Rehearing of Variance Application for Colony Cove Road

August 14, 2018 - APPROVED

PUBLIC RE-HEARING on a May 8, 2018 Denial by the Zoning Board of a petition submitted by Mary Lohnes Ehrenworth & Richard Hallett, Durham, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE from Article XII, Section 175-54 of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to reduce the non-conforming shoreline frontage for Lot 25-0, increase the non-conforming shoreline frontage for Lot 26-0 and create a new non-conforming side setback for Lot 25-0.  The properties involved are shown on Tax Map 12, Lots 25-0 & 26-0, are located at 22 Colony Cove Road and 18 Colony Cove Road respectively, and are in the Residence C Zoning District.