All offices will reopen for regular business hours on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 8:00 AM.


In addition, the Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, July 3rd. The Transfer Station will resume regular operating hours on Tuesday, July 6th, 7:30 AM – 3:15 PM. 



The Durham-Great Bay Rotary Club and the Town of Durham will be sponsoring a gala Independence Day celebration with fireworks on Sunday, July 4th with a rain date of Monday, July 5th to be held at Cowell Stadium on the UNH campus. Activities will begin at 6:30 PM. In addition to music, activities are also planned for children. The food court will also be open and serve great food throughout the fireworks display. Donations will be accepted at the gate. Fireworks will begin at dusk (9:00-9:15 PM). UNH provides this venue at no cost to the community.


New England Center Closes

The New England Center is scheduled to close on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 after 41 years of operation.  To read more about the New England Center, visit: http://unh.edu/news/campusjournal/2010/Jun/09nec.cfm



The New Hampshire state Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, September 14, 2010. The following is a list of candidates who have filed for office to represent District 7 within the NH House of Representatives in Strafford County and District 21 within the NH Senate in Strafford County:


State Representatives

Judith T. Spang

Jenna Roberts

Timothy Horrigan

Anne Lane

Phil Ginsburg


Delegates to the Republican Convention

Roger Arnoldy

Pete Chinburg

Charles McLean

Warren W. Smith


To view a complete listing of candidates who have filed for the Primary Election, visit http://www.sos.nh.gov/filingperiod--2010.htmDurham is in Congressional District #7. 



In an effort to improve upon communication and build a strong, positive working relationship between the Town of Durham and the Oyster River Cooperative School District, Jocelyn O’Quinn, Durham’s representative on the school board, has been invited to attend the June 21, 2010 Town Council meeting to provide the Council with an update on school issues. 



On Wednesday this week, following a special board meeting on Tuesday night, members of the Oyster River School Board voted unanimously to waive the attorney/client privilege and release e-mail correspondence involving the former School Board Chair. To view this article, visit:




On Monday, June 21, 2010, the Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on an ordinance to amend Chapter 175 “Zoning”, Article XII “Zone Requirements”, Section 175-53 “Table of Uses” to allow single-family homes and duplexes in the ORLI zone as a conditional use and to allow single-family homes in the MUDOR zone as a conditional use.



On Wednesday this week, Administrator Selig attended a work session at the New Hampshire Municipal Manager’s Association conference in Portsmouth titled “Asking Your Fire and Police Chiefs the right Questions”. Local government managers have to make policy decisions based on information received from different departments. Two  important agencies from which to obtain accurate, measurable information are the police and fire departments. Police and fire  departments have their own jargon—and few  people outside these vocations have training in emergency services management. This session focused on asking the right questions in order to get quality information. Questions posed included: How many police and firefighters do you really need? How well are your public safety departments performing? Are "officers per 1,000" and "number of calls" really meaningful measures?



On Thursday of this week, Administrator Selig presented a session titled “Lessons Learned From the Anthrax Response” at the 6th Annual Emergency Preparedness Conference held in Manchester relative to a rare report of gastrointestinal anthrax that occurred in December 2009. The session examined the clinical manifestations of anthrax and its exceptionality as a naturally-occurring disease as well as a Category A bioterrorist agent. 


State officials who were involved in the investigation and response also spoke and provided information about what was special to this case investigation. Objectives of the session included learning about the implications of a reported case of anthrax; learning how the Division of Public Health Services (DPHS) partnered with Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) and the Town of Durham in a case and contact investigation involving a potential bioterrorist agent; discussing how the state's response affected the local community; and learning what state and local responders identified as needed improvements in future responses.


Other presenters included Christine Adamski, RN, MSN, Acting Chief, Communicable Disease Control Section, Division of Public Health Services, NH Department of Health and Human Services and Christopher M. Pope, Director, NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management.



 On Monday evening, June 21st at 6:30 PM prior to the Town Council meeting, the UNH Transportation Division has arranged to have one of its new, quiet, energy-efficient buses on display at the Town Hall parking lot. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to personally view one of these buses.


For more than ten years, the Town of Durham has enforced an ordinance that prohibits large buses on Edgewood Road.  During this time, the University of New Hampshire has acted as a good neighbor by not operating bus routes along either Madbury or Edgewood Roads even though they have buses that are considerably under the weight limit of this ordinance.


As times are changing and traffic is ever increasing throughout the community, there is a strong desire expressed by the Council to seek ways that Durham can take steps to lessen use of vehicles while keeping an eye on sustainability.  These goals are supported by the Durham Energy Committee and B. Dennis Town Design, the consultant team that had been retained by the Town to focus on revitalizing downtown. An energy-efficient, quiet, small bus connecting neighborhoods and the University could be one of those steps.  With these thoughts in mind, the Town initiated discussions with UNH to explore the possibility of expanding bus routes that would address these concerns and lessen traffic pressures on many of Durham’s neighborhood streets.  These discussions dovetailed with UNH’s desire to have a fleet consisting of smaller buses fueled by compressed natural gas that are highly efficient and significantly quieter than any buses in the existing fleet.  The Durham Traffic Safety Committee agrees that these buses would complement a transportation system which is efficient while respectful of the neighborhoods.   


