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Weeks Lot
Wiswall Road | 18 acres
DIRECTIONS: From the Durham Town Hall follow Route 108 south approximately 1.6 miles. Turn left onto Bennett Road and follow to the end. Take a right onto Packers Falls Road 0.3 miles to a stop sign. Take a left onto Wiswall Road. The parking area for the Wiswall Dam/John Hatch Park is 0.4 miles on the left. Park here to access the Weeks Lot.
Weeks Lot Map and Property Summary
The Weeks Lot has 50 feet of road frontage, located approximately 1,200 feet east of the Wiswall Bridge over the Lamprey River and approximately 750 feet west of the intersection of Wiswall and Packers Falls Roads. A utility line runs through the northern section of the property. A walking trail runs along the Lamprey River starting at the Wiswall Dam. Although not posted, a section on this trail extends across private property. Except for the small field area near the road frontage, the property is entirely forested. A small white pine plantation is located between the utility line and the northern boundary. Pockets of wetlands are found in the northeast, southeast, and northwest corners of the property. An intermittent stream flows from the wetland in the northwest corner southerly to the Lamprey River.
Before conveying the property to the Town of Durham, the Forest Society placed the following “Conservation Land Use Restrictions” on the property in perpetuity. The following is excerpted from the property deed:
Purposes of Restrictions:
- To maintain the property as open space for conservation
- To protect soil productivity for forests, agriculture, and wildlife
- To protect scenic quality
- To protect surface and ground water
- To preserve and protect the designated “River Front Corridor” as an undisturbed habitat and travel way for wildlife and the water quality of the Lamprey River.