Variance Application for 228 Piscataqua Road

February 12, 2019 - DENIED

PUBLIC HEARING on a petition submitted by Kimberley Laris, Portsmouth, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE from variance from Article XII.1, Section 175-54 and from Article XIII, Section 175-59(A)(2)(d) of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to subdivide a piece of property into two lots where each lot is less than the required minimum lot size of 150,000 square feet and has less than the minimum frontage of 300 feet, where a structure is within the 50-foot side yard setback and where a structure is within the 100-foot wetland setback.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 12, Lot 2-5, is located at 228 Piscataqua Road, and is in the Residence C Zoning District.