Ice out on the Oyster River at Mill Pond Dam. Courtesy Andrea Bodo
Durham's swans appear to have been the focus of attention for residents over the past week as ice out began to occur in Durham.
Look for many swan photo submissions throughout this week's "Friday Update."
On Monday evening this week, after extensive discussion, the Town Council passed a resolution conveying to the University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees the Town of Durham's endorsement of the March17, 2014 proposal by the University of New Hampshire to build a replacement UNH-Durham pool. To view the resolution, click HERE.
The UNH/Durham Water System recently adopted a Cross Connection Control Program to satisfy New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Env-Ws 364. These regulations require public water systems have backflow prevention devices installed at every service connection, and each backflow device must be inspected by a certified inspector and tested at least once per year. This regulation will affect commercial properties on the water system only.
Facilities that pose an elevated risk to the system must be tested twice per year. The purpose of this regulation is to protect the public drinking water supply from back siphoning of potentially harmful substances into the distribution system from the interior plumbing of individual buildings or exterior irrigation systems.
Letters were mailed this week to owners of commercial properties requesting that they contact New England Backflow, the company the Town has selected to provide testing, to have their Backflow Devices inspected. This inspection is being paid by the Town however owners will be required to have their backflow devices tested at their own cost. The Town is required to send testing reports to NHDES to satisfy the regulations. Again, the purpose of the program is to protect Durham's drinking water.
Documents regarding the Cross Connection Control Program may be obtained by contacting Assistant Town Engineer, April Talon, P.E. at Public Works Engineering Division, at 868-5578. atalon@ci.durham.nh.us
DPW asked Robert Burnham (below) of Millside Groundworks in Strafford to restore a portion of the rock wall at the Joy/Griffith graveyard located on Packers Falls Road (Newmarket end) that was hit and damaged this week. Resident Beth Olshansky provided these "before" and "after" photographs.
Durham Department of Public Works is holding a public informational meeting on Thursday, May 8, 2014 beginning at 5:00 PM at the Durham Town Office to provide details about the Coe Drive Culvert Replacement Project and to answer any questions from residents. This project includes replacing the existing undersized culvert with a 10’ wide x 6’ high precast concrete box culvert with appropriate headwalls and associated minor roadway reconstruction work. Additional work includes the upgrade of water, sewer, and drainage utilities.
Unitil will be replacing a section of their gas line within the project limits. PSNH will be relocating two poles to allow for the required clearance during the placement of the box culvert. Construction will take place after school is out for the summer and Coe Drive will be closed to thru traffic at the culvert. Residents will still be able to access their homes from Bagdad Road and Dennison Road.
Feel free to contact Assistant Town Engineer April Talon, P.E. at 868-5578 with any questions regarding this project. atalon@ci.durham.nh.us
April 4, 2014: The Beard's Creek swans walk across a portion of the remaining ice. Courtesy Jesse McKone
As part of the Durham Master Plan Update, a new chapter will be developed on on Historic Resources. The Historic District/Heritage Commission is developing this chapter with the guidance of consultants Nicole Benjamin-Ma and Rita Walsh of Vanasse Hangen Brustlin of Watertown, MA. This chapter will help to identify valuable architectural, historical, and cultural resources throughout the Town and offer strategies to preserve and enhance those resources. Residents are encouraged to provide their thoughts about this issue. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey which can be accessed HERE.
The Historic District/Heritage Commission is also holding a Public Forum on Durham’s Historic Resources on Thursday, May 8th at the Durham Public Library from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. More information will be provided later. Please plan to attend.
A New Hampshire Building & Fire Code Fact Sheet has been developed as a result of the collaborative efforts between the NH Division of Fire Safety, the NH Building Officials Association, the NH Building Code Review Board, the NH Association of Fire Chiefs, and the NH Planners Association. To view the Fact Sheet, click HERE.
Durham swans on Mill Pond last week. Courtesy Jane Grota
SPRING CLEANUP - April 28, 2014
Residents should have received their Annual Spring Newsletter detailing the curbside bulky waste collection (Spring Cleanup) and Hazardous Waste Day scheduled in the fall. Bulky Waste Cleanup- PICKUP BEGINS MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014. Please place materials curbside NO EARLIER than April 26th and NO LATER than 7AM on April 28th. See the newsletter for details. If you have any questions, please call Public Works at 868-5578.
