From: Michael Behrendt Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 5:09 PM Subject: Main Street #15 - email from Nancy Sandberg To the HDC, I just forwarded an application to add dormers to the building at 15 Main Street. That item will be on the March 2 HDC agenda. Please see the email from Nancy Sandberg, below. Michael Behrendt Durham Town Planner Town of Durham 8 Newmarket Road Durham, NH 03824 (603) 868-8064 From: Nancy Sandberg [] Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 3:08 PM To: Peter Stanhope Subject: Comments on 15 Main Street Application Mr. Peter Stanhope Chairman Historic District Commission Dear Peter, Please share my comments regarding the Application for Construction of Peter Murphy at 15 Main St. with all the members of the HDC. This Main Street house is a 1930s garrison styled house in a very visible location between and opposite period buildings and houses in the heart of Durham’s Historic District. Therefore, any changes to it should make it more sympathetic to its neighbors. The large dormer on the roof facing Main Street is totally uncharacteristic of the garrison style where dormers are not used in the attic story especially on the front. The dormer overwhelms the structure and should be eliminated. Light and ventilation may be accomplished carefully in the remaining three elevations, leaving the front roof unaltered. The window fenestration of the front of the house is fine, but the style and proportions of the windows need to be changed to complement the traditional style of the house and the surrounding historic buildings. Double-hung six over six windows that are proportioned with greater height would be in keeping with the evolution of the style and would give this relatively small house greater stature. I would hope that the building materials would be of narrow wooden clapboards, simple wooden window and door surrounds and that any corbels decorating and hanging from the upper story would be preserved or reproduced as exemplary of the garrison style. Thank you for your consideration of my comments. Sincerely, Nancy Sandberg Curator Durham Historic Association