Friday Update March 13, 2009


13, 2009



An activity to look forward to as we
start to leave winter behind…the Hillyard family of Durham enjoys a peaceful
sail in the boat they built at last year’s UNH Marine Docent Family Boatbuilding
Workshop. Please see the item below to learn about how to sign up for this
year’s workshop. Photo courtesy Ray


As weather permits, the Public Works
Department will be starting its sweeping program next week.  Could this
mean that spring is on its way?


of Durham
Election Results

For Town Councilor (3 seats): 
Diana Carroll – 825, Robin Mower – 791, Neil Niman – 724, Richard Kelley – 653, Michael Skubisz –
539, Christopher Mueller - 113

For Durham Public Library Trustee (2 seats): 
Douglas Bencks – 942, Robin Balducci – 888

For Durham Trustee of Trust Fund (1
seat):  George E. Frick – 991

Article 2.  Durham - Conduct of
Officials Section 7.1C:  Yes – 1,143, No - 100

Article 3.  Durham - Town Report.
Section 9.1:  Yes – 1,129, No - 160


River Cooperative School

Election Results

Richard Laughton – 1514


For School

O’Quinn – 966, Edward Valena – 841, James Guard - 120

Townsend – 1019, Brian Banafato - 241

Brackett – 997, Donald Anderson - 503


Article 3. ORSD Paraprofessional
Contract:  Yes – 1188, No – 836

Article 4.  ORSD Bus Drivers
Contract:  Yes, 1369, No – 654

Article 5.  ORSD $350,000 for
CIP Items at District Facilities:  Yes – 1184, No – 792

Article 6.  ORSD $317,000 for
Technology Improvement & Upgrade Items:  Yes – 982, No – 983 (defeated
by 1 vote)

Article 7.  ORSD Up to $50,000
to SPED Expendable Trust Fund:  Yes – 1210, No - 770

Article 8.  ORSD Accept an
Athletic Facilities Expendable Trust Fund:  Yes – 1302, No -

Article 9.  ORSD Operational
Budget Totaling $37,982,610:  Yes – 1305, No - 624



Town and School District elections
were held on Tuesday of this week at the Oyster River
High School. Voting turnout
was quite good with 1,412 votes being cast (1,346 regular, 66 absentee). On
average, we see between 1,000 and 1,200 votes cast for a local election. On
behalf of the Town, we would like to extend a thank you to all of the election
officials who devoted many hours this week before, during, and after the
election ensuring that the democratic process in Durham was carried out fairly, effectively, and
efficiently. A thank you also goes out to the Oyster River Cooperative School
District for allowing voters to utilize the school
for voting purposes. 


in of New Councilors 

Town Clerk Lorrie Pitt will be in
attendance at Monday evening's Council meeting to swear in new members of the
Town Council. We welcome newly elected member Diana Carroll back to the Town
Council, as well as new member Robin Mower, and congratulate Neil Niman upon his
re-election to the Town Council. A great deal of gratitude and appreciation is
also extended to outgoing Councilors Catherine Leach and Henry Smith, both of
whom served for three years, for their devoted service to the community. The
newly elected Councilors will officially assume their duties after being sworn
in by the Town Clerk.


Scheduled for Newly Elected Town Councilors

An orientation session has been scheduled
for newly elected members of the Town Council beginning at 6:00 PM on Monday,
March 16, 2009, in the Town Council chambers.  To view the agenda for
the session, click HERE.


Does Local Government in Durham Function?