Some residents may be aware of the Public Works' comprehensive 17-year plan (shown above) which includes all roads and the proposed year and treatment of that road. It is always on display for residents to see at the Public Works Office.
After an extremely long, miserable, cold and snowy winter, Public Works is developing plans to handle poor road conditions around Town.
Did you know that Durham has 62 miles of roads? Specifically this winter with the extreme weather, we have experienced more damage and wear and tear in the form of frost heaves, pot holes, etc. than has been seen in the past. Director Michael Lynch has been here for 38 years and has not seen roads disturbed this much in his career. The staff at the department completely understand the frustration and uncomfortable driving conditions associated with the poor conditions the Town is experiencing, and they are doing all they can to keep up with it.
What is a pot hole? A pot hole is the deterioration of the asphalt itself, the biggest cause of which is water coming into a crack from the top or bottom weakening asphalt, compounded by traffic weight resulting in a pot hole.
What is a frost heave? Frost heave, a New England native, is freezing and thawing of the moisture in the subsurface of the road which then either heaves up the asphalt, breaking and cracking it, or causes a depression also cracking and breaking asphalt. Both pot holes and frost heaves with extreme cold weather are unavoidable. DPW has cold patched pot holes this winter three times more than previous winters. To view examples, click HERE.
What is the protocol? During winter months when a pot hole occurs, it is patched as soon as time allows (snow plowing and emergencies take priority) with a product called “cold patch” which is an asphalt product that is available during winter months but is only a temporary fix until the asphalt plants re-open in spring. DPW is pleased to report that the plants opened Monday, April 7th, allowing the process of installing permanent patch repairs to begin this week and will continue as an ongoing priority of the DPW. The larger concerning frost heave areas will naturally start flattening out and improve with better weather, but will be in need of a much larger repair than pot hole patching. These locations have been identified and will be scheduled for repair.
The Public Works Department has a comprehensive 17-year plan that includes all roads and the proposed year and treatment for that road. It is always on display for residents to see at the Public Works Office. The 2014 road program has already been bid out and is due to start in the next 6-8 weeks. Although the DPW is not able to change the 2014 schedule, it is already updating the 2015 schedule to include roads that have experienced severe damage over this harsh winter. Shown below is the 2015 proposed schedule that the department has put together totaling $689,391. This schedule is a proposed list of roads that will need to be reviewed by the Administrator and Town Council as part of the FY 2015 budget process and is subject to change. Note that the projected road program for 2015 as outlined in the 2014 CIP plan had been $377,839, a $300,000+ difference.
There is a good chance that the DPW is aware of the pot holes that need attention; however, to report a pot hole to the DPW, please feel free to email publicworks@ci.durham.nh.com or call 868-5578. Thank you for your patience!
Road Program 2014-2030
Durham's swans came out of the Mill Pond this afternoon to enjoy some sun. Courtesy Jay B. Gooze
WHAT IF WE MAKE DURHAM MORE WALKABLE? Social capital -- a community's collective asset that is based on the power of its social networks -- is enhanced by safe sidewalks, good lighting, and well designed, compact development with easy access to shops, parks, schools, and dining.
Studies indicate that communities that are walkable are linked to greater health benefits, higher home values, and better mental health.
With the Master Plan update underway, residents might wish to learn more about this concept. Read the newly published UNH Carsey Institute article, "Walking Builds Community Cohesion."
Great progress continued this week at the new Town Hall with framing 75% complete. This picture is of the Council Meeting Room. Courtesy Craig Stevens
This week, the IT Director Luke Vincent and Director of Public Works Mike Lynch conducted a preliminary walk-through of the new Town Hall building with the wiring vendor. Courtesy Craig Stevens
The Durham Historic Association will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 2:30 PM in the Oyster River Room of the Durham Public Library. The program features the Bragdon Collection of Durham Documents, Discoveries from an old Durham Barn, the Fortieth Anniversary of Durham Rejecting the Onassis’ Oil Refinery, and the Election of Officers and Directors for 2014-2016. Refreshments will be served.
Positive changes are being made to the Oyster River Music Program beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. The entire music faculty, building principals, UNH music faculty members, Superintendent Morse and consultant, Jeffrey Leonard from Lexington, Massachusetts developed these improvements. This new plan was shared with the School Board at its March 19, 2014 meeting. To read more, click HERE.
