Sean Starkey - Town Council

The Town of Durham New Hampshire

SEAN STARKEY - Town Council
13 Riverview Road

Occupation:  Loan Officer

Education:  BA, University of New Hampshire ‘99

Years as Durham Resident: 12 Years

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards, Commissions, Committees, or Organizations: Since 2008 I have been a member of the Durham Zoning Board of Adjustment for which I have served as its Chair for the past three years. Most recently I was involved in the hiring process for the new Code and Health Officer for the town and I will be involved in this month’s process to help identify the best candidates for our Police Department.

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office:  Durham is wonderfully unique in its blending of its great history along with a renowned state University. And with this comes many opportunities but also many challenges. Over the past two years we have seen a large change in our downtown core by welcoming in many of the students that previously would have been spread throughout our family neighborhoods or other towns. We are also welcoming many new businesses that offer goods and services appropriate for both the town’s residents and the students. 

And though it’s refreshing to see the rejuvenation of the downtown core it is also bittersweet. Like many of the residents I have spoken with or heard from over my years in town, I too am concerned that we are mindful of the delicate balance that makes up our downtown core. And as a member on the Zoning Board for the past 8 plus years I have first-hand knowledge of the impact that these new housing facilities and commercial spaces bring. 

I believe there is room for responsible growth in the downtown core and throughout the town. But we face many challenges to make sure that this is done while being mindful of our towns full time residents. We also need to be mindful of the draw and potential strain this can have on the town’s services like Police, Fire and Public Works. To compound this, sometime soon we will be in discussions to replace our towns waste water plant to better handle the increase in its loading and the long overdue upgrades or replacement of our police and fire departments. 

I’m running for Town Council because I believe I can be a trusted representative of the town’s residents to see that we are mindful of these and many other challenges that will come before us. I want this town, my home, to grow and thrive. But it must happen while being fiscally responsible, fully mindful of our residents’ needs and the long-term growth of our wonderful community.

Additional background information not included in responses above, if applicable.   N/A