Friday, March 11, 2011



The public is invited to come join the Durham Fire Department on Monday March 14, 2011 at 10:00 AM on the Corner of Main and Jenkins Court where the department will unveil a commemorative plaque that will eventually (once the weather is nice) be permanently placed outside of the Red Carpet Building. There will be a small reception to follow at Huddleston Hall.  For more information please email or call Melissa at the Fire Department FIRE@CI.DURHAM.NH.US, 603-862-1426.


Don't forget to spring forward this weekend. Daylight Savings Time (DLT) begins for most of the United States at 2:00 AM this Sunday, March 13th.



On Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 7 PM the Fire Department held a mini Charrette on the design for the proposed Fire Station/Parking Garage and was well attended.  While most of the conversation was on the possible C lot location across from the Mill Plaza, there was discussion on other locations which have been considered to date as well.  The meeting was recorded and will be aired on DCAT.  Subsequent to the meeting, the Fire Chief, Consultant Architect, and Administrator met with representatives from UNH regarding the C-Lot site and based on this conversation are proceeding with a further sketch of a Fire Department-only at C-Lot along Mill Road. 



The Department of Public Works applied for and has received a PSNH Custom Rebate  for $52,454.00. The rebate is awarded to municipalities who complete energy efficient projects. Our project was the replacement of (3) positive displacement blowers @125 hp with (4) turbo type 100/75 hp centrifugal blowers at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This project is estimated to save the wastewater customers $28,250 annually in electrical costs. The $52,454.00 will be set aside to utilize for future energy efficiency upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.




The sign shown above was created by a Realtor in Plymouth, NH who is also a landord in the Plymouth community. A number of these signs, which he has generously offered to give to Durham, will be provided to interested Durham property owners for placement in their yards this spring. This is part of the Durham Rental Housing Commission's effort to bring awareness to student rental properites located within Durham's neighborhoods. Someone from the Public Works Department will be picking the signs up in the near future. 


Auditors begin FY 2010 Review of Town of Durham Books



Auditors from the firm of Plodzik and Sanderson Professional Association have begun the process of performing our annual audit of the Town of Durham for FY 2010.   An advance team of three auditors was here this week for two days followed by several days by the full audit team next week.  The auditors typically set up on the Town Council chambers during the daytime as part of this process.  As you might imagine, the Business Office is extremely busy at this time working with the auditors to answer any questions they may have.



The Economic Development Committee (EDC) was presented with preliminary results form the Business Visitation interviews and survey.  EDC Member Yusi Wang Turell has been heading the effort and will be putting the finishing touches on the final report.  We will then make them available to the Committee and the community at large.  After the staff and Planning Board/Town Council representative updates, the Committee continued discussions on the possible creation of a TIF District for the downtown area.  The EDC’s next meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2011.



The Conservation Commission held their March meeting on Thursday, March 3, 2011, a week earlier than their regularly scheduled meeting. They did this in order to accommodate a request by the Planning Board to meet and discuss Capstone Development Corporation’s conditional use for incursions into the Wetland and Shoreland Overlay Districts. The Planning Board requested this earlier meeting because the Board wanted the Conservation Commission’s advice before the Board begins deliberations at their March 9, 2011 meeting.  Before the Planning Board makes a decision on the conditional use permit for incursions into the wetland and shoreland buffers, the ordinance requires the Planning Board to seek the advice of the Conservation Commission.  This has occurred and the Commission has providing written comments to the Planning Board. 



The Town has received two new applications for the Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive Program, also known as RSA 79-E. Both applications were submitted by Matt Crape. One is for his newly completed project at 8 Jenkins Court and the other was for his soon to be redeveloped parcel at 9-11 Madbury Road (The Stats Place location). The applications will be on the March 21, 2011 Town Council agenda for a presentation by Mr. Crape followed by a public hearing on the April 4, 2011 Town Council agenda for public hearings.  After the hearing the Town Council will have 45 days to render a decision on the applications.


An image of the Jackson's Landing Boat Ramp on 3.11.11



Following Monday's Town Council discussion regarding the Jackson's Landing boat ramp and the Council's desire to determine whether it is possible to increase the slope of the existing ramp system from approximately 6 degrees to 10 degrees, Administrator Selig has made an appointment with Ms. Dori Wiggin of the NH Department of Environmental Services for Peter Smith, Stephen Roberts, Michael Lynch, Michael Sievert, Robin Mower, and Mr. Selig to meet on Tuesday morning, March 15th.  We are hopeful that the meeting will allow us to determine whether it may be possible to make further refinements at the site.



