Friday, December 10, 2010



Everyone gathers around Santa as he reaches into his bag of fairy dust to magically light the holiday tree in downtown Durham during the annual Light Up Durham event on Sunday, December 5th sponsored by the Seacoast Repertory Theatre and the Town of Durham. Courtesy Todd Ziemek



It is possible that our region might experience its first snowfall of the season. Weather reports for this evening are predicting flurries and perhaps a “dusting” of snow before morning.


Judge Issues Arrest Order for Absentee Durham Landlord

As a university community, the increasing prevalence of college students living within and amongst Durham’s traditional residential neighborhoods has caused concern for the community revolving around quality of life issues including noise, trash, parking, late night parties, and the condition of single-family, non-owner occupied properties.  As residents know, to address this challenge, the Town has intensified enforcement of its zoning regulations and moved forward with the review, and in some cases enactment, of new ordinances.  In the case of a rental property located at 14 Valentine Hill Road with zoning violations, a district court judge on November 24, 2010 issued an arrest warrant.


In this land use citation action against absentee property owner Katherine Bolster, the Town sough a civil penalty in the amount of $2,475.00 as a result of defendant’s violations of the Durham Zoning Ordinance.  The defendant pleaded nolo contendere to the violations, and asked the Court to allow her to pay the penalty periodically, in the amount of $100 per month. The town agreed to these periodic payments.  By order dated June 3, 2010, the Dover-Somersworth-Durham District Court imposed a civil penalty in the amount of $2,475.00, and ordered defendant to make payments of $100.00 per month beginning June 3, 2010 and due by the 3rd of each subsequent month.  To date, defendant has made only one payment of $100, in June, 2010.  To view the order of arrest, click HERE.


Durham’s zoning regulations permit no more than 3 unrelated people to occupy a single-family residence. Fines include $275 for the first offense and $550 for subsequent offenses, per day per offense. If you are currently renting your property, or intend to rent at anytime in the future, we encourage you to become familiar with our zoning regulations by viewing a copy of our “Information Booklet for Owners of Property Rentals” located on our web site at http://ci.durham.nh.us/GOVERNMENT/Commissions/rental/Booklet/information%20booklet.htm.  You may also obtain a copy of this document by contacting the Planning, Zoning, and Code Enforcement Office, 868-8064.


TPL Application to Conserve Spruce Forest Ranked 12th in Nation Under Coastal and Estuarine Land Protection Grant (CELP) Program for Potential Federal Funding

In May 2009, Mr. Gregg Caporossi of the Trust for Public Land (TPL) attended the Town Council meeting and provided Councilors with a presentation regarding the TPL’s interest in conserving approximately 171 acres of land located off of Mill Road known as Spruce Forest.  Subsequent to that time, the Town worked many hours with the TPL on an application submittal.  The Property includes 4,640 feet of river frontage on the Oyster River and is situated between the Spruce Hole aquifer and the Oyster River, an area long recognized as an important source of drinking water for the town and the University of New Hampshire.  This week, Administrator Selig contacted Mr. Caporossi to obtain an update on the status of the TPL grant application.  Out of 72 applications submitted from across the United States (2 per eligible state) for CELP grant consideration, 42 of these applications were identified as being national priorities.  Durham’s Spruce Forest tract was actually listed as #12.  Depending upon Federal funding availability, the TPL project in Durham for the Spruce Forest may have a chance for funding.  President Obama has recommended $25 million to support the CELP program.  The U.S. Senate has recommended $20 million to support CELP for the coming year.  If President Obama’s figure is adopted, there would probably be sufficient funding to cover the Durham project.  Projects #1-11 utilize approximately $20 million in funding. 


Durham Business Park Sold to Local Development Company

In June of 2007, the Town of Durham and Eric Chinburg of Chinburg Builders entered into an Agreement of Sale for the purchase of a 26 acre parcel of property on Route 4 (Map 11, Lot 27-0) commonly known as the Durham Business Park for a base purchase price of $350,000.  On November 29, 2010, Chinburg closed on the property in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Sale and subsequent amendments approved by the Town Council.  At closing, the Town received a payment of $50,000 as well as commercial promissory note for $300,000 which shall be repaid on a net square footage bases as projects are approved or within three years at the latest.  All proceeds from the sale will be returned to the Town’s sewer fund which originally funded the acquisition of the parcel. 