The Town Charter defines how local
government functions here in Durham. Unlike other New
Hampshire towns that operate under a Board of Selectmen/Town Meeting
form of government, there is no longer a Town Meeting in Durham nor is there a Board
of Selectmen. Instead, all of the powers of the town are vested in a Town
Council consisting of nine (9) Councilors. The Councilors are elected from
the town at large for three-year terms of office. Terms are staggered so that
three (3) Councilors are elected at each town election. The Town Council has
both budgetary and legislative authority. In other words, it can adopt a budget
and make laws without further action of the Town. A Town Administrator is
then selected and appointed by the Town Council to serve as the chief administrative
officer of the town. S/He supervises and is responsible for the administrative
and financial affairs of the town and carries out the policies enacted by
the Council. The Administrator is charged with the preservation of the health,
safety and welfare of persons and property and sees to the enforcement of
the ordinances of the town, the Town Charter, and the laws of the State of
New Hampshire.
For more information concerning the Durham Town Charter or to view the document
in its entirety, click HERE.


are "Administrative Notes" and "Friday Updates"?

Each Friday, the Town Administrator
pulls together information in order to keep members of the Town Council
up-to-date concerning issues and topics facing the community. This publication
is called "Administrative Notes." The purpose of "Administrative Notes" is to
help ensure that Councilors are kept well informed of local issues on an ongoing
basis. What is the status of ongoing projects? What challenges are departments
facing this week? What strategies are we planning to implement? Is the
Administrator about to embark on a course of action that Councilors would like
to weigh in on prior to implementation? Are there community events that might be
of interest? These questions and others are all addressed each week in the
publication. Over time, the distribution list was increased to include
department heads who then posted the "Administrative Notes" within each
department for members of the staff to read. This served to better inform and
communicate with the entire municipal organization. Then, about six years ago,
the Town was struggling with the idea of producing an ongoing newsletter for
residents. Because municipal newsletters are time intensive to create, expensive
to print, costly to mail, and often struggle with the issue of the timeliness of
articles, we opted to be creative and moved in a new direction utilizing the
information already being produced for the weekly "Administrative Notes"
publication as part of a new municipal list server broadcast that could be sent
to any and all interested residents electronically. Additional cost to the Town
- $0. This new publication was called "Friday Updates." To date, "Friday
Updates" has 1,408 subscribers, and individuals/community groups submit
publication ideas for inclusion each week. But readers should remember the nexus
of the publication -- a way for the Administrator to keep Councilors up-to-date
concerning issues facing the community.


Stimulus Update 

For the latest update concerning Durham's
application for Federal economic stimulus funding click HERE.
 The Town is also pursuing possible funding opportunities for fire
station replacement as well as potential monies to cover the full cost of additional
police officers for a period of up to three years.  As other opportunities
for funding become available, such as renewable energy projects, we will
work to pursue these as well.


Appointments of Citizens to Fill Vacancies on Various Town

On April 30, 2009, terms on various
Town boards, commissions, and committees will expire. In mid-April, the Town
Council will begin the process for making its annual appointments/reappointments
to Town boards, with appointments to take effect May 1, 2009. The Durham Town
Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability,
desire, and time needed to fill these vacancies. Citizens interested in board
appointments should contact the Town Administrator’s office at 868-5571 and
ask for a board application form,  or stop in at the Town Clerk’s office
located on the first floor of the Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road,
and complete an application.  Applications are also available on the
Town’s web site at: under
the heading “Features” at the bottom of the page. Completed applications may
be mailed to the Town Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to Deadline for
receipt of completed applications is Friday,
March 27, 2009.


Churchill Rink at Jackson’s Landing Advisory
Committee (1 vacancy)

Conservation Commission - (2 regular
vacancies; 2 alternate vacancies)

Durham Cable Access Television
(DCAT) Governance Committee - (2 vacancies)

Durham Energy Committee (1

Economic Development Committee – (1
regular vacancy; 2 alternate vacancies)

Historic District Commission - (2

Integrated Waste Management Advisory
Committee - (2 vacancies)

Parks and Recreation - (2 regular

Planning Board - (2 regular
vacancies; 2 alternate vacancies)

Strafford Regional Planning
Commission & MPO Policy Committee - (1 vacancy)    

Zoning Board of Adjustment - (2
regular vacancies; 1 alternate vacancy)



