Deborah Hirsch Mayer - Supervisor of the Checklist

The Town of Durham New Hampshire

DEBORAH HIRSCH MAYER - Supervisor of the Checklist
19 Garden Lane

Occupation:  Educator, editor, social worker, free-lance consultant

Education:  BA - Oberlin College; MA Ed, MSW - Washington University in St. Louis

Years as Durham Resident: 23 Years

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards, Commissions, Committees, or Organizations:  --Supervisor of the Checklist, January 2015-present; --Member, Mill Plaza Study Committee, 2007-2008; --Member, Friends of the Durham Public Library, 2001-present; --Chair, FDPL Book Store Operation Committee, 2014-present; --Chair, Steering Committee, Seacoast Choral Society, 2012-present; --Member, Board of Directors, NH Association of Infant Mental Health, 2001-present; --Member, Board of Directors, Dover Youth Softball League (DYSL), 2009-2014; --Secretary, Board of Directors, DYSL, 2009-2010; --Assistant Coach, DYSL 2008- 2014, Oyster River Middle School, 2010-2011; --Volunteer, Town of Durham, Oyster River Schools, Girl Scouts

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office:  As a first generation American, I deeply appreciate that I live in a democracy. I believe strongly in the importance of taking civic responsibility, both by exercising the right to vote and by serving one’s community. I have served as a Supervisor of the Checklist since January 2015, filling the remainder of the term of my predecessor who resigned. I value my increased involvement in and knowledge of the electoral process and I am eager to serve a full six-year term.

Additional background information not included in responses above, if applicable.   N/A