FY 2011 Budget and CIP Approved by Town Council

On Monday evening, the Town Council approved the FY 2011 Budget and 2011-2020 Capital Improvement Program by a vote of 5-4.  This year’s budget cycle resulted in a proposed 2011 General Fund budget totaling $10,998,772.00, an increase of $573,987 or (5.51%) compared to FY 2010.  In each of the last two years the Administrator has brought forward a spending decrease as part of the budget process noting, however, that such reductions would not be sustainable in the long-term.  Due to a reduction in state revenues, as well as other adjustments in projected interest earnings, motor vehicle registrations, recycling revenues, and Parking Fund proceeds, non-property tax revenues are expected to remain relatively flat in FY 2011.  Revenue projections do continue to include the infusion of an annual $212,000 payment from UNH to Durham which began in 2009 to compensate the community for the University’s financial impact upon the Town in areas such as roadways, traffic, and policing services.  Taking into account flat revenues, a projected flat tax base, maintaining $125,000.00 in Overlay due to the number of outstanding 2008 property tax abatement appeals pending with the Board of Tax and Land Appeals/Superior Court, no use of fund balance, and recommended expenditures, this budget is projected to increase the 2011 local municipal tax rate by 1.62% to $7.23 from the 2010 level of $7.12. For budget highlights, view the Administrator’s budget transmittal at: http://ci.durham.nh.us/generalpdfs/2011%20budget/Operating/02-Town%20Administrator%27s%20Message.pdf



Town Council Approves $71,000 in Repairs to Smith Park Chapel

As part of the FY 2011 budget, the Town Council approved approximately $71,000 in funding to repair the roof, windows, and to address water damage within the historic Smith Park Chapel located on Mill Pond Road, one of Durham’s oldest and most historic landmarks.


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Beautifully rendered by Durham resident and architect Nick Isaak, these limited-edition ceramic ornaments depict Smith Chapel.

Available now at Town Hall, Durham Marketplace, Hayden Sports, Federal Savings Bank, Town & Campus, Emery Farm, and                   People’s United Bank (Newmarket Road & Main Street branches); $20.00 each, $5.00 of which goes toward chapel restoration.


Residents Spoke -- We Listened!  Durham Set to Accept Payments by Credit Card

Until recently, municipalities had been unable to accept credit/debit cards as a form of payment for municipal billings such as taxes, water, sewer, and vehicle registration due to the fees associated with their use.  For many years, members of the public in Durham have expressed a desire to be able to use credit/debit cards as a form of payment of municipal bills.  In response to this, legislation was passed (RSA 80:52-c), effective July 14, 2009, that addressed the issue of electronic payments. With the enactment of this law, municipalities are now able to accept credit/debit cards as a form of payment. The fees associated with the use of the cards (2.75% or $1 minimum) must be clearly stated and those fees will be passed on to the cardholder as a service charge.  Set up costs of $3,000.00 were approved in the Durham 2010 Town Clerk-Tax Collector budget and include the purchase of “swiper” machines and related set up fees and monthly charges.  After overcoming extensive legal and technical obstacles, the Town Clerks’ office is now accepting Credit Card, Debit Card, and other forms of electronic payments.  In conjunction with our Kaizen effort, we will be working to deploy credit card swipers across our other operational departments for permits, etc.


Mini-Charette on Combined Fire Department/Structured Parking Site Feasibility Study on UNH C-Lot

On Thursday, December 16, 2010, beginning at 7:00 PM, the Town of Durham will hold a Mini-Charette in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall. The Charette will be on a Site Feasibility Study on the UNH-owned parking lot currently known as ‘C Lot’, located at Mill Road across from Mill Road Plaza. Discussion will center on developing the parcel with a new Fire Department building and parking garage. This meeting is open to the public and the Town is looking for input from all interested parties.  We are hopeful that members of Durham’s downtown business community will attend to provide input.


