From: Chip Noon Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2017 11:59 AM To: Thomas Toye Cc: Todd Selig; Karen Edwards Subject: Former Mill Pond Center Hi Tom, I am thrilled to hear that you have plans to re-energize one of Durham's cultural landmarks. I remember going to plays there many, many years ago. It seemed to me they always did very good work. With a long history of attempts to make this a permanent part of our town, and the examples of what does and does not work, I'm sure that under your direction it will finally succeed. I particularly like the way you have envisioned the project: community space, dance of all types, meeting space, and gallery space; then artisan workshops and two residential units; and finally, I hope, another theater to replace the old one. Having you and your family next door as full-time residents is a further plus to your project. Your presence will insure a neighborhood-worthy endeavor. Tom, if there is anything I can do to help you bring this project to life, please call on me. I feel this will be a great asset to our thriving community! All the best, Chip Charles A. Noon III 9 Littlehale Road Durham, NH 03824 603-866-1121 Contact Me LinkedIn Facebook Flickr Twitter