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Durham Friday Updates - Sept. 17, 2021 - Abridged Edition
Note: Today's edition of the "Friday Updates" is abridged due to the Yom Kippur holiday, vacation scheduling, and a robust budget season sechedule.
Following lengthy study, public feedback, and thoughtful statements by each member of the Durham Town Council, the Council acted Monday evening, 9/13/21, by a vote of 7-2, to move forward with dam removal of the historic, head of tide Mill Pond Dam on the Oyster River. Councilors Wayne Burton and Dinny Watters voted in the minority.
The following action was approved by a roll call vote of 7-2:
“The Durham Town Council, upon recommendation by the Administrator, does hereby approve the Final Design Contract for Alternative # 5 - Dam Removal to Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. for the sum of $284,226 and authorizes the Administrator to sign said contract with the monies coming from Account #07- 2185-801-36-000 and #07-1784-800-36-000.”
The meeting and discussion can be viewed on DCAT On Demand, Channel 22, or on line at https://durham.vod.castus.tv/vod/?video=33eae0e1-70c1-4e07-b4a9-8a85db82.... You can click on the last agenda item and the replay will begin at the start of the actual Council deliberation. There was also lengthy public comment regarding the dam at the start of the meeting.
Town staff subsequently executed an engineering contract with VHB on Tuesday, 9/14/21, to commence the aforementioned work as directed by the Council.
A second option was also presented to the Council by the Administrator on Monday evening, which the board opted not to act upon in favor of the prior motion/action.
“The Durham Town Council, upon recommendation by the Administrator, does hereby approve the final Design Contract for Alternative #3 - Dam Stabilization to Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.for the sum of$247,999 and authorizes the Administrator to sign said contract with the monies coming from Account #07- 2185-801-36-000. Approval of this alternative is contingent upon the NHDES Dam Bureau approving a waiver to regulate the dam as a "non-menace structure". Furthermore, approval of such a waiver request would be contingent upon the abutting property owner recognizing that dam failure would have a detrimental impact on their property and accepting the consequences associated with such an occurrence. NHDES would require that any such agreement would run with the land such that future property owners would also be bound.”
The Council communication with backup material concerning the Mill Pond Dam on the Oyster River and the two options can be found as the last agenda item at this link:
The Durham Historic District/Heritage Commission invites interested residents to join them in a special training program about historic preservation. Two sessions will be provided by the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) on the following two dates:
Session 1: this coming Thursday, September 23, 2021 from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Session 2: the following Thursday, September 30, 2021 from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m.
The CAMP (Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program) training is oriented to historic district commissions but many others will find the subject matter of interest. People can attend just one day or both days; the first session may be of greater interest to the public. Please send an email to the Town Planner if you would like to join the classes at mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us and specify which session(s) you are interested in attending. The sessions will be conducted over Zoom. We will send the link prior to the sessions.
The goal of CAMP is to provide high-quality, engaging and informative training through presentations, hands-on exercises, and group discussions. The program is designed to provide education and support to design review commissions, Downtown and Main Street organizations, neighborhood organizations, local and statewide non-profits, community leaders and public officials. These two sessions have been customized for Durham.
You can see more information about the program here: https://napcommissions.org/wp-content/uploads/CAMP-Menu-1.pdf. Durham applied for and received a Certified Local Government grant to cover the cost for $5,500 and the Town is providing the 40% match through in-kind services.
We particularly hope to encourage members of the HDC, Planning Board, and Zoning Board to take part in the training session.
September 20-24 is Spirit Week at Oyster River High School. Classes have planned planning a number of fun events. Go Bobcats!
Oyster River Middle School will begin offering world language to 5th grade students (previously offered for grades 6-8) around September 30. This change is made possible by teaching world language and music on alternating days and requires no additional staff. Additional schedule improvements will be possible once the new ORMS building is open, with dedicated space for world language, music, art, and other programs.
ORMS will host open houses for alumni or others who would like to revisit the building on September 24th 3:30-5:00 pm and September 25th 11:00am-2:00pm. The current ORMS building will be removed after the new building opens spring of 2022. Contact Middle School Principal Jay Richard (jrichard@orcsd.org) for more details. This also corresponds with events celebrating 60 years of soccer at ORHS on Sept 24-25.
The School Board will hold a public hearing on October 6 regarding proposed changes to Policy BEDH, Public Participation at Board Meetings. The proposed changes are intended to ensure that public comment focuses on those with a vested interest in Oyster River Schools (i.e. residents of Durham, Lee, Madbury, and Barrington which sends tuition students to ORHS). Details of the proposed changes will be published around October 1 with the backup materials for the October 6 meeting. Policy changes require two separate votes of the School Board.
The SASS program, New Hampshire's Safer At School Screening for COVID-19 will be getting underway in Oyster River. Parents of 248 students have opted-in for the initial round of screening, as well as a significant percentage of school staff across all four buildings and various departments. Details will be provided to those who have signed up as schedules are finalized. Parents may opt-in by completing the Consent form in PowerSchool, and may opt-out at any time. FAQ is online here. https://p12cdn4static.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_538005/Fi...
Have a very good weekend.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA
t: 603.868.5571 | w: www.ci.durham.nh.us
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