James Bubar - Town Councilor (1-year term)

James Bubar

Name:  James Bubar

Address:  4 Old Piscataqua Road

Occupation:  Retired after spending 31 years in the Independent Telephone Industry in various accounting, finance, operations management, and information technology roles. I was a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and a member of the American Society of Appraisers.

Education:  BA Administrative Science from Colby College, MBA from Thomas College

Length of Time a Durham Resident:  19.5 Years

Previous service on Town committees:  For 2 years I was a member of the inaugural Agriculture Commission. I was on the short-lived Addressing Committee. I was a member of the Planning Board for 5 years, a member of the Minor Site Review Committee, I was the Planning Board representative to the Technical Review Group for 4 years, the Conservation Commission for 4 years and Agricultural Commission for 1 year. I am currently in my first year of a 3-year term as a member of the Zoning Board.

Explain your interest in being elected to the Town Council:  I always seek new challenges, and I believe that my education, work experience and extensive experience with Town boards and commissions can be put to best use on the Town Council.