On Monday, March 16, 2009, the
Durham Town Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed ordinance amending
Chapter 153 “Vehicles & Traffic”, Section 153-34 “Schedule II: Speed Limits”
of the Durham Town Code by reducing the speed limit on a section of Mill Road
(from Main Street to Oyster River Road) from 30 MPH to 25 MPH. Also on Monday
evening, the Town Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed resolution
authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of grant funds in the amount of
$6,000 from the Oversight Board of ONE Voice for Southeastern New Hampshire,
representing the United Way of the Greater Seacoast, 112 Corporate Drive, Unit
3, and Portsmouth, NH for the purpose of alcohol enforcement


Questions regarding these items should
be addressed to Police Chief David Kurz at 868-2324. To view Ordinance #2009-03,
click HERE.
To view Resolution #2009-06, click HERE.
Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearings and express
their views.  Comments may be sent by electronic mail to:



As a follow up to the Public Informational
Meeting held on Wednesday, March 4th, discussion of the Oyster
River Dam at Mill Pond has been scheduled for the Town Council meeting on
Monday, March 16, 2009. To view the communication regarding this item, click
Based upon the Department of Public Works analysis contained within the communication,
combined with the historic, cultural, and aesthetic importance of the Oyster
River Dam to the community, the Administrator is recommending moving forward
with repairing the dam and supporting  Stephens Associates’ next task
of designing necessary repairs for the Oyster River Dam.



Police Detective Frank Weeks and his
wife Suzie are the proud parents of twin babies, Andrew Wayne and Rory Elizabeth
Weeks, both born on March 8th. Andrew arrived at 12:31PM weighing in at 5lbs,
6oz and 19 inches. His sister Rory procrastinated slightly and arrived 20
minutes later at 6lbs, 14oz and 20 inches.  All are doing very well.



The spring semiannual water meter
reading will begin on Monday, March 23, 2009. It usually takes the Water Foreman
approximately two weeks to complete the readings. 


Rink at Jackson’s

The 2008-09 skating season is
winding down!

The rink will close on Saturday,
March 21.


In appreciation of the community
support this year, we invite you to extended and free public
during our last weekend:


Friday, March
20       2:00 – 6:00

Saturday, March 21  12:30 –
4:30 PM


Remember there’s no school on
Friday, so bring the kids! Thanks to all of you who supported the rink this



The tenth annual UNH Marine Docent
Family Boatbuilding Workshop will be held at Kingman Farm in Madbury, May
15, 16 and 17. Each participating family will build their own 12 ft. Oyster
River Cat sailboat over the three-day weekend. It is a chance for families
to work together on a project they will enjoy for years to come. No experience
is needed; only a strong desire and rudimentary skills. Single moms, all thumbs
dads, and extended families are invited to apply. Each family must include
a youth 12 years or older. The boat is a sprightly sailing vessel with a 5
ft. beam that can carry a family of three for a day of sailing on quiet water.
It can double as a row boat if there is no wind.  It is light enough
to car-top or transport in a pickup, van, or small trailer. The total cost
of $950 includes all materials, rigging, and sail. An experienced Docent will
work with each family to guarantee success. For complete details and application
forms visit our website at
Please call UNH Sea Grant, Mark Wiley or Dari Ward at 749-1565, or Project
Director Ray Belles at 868-7180 with questions.


Photo courtesy
Ray Belles



Reads Reading Buddies on Spring Vacation - Reading Buddies Families, please make
sure you coordinate with your Buddy about UNH Spring Break next week, March 16 -
21.  Sessions will resume the week of March 22nd.

Library Board of
Trustees Meeting - Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM

Friends of
the Library Meeting - Wednesday, March 18, 2009 at 1:30 PM

For a list of all of our programs,
visit the Library's website at
and click on Calendar.



The following public meetings are
scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town
Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated


Town Council – Monday, March 16,

Durham Energy Committee – Monday, March
16, 2009 (4:30

Lamprey River Advisory Committee – Tuesday, March 17,


To view the agendas for the meetings
listed above, please click HERE

All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library
for checkout and viewing. 