On April 30, 2011, terms on various Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2011. The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies. Citizens interested in board appointments should contact the Town Administrator's office at 868-5571 and ask for a board application form, or stop in at the Town Clerk's office located on the first floor of the Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road, and complete an application.  Applications are also available on the Town's web site at: on the right-hand side in blue. Completed applications may be mailed to the Town Administrator's office, or submitted via email to Deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 18, 2011.

Conservation Commission - (2 regular vacancies)
Durham Cable Access Television (DCAT) Governance Committee - (3 regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy)
Durham Energy Committee (2 vacancies)
Economic Development Committee - (1 regular vacancy; 1 alternate vacancy)
Historic District Commission - (2 vacancies)
Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee - (2 regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy)
Parks and Recreation - (3 regular vacancies)
Planning Board - (2 regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy)
Strafford Regional Planning Commission & MPO Policy Committee - (2 vacancies)   
Zoning Board of Adjustment - (3 regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy)




 Durham Police officers currently have an array of weapons that they carry on their duty belt to include an expanding metal baton, pepper spray, and ultimately a firearm. The officers are trained in the concept of a “force continuum” that provides officers with guidelines as to how much force may be used against a resisting subject in a given situation. The purpose of these models is to clarify, both for officers and citizens, the complex subject of use of force by police officers. As an example, officers would not be required to employ the force continuum verbatim in all circumstances such as if an officer were confronted with a person pointing a firearm. Logically, the officer would not be required to use a baton in the first instance.  


Most force continuums, or models, are presented in a circle format with the segment of force matched by a corresponding level of subject resistance, although it is generally noted that an officer need not progress through each phase before reaching the ultimate level of force. The policies of the Durham Police rest on the premise that officers should escalate and de-escalate their level of force in response to the subject's actions. 


Whenever a Durham Police officer discharges a firearm for anything other than training or recreational purpose, the incident must be immediately reported in writing within 24 hours to the police administration.  The department has developed a “use of force report” that must be filed whenever an officer applies physical force to overcome any degree of resistance, other than the “simple” application of handcuffs, when they affect an arrest or taking someone into custody for any reason.  Annually, all reports within a calendar year are compiled and reviewed by the Chief.  To view the department's Use of Force report, click HERE





One road, many users. What’s the solution? Share the road! Spring is just around the corner, and so are better bicycling days. Show your support for bicyclist safety by adding a "Share the Road" sticker to your car bumper. Pick one up today at the Town Clerk’s office at the Durham Town Hall.

Seasonal safety brush-up:

Bicyclists, the same laws that apply to motorists apply to cyclists. Always ride in the same direction as traffic and signal to drivers your intentions (yield, turning, stopping).
Drivers, yield to cyclists. Bicycles are considered vehicles. Reduce speed when encountering cyclists. Recognize hazards cyclists may face and give them space. New Hampshire state law requires motorists to keep at 3-foot distance when passing a bicycle at speeds under 30mph and 4-feet when going 40mph.


(Thanks to Seacoast Area Bicycle Routes (SABR) for providing the stickers!)



The Planning Board will hold a Special Quarterly meeting on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 beginning at 7:00 PM at Town Hall.


For the first time, the agenda will include a “Public Comment” item. The Planning Board will open the floor to public comments regarding planning and land use issues at approximately 7:05 PM.


The public is welcome to take this  opportunity to address general planning issues and concerns, bring to the attention of the Board news items or references and resources they believe might be of interest to the Board, procedural concerns, or otherwise comment about land use planning for the Durham community. Please note that each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes and may not address any specific application currently before or anticipated to be before the Board. The public comment period will be continued on a trial basis.



The Town of Durham's Ordinance Regulating Heavy Hauling will be in effect from Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 12:01 AM, until Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 11:59 PM.  Please be on the lookout for posted signs indicating the beginning of the restricted area(s).  The Ordinance restricts hauling over six (6) tons on specific Class V roads within the Town of Durham.  The roads affected, exempted hauling and other information is contained in Ordinance 96-02; Code of the Town of Durham, Chapter 153, section B. 