The buses will also be running through the Madbury/Edgewood corridor every 2-3 hours on June 21st to give residents a sense of how they sound and smell. 



Vacancies on Various Town Boards

The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to serve on the Town boards and/or committees listed below that currently have vacancies. Citizens interested in board appointments should contact the Town Administrator’s office at 868-5571, or email Jennie Berry at jberry@ci.durham.nh.us and request an application form. Interested residents may also stop in at the Town Clerk’s office located on the first floor of the Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road, and complete an application. Applications are also available on the Town’s web site at: www.ci.durham.nh.us under the heading “Features” at the bottom of the page. Completed applications may be mailed to the Town Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.


Parks and Recreation Committee (1 alternate vacancy)

Planning Board (1 alternate vacancy)

Rental Housing Commission (1 tenant representative; 1 student organization representative)

Durham Cable Access Television (DCAT) Governance Committee (1 regular vacancy; 1 alternate vacancy)

Durham Energy Committee (2 vacancies)

Strafford Regional Planning Commission & MPO Policy Committee (1 vacancy)



Paving Update

Town crews are performing drainage improvement work on Wednesday Hill Road in preparation for paving.  This year’s paving contractor, Suburban Paving, is shimming Strafford Avenue and Mill Pond Road today.  After the roads are shimmed, structures such as water gaits and manholes will be adjusted.  The top coat of asphalt is applied after this work is completed and will most likely be installed in 3-4 weeks. 



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. To view the agenda for the meetings listed below, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


Town Council – Monday, June 21, 2010.  To view the complete Council packet for this meeting, please click HERE

Rental Housing Commission – Wednesday, June 23, 2010 (4:00 PM)

Planning Board – Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Parks and Recreation Committee – Thursday, June 24, 2010


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE



                                                Courtesy Jenna Roberts


Ribbon-Cutting for the New Sensory Garden at Jackson Landing Playground

Durham Parks & Recreation members Jenna Roberts and Jean Olsen planted the idea of a children's sensory garden at Jackson Landing last fall.  That idea took root.  After months of planning, weeks of building and a day of planting, the Sensory Garden at Jackson Landing has blossomed.  Members of the community are invited to come to a ribbon-cutting ceremony to formally unveil the garden.  As you take in the sights and smells of the garden, you are also invited to touch and taste and even hear the unique plants and herbs.  The garden engages all 5 senses: see, hear, taste, touch and smell.  On Friday, June 25th at 2:00 PM at the Jackson Landing Playground, tours will be given to introduce and explain the unique plants, herbs, and vegetables.  A flower-making craft will be available for children of all ages and light refreshments will be served.  Bring your family and let your senses be delighted. 


Special Thanks:

Monetary support:  Jackson Landing Playground Committee, Parks & Rec Committee, ORPP


Garden design advice and plant selection from: Wendy Fogg from Misty Meadows, Lee; Gael Grant, Master Gardener, LeeSusan McLellan, Master Gardener, Durham


Garden bed builders: Jerry Olsen & Tom Bebbington


Assistance with site and water access:   Mike Lynch, Durham Public Works


Garden Installation and Planting Volunteers: Sue Haskell and her children Charlie and Sam; Kate Ruml and her daughter Julia; Tanya Vlasenko and her daughter, Tom Bebbington and Jenna Roberts and their children Miles and Eva; Jean and Jerry Olsen, Beth Pescosolido


                Courtesy Hilary Niles


Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at the Durham Farmers' Market

Now that more food and flowers are coming into season, the Durham Farmers' Market will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony as part of its "grand opening" to celebrate the new season and our new location in the Mill Road Plaza. Diana Carroll, chair of the Durham Town Council, will perform the ribbon-cutting ceremony, joined by others from the community. A special Market Info Booth will also be open to answer general questions about the market and to let the public know about opportunities for local groups to get involved with this local food resource. The ceremony will be held on Monday, June 21, 2010, promptly at 2:15 PM. The Farmers’ Market is open until 5:30 PM every Monday, rain or shine, in the parking lot of the plaza located at 7 Mill Road.


A Band by the Bay – Live Folk Music and Guided Trail Walk at Wagon Hill Farm on Friday, July 23rd

Join the Parks & Recreation Department for an evening of great music, family, friends, and a fantastic view of the Little Bay.  At 6:00 PM Durham’s very own Clearly Related String Band will perform their unique style of “Old Timey Music from the Northern Appalachians” that is rich with Folk, Country, and Bluegrass style.  So come on down and bring a picnic, a blanket, a lawn chair, and your dancing shoes.  Before the show, at 5:00 PM, enjoy a guided trail walk of Wagon Hill Farm organized by the Conservation Commission.  Member Malin Clyde will discuss shoreline habitat, identifying wildflowers, looking for signs of wildlife, and an overview of Appalachian oak-pine habitat.  The walk will meet at the Wagon Hill parking lot.  The concert and trail walk are free, with donations accepted and going to the band.  Contact Michael Mengers, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us, 817-4074 with any questions. Please click HERE for more information.



