From: Karen Edwards Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 8:23 AM To: Karen Edwards Subject: FW: Comments on the Proposal for Mill Plaza From: John Mince [] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 8:19 PM To: Karen Edwards Subject: Comments on the Proposal for Mill Plaza Dear Town Planning Board, Durham, NH: It is with sadness that I view the latest in the series of plans for the Mill Plaza. This plan does away with all of the the advances the team had made along the way. What was slowly becoming closer and closer to an acceptable plan for renewing and rebuilding the Mill Plaza now seems to be a statement of scorn for the Town Board and the people of Durham. What possible motive could there be but to wrench us into having to accept the previous, and more acceptable, plan. This current submission is clearly an act of dismissal. A dismissal of our very real concerns. A dismissal of the work we have put into helping the planners come up with a valuable plan that all would accept and enjoy. My wife and I are abutters at 23 Faculty Road. We would be proximate to any building that goes on and any noise, smells, debris, that will emanate from the Mill Plaza and all its activities. From the looks of this last proposal it seems that the planners are trying to make sure we get the most toxic forms of noise, debris, and odors. If allowed to pass and to eventually be realized at the Mill Plaza, this plan will significantly lower the value of our property on Faculty Road. We have only lived here for seven years. Clearly if we had seen this proposal carried out seven years ago, we wouldn't have given Faculty Road another glance. We would have purchased our home elsewhere. The last proposal correctly recognized that we need the student housing to be aggregated toward the north end of the plaza. Now we see that in this current proposal, they slid the student housing back down to the southern end. Why? What happened in the intervening period for them to make such a move? We all stood and admired that they placed more students at the site of the current Rite Aid building in the last proposal. We were all for that, and hoped they could find a way to continue this good idea, getting the students moved closer to Main Street and away from the Faculty Road abutters. Please, as members of the Town Planning Board, kindly do whatever you can to halt this proposal in its tracks. If this is their ploy to get us to accept a previous plan, let's actually talk about that, and see if we can get some of the requests the citizens had actually requested. Things were moving in the right direction with their last plan. I even spoke up at the mike of having a celebration when this was all settled. We thank you, in advance, for all the work you are doing, and have done, to help this Mill Plaza redevelopment be one that will be appreciated by all the citizens of Durham for the decades that will follow. Whatever happens here, we will all be living with it for a very long time indeed. Let us make sure it is what we all can genuinely envision as satisfying, creative, and effective for our lives here in Durham, a wonderful place to live. Thank you. Sincerely, John A. Mince 11/26/17