Friday, June 25, 2010



Town Council Chair, Diana Carroll, says a few words before cutting the ribbon officially reopening the recently reconstructed Wiswall Bridge. At right are Richard Lord of Durham, and Brian Giles of Lee, members of the Lamprey River Advisory Committee. Courtesy Todd Selig





A reminder that beginning next Thursday, July 1st, the traffic pattern change will begin on Pettee Brook Lane as part of a pilot/test program which will include:

§         17 new parking spaces all on the southern side of Pettee Brook. 

§         The roadway configuration will consist of (south to north) parking spaces that will be 10’ wide with a single 12’ travel lane and finally a 6’ bicycle lane for a total of 28’.

§         Signage at the intersection of Madbury Road will consist of a yield for vehicles entering Pettee Brook from the north, a merge advisory sign, and a temporary electronic billboard that will be placed on the Store-24 parking lot advising travelers of the traffic pattern change.

§         There will be no fees associated with this trial parking period.  The immediate goal is to determine if this pattern will function safely and appropriately.




Burglary at PhiLlips 66

This photo taken by a security camera is of the man who broke into the Phillips 66 gas station (formally Gibbs) on Sunday night, June 20th between midnight and 2:00 AM.  Entrance was gained after he smashed through the front door and removed beer and cigarettes.  Police officers detected that there had been attempts to enter Campus Convenience and Scorpios Provisions without success.  Anyone having any knowledge of the event and/or the identity of the person depicted in the photograph/s is asked to contact Detective David Holmstock at 868-2324 or via email at dholmstock@ci.durham.nh.us



Due to the July 4th holiday, the Town Council meetings in July have been scheduled for Monday, July 12th and Monday, July 26th.


                 Courtesy Todd Selig



At the Town Council meeting on Monday, July 12, 2010, the Council will hold a public hearing regarding the purchase of a 3-acre parcel located at 49 Madbury Road, Durham, NH, as the future site for the Durham Public Library. 


The Public Library Trustees and the Town Council are enthusiastic regarding the site, but are interested in hearing from the public before moving forward with acquiring the parcel.


Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their views.  Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Friday, July 9, 2010, at the Town Administrator’s office. Comments may also be sent by electronic mail to jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.




On Tuesday, June 22, 2010, after being closed for approximately eight months, the reconstructed Wiswall Bridge was reopened. Town Council Chair Diana Carroll officiated at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Also in attendance were members of the Lamprey River Advisory Committee which assisted the Town by financing the stone for placement on three of the abutment faces of the bridge. The LRAC’s generous contribution was instrumental in making the bridge a tribute to this historic section of Durham.



Wiswall Bridge Danger Signage

The Town Administrator and the Department of Public Works are soliciting input on how best to protect the public from the danger/hazard associated with jumping or diving from the Wiswall Bridge into the Lamprey River. This activity has been popular since the time of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and concerns about the associated risks are heightened with the new Wiswall Bridge being slightly higher than the former bridge, and an additional underwater ledge is now exposed where the former bridge’s center pier was located. The center pier was removed in favor of constructing a single span bridge which provides greater flood capacity and eliminated the problem of debris piling up on the pier. However, a large ledge outcropping now extends downstream of the new bridge where the old pier was located. This ledge outcropping is hidden below about 2 or 3 feet of water which makes it almost impossible to see when looking over the bridge railing. The Town is also concerned about other areas around the bridge where rocks, submerged trees, or other debris might be lodged and hidden from view. These hazards pose an obvious risk to those who choose to recreate in the Lamprey River near the Wiswall Bridge.


A variety of options have been considered over the last few months on how to reasonably protect the health and welfare of the public and manage the Town’s own liability risk. These options have ranged from doing nothing, to installing warning signage, or prohibiting jumping or diving altogether through a new ordinance.  It was decided that the “do nothing” option was not appropriate, and the concept of prohibiting jumping or diving altogether seemed extreme especially since there is no record of serious injury by a bridge jumper.  The police were also concerned that prohibiting jumping or diving would require a No Jumping/Diving Ordinance, and even if the Town Council approved such an ordinance it would be almost impossible to enforce. 


The idea of installing a buoy(s) in the general vicinity of the ledge outcropping as well as painting the rocks with bright colored paint was also considered, however, a buoy would not be able to identify the numerous underwater hazards in place and would serve to catch river debris washing downstream. Buoys would likely provide a false sense of safety. Paint on the bottom of the river would wear off, and it is important to remember that the Lamprey River is a Federally-designated natural river.


Therefore, Administrative Selig felt that the option of alerting the public about the dangers by installing warning signage was the most prudent choice.  Signs have been posted on either end of the bridge that read “SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK - This Location Contains Underwater Hazards - The Town DOES NOT Provide Life Guards or Any Other Form of Supervision.”  To more specifically warn people on the bridge, the following message was stenciled at six locations on the bridge curbing in bold, black print: “DANGER – SHALLOW ROCK AND DEBRIS UNDERWATER”. 


Do you agree with this approach? Do you think the Town should do more or less?  Please forward your comments and suggestions to Administrative Assistant Jennie Berry at jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.


