Friday, October 29, 2010



Resident Armida Geiger and her grandson, Isaac, enjoy a beautiful fall walk on the trail to Spruce Hole

Courtesy Catherine Geiger


Durham Trick-or-Treating

Trick-or-Treating in Durham will be held on Saturday, October 30th, between the hours of 5:00 and 7:30 PM. 



A final reminder that the New Hampshire General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at the Oyster River High School located on Coe Drive. Polling hours will be from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.


2010 Tax Rate – Projected to increase by 1% to $27.28

On Monday afternoon of this week, the Town Administrator and Business Manager and the ORCSD Business Manager met with a representative from the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) to set the Town of Durham's 2010 tax rate. We are currently awaiting word from the DRA on the official tax rate amount. To read the Foster’s Daily Democrat article published on Thursday, October 28, 2010 regarding the tax rate, visit http://fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20101028/GJNEWS_01/710289699.


Administrator's Proposed 2011 Town Budget and 2011-2020 Capital Improvement Plan

On November 1st, the proposed budget, as well as the proposed 2011-2020 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), will be presented to the Town Council. To view the budget summary letter which accompanies the FY 2011 budget and CIP, click HERE.  Per the Charter, "The budget shall be adopted not later than the last workday of the preceding fiscal year [December 31, 2010]. Failure by the Council to adopt a budget by the deadline established in this section will establish the budget as recommended by the Administrator as the adopted budget."


Copies of the proposed budget and CIP documents will be available for viewing in the foyer of the Town office, in the Business Manager’s office on the second floor of the Town Hall, and at the Durham Public Library located in the Mill Plaza Shopping Center. Questions regarding these documents may be addressed to Business Manager Gail Jablonski at 868-8043, gjablonski@ci.durham.nh.us.


The proposed budget will also be available on the Town web site later this afternoon. Go to www.ci.durham.nh.us, “I want to” on the far right side of the page.


A Public Hearing on the proposed FY 2011 budget will be held at the regular Town Council meeting on Monday, November 15, 2010. This meeting will be broadcast live on Channel 22 as well as taped for rebroadcast.


To read the Foster’s Daily Democrat article, visit http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20101027/GJNEWS_01/710279953/-1/FOSNEWS.


Durham to Purchase Wholesale Power Saving Approximately $43,400 per Year

Is it possible to save money for the community by making strategic decisions and rethinking how we have traditionally done business.  To this end after many months of review and analysis, the Town of Durham has entered into two one-year contracts with Constellation NewEnergy for electrical supply (wholesale) power purchase rather than purchasing power through Public Service of New Hampshire.  The breakdown is as follows: 



A thank you is extended to the Durham Energy Committee for partnering to evaluate wholesale electrical energy purchase alternatives.  Once we know for certain what the 2011 PSNH rates are (PSNH has just submitted a 2011 rate request to the NH Public Utility Commission totaling 0.0868), the Town will be able to generate a more accurate savings projection.  These projections may be mitigated by the fact that the Public Works Department is presently installing more energy efficient blowers/motors as part of pump station/wastewater treatment plant work.  In addition, Constellation NewEnergy will follow up with us in March/April 2011 to determine whether there is opportunity to revisit rates dependant upon the commodities market for potential additional savings to the Town.  


Durham Poised to Change Property/Liability Insurance Carriers to Save $30,000 per Year

In an effort to leverage scarce financial resources, the Town has revisited the manner in which it purchases various insurance products to include Workman's compensation Insurance and Property-Liability Insurance.  After initial review, it appears that the community's present Workman's Compensation Insurance Provider, Primex, remains the most competitive alternative.  However, initial review shows a projected savings of $30,000 by moving Property-Liability Insurance to the Local Government Center


New Webcam at Main Street and College Road

The UNH Alumni Association has launched the new webcam project in an effort to provide a connection between alumni and the Durham campus.  It cost $5,000 to install and was funded by a grant from the Getz Charitable Trust Foundation.  The webcam can be accessed any time of the day, both on the computer and on iPhones by going to www.alumni.unh.edu/unh_webcam.


consider using durham water to meet your water needs – think twice before buying bottled

Eighty-seven percent of Americans receive their water from public utilities such as the Durham-UNH Water System.  Some facts you may want to consider before buying water in plastic bottles:



Election Signs Being Vandalized - Please Encourage Youngsters to be Considerate

We have unfortunately received reports of election signs being vandalized all around Durham.  In addition to it being illegal to vandalize appropriately placed election signage, it's just plain poor behavior. Given that this weekend many youngsters in Durham will be afoot celebrating Halloween in ghoulish outfits, please be sure to encourage them to be considerate of the various candidates who have stepped forward, regardless of party affiliation, to serve as elected representatives of the community.  Thank you for your assistance.




