Friday Update - November 7, 2014




Sunset over Durham this week from Nobel K. Peterson Drive. Courtesy Todd Selig



A final reminder that all Town offices will be closed in observance of Veterans Day next Tuesday, November 11, 2014. There will be NO CHANGE TO THE REFUSE AND RECYCLING SCHEDULE that week. Please have all items out by 7AM, as always.


The Transfer Station will be open on Tuesday, November 11. With many holidays coming up, residents should refer to the 2014 Holiday Schedule for refuse and recycling schedule information.



In accordance with the Town Charter, the Administrator’s proposed 2015 Budget, which includes the General Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Library Fund, Parking Fund, Depot Road Lot Fund, Churchill Rink Fund, Stone Quarry TIF Fund, and Downtown TIF Fund budgets, as well as the Administrator’s proposed 2015-2024 Capital Improvement Plan was presented to the Town Council at its meeting on Monday, November 3, 2014.  The proposed budget once again allocates limited resources, supports funding for targeted initiatives, and is intended to generally sustain and in some circumstances enhance the current level of municipal services available to residents and taxpayers of Durham.


To view the full budget letter, Click HERE.

A hard copy of the budget and CIP documents are available in the Business Office at the Town Hall and at the Durham Public Library.  


Electronic versions of the proposed Budget and CIP may be viewed HERE.


Moderator Chris Regan and Assistant Moderator John Lilly tally write in votes following Tuesday's closing of the polls. Courtesy Todd Selig


If you are interested in getting involved in one of the most fundamental parts of our democratic process and having the opportunity to meet voters on Election Day, please consider volunteering to be a ballot clerk or an assistant supervisor on election days. The Town has been so fortunate to have had a dedicated group of residents who for years have fulfilled this critical role and still do, but our numbers are waning!  

Please contact Town Clerk/Tax Collector Lorrie Pitt if you have an interest in learning more about getting involved at  



The Town has received confirmation of its tax rate for 2014 from the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration as part of the annual tax setting process.


The following is a breakdown of the numbers.




Earlier this fall UNH closed on the ATO fraternity house at 66 Main Street. As part of the transaction, the ATO organization has acquired the Elizabeth DeMeritt house on Garrison Ave. In April the financial affairs committee of the USNH board approved the University’s purchase of the former ATO fraternity on Main Street for $2.1 million in order to secure the location for a future development to benefit the university and the town and to enhance the downtown.   Durham Fire, Police, and Code Enforcement have expressed safety concerns about the property for the last year as constant trespassing has occurred. Following a fire within the building some time ago, numerous safety issues existed. Durham and UNH will be working on mutually acceptable terms for the redevelopment of the site. Neither entity is desirous of student housing in this location. The intent is to attract a private developer to partner with UNH and Durham to create desirable uses to potentially include hotel, commercial, retail, restaurant, bank, potentially the UNH Barnes and Nobel College Bookstore (currently in the MUB), and other uses.



Residents and businesses interested in viewing the extensive public comments made during the Planning Board’s 10/22/14 public hearing on the Mill Plaza’s application for redevelopment can now do so on DCAT On Demand.


OYSTER RIVER ROAD/GARDEN LANE GRAVEL WETLAND PROJECT - Neighborhood Informational Meeting, Friday November 7th at 4pm
The Department of Public Works and the UNH Stormwater Center will be holding an informational neighborhood meeting at the intersection of Oyster River Road and Garden Lane on Friday November 7th at 4pm to discuss an upcoming project for Spring/Summer 2015.


The Town received a Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Coastal Communities (GISCC) Grant in the amount of $16,000 from the Southeast Watershed Alliance for the design and construction of a green bioretention structure to be located near the intersection of Oyster River Road and Garden Lane to disconnect the stormwater runoff generated from the neighborhood and reducing the impacts of non-point source pollution on the Oyster River.


The proposed project includes an evaluation of the contributing drainage area, existing stormwater management infrastructure, and the design of an engineered green solution, which is expected to include a combination rain garden forebay, a gravel wetland, and an improved drainage outfall. If you have any questions please contact Town Engineer, April Talon at 603-868-5578 or For more information click HERE.