Roads affected are:


BACK RIVER ROAD from US Route 4 to Madbury Town line
BAGDAD ROAD from Canney Road to Route 108
BAY ROAD from Newmarket Town line to Durham Point Road
BENNETT ROAD from Packers Falls Road to Route 108
CANNEY ROAD  from Madbury Town line to Route 108
DAME ROAD from Newmarket Town line to Bay Road
DURHAM POINT ROAD from Bay Road to Durham Point Road Transfer Station and Recycling Center Access Road
EMERSON ROAD from Bagdad Road to Madbury Road
LONGMARSH ROAD from Route 108 to Durham Point Road
MILL ROAD from Packers Falls Road to Woodridge Road
PACKERS FALLS RD from Newmarket Town line to Lee Town line
WATSON ROAD from Back River Road to terminus
WEDNESDAY HILL ROAD from Packers Falls Road to Lee Town line
WINECELLAR ROAD from Longmarsh Road to end
WISWALL ROAD from Packers Falls Road to Lee Town line



It has been a long and snowy winter. With spring thaw, many rough road conditions, sand residual, and plow damaged areas become exposed. The Department of Public Works thanks residents for their patience with these spring maintenance items. DPW staff is doing their best to get ahead of them and will begin sweeping and repair operations as soon as possible.   



The Churchill Rink at Jackson’s Landing will be closing for the season on Saturday, March 19, 2011.  The regular schedule will apply through Friday, March 18th. 


On Saturday, March 19th there will be a free Public Skate from 12:00 – 3:50 PM. This will conclude the skating season.  Thanks to all for a fantastic winter, hope to see you next season! 



The Strafford County Citizen Corps is excited to be teaming up with the Town of Durham to offer the Community Emergency Preparedness Class (CEP Class) this March at the Durham Police Department. The CEP Class is a comprehensive preparedness training developed by FEMA and used in all 50 States, 3 territories and 6 foreign countries. It is designed to help residents take care of themselves, their families and neighbors during an emergency. Topics include: Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Disaster Psychology, Safety Strategies involved in a Terror Attack, Light Search and Rescue, Incident Command Systems, CPR and First Aid. Those who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Completion from the NH Fire Academy, and CPR and First Aid certification from the American Heart Association.

This class completes the core training requirements for the Strafford County Citizen Corps (SCCC), a team of medical and non-medical volunteers who train to support and assist local first responders during emergencies. No commitment to the SCCC is required from those who enroll in the class. Following the completion of Community Emergency Response, participants can continue to attend trainings through the SCCC (such as Traffic Control, Search & Rescue, Basic Disaster Life Support, Fire Rehabilitation, etc.), which are offered every other month.

The Community Emergency Preparedness Class will meet Wednesdays March 23rd – April 27th from 6:30-8:30pm (there will be no class April 13th) AND Saturday, April 2nd from 8:30am-4pm at the Durham Police Department. For more information, or to register, contact Samantha Brann at or 603-335-0168.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. To view the agenda for the meetings listed below, please click HERE.


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


Durham Energy Committee - Monday, March 14, 2011

Planning Board Quarterly Meeting - Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Master Plan Survey Subcommittee - Thursday, March 17, 2010 (5:00 PM)

Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee - Thursday, March 17, 2011


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.



CPR & AED Training, Tues. March 15th, 6:00-8:30 p.m. McGregor Memorial EMS offers the two-year certification through the American Heart Association. To register, call 862-3674 or Cost is $20
Preschool Storytime, Tues., March 15th and Thurs., March 17th, 10:30 a.m. This week:  Wind/Kites and St. Patrick’s Day. All are welcome to enjoy stories, songs, fingerplays, feltboard, and a craft.
Caesar:  The Man From Venus, Weds. March 16th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Storyteller Sebastian Lockwood is Caesar. Meet Caesar as he grows up into a Rome that is recovering from one civil war and headed for another. Meet the powerful women in his life who help him achieve his destiny: his mother Aurelia, his aunt Julia, his wives and his great love Servilia: this is the man who claims descent from the Goddess Venus herself. We watch his rise to power in Rome, his great adventures, his time in Gaul and finally, after he crosses the Rubicon, his war with Pompey that will leave him the most powerful man in the world. We see him as Venus joined with Cleopatra Isis and we end with the twenty three daggers that kill him and the ascent of his chosen heir Octavian. This program is sponsored by the New Hampshire Humanities Council: Humanities to Go.
Join the Patch Program, our reading incentive program for children aged 2-12 years. Children earn patches for minutes read or being read to as well as a Durham Library book bag. If new to the program, stop by and register.
Registration for Tales for Tails. Have a young reader who could use some non-judgmental encouragement for reading aloud? A Delta Therapy dog is waiting for your child. Sign up now at the library for a 6 week session in March and April.


