Technical Review Group Meeting

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 - 10:00am

*This meeting will be conducted exclusively in Council Chambers.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Town Council Chambers, Durham Town Hall
10:00 a.m.
*Please see the notes at the end*


I.          Call to Order

II.         74 Main Street – Mixed-Use Building.  Formal site plan and conditional use application for demolition of current wood frame building and construction of a 4-story mixed-use building with commercial use, 12 residential units, and 13 parking spaces.  Doug Clark, applicant.  Mike Sievert, Horizons Engineering.  Zach Smith, Bergmeyer Architects.  Map 2, Lot 14-1-1.  Central Business Zone.

III.       Other Business

IV.       Adjournment                                                                                                                           

Please note:

1)         The Technical Review Group (“TRG”) is an informal group composed of representatives from Town departments and several land-use boards established to review development projects with applicants.  The purpose is to provide applicants an opportunity to speak directly with Town staff and representatives of the land use boards as part of the site plan or subdivision review process.

2)         The TRG is not a public body but an agenda is posted of the meetings, notes are kept by the chair, and the meetings are open to the public.  Members of the public may speak at the discretion of the chair/TRG.  Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, serves as chair of the TRG.  The TRG does not vote nor make any recommendations collectively as a body.

3)         Information about the projects above is available for inspection on the Town’s website and in the Planning Office.  Feel free to direct any questions or comments to the Planning Department at 868-8064 or to Michael Behrendt at or Karen Edwards at