As communicated in the Fall Newsletter last month, Fall leaf and brush collection begins Monday.  All items must be out by 7am on Monday, November 10th.  During Fall Cleanup, Public Works picks up brush items first followed by the collection of leaves. 


Leaves should be placed in paper leaf bags (remember, plastic bags are not recyclable).  Paper bags may be purchased at Town and Campus, Durham Marketplace, and  stores such as Lowes or Home Depot.  Loose leaves will not be accepted but may be brought to the Transfer Station & Recycling Center on Durham Point Road. 


Brush should be placed in one direction, bundled and tied with string (no wire please).  Brush and limbs must be no greater than 5 feet in length and 5 inches in diameter.  No stumps will be accepted.  The amount of brush and limbs is limited to one truckload per household.


View of Lamprey River from the Thompson property located on Wednesday Hill Road. Courtesy Todd Selig



The Southeast Land Trust (SELT) and the Town are working together with the heirs of the late Shirley Thompson to preserve the 40 +- acre Thompson parcel on Wednesday Hill Road which lies on the Lamprey River immediately upstream to the Durham-UNH water intake pump station.  This week Duane Hyde from SELT (and a longtime Durham resident), Todd Selig, and a representative from the State walked the parcel as part of one of several grant packages to which SELT/Durham are applying to help fund the project. The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has also indicated financial support for the project.  UNH has provided written support for the initiative. A recent appraisal for the parcel puts the value at around $450,000. It is anticipated that funding from the Town for the initiative would come from either the Conservation Fund, the remaining conservation bond authorization from several years ago approved by referendum. In the amount of $2.5 million, or through the Durham-UNH water system. Under the approach being considered for the parcel, Durham would acquire fee ownership of the land and SELT would hold a conservation easement for the parcel.

Discussions are also active for another large conservation project to preserve the Hills parcel on Route 4 directly across the road from the Emory Farm farm stand.



Fall water/sewer bills have been mailed and are due November 10, 2014.


The Durham Winter Parking ban commences today November 1st and will be in effect through April 1, 2015.  As many know, parking on Main Street, Jenkins Court and any Town owned parking lot is prohibited between 1:00AM and 6:00AM throughout the year. But the Winter Parking ban prohibits parking ON ANY STREET from November 1st to April 1st between 1:00AM and 6:00AM.  As the ordinance states, “Any vehicle so parked during the prohibited hours and dates shall be subject to being towed away at the owner’s risk. The owner or owners shall be required to pay all towing costs and a fine before the vehicle is released.”  For the first week, the Durham Police will endeavor to issue warnings designed to remind everyone of the Winter ban but were a surprise snowstorm to occur next week, there should be an awareness that vehicles may be towed to allow for Durham Public Works to more effectively plow the streets and roadways of Durham.  



Chief Kurz advises that the police department has had several residents contact them about continuing telephone scams.  It is clear that the desire to separate people from their money has no bounds as scammers become very innovative in attempting to do so!  The calls have been very similar in nature with a foreign sounding voice contacting the residents about problems with their IRS tax payments and they can clear the matter immediately by sending payment.  Others may persuade the resident that their grandchild is in some minor trouble.  Knowing how grandparents feel about their grandchildren only makes you as the target more vulnerable.  The callers are very coy about getting you to identify your grandchild!  Inadvertently residents have offered the name by saying something as innocent as, “What kind of trouble is John in?” or “Are you sure you’re talking about Debby?”

The Durham Police is sharing this information for awareness purposes and to help prevent fraud and/or identity theft from occurring during these purposely stressful telephone calls!  As always the Durham Police urge residents NEVER to provide personal and/or credit card information via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or telephone solicitation. Even though these criminal enterprises appear to be centered in off-shore locations, it is requested that any suspicious solicitation activity be reported to the Durham Police for further assessment and review.


The outdoor piano that has filled Main Street with music all summer long is taken away for the season by DPW, Courtesy Karen Larson



Durham’s beloved downtown outdoor piano had a great 2nd season!

