William B. Schoonmaker - Library Board of Trustees

The Town of Durham New Hampshire

WILLIAM B. SCHOONMAKER - Library Board of Trustees
24 Mill Road

Occupation:   Architect

Education:  Amherst College, 1971 (B. Arts) and University of Washington, 1974 (M. Arch)

Years as Durham Resident:  32 Years

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards, Commissions, Committees, or Organizations: --ORCSD Long range Planning Committee --ORCSD High school Space Needs Study Committee --Chair of the Durham MainStreet Program --Member (March ’97 to March ’98) and Chair (March ’98 to ’02) of the Durham Historic District Commission --Trustee and Chair of the Durham Public Library (March 1999 to March 2005) --Member of the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees (March 2013 to present) --Regional Challenge Master for Destination Imagination (1997 to 2013) --Member of Midnight Oil Design, a pro bono guerilla urban design team --Deputy Town Clerk helping to register people to vote in the 2016 Primary Election

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office: Having served on the Durham Public Library as a trustee for three years, I am running for one of the open trustee positions to be able to continue to serve the Town and the Library.  I want to continue to develop effective policies that will help the director and staff manage the library in the best way possible and allow them to enhance the public’s enjoyment of the best library ever!

Additional background information not included in responses above, if applicable.  N/A