On Tuesday, June 22, 2010 beginning at 6:00 PM, the Durham Historic Association (DHA) will hold its annual meeting and picnic at the historic Sullivan House. The MacLennans have graciously offered to host our picnic this year and will share some of the history of their famous house.


The Sullivan House is situated at 21 Newmarket Road and limited parking is available at the house. If possible, please park across the river at the parking lot on the Old Landing Road. There is a footbridge across the river and pathway that leads to the house. Please contact DurhamHistoricAssn@comcast.net for more information.


Seacoast Water Garden Club - tour of Bayou New Hampshire

The Seacoast Water Garden Club is sponsoring a tour of Bayou New Hampshire, a collection of spring-fed manmade ponds (and several beaver ponds) at 246 Packers Falls Road in Durham from noon to four on Sunday, June 20th.  Admission is two dollars to benefit the York Center for Wildlife.  Sunday may be hot, so visitors who would like to swim should bring suits and towels. For a schedule of other tours, see www.seacoastwatergarden.org.  To view a self-guided tour map, please click HERE


Help Prevent Pollution, Poisonings, and Drug Abuse--Dispose of your Unneeded Medication


Six Steps to Safety: 

1.   Pour medicine into a sealable plastic bag.

2.   If the medicine is a solid, add a small amount of water to dissolve it.

3.   Add any undesirable substance (such as dirt, coffee grounds or kitty litter) to the liquid medicine in the plastic bag.

4.   Seal the bag and immediately dispose of it in the trash for regular pick-up.

5.   Use marker to black out any personal contact information on the empty medicine container prior to disposing of it in the trash.

6.   For more information, consult www.nh.gov/medsafety.


Do NOT flush medicine down the toilet unless accompanying product information instructs that it is safe to do so. Don't keep unneeded medications in the home. For more information or in case of an accidental poisoning, call the poison center at 1-800-1222.



Stay current with all Durham P&R programs by viewing the June Recreation Reminder, please click HERE.  Also, visit our website at http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/COMMUNITY/recreation.html or on Facebook - search ‘Town of Durham Parks.’ 


To register for any of the classes below, please contact Durham P&R Director Michael Mengers at 817-4074 or mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us or visit the Town Clerk’s Office.


§         Wednesday, June 23, Noon to 1:00 PM - Free Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm

§         Thursday, June 24, 1:00 PM – Line Dancing begins. Pre-registration required.

§         Thursday, July 1 – Individual/Family Tennis Lessons.  Call to schedule a lesson.

§         Thursday, July 8, 5:30 PM – Thursday Evening Yoga. Pre-registration required.

§         Saturday, July 10 - Children’s Summer Safari begins!

§         Friday, July 23, 5:00 PM:  A Band by the Bay. The Clearly Related String Band and a guided trail walk of Wagon Hill Farm.



§         June 26, 11:30 AM, Portsmouth High School:  AmericaSpeaks in partnership with the Carsey Institute at UNH and Portsmouth Listens announces a town hall meeting event: Our Budget, Our Economy. Register at:  www.USABudgetDiscussion.org. Visit www.Americaspeaks.org for more information.

§         July 5-9, 8:30 – Noon, UNH Paul Creative Arts CenterMusic For Youth. Designed for band students entering 5th and 6th grades in the fall. Daily instrumental lessons are taught by experienced UNH music education majors. For more information, contact Sarah DeTurk at sarah.deturk@gmail.com.

§         August 2-6 and August 9-13, Museum of Art, UNH Paul Creative Arts CenterSummer Art Camp. For complete description of classes or to register on-line, visit www.unh.edu/moa or contact Catherine A. Mazur at Catherine.mazur@unh.edu, 862-3713.

§         Raffle to Benefit UNH Sailing Centre. For more information, visit www.unh.edu/sailing-club/ or contact Coach Diana Weidenbacker at 868-5189, dianaw46@comcast.net.

§         9th Annual ORYA Golf tournament is being held at Wentworth by the Sea Country Club on Monday June 21st.  Registrations forms are available at www.oryarec.org.


Durham Public Library Programs and Events

Visit our website at www.durhampubliclibrary.org for more information.

§         Summer Reading Registration begins for “Make a Splash, Read.  Make Waves At Your Library”, a fun 5-week reading program for children and teens which begins on June 29th running through July 29th.

§         Sat., June 26, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM:  McGregor Memorial EMS babysitting certification class. 


 Don’t forget that Sunday is Father’s Day. Have a great Father’s Day weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.