Durham Master Plan Visioning Forum Scheduled for January 28th

The Town of Durham in conjunction with the Planning & Community Development Department and the UNH Cooperative Extension is preparing to update the Master Plan. The visioning process will be the first step toward updating several chapters of the Master Plan including the Commercial Core chapter, Land Use Regulations chapter, Environmental/Cultural Resources chapter, Tax Stabilization (Economic Development) chapter, and a new Energy chapter.


The visioning forum will be a public forum that will allow citizens to provide their vision for a variety of topics that will be related to the chapters being updated after the visioning process has been completed.  The planning process needs input from the entire community.  


Please plan on joining us Friday, January 28, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. at the Oyster River Middle School.  The evening will begin with a free community spaghetti dinner hosted by Durham Marketplace followed by small group workshops on each chapter being updated. Children’s activities and childcare will be provided. 


Look for further details in future “Friday Updates”


For questions please contact Jim Campbell, 868-8064 or jcampbell@ci.durham.nh.us



The 2011 Town Election will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at the Oyster River High School.  Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.  Individuals interested in running for positions within Town government may do so during the filling period beginning Wednesday, January 19, 2011 and ending at 5:00 PM on Friday, January 28, 2011. For more information, please contact the Durham Town Clerk's Office at 868-5577.



Citizens who may be considering running for the three Town Council seats in March are invited to contact any of the current Town Council members or the Town Administrator to obtain information about and discuss what serving as a Councilor involves. Click on the following link to access the telephone numbers for current Council members: http://ci.durham.nh.us/GOVERNMENT/council/council_members.html.


Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee (IWMAC) - Looking for New Members

If you are a Durham resident looking for a fun and interesting committee to Join, and if you enjoy talking trash with some great people, the IWMAC is for you!  The focus of the IWMAC is to:


1.    Reduce the total amount of solid waste generated in Durham.

2.    Incorporate a long-term community vision into the Integrated Waste Management strategy of Durham.

3.    Increase community awareness and participation in integrated waste management issues.

4.    Work with Department of Public Works to advance the waste management program.

5.    Promote education and outreach while increasing community involvement.

6.    Build partnership with the Durham Business Association, UNH, student groups and the Town of Durham involving solid waste issues.


For more information, contact Chairperson Heather Harvey at (603) 292-5917.  You can also contact Jennie Berry at the Town Office at jberry@ci.durham.nh.us



The Durham-Great Bay Rotary Club is proud to announce the success of its 15th annual Holiday Turkey Drive.  Despite a decline in membership and the tough economy, club members have dug deep in their pockets. With the help and cooperation of the Durham Marketplace, the Club will be able to provide 220 turkeys to area families in need this holiday season. On Monday, December 20, 2010, Club members will be delivering the turkeys to Saint Thomas More Church Waysmeet Center at UNH, Lee Congregational Church, and the Newmarket Teachers Association.


PUBLIC HEARING ON Council-Initiated Zoning Ordinance Change That Would Amend Article XIX “Conservation Subdivisions”, Section 175-107 (B) “Applicability”, to Add ORLI and MUDOR Zoning Districts to the List of Zones to Which Conservation Subdivision Regulations Apply

On December 20, 2010, the Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on a Council-Initiated Zoning Ordinance change that would amend Article XIX “Conservation Subdivisions”, Section 175-107 (B) “Applicability”, to add ORLI and MUDOR zoning districts to the list of zones to which Conservation Subdivision Regulations apply.  The Council meeting will begin at 7:00 PM and be held in the Council chambers at Town Hall. To view the proposed ordinance, click HERE.



On December 20, 2010, the Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on a resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of $90,012.27 in unanticipated revenue from the State of New Hampshire Department of Safety following the FEMA Disaster Declared During the February 2010 Wind Event. The Council meeting will begin at 7:00 PM and be held in the Council chambers at Town Hall. To view the proposed resolution, click HERE.


Falcon Bus Lines Offers Weekday Commuter Bus Service from Durham to Boston Starting Monday, December 6

Falcon Bus Lines will be continuing the weekday commuter bus service previously provided by C&J.  In addition, they will be adding an early northbound service departing North Station at 7:30 and arriving at UNH at 9:05AM.  