Opportunities for Durham Businesses

Are you looking to invest in and expand your Durham business? Are you looking into rehabilitating or replacing your place of business? Need some financial incentives to move forward? There are programs available in Durham to help and your business can benefit from these.  To view a variety of helpful resources compiled by the Durham Economic Development Committee, go to:  http://edc-visitation-retention.googlegroups.com/web/6_Business_Resources.pdf?gda=B-FtTUsAAACfhKDxrXOEJ_ZMuQaqWmybtchwjdz5iwiPlc9RQR3SKGrgQcUYy6GhNxyOSpQJb3UwjBLXBoIZkmj3iqftTRlpBkXa90K8pT5MNmkW1w_4BQ


Orientation Session for New Board Officers

On Tuesday, June 29, 2010, from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Council chambers at Town Hall, Administrator Todd Selig will hold an orientation session for chairs and vice chairs (as well as any other officers or members who may have an interest in attending) of the various Town boards, commissions, and committees in an effort to provide information on the proper structure of meetings, the role of the committee chair, vice chair, secretary, alternates, and Council representatives, as well as outlining the basics of the Right-to-Know Law including agenda preparation and posting, minutes of meetings, and e-mail correspondence. The Town Council's 2010-2011 goals will also be reviewed.  At the conclusion of the orientation, the administrator will open the floor for a question and answer session.  Any and all members of the public are welcome to attend.  This is the second year of the orientation session for board officers.  It was found by many to be helpful last year.


Town Offices Closed for Independence Day

The Town Offices will be closed in observance of the July 4th holiday on Monday, July 5, 2010. All offices will reopen for regular business hours on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 8:00 AM.


In addition, the Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, July 3rd. The Transfer Station will resume regular operating hours on Tuesday, July 6th, 7:30 AM – 3:15 PM. 


There will be NO CHANGE to the regularly scheduled refuse and recycling pick up.  Please put your items out on your normal day for collection by 7:00 AM as always.  



The Durham-Great Bay Rotary Club and the Town of Durham will be sponsoring a gala Independence Day celebration with fireworks on Sunday, July 4th with a rain date of Monday, July 5th to be held at Cowell Stadium on the UNH campus. Activities will begin at 6:30 PM. In addition to music, activities are also planned for children. The food court will also be open and serve great food throughout the fireworks display. Donations will be accepted at the gate. Fireworks will begin at dusk (9:00-9:15 PM). UNH provides this venue at no cost to the community.



                                                            Courtesy Katherine Fiermonti



A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held this afternoon at the Jackson Landing Playground to celebrate the Parks & Recreation Committee’s creation of a new sensory garden at the playground. Three committees were formed to help with the installation of the garden, maintenance of the garden beds, and provide educational tours each week to encourage participants to use their five senses to investigate each plant. To view sensory garden bed examples, click HERE


            Courtesy Janice Hoglund



On June 13, the Oyster River Parents of Preschoolers (ORPP) visited the Department of Public Works and got to see the trucks and equipment used by the department.



The New Hampshire state Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, September 14, 2010. The following is a list of candidates who have filed for office to represent District 7 within the NH House of Representatives in Strafford County and District 21 within the NH Senate in Strafford County:


State Representatives

Judith T. Spang

Jenna Roberts

Timothy Horrigan

Naida Kaen

Amos Townsend

Anne Lane

Phil Ginsburg

David Childs

Janet Wall


State Senate

Peter Angerhofer

Amanda Merrill


Delegates to the Republican Convention

Roger Arnoldy

Pete Chinburg

Charles McLean

Warren W. Smith


To view a complete listing of candidates who have filed for the Primary Election, visit http://www.sos.nh.gov/filingperiod--2010.htm


Oyster River Business Administrator to Take Rochester Finance Director Position

The City of Rochester announced this week the hiring of Blaine Cox, the business administrator for the Oyster River Cooperative School District, as its new finance director. Mr. Cox has served with the ORCSD as business administrator since 2001.  We wish Mr. Cox every success in his next endeavor.  To view a recent Foster's article regarding this topic, go to:



Vacancies on Various Town Boards

The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to serve on the Town boards and/or committees listed below that currently have vacancies. Citizens interested in board appointments should contact the Town Administrator’s office at 868-5571, or email Jennie Berry at jberry@ci.durham.nh.us and request an application form. Interested residents may also stop in at the Town Clerk’s office located on the first floor of the Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road, and complete an application. Applications are also available on the Town’s web site at: www.ci.durham.nh.us under the heading “Features” at the bottom of the page. Completed applications may be mailed to the Town Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.


Parks and Recreation Committee (1 alternate vacancy)

Rental Housing Commission (1 tenant representative; 1 student organization representative)

Durham Cable Access Television (DCAT) Governance Committee (1 regular vacancy; 1 alternate vacancy)

Durham Energy Committee (2 vacancies)

Strafford Regional Planning Commission & MPO Policy Committee (1 vacancy)



The following public meeting(s) is scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. To view the agenda for the meeting(s) listed below, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


Economic Development Committee – Monday, June 28, 2010

Town Administrator orientation for new board, commission, and committee Chairs & Vice Chairs – Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE



Durham Parks and Recreation now has a Facebook page. Check it out by searching “Town of Durham Parks”.


