From: Karen Edwards Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12:31 PM To: Karen Edwards Subject: FW: 29 Mill Rd. Variance Karen Edwards We have recently moved our offices. Please note new address below. Town of Durham 8 Newmarket Road Durham, NH 03824 (603) 868-8064 -----Original Message----- From: Pat [] Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 9:59 PM To: Karen Edwards Subject: 29 Mill Rd. Variance Patricia Haarr 45 mill Rd Durham, NH 03824 Phone: 603-868-8208 E-Mail March 6, 2015 To the members of the Durham Zoning Board of Adjustment RE. Application for variance from Article11, section175-7, of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to permit the temporary occupancy of four unrelated people in a single family home at 29 Mill Rd. I hope that as members of the Zoning Board, you will NOT APPROVE the variance for Marc McConnell to permit four unrelated people in his single family home at 29 Mill Rd. As I live at 45 Mill Rd and know the problems related to having student rentals across the street. While there are suppose to be only three unrelated people living in that house, I am not sure that is the case. With four or more cars in the driveway overnight, I have to think more students are living there. Last year I went over to ask the students to quiet things down, this was about one in the morning. Twice last year I had to call the police, because of the droves of students gathering in and outside the house. Students were being dropped off by the pick up truck loads. On both occasions there had to be over 75 students, if not more. As a tax paying resident, I am upset that Durham is being turned into one big student house. Come fall we will have to deal with the hundreds of students that will be milling around Main St. Now Marc McConnell wants to extend that same house atmosphere down Mill Rd. We have more then enough student housing taking over our town! If you allow this variance, then more home owners can ask for such a variance and get it. Mr. McConnell, lives in Colorado, he doesn't have to deal with the day to day issues with the students. Their parties, their yelling and screaming in the middle of the nights. Students using neighbors front lawns as a bathroom. He doesn't have to look at driveways that look like parking lots. I ask that you vote NO! Sincere Thanks Pat Haarr