Darrell Ford - Town Councilor (3-year term)

Darrell Ford

Name:  Darrell Ford

Address:  26 Perley Lane

Occupation:  Retired

Education:  BS Civil Engineering, UNH

Length of Time a Durham Resident:  10 Years

Previous service on Town committees: I have not served on any Durham boards or committees but have served on numerous others, including for the Episcopal Diocese of NH on the Diocesan Council, Commission on Ministry, Bishop’s advisory committee on sexual misconduct, and others.  While living in Barrington I served as a coach and board member for the Barrington Youth Association and currently am the president of the board of directors for the Tennis Coop, Inc. in Madbury. These experiences are enumerated only to let you know that I am familiar with working on a committee with others toward a common purpose. I hope to do the same as a member of the Durham Town Council.

Explain your interest in being elected to the Town Council:  Eleven years ago my wife and I built a home in the Perley Lane neighborhood where we currently reside with our dog, Fiona.  Perley Lane was the third and final phase of the Fitts Farm development begun back in the 1980’s.  It’s a great neighborhood with great neighbors, close to the University and downtown.  We love it here. My other connection to Durham, besides UNH, is by way of the acappella singing group based in Durham, Amare’ Cantare’.  I began singing with them in 1982 and retired from the group a few years ago in 2020.

The reason I am running for Town Council is that I decided it was time to contribute more directly to the community and this is the way I chose to do that. True, I could have started on some other board or committee or been engaged in some other way, but this seemed like the right time and fit for me.  

I moved to Strafford County in 1971 when I was honorably discharged from the Navy and have subsequently lived in 5 of the 13 cities and towns that make up Strafford County.  After graduating from UNH with a degree in civil engineering, I have designed and constructed civil works all over the United States but many have been in the seacoast area including a fair number right here in the town of Durham. Together with my 13 years working at the NHDOT plus projects in the private and public sectors, I have a broad perspective on the state of NH and particularly the seacoast region.