Historic District Commission Meeting

Calendar Date:
Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 7:00pm


Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Town Council Chambers, Durham Town Hall

 8 Newmarket Road


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Seating of Alternates
  4. Approval of the Agenda
  5. Approval of Minutes:
  6. Public Comments
  7. Staff Report
  8. 10 Newmarket Road – Windows and Gutter.  Application to add a copper gutter on the east elevation, replace window in gable on north elevation, and add two windows on first floor on west elevation. Robert Bradshaw, Bradshaw Construction, contractor.  Susanna Nichols, property owner.  Map 5, Lot 3-1. HDC
  9. Revolution 1774 – Raid on Fort William and MaryUpdate on planned events for Saturday, June 15 in Durham.  HC
  10. Other Business
  11. Adjournment - by 9:30 p.m.         


The Town of Durham offers access to meetings with Zoom and Durham Cable Access Television (DCAT) as a convenience to the public. Zoom is generally reliable for watching

meetings and offering comments when permitted. However, due to a variety of factors beyond our control, occasionally access on Zoom does not work properly. We cannot guarantee that Zoom will always be available seamlessly. Therefore, we suggest that those who want to ensure being able to watch and participate attend the meeting in person.

To access any LIVE Zoom Public Meeting, you must be Registered.  This link will take you to the registration page for all public meetings: https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/boc_dcatgovernance/zoom-video-meeting-schedule

If you have difficulty logging in, contact DCAT: 603-590-1383.


Members of the public may provide input to the commission in one of three ways:

1)   Email.  Send an email or letter to Michael Behrendt, Town Planner, at mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us

2)   Zoom.  Participate in the meeting via Zoom.  See the instructions below.

3)   Speaking at the meeting itself.  


Public Comments.  The public is welcome to speak about any specific agenda item when that item comes up on the agenda and about any other appropriate subject during Public Comments time.

HDC/HC.  HDC stands for Historic District Commission.  HC stands for Heritage Commission.  The commission is one body with two roles.  The HDC reviews applications in the Historic District.  The Heritage Commission’s broader role is to promote historic preservation throughout Durham. 

Additional information.  Files on the items above may be reviewed in the Planning Office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and on the website at https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/boc_historic.                                                                                     

Contacting us.  Contact the Planning Department with any questions or comments about the items above or any planning-related matters.  Call (603) 868-8064 or email Michael Behrendt, Town Planner, at mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us or Tracey Cutler, Administrative Assistant at tcutler@ci.durham.nh.us.

Communication aids.  Please provide us 48-hour notice if special communication aids are needed.

Next meeting.  The next Historic District Commission meeting will be July 11, 2024.


The Town of Durham, New Hampshire wishes to acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection maintained by the Pennacook, Abenaki and Wabanaki peoples to N’dakinna (homeland), aki (land), nibi (water), lolakwikak (flora) and awaasak (fauna). New Hampshire has been home to these Indigenous people for thousands of years. The residents of Durham acknowledge the ongoing hardships endured by our Indigenous neighbors after the loss of their unceded homelands which we now steward, and we will work to foster relationships to support the well-being of Indigenous people who carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.