Conservation Commission Meeting

Calendar Date:
Monday, July 25, 2022 - 7:00pm

The public is welcome to attend in Council Chambers
or via Zoom remotely. Please see
other information at the end of this agenda.

July 25, 2022
Town Council Chambers - 8 Newmarket Road
7:00 PM

I.         Call to Order

II.        Land Acknowledgment Statement

III.       Roll Call

IV.       Approval of Agenda

V.        Public Comments

VI.       Land Stewardship. Tom Brightman, Land Stewardship Coordinator.  Estimated 7:10 to 7:25 pm*

  1. Two collaborative projects with UNH Extension.
  2. Eagle Scout proposal for wood duck boxes at Longmarsh Preserve.

VII.      26 Cedar Point Road – Dock Extension.  Request for comments to New Hampshire Division of Environmental Services regarding application for permit to extend dock into Little Bay.  Michael Cleary, property owner.  Steve Riker, Ambit Engineering, agent.  Map 120, Lot 32. 7:25 to 7:40 pm

VIII.    32 Cedar Point Road – Dock Extension.  Request for comments to New Hampshire Division of Environmental Services regarding application for permit to extend dock into Little Bay.  Manisha Heiderscheidt Trust, property owner.  Steve Riker, Ambit Engineering, agent.  Map 120, Lot 29.  7:40 to 7:55 pm

IX.       74 Mill Road – Shoreland District.    Conditional use for garage and accessory dwelling unit to be located within the Shoreland Protection Overlay District (SPOD).  Iago and Erin Hale, property owner.  Alex Ross, engineer.  Map 109, Lot 85. 7:55 to  8:30 pm

X.        Mill Pond Dam.  Discussion about Section 106 process for providing input into mitigation measures for removal of the dam.  8:30 to 9:00 pm

XI.       Review of Minutes:  April 25, 2022 and May 23, 2022   9:00 to 9:10 pm

XII.     Other Business  

XIII.    Roundtable.  Updates from Conservation Commission members. 

XIV.    Adjournment (by 9:30 unless extended by the commission)

*Note that the times listed after each item above are rough estimates only.


Members of the public may provide input on any matter before the commission in one of two ways:

1)   Email.  Send an email to Michael Behrendt, Town Planner, at   

       by 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting (You can also mail, drop off, or fax a letter);

2)   Speak at the meetingThe public is welcome to speak about any specific agenda item when that item comes up on the agenda and about any other appropriate subject during Public Comments time.  You can attend in person or participate via Zoom (See instructions below).


Everybody will need to register in order to participate via Zoom. 
Project applicants should present in person or via video (and make sure that they are visible).

To Participate by Audio

AUDIO ONLY CALL-IN INSTRUCTIONSIn order to access any live Zoom Public Meeting by telephone, you MUST be preregistered.  Then call: 1-929-436-2866, enter the Meeting ID and Password.  Zoom Meeting ID's and Passwords are only available to preregistered participants.  You can preregister at:

To Participate by Video

VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS:  In order to access any LIVE Zoom Public Meeting, you must be Preregistered. Preregistering for any Zoom Public Meetings can be done by clicking:


  1. Please be sure your full name is viewable, and you are identifiable when using Zoom.
  2. Your video will be turned off and audio muted until the Public portion of the meeting opens.
  3. If watching on Channel 22 or DCAT LiveStream be sure your computer/TV audio is muted when using Zoom.​

These are LIVE Public meetings and we ask that your audio and video be muted.  If not, the host will mute them for you.  You will not be able to communicate directly with anyone in the Zoom meeting at this time.  Participants will have the opportunity to comment during Public Comments, or when a Public Hearing is opened.  We ask that you mute your audio and video after you've commented, if not, the host will mute them for you.  If you wish to submit comments for public input, please submit them via email by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

If you should have difficulty, please send DCAT an email:  or by calling 603-590-1383                 


Additional information.  Information on the items above are available for review on the Town website at

Contacting us.  Please contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, with questions or comments at (603) 868-8064 or

Communication aids.  Please provide the Town 48-hours notice if special communication aids are needed.

Next meeting.  The next Conservation Commission meeting will be Monday, August 22, 2022.