Request for Rehearing on Mill Plaza Variance for 4-Floor Buildings with One Floor Non-Residential

October 10, 2017 - GRANTED

REQUEST FOR REHEARING on an August 8, 2017 denial of a petition submitted by Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell PC, Concord, New Hampshire on behalf of Colonial Durham Associates, Durham, New Hampshire, for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE from Article XII, Section 175-41(F)(7) of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to permit the development of three, 4-floor buildings wherein Buildings B, C & D1 will contain one floor of non-residential space with three upper floors of residential units.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 5, Lot 1-1, is located at 5 & 7 Mill Road, and is in the Central Business Zoning District.