To view the Oyster River School Board
meeting schedule, click HERE. 

To view the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees
meeting schedule, click HERE.



To view a listing of the DCAT programming
schedule, click HERE 



Hickory Pond Inn is pleased to
announce NEW hours
for public dining
Thursday – Saturday 5:00 to 9:00 PM
and Sunday Brunch 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Reservations are welcome but not
necessary. Join the Hickory Pond Inn for an Irish Dinner and Show
coming Tuesday, March 17th at 6:00 PM
featuring a traditional 3-course Irish meal--just $30.00 per person.  Call
to reserve seats at 603-659-2227, or visit the website at



Parents of Oyster River High
School's 2009 seniors are selling raffle tickets to
raise funds for Project Graduation. Project Graduation is a parent-supervised
event that provides seniors with a fun-filled, safe evening of activities to
celebrate their high school graduation.


Items for raffle

4 Red Sox Field Box tickets to a home game. 
Winner will select date based on availability. $5 for 1 chance, $10 for 3

March raffle calendars for $10 per calendar. Drawing
date will be on 3/26.

Beautiful jewel-tone, handmade twin-size quilt made
by a mother of one of the high school seniors - $5 for 1 chance, $10 for 3


Participants in this fund-raiser
will be at Durham Marketplace on occasional weeknights, and at Market Basket in
Lee on Saturday, March 14th, and selected ORHS play-off games. Raffle tickets
can be obtained through committee co-chairs, Diane Gallant
( and Sheila Harding (


Restaurant Social Evening

Parents of Oyster River
High School's 2009 seniors are
organizing a social evening at Ballard's Restaurant on Main Street in
Durham on
Thursday, March 19, 2009, from 5:00 PM onwards.  Drop in with family and
friends for dinner, drinks, or appetizers. Come and meet other ORHS parents and
enjoy a fun evening on the Town.  Thank you to Ballard's which will be
donating a generous percentage of the evening's revenue to Projection Graduation
2009. Raffle items will be on sale at this event too. Contact Francoise Meissner
at or 868-3041 for more information.


Air to Host Regional Tournament

’s Competition Jump Rope Team, Extreme Air, will host
the USA Jump Rope Region 10 Tournament on Saturday, April 4, 2009 at the
Oyster River High
School gymnasium at 55 Coe Drive in Durham, New
Hampshire.  Members of Extreme Air will face teams
from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode
Island, and New York as they vie
for the opportunity to compete at the USA Jump Rope National Championships which
will be held in Galveston,
Texas in


This will be the first time that a
Regional Tournament has been held in the Granite State and, therefore, presents a unique
and exciting opportunity for area residents to experience live competitive
jump rope.   The event is open to the general public.  The
day will begin at 8:00 AM with an Opening Ceremony, followed by single rope
individual, relay and double dutch speed events, single rope individual and
pairs freestyle, double dutch freestyle and double dutch pairs freestyle. 
The competition will conclude late afternoon with group team show and an awards
ceremony.  Continental breakfast and lunch, jump ropes and t-shirts will
be available for purchase.  Visitors may also purchase a chance to win
several exciting raffle prizes.  For additional information visit


Police Arrest Report

Week -
7 UNH (47%)             8
Other (53%)

*2008/09 Academic Year -611
      397 UNH (65%)  
      214 Other (35%)

Calendar Year
91 UNH (68%)         43 Other

*Commenced September 1, 2008 


Historical data
for the same week



























“1900 – The Chapel was erected as a
memorial to Hamilton Smith by his widow. Beautifully constructed of granite, it
has 6 lovely stained-glass windows. The graves of the Smiths and her daughter
are here. It is now owned by the Town and is available for small


Have a nice




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
(603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


Our weekly
“Friday Updates” provide updates and announcements concerning the community
for interested individuals and we’ve now made it even easier to subscribe. 
Please visit this
and fill out our new form to sign up.




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