Join Oyster River Parents of Preschoolers and Durham Parks & Rec for the July 4th Uncle Sam Parade.  Children are encouraged to come to the Durham-Great Bay Rotary July 4th Celebration in their best Uncle Sam costume and to bring their bike along too!  At the celebration visit the Children’s Entertainment Area to decorate your bike in red, white and blue, get your face painted or temporarily tattooed and make your own Uncle Sam top hat.  The Parade begins at 8:15pm and will loop around the UNH track.  Direct questions to Michael Mengers, 817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us.



Are you crazy for Croquet?  Wishing for more wiffleball?  Looking for a Ladderball club?  Missing your old mountain bike club?  If so, contact Parks & Recreation Director Michael Mengers (817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us).  He is currently looking for volunteers to help coordinate all types of summer pickup sport clubs.



Stay current with all Durham P&R programs by viewing the June Recreation Reminder, please click HERE.  Also, visit our website at http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/COMMUNITY/recreation.html or on Facebook - search ‘Town of Durham Parks.’ 


To register for any of the classes below, please contact Durham P&R Director Michael Mengers at 817-4074 or mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us or visit the Town Clerk’s Office.


§         Friday, June 25, 6:00 PM, ORMS Field:  Pickup Ultimate Frisbee

§         Wednesday, June 30, Noon – 1:00 PM:  Free Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm  

§         Saturday, July 10 - Children’s Summer Safari begins!

§         Thursday, July 15, 5:30 PM:  Thursday Evening Yoga Begins – Preregistration required

§         Friday, July 23, 5:00 PM:  A Band by the Bay. The Clearly Related String Band and a guided trail walk of Wagon Hill Farm.

§         Saturday, July 24, Churchill Rink: :  Puppy Class (9:00 AM) and Dog Obedience Class (10:00 AM) begins



§         June 26, 11:30 AM, Portsmouth High School:  AmericaSpeaks in partnership with the Carsey Institute at UNH and Portsmouth Listens announces a town hall meeting event: Our Budget, Our Economy. Register at:  www.USABudgetDiscussion.org. Visit www.Americaspeaks.org for more information.

§         June 27 – July 1, 10:00 – 11:30 AM on Sunday and 9:00 AM – Noon, Monday-Thursday, Community Church of DurhamVacation Bible School. $20 for first child, $15 for second, cap of $40 per family. For more information, please contact Paula Norbert at 603-868-1230 or cedirector@durhamcommunitychurch.org

§         July 5-9, 8:30 – Noon, UNH Paul Creative Arts CenterMusic For Youth. Designed for band students entering 5th and 6th grades in the fall. Daily instrumental lessons are taught by experienced UNH music education majors. For more information, contact Sarah DeTurk at sarah.deturk@gmail.com.

§         August 2-6 and August 9-13, Museum of Art, UNH Paul Creative Arts CenterSummer Art Camp. For complete description of classes or to register on-line, visit www.unh.edu/moa or contact Catherine A. Mazur at Catherine.mazur@unh.edu, 862-3713.

§         MUB Summer Series 2010 begins July 7th. Everything is FREE and OPEN to all! For more information and to view schedule of events, go to www.unhmub.com or call Dave at 862-1586.


Durham Public Library Programs and Events

Visit our website at www.durhampubliclibrary.org for more information.

§         Sat., June 26, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM:  McGregor Memorial EMS babysitting certification class. 

§         Tue., June 29:  Summer Reading Program begins for “Make a Splash, Read.  Make Waves At Your Library”, a fun 5-week reading program for children and teens which begins on June 29th running through July 29th. 

§         Tue., June 29, 10:30 AM:  Pre-school Storytime – Fish/Ocean life

§         Tue., June 29, 6:30 PM:  9-12 year old program – Cinnamon Rainbow Surfer visit!

§         Wed., June 30, 6:30 PM:  All ages – UNH Marine Docent Rocky Shores Program!

§         Thu., July 1, 3:00-4:00 PM:  6-8 yr. old program – Sea life!

§         Thu., July 1, 4:00-5:00 PM:  Young adult program – YA author Megan Frazer visit.  Megan will start an on-line cultural magazine with interested Young Adults.  Megan is an Oyster River Graduate and author of the YA book “The Secrets of Truth & Beauty”.  New and experienced writers welcome!

§         Fri., July 2, 10:30 AM:  All ages Summer Reading Kick-off Celebration with the Durham, Lee, and Madbury libraries featuring the fun and rocking  Toe Jam Band!  Program is at the ORHS multi-purpose room.


Weekly Police Arrest Report

Week – 11

4 UNH (36%)

7 Other (74%)

*2009/10 Academic Year – 904

563 UNH (62%)  

341 Other (38%)

Calendar Year – 380

232 UNH (61%)      

148 Other (39%)

*Commenced September 1, 2009 



“At the beginning of the twentieth century, Durham was governed by a board of three selectmen elected at the annual meeting. The town meeting was, and has continued to be, the basis for action in town affairs.” Published in 1985 by the Durham Historic Association.


Have a good weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.