Falcon Bus Exeter-Durham-Dover

to Boston North Station Service

Weekdays only



Durham Station

Southbound to North Station

5:50 am

Northbound from North Station (Exeter)

9:05 am

Northbound from North Station (Exeter)

5:35 pm


For more information on schedule, ticketing, reciprocity with Amtrak Downeaster and passes please contact Falcon directly at (603) 431-0144 or email rita@falconbuslines.com.  


Bus Service Direct from Durham to New York City

C&J Bus Lines announced Wednesday that the bus company will offer non-stop, seven-day service from Durham and Portsmouth to New York City, starting on Feb. 14. It is the latest expansion from the Durham area for the regional bus service, which added direct service between Durham and Boston in September 2009.  Although schedules have not been finalized, the company expects to have a bus leaving Durham at 6:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. The bus will pick up additional riders in Portsmouth at 7 a.m., and drop off passengers at the New York City Post Authority Bus Terminal by noon.  For more information, go to:  http://www.tnhonline.com/c-j-to-add-non-stop-service-to-nyc-1.1828580?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=The_NH_2&utm_campaign=The_NH_2_20101210853


Durham Resident Trudy Higgins Brown to be Featured on NH Chronicle

Durham resident, Trudy Higgins Brown, will be featured on WMUR's New Hampshire Chronicle show on Thursday, December 16th at 7:30 p.m.  The theme for her creation this year is "A Portsmouth Tugboat Invaded by Santa and His Friends."  Photos from previous gingerbread creations will also be shown.




2010 Light Up Durham Lighting ContesT

On Thursday, December 2nd, the 15th annual Light Up Durham Lighting Contest officially rang in the holiday season for our community. 


The Light Up Durham Lighting Contest is organized by the Durham Business Association and the University of New Hampshire. This special holiday event is a time honored tradition that celebrates our community providing holiday spirit for all.


Thursday evening found members of the Durham Business Association, University of New Hampshire, and Durham communities judging the business and UNH Greek community Lighting Contest.  Pictured above from left to right are the first place winners:  Durham Book Exchange-business winner, Kappa Delta-Sorority winner, and TKO-Fraternity winner. Photos courtesy Katie Muth, Durham Business Association.


As always it was a fun evening of holiday spirit and creativity.  Thank you to judges Ken Barrows (UNH), Johanna Knight (BH & G – The Masiello Group), Adam McCready (UNH), Claire Powell and Beth Rohde-Campbell (residents), and Lori & Gary Roy (People’s United Bank) for spending the evening judging the contest.  Thank you to Gregory Meighan (UNH – The New Hampshire) for joining the judges and reporting on the event.


Christmas Holidays and Alcohol – A Graphic Video of the Consequences of Drinking and Driving

This week, Police Chief Kurz asked Administrator Todd Selig if he could add a link to a very compelling video that was emailed to him from the New Hampshire Police Chiefs Association.  The movie is produced by TAC which stands for Transport Accident Commission.  TAC is a Victoria, Australia government-owned organization whose role is to pay for treatment and benefits for people injured in motor vehicle accidents. TAC is also involved in promoting road safety in Victoria and in improving Victoria's medical trauma system. 


The video, with a link below, is a very compelling depiction of the results of drinking and driving.  The movie is professionally accomplished with background music by REM of their song “Everybody Hurts” that significantly adds to the power of the video.  The five-minute video is extremely graphic in its depiction of motor vehicle accidents and should be viewed by parents first and certainly warrants family discussion to determine whether it is appropriate for others in the household.


When Chief Kurz was a young police officer he was assigned the task of awaking two parents in the middle of the night  to advise them that their 19 year-old son had been killed in a single car accident.  This was over thirty years ago.  While the father has long since passed away, occasionally Chief Kurz encounters the mother who inevitably gives him a hug.   The video may be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Z2mf8DtWWd8.


Updates on last week's energy news

The Durham Energy Committee has tabled its request to the Town Council to extend property tax credits to both wind-powered energy systems and central wood-heating systems. The DEC will be gathering additional information to share with the Council and welcomes input from the community. Please send comments to dec@ci.durham.nh.us.


