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Pike Property
Packers Falls Road | 36.16 acres
DIRECTIONS: From downtown Durham, take Mill Road 2.4 miles to the end. Turn left onto Packers Falls Road. Go 0.6 miles then take a sharp right turn onto Wednesday Hill Road. Park at the Thompson Forest parking area 1/4 mile down on the left. Walk back toward Packers Falls Road, continue another 200 yards past a dirt road and a house on the right to the 50-foot wide field entrance.
Before the Town, the Pike Property was owned and managed by three generations of the Pike Family beginning in1919. Recognizing the diverse geologic and biological importance of the land, Bonnie Pike worked with the Southeast Land Trust (SELT) to conserve the family land. In July 2023, SELT obtained a Conservation Easement and the Town of Durham assumed ownership.
The property abuts or is adjacent to several other conservation properties, which altogether comprise 400 contiguous acres of conserved land, including the Town’s Thompson Forest, and the Burrows and Dunham Conservation Easements. The property protects conservation values important to the Town and Durham residents including:
- The UNH/Durham drinking water supply intake protection area;
- Undeveloped frontage along the Lamprey River, and
- Important wildlife habitats consisting of open fields, mixed hardwood and pine forests and several vernal pools. Rare, endangered, or threatened wildlife species have also been found on or near the property.
This unique property is open for exploration to those who enjoy natural areas without the need for trails. Find your way across the field, through the woods, and to the banks of the Lamprey River, where you can reflect on the beauty of this land which will be conserved forever.
- 1,221 feet of frontage on the federally designated Wild and Scenic Lamprey River.
- 4.7 acres of field, 4.9 acres of wetland, 26.5 acres of forest
- 8 documented vernal pools within 200 feet of the river
- No trails
- Walking in the woods, fields, and along the Lamprey River
- Nature exploration
- Fishing
- Birdwatching/ wildlife observation
- Quiet contemplation and reflection
- There are no amenities on the Pike Property
- Open dawn to dusk
- No hunting or fireworks
- No motorized wheeled vehicles (ATVs, trucks, dirt bikes)
- No Horseback Riding
- No campfires or camping
- Carry in, Carry out
- Do not disturb plants, animals, historical or cultural features