It arrived in May and departed in November courtesy of DPW.  Within minutes of arriving, the piano’s first player of the season arrived on his skateboard and made some good noise!

Throughout the summer and fall, the piano had its regulars, along with countless curious visitors who could not resist plunking out a note or two, or even playing a tune they hadn’t played in years.  Middle school students gave impromptu concerts at the piano, which at times included other instruments such as violin and saxophone.

The word (from Durham Police and DHOP late night employees) is that the piano became a calming and wonderful gathering spot for students in the wee hours of the morning.

There are even stories of many students singing Billy Joel’s Piano Man at the top of their lungs, accompanied by a spirited pianist.

Thanks to Johanna Knight, who believed in the concept and donated her piano to the project.  The piano had a wonderful wild new life!  Durham Parks and Recreation must be thanked for their enthusiastic support and involvement in maintaining and moving the piano both years.  Oyster River high school art students painted the piano’s beautiful mural (of Wagon Hill) and many of the students still stop by to check in on it!  The Candy Bar thanks everyone in the community who cared for, played, or contributed to the piano’s happy existence in any way!  Peace, Love, and Candy.



Parking Enforcement – Seasonal - Starting Salary: $14.00/Hourly

The Durham, New Hampshire Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Seasonal Parking Enforcement Officer.  The applicant selected to serve as the part time PEO will enforce state and local parking for this nationally accredited police department.  This position works 40 hours each week during the University of New Hampshire academic school year.  The qualified candidate will not work holidays or during the summertime months. Additional hours may be available if the successful candidate is trained as a Booking Specialist and/or for traffic control at special events.  

PEO duties will include state law and local ordinance enforcement, collection of parking meter monies, parking meter repair, traffic direction and control, some radio communications, and other duties as assigned or as applicable.  Training and uniforms will be provided.

Minimum qualifications for this position include a high school diploma or GED,  the ability to walk and/or stand for a minimum of 8 hours each day, lift/carry a minimum of 30 pounds for short distances, and must read, write and verbally communicate in the English language.  Applicants must have a valid driver’s license.  Applicants with tattoos, brands, or body piercings visible in short sleeve shirts or short pants will be disqualified. The qualified candidate will be subject to a background and reference check.

Letter of Interest, Resume, and Town of Durham Application must be received by:

Capt. David Holmstock by 12:00 Noon on Friday, December 5, 2014 at:

Durham Police Department, 86 Dover Road, Durham, New Hampshire 03824.

The anticipated date of appointment from this selection process is approximately one week from the application closing date.  This date is subject to change.

Females and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

The Durham Police Department is an equal opportunity employer.


New Huber Screw Presses at the Durham WWTP. Courtesy DPW


THE HUBERS HAVE ARRIVED! – An update to the WWTP Sludge Dewatering Project

DPW and the Wastewater Division are excited to announce that the new Huber Screw Presses have arrived at the WWTP! These state of the art devices arrived yesterday morning and were brought into the facility around 9am. These devices provide efficient, reliable, and automated operation of biosolids thickening and dewatering. Water drains though the basket and the solids are retained within the basket and conveyed slowly upwards towards the inclined basket by a rotating screw. The conical formation of the screw significantly reduces the volume of solids.



Automobile Service Facility – 3 Dover Road.  Redevelopment of former Cumberland Farms property into facility with 4 service bays, an office and 12 parking spaces.   James Mitchell, Tropic Star Development, applicant;  Cumberland Farms, property owner;   Barry Gier and Wayne Morrill, Jones & Beach, Design Engineers.  Map 4, Lot 49.  Courthouse Zoning District. 
Accepted as complete.  A site walk was set for Friday, November 5, at 4:00 p.m.  The public hearing will be held on December 10.

