Zoning Board Meeting

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - 7:00pm

Please refer to the “Zoom Call-in and Public Input Instructions”
for this meeting located at the end of the Agenda.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Council Chambers, Town Hall
8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH


I.   Call to Order

II.  Roll Call

III. Seating of Alternates

IV. Election of Officers

V.  Approval of Agenda

VI. Public Hearings:

A. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING on a petition submitted by Sharon Cuddy Somers, Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella, PLLC, Exeter, NH, on behalf of Kathleen Morris, Durham, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE from Article XX, Section 175-109(G)(1), of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to allow for more than one accessory dwelling unit on a property.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 8, Lot 2-3, is located at 30 Durham Point Road, and is in the Residence C Zoning District.

B. PUBLIC HEARING on a petition submitted by Auger Building Company Inc., Greenland, New Hampshire, on behalf of Ahmad Etebari, Durham, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION from Article XII.1, Section 175-56(G) of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to allow for the replacement of a septic system closer to the property lines than is allowed.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 11, Lot 31-13, is located at 3 Riverview Court, and is in the Residence C Zoning District.

C.   PUBLIC HEARING on a petition submitted by Nathaniel S. Balch, Durham, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE from Article XX, Section 175-109(F)(2 & 6), of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing garage which is over 200 square feet in floor area and located forward of the front façade of the house.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 14, Lot 21-2, is located at 20 Wiswall Road, and is in the Rural Zoning District.

D.  PUBLIC HEARING on a petition submitted by Nathaniel S. Balch, Durham, New Hampshire for an APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION from Article XX, Section 175-109(F)(4), of the Durham Zoning Ordinance to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing garage which will be heated.  The property involved is shown on Tax Map 14, Lot 21-2, is located at 20 Wiswall Road, and is in the Rural Zoning District.

VII.   Other Business

VIII.  Approval of Minutes:  March 17, 2020

IX.    Adjournment

Contacting us.  Contact the Planning and Building Department with questions or comments about the items above or any zoning-related matters.  Call (603) 868-8064 or email kedwards@ci.durham.nh.us (Karen Edwards, Administrative Assistant) or acline@ci.durham.nh.us  (Audrey Cline, CEO/Zoning Administrator).

Meeting dates.  Meeting dates are subject to change.  Contact the Planning and Zoning office about meetings. The next Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting is June 9, 2020.

Zoom Call-In & Public Input Instructions

To Participate by Audio

AUDIO ONLY CALL-IN INSTRUCTIONS: In order to access any live Zoom Public Meeting by telephone, you may call in to: 1-929-436-2866 then type in the Meeting ID.  All Zoom Meeting ID's and Passwords are posted on the homepage of the Town website at www.ci.durham.nh.us under “Latest News” on the left side.

To Participate by Video

Video only instructions:  In order to access any LIVE Zoom Public Meeting.  All Zoom Meeting ID's and Passwords are posted on the homepage of the Town website at www.ci.durham.nh.us under “Latest News” on the left side.

Go to: Zoom.us
Click: Join A Meeting
Enter Meeting ID#
Enter Meeting Password#


1.       Please be sure your full name is viewable, and you are identifiable when using Zoom.
2.       You will enter into a Zoom waiting room until the Public portion of the meeting opens.
3.       If you are watching on Channel 22 or DCAT LiveStream, be sure to mute when using Zoom.

Please remember that these are LIVE meetings and you will be muted when you enter the room.  You will not be able to communicate directly with anyone at the meeting at this time, if you wish to submit comments for public input, you will need to have submitted your comments via email to kedwards@ci.durham.nh.us by 5:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

If you should have difficulty accessing this number at 7:00 PM, you can send us an email to dcat@ci.durham.nh.us or by calling 603-590-1383. 

PUBLIC INPUT INSTRUCTIONS: Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, the Town of Durham will be taking extra steps to allow for public input during public meetings while still ensuring participant safety and social distancing. Per Executive Order by Governor Sununu, scheduled gatherings of 10 or more people will be prohibited.

For Zoom Meeting ID's and Passwords go to the homepage of the Town website at www.ci.durham.nh.us under “Latest News” on the left side.