Orion 25-35 Main Street Variance

December 10, 2013 - APPROVED

PUBLIC HEARING on a petition submitted by Orion, UNH LLC, Durham, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES from Article XII, Section 175-41(F)(1, 5, 7 & 8) and Article XII, Section 175-53 and Section 175-54 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit residential units on all floors of four out of the six proposed buildings, to permit two of the six proposed buildings to exceed 35 feet in height, and to allow parking spaces and dumpsters behind the 5 buildings fronting on Main Street and in front of Building B at the rear of the lot.  The properties involved is shown on Tax Map 5, Lot 1-6, 1-7 and 1-8, are located at 25-27 Main Street, 29 Main Street and 35 Main Street, and are in the Central Business Zoning District.