Public Hearing - Edgewood Road and Emerson Road Subdivision.  Subdivision & Boundary Line Adjustment for 4-lot subdivision.  Jack Farrell, applicant. County Line Holding, LLC and Mark Marong 1991 Trust, owners.  David Vincent, surveyor.  Map 1, Lot 15-0. 
Postponed to December 10 at the applicant’s request

Madbury Commons – 17 & 21 Madbury Road.  Clarification on type of design sought for bridge to be built over Pettee Brook.  The applicant has been meeting with an ad hoc committee to discuss various details of the designs for the approved project, including the new bridge.  Direction is needed for whether the bridge should have a stone veneer or if a timber bridge might be acceptable.  Approved site plan for multi-unit dwellings for 525 occupants, a new street, and commercial space.  Golden Goose Properties, Barrett Bilotta, Ken Rubin, and Eamonn Healey, applicant. 
Postponed to November 12 at the applicant’s request

Public Hearing – Site Plan Regulations.  The Durham Site Plan Regulations have been overhauled with a new draft including Part I – General Provisions, Part II – Site Plan Review Process, and Part III – Development Standards. 
The board went through all of Part I and made a number of changes.  A revised Part I will be brought back to the board on December 10 for endorsement.  The board expects to keep the public hearing open throughout its review of the draft regulations.

Other Business
The board discussed the proposal for Madbury Commons to build a timber bridge instead of a stone veneer bridge.  It was the sense of the board that the applicant would be expected to build a stone veneer bridge, as stipulated in the approval unless there was a compelling reason for the board to allow for a timber bridge.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Town Council - Monday, November 10, 2014

Agricultural Commission - Monday, November 10, 2014, 2014, 7:00 PM (Durham PD Community Room)

Planning Board - Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Conservation Commission - Thursday, November 13, 2014


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at


Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.



Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account.  You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time.  All you have to do is click and watch.  Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device.  Please contact with any questions.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Mad Science is back for an exciting and hand on learning experience on November 11th

Mad Science is Back! Join us for a morning of Mad Science! Students will be exposed to the science of natural and synthetic materials, light, and color through a series of hands-on activities, inquiry-based discussion, and demonstrations.

When: 11/11/14 9:30 am-12 pm  

Where: Oyster River Middle School.

Limited Space available!  Register HERE!


Churchill Rink

Most up-to-date schedule can be found HERE.


Like Churchill Rink on FACEBOOK!

Advertise with us! Dasherboard advertising available for the 2014-2015 season. Please contact us for further pricing and information. Call us at 603-868-3907 or

Birthday party packages:

Public session- Just $10 per person, includes, public skate admission, 2 pizzas and soda for your party. Bring your own cake and decoration a locker room for your party. Minimum of 10 participants.


Fall at Wagon Hill Farm. Courtesy Katie Palmatier



Several temporary signs were placed at Oyster River Forest to alert visitors of the restoration efforts currently taking place throughout the property. Courtesy Stefanie Frazee


Feather Fest   

Durham Parks & Recreation is once again partnering with Oyster River Parents of Preschoolers to present Feather Fest!  This annual event will feature a story read by a local parent, while children follow a trail of feathers to a sweet treat awaiting them at the Bay.  Free for all ages!  


When: November 27th @ 10 am

Where: Wagon Hill Farm

Tree Lighting Celebration:

The 3rd Annual Tree Lighting Celebration will take place on Saturday, December 6th from 6-8 pm.  If your business or group is interested in participating fill out a registration form HERE!

Fall Hours: Please note that some class times and locations have changed for the fall. View our weekly calendar and class descriptions HERE!
Drop in to most of our fitness classes for only $10!

Save the Date

Feather Fest - November 27th (10am)  

Tree Lighting Ceremony - December 6th (Rain date December 13th)


Monet's famous lily pond. One of the many photographs that will be shown of the gardens at Giverny, France during a presentation by John Bubar at the Durham Garden Club meeting on Tuesday, November 25th. See details below. Courtesy John Bubar



Pasta Dinner Fundraiser for Ben & Shire, Friday, Nov 7, 2014, 5:30-7:30 PM, Young’s Restaurant, downtown Durham. Suggested Donation: $25/family. More information, click HERE.

