Rehearing of Variance for 190 Piscataqua Road

June 8, 2021 - APPROVED FOR SECTION 175-62 AND DENIED FOR SECTION 159(A)(2)(d)

PUBLIC REHEARING on a March 16, 2021 denial of a petition submitted by Thomas J. & Erin L. Daly, Nashua, New Hampshire, for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES from Article XIII, Section 175-59(A)(2)(d) and 175-62 of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of a new four bedroom house with attached garage and detached pool house within the Wetland Conservation Overlay District.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 12, Lot 7-0, is located at 190 Piscataqua Road, and is in the Residence C Zoning District.