Rebates: The Public Utility Commission (PUC) of New Hampshire currently offers commercial rebates for solar thermal and solar electric projects, thus making it possible for more businesses, schools, municipalities, and apartment buildings to fund energy-efficiency initiatives. Residential rebates from the PUC currently cover solar water heating systems and central pellet-boiler systems. For more information and applications for state and federal solar water heating rebates, go to the PUC website on renewable energy rebates at http://www.puc.nh.gov/Sustainable%20Energy/RenewableEnergyRebates.html.


Resources: Check out this website to find a robust set of tools that can help you reduce your energy usage and plan energy-efficient improvements: www.myenergyplan.net. MyEnergyPlan is a collaborative effort of the New England Carbon Challenge (a joint initiative of the UNH and Clean Air Cool Planet), the New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association, and the UNH Cooperative Extension Energy Answers. 



Friday, Dec 24th, Christmas Eve                 -           Closed

Monday, Dec 27th                                                   -           Closed

Friday, Dec 31st, New Years Eve                -           Closed


Christmas Holiday Recycling and Refuse Collection

Friday, Dec 24th        -           No COMMERCIAL recycling collection

Saturday, Dec 25th    -           Transfer Station and Recycling Center CLOSED

Monday, Dec 27th     -           No change to the regular schedule for collection



On Saturday, December 11th from 9:00 AM to noon, the Oyster River Middle School Ski & Snowboard Club is holding its first Ski & Snowboard Flea Market in the parking lot behind the Middle School. (The event may be moved to the Middle School cafeteria if weather dictates.)  Anyone with lightly-used and unwanted skis, snowboards, boots, poles, winter garments, sporting equipment, and accessories for sale or trade may show up a little early and find a parking spot to display their items out of the back of their vehicle or set up a folding table.  NO commission will be charged. Everyone is responsible for their items and must be present to make the exchange. There will also be an opportunity to donate slightly-used winter sporting equipment and accessories for the “free for the taking” table as long as they are no more than 4 years old and in nice condition.



Durham’s firefighters would like to help the children in the Town of Durham this holiday season by holding a Toy Bank drive. Durham residents can help, and it’s very easy. If residents have a new and unwrapped toy they would like to donate, they can simply drop it off at one of the collection locations listed below. Firefighters will collect the boxes of toys to wrap and distribute before the Christmas holiday.  The last day to drop off toys is December 17th.  Please contact the Durham Fire Department at 862-1426 with questions regarding donations.


Collection Locations: Durham Fire Department, Durham Market Place, Durham Public Library, Durham Town Hall, People's United Bank (formally Ocean National-at either the Newmarket or Main Street branches).



Wildcat Fitness will be hosting a “Toys for Tots” NH and NH Food Bank drive from November 20th –December 27th, 2010. Wildcat Fitness is a registered drop off location for both of these organizations and is hoping to spread the cheer and community support around the state. Last year, Wildcat Fitness collected over 400 toys and 18 bags of food and the staff is hoping to break that record this year.



Moharimet, Mast Way and the Middle School earn points for each Label for Education submitted. The points are then used to “buy” school materials out of their catalog. There is currently a little black collection box in the Durham Library’s Children’s Area to collect Box Tops and Labels for Education from community members.  All Box Tops and Labels for Education collected in the library collection box will be split equally between the 3 schools.  For more information, click HERE or contact Kristin Carpenter at Kristin.carpenter@unh.edu.



The Durham Boy Scout Troop 154 will once again be selling locally cut Christmas trees at the Durham Marketplace parking lot for the next three weekends.  Sales run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturdays & Sundays until they sell out.  The trees are cut in Farmington and transported to Durham by the Scouts.  Christmas tree sales represent the Scout's major fund-raiser for the year.