Rotary Club of Durham-Great Bay Food Drive, Thur & Fri, Nov 13 & 14, 2014, 3-6PM, and Nov 15, 9AM-2PM, Durham Marketplace. UNH Rotaract Club is collaborating with the Rotary Club and will be collecting on Campus and helping at the Plaza. All proceeds will go to End 68 Hours of Hunger Oyster River Chapter. Food items needed: canned tuna or chicken, canned pasta, mac & cheese, fruit cups or cans, soups, cereal, nutrition bars, crackers, peanut butter. Cash donations also welcome

Ready Rides Fundraiser, Saturday, Nov 15, 2014, 7PM, Durham Community Church. Ready Rides is a nonprofit organization providing transportation to medical appointments to the elderly and handicapped in the Seacoast region. Entertainment: NH storyteller Rebecca Rule, Grammy award winning guitarist Ed Gerhard, and pianist Bob Chadbourn. Suggested donation: $12 per adult, $6 for children. To learn more about Ready Rides, click HERE.
UNH Celebrity Series welcomes the Doric String Quartet, Tuesday, Nov 18, 2014, 7PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre.  Tickets can be purchased on line at

Durham Garden Club Meeting, Tuesday, Nov 25, 2014, 6:30 PM, Durham Public Library. John Bubar to present “Working in a Work of Art:  A Volunteer Experience in Monet’s Garden”. John Bubar was not a gardener when he volunteered to work in Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny, France, but he learned a few things from the cadre of garden professionals there. He will share his photos and stories about the gardens and the gardeners at Giverny, how he came to work among them, and what he learned. The public is cordially invited to attend.   


Celebrity Chef and Author, Mary Ann Esposito, hosts food event: "No Such Thing as Italian Food" at the Durham Public Library on Wednesday, November 19th. See details below.



Do you want to receive an email with upcoming events happening at DPL every Wednesday morning?  If yes, go to the library website  On the lower left hand corner is a box with three blank lines for your email address and name. It is that simple. Thank you for subscribing to the DPL Wednesday Newsletter.


Travel to China Family Storytime on Sat. Nov. 8th at 10:30 a.m. – Join us as we take a trip to China!  Join us for fun stories about China, feltboard, songs, rhymes and a craft!  All are welcome!  Next week, Sat. Nov. 15th at 10:30 a.m. – “Colors of the Rainbow” Family Storytime!
Mindfulness Meditation, Sat. Nov. 8th at 10:30-12:00 PM - Join one hour  of group meditation to experience how you can shift attention to the present moment through deep breathing to calm the mind and relax the body…  All Welcome Contact Jiong Jiong Hu  603 978 2267
Crafternoon – Sat. Nov. 8th from 12:00-4:00 p.m. – Join us in the storytime for a fun craft!

Game Afternoon: ages 10 & up, Mon., Nov. 10th at 2:45 p.m. -   This week’s game is:  "Pictionary"
Neville Caufield Photography Exhibit & Presentation, Mon. Nov. 10th, 7:00-8:00 p.m. - Welcome Oyster River High School Junior, Neville Caulfield. He will share his interest in photography.  His works will be on display in November.
The Library will be closed, Tues. Nov. 11th in honor of Veterans Day.

Acoustic Open Mic Night, Weds. Nov. 12th 6:30-8:00 p.m. – Can you sing? Play an instrument? Need an outlet for your talent? Then bring your instrument, whatever it may be and join in the fun at this monthly event hosted by Peg Chaffee and Cheryl Sager. Open Mic Night is held in the cafe. Refreshments will be served.
Join the Bookeaters, a middle school monthly book discussion group on Weds. Nov. 12th from 2:45-4:00 pm.   This month’s book is “Who Could That Be at This Hour?” by Lemony Snicket.  Walk from the Middle School.  Ruth Wharton-McDonald is the facilitator.  Books are available at the library and pizza is served.
Storytime: Thurs. Nov. 13th at 10:30 a.m.  This week: Hats!  We read stories, do fingerplays, feltboard and a craft.
Lego Club, Thurs. Nov. 13th at 3:45 p.m. This week:  Cars/Transportation!  For k-4th graders.
Movie, Divergent, Thurs. Nov. 13th at 6:00 p.m. Rated PG 13 – Read the book and then see the movie.  Novel Divergent  by Veronica Roth.  Page to Screen, movies based on books.  Contact Armida Geiger
Homeschoolers Activity Hour, Fri., Nov. 14th at 10:30 a.m.  This week: Art!
Adult Game Afternoon, Fri. Nov. 14th 12:30-2:00 p.m. -   Bridge, Chess, Checkers, Cards, Dominos. ...or bring your own game.  Come, have fun, and enjoy free refreshments.  Contact Armida Geiger

