Conservation Commission Meeting

Calendar Date:
Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 7:00pm

*This meeting is conducted entirely remotely
via Zoom.  Please see section on
Public Input, Zoom Instructions, and
Other Information at the end of this agenda

February 11, 2021
7:00 PM
Via Zoom


I.         Call to Order

II.        Roll Call

III.       Approval of Agenda

IV.       Subdivision off Gerrish Drive.  Parcel at 91 Bagdad Road.  Conditional use application to cross/fill three wetlands and build infrastructure in the wetland buffer for conservation subdivision for 15 dwelling units (7 single family and 4 duplexes plus one existing house) on 16-acre lot off Gerrish Drive.  Marti and Michael Mulhern, property owners.  Mike Sievert, engineer.  Robbi Woodburn, Landscape Architect.  Mark West, Wetland Scientist.  Map 10, Lot 8-6.  Residence B District.  The commission will not be accepting any input at this meeting from the applicant nor from the public but the commission may have specific questions for the applicant to address.

V.        Other Business                                                                                                                

VI.       Adjournment


This meeting of the Conservation Commission is conducted entirely remotely via Zoom.  The commission will accept input at this meeting from interested parties.


Everybody will need to register in order to watch via Zoom. 

By Audio

AUDIO ONLY INSTRUCTIONS: In order to access any live Zoom Public Meeting by telephone, you MUST be preregistered.  Then call: 1-929-436-2866, enter the Meeting ID and Password.  Zoom Meeting ID's and Passwords are only available to preregistered participants.  You can preregister at:

To watch by Video

VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS:  In order to access any LIVE Zoom Public Meeting, you must be Preregistered. Preregistering for any Zoom Public Meetings can be done by clicking:


Please be sure your full name is viewable, and you are identifiable when using Zoom.
If watching on Channel 22 or DCAT LiveStream be sure your computer/TV audio is muted when using Zoom.​

These are LIVE Public meetings and we ask that your audio and video be muted.  If not, the host will mute them for you.  You will not be able to communicate directly with anyone in the Zoom meeting at this time.  If you wish to submit comments for public input, please submit them via email by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

If you should have difficulty, please send DCAT an email:  or by calling 603-590-1383. 

Per Executive Order by Governor Sununu, scheduled gatherings of 10 or more people will be prohibited.


Additional information.  Information on the items above are available for review on the Town website at

Contacting us.  Please contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, with questions or comments at (603) 868-8064 or

Communication aids.  Please provide the Town 48-hours notice if special communication aids are needed.

Next meeting.  The next Conservation Commission meeting will be February 22, 2021.