Tom Bebbington - Trustee of Trust Funds

Tom Bebbington - Trustee of Trust Funds

TOM BEBBINGTON - Trustee of Trust Funds
25 Park Court

M.A., Humanities, University of Chicago
B.A., English, Saint Anselm College       

Occupation:  Public Relations

Years as Durham Resident:  17 Years

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards, Commissions, Committees, or Organizations.
I am a public relations professional with considerable experience in financial matters, having spent more than 12 years working in the financial services field.  At my previous employer I also served for seven years on the 403(b) Committee, a group that had fiduciary responsibility for employee retirement funds. 

I have previously served the Town of Durham as a member of the Agricultural Commission (one term as an alternate, one term as a regular member).  I also served for two years as Treasurer and one year as President of the Yankee Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), and later as Treasurer of the PRSA’s Northeast District.  I also currently serve as Treasurer of the Shankhassick Club, and on the Basketball Advisory Group of the Oyster River Youth Association.

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office
We are fortunate to live in a state and town where government is transparent, accessible, and accountable to the people it serves.  That happy set of circumstances does not happen by chance; rather, it depends upon the willingness of citizens to volunteer to serve their community.  Those of us who have the time and talent are, in my view, actually obliged to serve.

My wife Jenna Roberts and I have made Durham our home for the past 17 years.  It has proven to be a wonderful home for us and for our children, and I am grateful for all that the community has done for us.  With my past professional and volunteer experience I believe I would be a good fit for the Trustees of the Trust Funds, and I would be honored to serve the town that has given us so much in even a small way.