The historic interpretation panels are now installed in a beautiful kiosk at Wiswall Falls Hatch Park. We wish to thank the Wiswall Historic Interpretation Committee, the Department of Public Works, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for their efforts in developing and installing the kiosk. It is hoped that this addition will bring enjoyment for many years to come.


Button Up, New Hampshire Workshop

The Durham and Madbury Energy Committees are pleased to sponsor this free workshop put on by Clean Air-Cool Planet and the New England Carbon Challenge. The Button Up workshops teach residents about the basics of home energy use and loss, the value of a home energy audit, the short term benefits of simple do-it-yourself weatherization, the long term benefits of extensive energy retrofits, and the technical and financial resources available to make it happen.


The workshop will take place on Monday, November 8, 2010 at the Madbury Public Library from 6:30-8:30 PM. For more information, please contact A.J. Dowling, Button Up NH Coordinator, at (603) 422-6464, ext. 115 or adowling@cleanair-coolplanet.org



Zoning and Code Enforcement officer Tom Johnson was the only Code Enforcement Officer in New Hampshire named as one of 39 Group B winners in the International Code Council Foundation (ICCF) Code of Honor Scholarship Program. The Foundation established this scholarship program to support building and fire safety by supporting the education of existing and future code officials, increasing participation in code development, and honoring those who have been essential to the formation of ICC. The Code of Honor scholarships provide opportunities for code enforcement professionals who otherwise, due to a lack of funding, would not have been able to participate in code development.


The Foundation received 140 applications representing 35 states and the Cayman Islands with awards presented to recipients in 20 states and the Cayman Islands. To read more about the ICC and the Code of Honor Scholarship Programs, visit




There is a 32% increase in Durham Police Department responses to rental property. This may be due to large part to the significant attention placed on rental properties during the spring and summer seasons as the community debated the issue of students in residential areas.  To read Police Chief Kurz’s complete document relating to this topic, click HERE.


Winter Storm Preparations

Department of Public Works staff has spent the past several days preparing for the inevitable arrival of winter storms to be expected in the 2010-2011 season.  Part of this preparation is the screening, mixing. and stock piling of 3500 cubic feet of material to combat snow and ice. 


DURHAM Fall Cleanup - November 8th

Fall Cleanup will begin on Monday, November 8th at 7:00 AM. Leaves should be placed in paper leaf bags (remember, plastic bags are not recyclable).  Paper bags can be purchased at several local stores such as Town and Campus and The Durham Marketplace as well as Home Depot, Lowes, etc.  Loose leaves will not be accepted but may be brought to the Transfer Station & Recycling Center on Durham Point Road on Tuesday or Saturday.  Brush should be placed in one direction, bundled and tied with string (no wire please).  Brush and limbs must be no greater than 5 feet in length and 5 inches in diameter. No stumps will be accepted. The amount of brush and limbs is limited to one truckload per household.  All items must be out by 7am that Monday to guarantee collection.  If you cannot have your items out on time or have more than one truck load, you may bring them up to the Transfer Station and Recycling Center with your regular permit on Tuesdays or Saturdays between 7:30am and 3pm.  Refer to the Fall Newsletter that was mailed out in September or open here for details: (attach the pdf of newsletter)


Churchill Rink at Jackson’s Landing Now Open!  

The 2010/2011 skating schedule for the Churchill Rink at Jackson’s Landing is as follows:


Public Skating:

Mon, Wed, Fri:           2:00 - 3:20 PM

Tue, Thu:                    9:00 – 10:20 AM and 2:00 – 4:20 PM

Sat:                             2:00 – 3:50 PM

Sun:                            2:00 – 3:50 PM


Adults:  $5.00            Ages 6-16:  $3.00



All Town offices will be closed in observance of Veteran’s Day on Thursday, November 11, 2010. Town offices will reopen for business on Friday, November 12th at 8:00 AM. There will be NO CHANGE TO THE REFUSE AND RECYLING SCHEDULE. All items should be out on their regular day by 7:00 AM.  



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. To view the agenda for the meetings listed below, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


Town Council – November 1, 2010. To view the complete Council packet for this meeting, please click HERE

Inclusionary Zoning Implementation Program (IZIP) – Wednesday, November 3, 2010 (2:30 PM)

Historic District Commission – Thursday, October 4, 2010

Master Plan Subcommittee – Friday, November 5, 2010 (3:00 PM)


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE



Preschool Storytime, Tues. Nov. 2nd and Thurs. Nov. 4th at 10:30 a.m. - This week: Airplanes! Join us for stories, fingerplays, songs, feltboard and a craft.