Strafford County Republican Committee Lincoln/Reagan Fundraiser Dinner, Fri., Mar 11, 2011, 7:00 PM, Three Chimneys Inn. For more information, click HERE.

ORHS Girls Lacrosse Team. Coach Casey Reynolds is offering a free skills clinic for 4th-8th grade girls on Sun., Mar 13, 2011, from 4:00-6:00 PM at the
ORHS gymnasium. No prior skills necessary. Equipment can be borrowed at the clinic. RSVP to

Museum of Art, UNH, Slide Lecture by Artist Sam Cady, Wed., Mar 23, 2011, 12:00 noon in Room A219 Paul Creative Arts Center. Cady's lecture is offered as part of the Museum's ArtBreak: Brown Bag Lunch series of programs. His work is included in the Museum of Art's current exhibition, ReView: Recent Work by UNH Alumni. The exhibition and lecture are open to the public free of charge.

Museum of Art, UNH, One-day Trip to Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, Fri., Mar 25, 2011. Advance reservations must be received by March 11, 2011. Please visit to complete the form and pay by credit card or e-check, or call 603-862-3713 to register by phone or to obtain more information.

ORMS Jazz Band Presents A Music Celebration, featuring the ORMS Jazz Band, Tri City Almighty and Fling, Sat., Mar 26, 2011, 5:00-10:00 PM, Huddleston Ballroom, Durham. Live and silent auction. Lite fare, dancing, and fun. $20/person-a benefit for the 2010/11 ORMS Jazz Band. For tickets, email:

8th Annual Todd's Trot 5K Road Race/Walk, Sat., Apr 2, 2011, Oyster River High School. Registration begins at 8:30 AM with a 10:00 AM start time. For more information, visit

2011 USA Jump Rope Regional Tournament, Sat., Apr 9, 2011, Oyster River High School gymnasium. Opening ceremonies begin at 8:00 AM, followed by speed events, single rope and double dutch freestyle, Group Team Show, and concluding with an awards ceremony at 5:15 PM. Admission is free--donations appreciated. Breakfast, lunch, and healthy snacks will be sold throughout the day.

Conservation Options Workshop, sponsored by Strafford Rivers Conservancy and UNH Cooperative Extension, Mon., Apr 11, 2011, 6:30-8:15 PM, Dover Public Library, 73 Locust Street, Dover, NH. Preregistration required. Deadline: Fri., Apr 8th. Call Deb at UNH Cooperative Extension, 603-679-5616,



Parents in the Oyster River community are invited to join a new group providing information and emotional support to parents of children with special needs (diagnosed or not). This group is open to parents of children (birth-high school) with behavioral, emotional, physical, or mental health needs. 


The group's next social support meeting is Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 7:00 PM in the Tavern at Three Chimneys. 


To RSVP or request more information, contact: Jenna Roberts, or ChrisAnn Wiechert




Week - 28                                        15 UNH (54%)           13 Other (46%)

*2010/11 Academic Year -620        349 UNH (56%)         271 Other (44%)

 Calendar Year –128                        75 UNH (59%)           53 Other (41%)


*This data represents the 2010/11 academic year report which began August 27th when UNH dormitories officially opened and students begin arriving in Durham.

 Historical Data for the Same Week



Graveyards and Cemeteries - The Town of Durham was without a public burying ground for many years. The burial area on Schoolhouse Lane, while termed a cemetery, is a graveyard; it is privately owned by a number of families whose ancestors purchased the two acres in 1796. By 1913 little space was left for burials. No trust funds then existed (five have now been established), and as descendants of the original families died or moved away, these grounds became less well maintained and the Blydenburg tomb (no record of its contents is known) fell into disrepair. Hearsy has it that the Blydenburg family had appointed a caretaker but that his first action was to take the key and throw it into the Oyster River from the Falls Bridge. George Ffrost Sawyer, Jr., the abutter on three sides, assumed its care for a time. When the town took over the responsibility for this graveyard in the 1970s it erected a fence around it and routinely trims the trees and mows the grass." Published in 1985 by the Durham Historic Association.


Have a good weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, New Hampshire

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572

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