For those interested in watching the presentation made by Dan Barufaldi, Economic Development Director for the City of Dover at the November 22, 1010 Economic Development Committee meeting, this meeting is currently being rebroadcast every Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM over Durham’s cable access channel, Channel 22. Mr. Barufaldi discussed his work in Dover and how Dover measures its return on investment in his position and office.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. To view the agenda for the meetings listed below, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


Master Plan Forum Subcommittee – Monday, December 13, 2010 (5-6:00 PM)

Durham Energy Committee – Monday, December 13, 2010

Zoning Board of Adjustment – Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lamprey River Advisory Committee – Tuesday, December 14, 2010 (Lee Safety Complex)

Master Plan Advisory Committee – Tuesday, December 14, 2010 (Parks & Rec building)

Planning Board – Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DCAT Governance Committee – Thursday, December 16, 2010 (Community Room at Durham PD)

Fire Department Charette – Thursday, December 16, 2010


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE


Durham Public Library Programs and Events

Donate a new toy for the Durham Firefighters Toy Drive (box in the library) from now until Dec. 17th and the library will erase your late fees.

Russian Nesting Doll Painting Workshop and Storytelling with Marina Forbes, Sat. Dec. 11th, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Join us for this fun family event. Families with Children and Adults can register to paint Russian Nesting Dolls. At 10:30 Marina will tell us the Russian Folklore of Nesting Dolls (all are welcome), then interested Families can stay and purchase and paint Nesting Dolls ranging in price from $10.00 to $55.00.Marina demonstrates step by step how to paint the dolls and provides paints and brushes. Registration recommended but walk-ins are also welcome.

Preschool Storytime Tues. Dec. 14th and Thurs. Dec. 16th at 10:30 a.m. - This week: Snow and Blankets!  Join us for stories, fingerplays, songs, feltboard and a craft. 

Granite Earth Book Discussion: Voluntary Simplicity, Tues. Dec. 14th, 7:30-9:00 p.m. - Another section of the Granite Earth series, Voluntary Simplicity is a 5 week discussion group on Tues eves beginning Dec. 7th and ending Jan. 11th, with no meeting on Dec 28th. Please register and get your book at the library.

No Bibliotherapy Book Group this month.  Will start again in January.

The patch program, our reading incentive program for children aged 2-12 years has started. Children earn patches for minutes read or being read to as well as a Durham Library book bag. If new to the program, stop by and register.

Registration for Tales for tails. Have a young reader who could use some non-judgmental encouragement for reading aloud? A Delta Therapy dog is waiting for your child. Sign up now at the library for a 3 week session starting in December, there is still a slot with a dog open.  New sign-ups for a 6 week session in January will start in December.



§         Saturday, December 11th, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM, UNH MUB Food CourtSecond Annual Gingerbread House Event sponsored by On Belay. Supplies will be provided; however, all are welcome to bring their own candy, etc. for decorating. Entry cost is $10 per team. For more information on the organization visit www.on-belay.org, or contact Ruth Abelmann, ruth.abelmann@unh.edu., with questions.

§         Thursday, January 13th, 2011, 4:45 PM, Community Church of DurhamWinter Ballet Classes. For more information contact the Great Bay Academy of Dance at 603-433-4200 or visit www.gbadance.com.


Weekly Police Arrest Report

Week – 14                                         6 UNH (43%)             8 Other (57%)

*2010/11 Academic Year – 461     257 UNH (56%)         204 Other (44%)

Calendar Year – 887                        506 UNH (57%)         381 Other (43%)

*This data represents the 2010/11 Academic year report which began August 27th when UNH dormitories officially opened and students begin arriving in Durham.


Historical data for the same week















Academic Year







Calendar Year









“During the first half of this century, some health services were not available in town. Until 1947 a toothache meant a trip to Dover or Newmarket. Then Dr. Michael Bales opened an office in Durham and began splitting his work by holding office hours three days a week in Boston and three days in Durham. In 1952 he closed his Boston office and became Durham’s first full-time dentist. The town’s growing population made another dentist desirable. Dr. Kevin Dugas opened a practice on Pettee Brook. In 1975 the two dentists combined their practice in the building at 12 Madbury Road. The former fraternity house was remodeled by Jess Gangwer to house the dental complex. Before the end of the year, Dr. Bruce Bragdon joined the group.” Published in 1985 by the Durham Historic Association.


Have a good weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.