Family Movie, “Muppets Most Wanted”, Sat. Nov. 15th at 2:00 p.m. – Join us for our monthly family movie, “Muppets Most Wanted”!  All are welcome and popcorn is served.
McGregor Memorial EMS CPR Course, Tues. Nov. 18th, 6-8:00 p.m. – Register at or call 603-862-3674  Cost is $20.00

Libros Lovers, High School Book Group, Weds. Nov. 19th at 2:45-4:00 p.m. – This month’s book is “We Were Liars” by E. Lockhart.  Ruth Wharton-McDonald is the facilitator.  Books are available at the library and pizza is served.
FOOD EVENT:  “No Such Thing as Italian Food” with Celebrity Chef and Author, Mary Ann Esposito, Weds. Nov. 19th, 6:30-8:00 p.m. - No registration needed for the free FOOD EVENT. Come early in time to park, get your FREE RAFFLE TICKET, & check-out the newest cookbook for sale and signing. Ciao Italia Family Classics: More than 200 Treasured Recipes from Three Generations of Italian Cooks.  Join us for a very special evening. The Durham Public Library will be collecting non-perishable food items at the FOOD EVENT to be delivered to the local food pantries.  (Armida Geiger )
AFRICAN QUEEN - MOVIE Friday Film @ 2:00 p.m. Fri. Nov. 21st, 2:00-4:00 p.m. -   1951 Starring Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Robert Morley, Peter Bull. In Africa during WW1, a gin-swilling riverboat owner/captain is persuaded by a strait-laced missionary to use his boat to attack an enemy warship. Contact: Armida Geiger   603-868-6699
Nutcracker Scenes with The Northeast Ballet Special Family Program, Sat. Nov. 22nd at 10:30 a.m. – Join us for this fun family program for all ages.  We will read the Nutcracker story, watch the Northeast Ballet perform some scenes from the Nutcracker and make a fun craft.  All are welcome!
PJ Storytime, Tues. Nov. 25th, 6:30 p.m. – This month:  Thanksgiving and Squirrels!  Join ORPP (Oyster River Parents and Pre-schoolers) and the library for this month’s PJ Storytime.  We read stories, do feltboard, sing songs, fingerplays and make a fun craft.  Snack provided by ORPP.  Wear your pajamas and all are welcome!
Durham Garden Club, Tues. Nov. 25th, 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Guest speaker, John Bubar. Contact: Mary Caulfield   603-868-2220
FREE MOVIES FOR NOVEMBER – 6:00PM, Divergent (2014) Rated PG 13, Nov. 13 Thurs. 6:00 PM, Muppets Most Wanted! Rated PG, Nov. 15, Sat. 2:00PM, African Queen (1951) Rated PG Nov. 21 2:00PM. Movies are shown in the Oyster River Room. Movie snack provided.
Patch Club:  reading incentive program for ages 2-12 years.  Sign-up at the Children’s Desk!
Tales for Tails:  Read to a trained therapy dog K-4th grade - sign-ups have begun.
Join the Durham Public Library Birthday Book Club.  Celebrate a child’s birthday in a unique way with a gift of a book to the library.  Talk to the Children’s Librarian at the children’s desk for more details.


Visit the DPL website for more information.



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association
1903 - Goat Island, owned by Newington, was the home of a squatter, Jim Murtaugh, for 22 years. Everyone left him alone, because of his fierce dogs and excellent aim. He did hunt, fish and lobster. He was friend of the Dunlaps, Emersons, Jones, Langleys and Watsons, especially at mealtimes.


Please have a very nice weekend. 




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?