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Historic District Commission/Heritage Commission

Welcome to the Durham Historic District! We appreciate your interest in developing property or making improvements within the district and would like to make the application process as simple and pleasant for you as possible.
Please feel free to contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, or Tracey Cutler, Administrative Assistant, with any questions or concerns. You can reach them at 868-8064 or at mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us and tcutler@ci.durham.nh.us. You are strongly encouraged to speak with Michael about your proposed project prior to submitting an application.
Elements Subject to Review
Approval from the Historic District Commission (HDC) is required for any activity affecting the exterior architectural appearance of a building and for various site changes including the following:
- construction of a new building and other structure;
- addition to an existing building;
- alteration to an existing building;
- demolition of an existing building;
- relocation of a building;
- signs and lighting;
- walls and fences;
- driveways, parking, and paving;
- removal of trees with a diameter of 12” or greater
An application must be submitted to the Historic District Commission through the Planning Department by Monday of the week before the meeting. You can download the application form on the right. The HDC meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Durham Town Hall at 8 Newmarket Road.
The Commission seeks to take action as soon as possible, which can be in one meeting if all of the necessary documentation and information is submitted in time and the proposal meets the requirements.
Standards for Review
The HDC follows a set of criteria included in the ordinance (You can download the ordinance on the right). All existing conditions are considered to be “grandfathered,” and property owners are never required to bring any existing condition into conformity with the ordinance (except in the case of violations). It is only when a property owner initiates a project that the proposal comes before the HDC, and only the elements proposed by the property owner are reviewed.
Submission Materials
The application package may include the following items as specified by the HDC:
1. Application Form.
2. Elevations. Elevation drawings to scale of each affected facade of the building depicting existing conditions and proposed work.
3. Details. Detail drawings of appropriate elements (such as the balustrade for a handicap ramp).
4. Plans. Site plans drawn to scale depicting existing conditions and proposed work.
5. Photographs. Photographs of the building.
6. Samples. Material sample (such as a brick), swatch (such as a piece of the proposed awning in the actual color), color boards, and manufacturer’s cut sheet of materials to be used.
7. Other Items. Any other items which the HDC needs to conduct its review.
Note that there are no application fees. Once again, please feel free to contact the Planning Department with any questions. Thank you for your interest!