Ripped Up Rat Readers, Tues. Nov. 2nd at 6:00 p.m.  - Join this book group for kids in 2nd - 4th grade. This month your choice. You can have read "The Wright 3" by Blue Balliett or "The Penderwicks" by Jeanne Bridsall. Come discuss the book(s), solve some puzzles and mysteries and make a craft. Don't hesitate to come if you haven't finished the book

College Financial Planning Seminar, Weds. Nov. 3rd at 6:30-8:00 p.m. - Don’t miss this FREE College Financial Planning Seminar. Thousands of families have drastically reduced education costs at the colleges of their choice without relying on financial aid. They have also reduced their need for loans and preserved their retirement and their lifestyle.

This seminar will demonstrate ways to maximize the financial aid award from the college of your choice. It will also demonstrate ways for families, not eligible for financial aid, to reduce their "out of pocket" college costs through tax and financial strategies. Whether your child is in elementary school or in their last year of high school, this seminar is for YOU. It is designed for any family with children planning to attend college. To register for this FREE seminar call Melanie Dupuis, CPA, CCPS at (603) 742-8894 or email her at mdupuis@raichecpa.mv.com. Seating is limited so please call today.

Granite Earth "Healthy Child, Healthy Planet" 7 week series meets again on Tues. Nov. 2nd, 7:45-9:15 pm.

The patch program, our reading incentive program for children aged 2-12 years has started. Children earn patches for minutes read or being read to as well as a Durham Library book bag. If new to the program, stop by and register.

Registration for Tales for tails. Have a young reader who could use some non-judgmental encouragement for reading aloud? A Delta Therapy dog is waiting for your child. Sign up now at the library for 4 week sessions beginning in October. There will be a new session in November and another one in December.

Young adults interested in writing a review of a book, play, movie, event? Email the children’s librarian at ekleinmann@ci.durham.nh.us or stop by the circulation desk and we’ll put you in contact with our partner, YA author Megan Frazer, who is helping us with this blog. Visit our website at www.durhampubliclibrary.org for more information.



§         Friday, October 29th, 7:30 PM, Community Church of DurhamJazzin’ In Up For a World in Need. Featuring Brenda & Marc LaForce and the Fellowship Hall Jazz Society, along with guest performer Barney Balch on trombone. A dessert reception will follow. Contributions greatly appreciated. All funds raised will be donated to Haiti and Pakistan Relief efforts.

§         Saturday, October 30th, 5:00 – 7:30 PM - Durham Trick-or-Treating

§         Saturday, October 30th, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and Oct 31st, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, Durham Community ChurchFair Trade Products Sale. You can make a difference in the lives of families in developing countries that under extremely harsh conditions make high quality, distinctive arts and crafts in order to support their families.  By purchasing these handmade items, one can support micro-economic businesses which provide income to families who have no other means of support. Unique items will be for sale from Afghanistan, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Nepal, Niger, Panama, and Uganda.  Fair Trade coffee, tea, and chocolate will also be available.   

§         Saturday, October 30th, 9:00 – 11:00 AM, Oyster River Middle SchoolAnnual Greek Life Pancake Breakfast. Admission is $5 with all proceeds going to the Durham Public Library.

§         Tuesday, November 2nd, 7:30 PM, Community Church of Durham – Organ Concert in Memory of Elizabeth McQuade, featuring concert organist John Weaver

§         Friday, November 3rd, 4:00 PM, Huddleston Hall, UNH – Great Chefs Event featuring Mary Ann Esposito. For more information, visit http://unh.edu/dining/great-chef_inform.html

§         Thursday, November 4th, 4:00 – 7:00 PM, 1 Madbury RoadThe Douglass Group at Keller Williams Open House. For more information, call 603-610-8900

§         Friday, November 5th, 7:00 PM, Fellowship Hall, Lee Church Congregational – Dr. P.T. Vasadevan will present “Energy-the-not-so-Bottomless Oil Well and the Alternatives”. Free and open to the public. Questions and discussion are welcome. For more information contact Sid White, 659-2883.

§         Museum of Art, UNH, Opens Two New Exhibitions - The Shape of Color: Carol Aronson-Shore and Fusion: Merging the Arts in PCAC, are opening beginning November 6, 2010. The Shape of Color presents recent paintings inspired by two New England locations, Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Monhegan Island off the coast of Maine. Fusion spotlights 50 years of fine and performing arts studies, exhibitions, performances, and events which have taken place within the University’s cultural center, the Paul Creative Arts Center. A preview reception will be open to the public on Friday, November 5, 2010 from 5-7 p.m. in the Museum of Art. Both exhibitions will be on view through December 16, 2010 (closed November 11 and 24-28). The Museum of Art and its programs are open to the public free of charge.



“Whether Durham ever had a town jail in the nineteenth century is uncertain, although there are several references to one. The Durham Historic Association has a snapshot of a college student from the class of 1921 lounging in the doorway of a small wooden structure identified as the town jail. An association Newsletter located the jail on the south side of Oyster River to the east of the Falls bridge, and just below the Sullivan house.” Published in 1985 by the Durham Historic Association.

Have a good weekend and a safe and…




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.