Janna Stevens, owner of Health Spirit Center, has been in Durham since 1994. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Health Center is offering a 20% discount. Health Center is located at 13 Jenkins Court. Special ends April 20, 2014. For more information, call 603-866-1555 or visit http://www.healthspiritcenter.com/appointmentscheduler.html
The Durham Police Officers’ Union would like to thank everyone for their support during our 2014 Pancake Breakfast fundraiser! We would not have been able to have had such great success without everyone’s contributions – and hungry appetites! Special thanks goes to Young’s Restaurant for donating all of the fabulous food for the event, The Works and Dunkin’ Donuts for their coffee donations, LaRoche Farm’s donation of New Hampshire maple syrup, and the Durham Marketplace for donating paper products. We would also like to thank the following town businesses for their generous monetary donations: Smitty’s Towing, Federal Savings Bank, Mei Wei, Lenk Orthodontics, and Bamford, Dedopoulos, & Regan. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for breakfast again next year!
UNH Civil Engineering student Taylor Walter with the newly-constructed Mobile Nitrogen Recycler. Courtesy David Cedarholm
This weekend marks the end of the four-week collection phase of a UNH-Durham feasibility study to divert urine from the town's sewage waste stream for use as agricultural fertilizer. On average, about 80% of the nitrogen entering the treatment facility is from human urine. The facility reaches its highest influent nitrogen levels on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings during UNH session between the hours of 11 PM and 2 AM.
UNH Civil Engineering students working with Town Engineer David Cedarholm and UNH Civil Engineering Professor Nancy Kinner have been thinking not just outside the box, but what could happen inside one. A few weeks ago they introduced the first-ever Mobile Nitrogen Recycler in Durham -- the “Pee Bus” as it has affectionately been named. The "bus" can be found in the Pettee Brook Lane/Madbury Road parking lot for the next two nights. For more information, turn to the March 21st issue of Friday Updates or read the April 10th UNH Today article.
Living on Mount Washington, Saturday & Sunday @ 10:30 AM & 8:30 PM
Join us for an insider’s view of what it’s like to live on Mount Washington, the home of the world’s worst weather! Durham native Sam Hewitt shows pictures, tells stories and answers questions about his current position as an intern at the Mount Washington Observatory. DPL Staff member Nicole Moore also talks about her nine one-week stints as a volunteer cook on the rock pile. This program is also available on our On Demand site.
Granite State Outdoors, Saturday & Sunday @ 4:00 PM
In this episode, get some ideas on how to feed our winter feathered friends, head out on the ice with Dave Genz, the father of modern ice fishing and take a look back at a moose round up. These stories and more, brought to you by your New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Connecting you to life outdoors. This video is not available on the Town’s On Demand site.
===================== Streamwalk, Saturday & Sunday @ 7:00 PM
Come along with Streamwalk volunteers as the get up close and personal with the Lamprey. Learn how their observation help officials and landowners use and enjoy the river wisely. This video is not available on the Town’s On Demand site.
The Return of Music to the Bulletin Board System
Where is the music coming from on the bulletin board? After many years of the bulletin board being silent, music has returned! DCAT has added Pandora Live Streaming Commercial Free music to the bulletin board system. The music that’s playing is at the discretion of the DCAT Coordinator, but that doesn’t mean suggestions are not welcome. For the next week a combination of Lite Rock & Pop Hits Radio will be playing, in the cue; Jazz & Easy Listening. If you have any suggestions, please contact: Craig Stevens, DCAT Coordinator – dcat@ci.durham.nh.us
The Quotable Eleanor Roosevelt, Sundays @ 1:30 PM, Run time: 44 Minutes
Learn about one of the most fascinating first ladies this country has ever had: Eleanor Roosevelt. Author Michele Albion brings Mrs. Roosevelt to life in an interactive discussion about the inspirational and aspirational woman. This video is also available for viewing on the Town’s On Demand site.
These videos are also available for viewing on the Town’s On Demand site.
April 1, 2014: Durham's swans attempted to cross Route 108 during rush hour traffic. Robin Mower took this photograph and then attempted to shoo them across!
The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below.
Economic Development Committee - Tuesday, April 15, 2014. To view an agenda and other information, click HERE.
Agricultural Commission - Wednesday, April 16, 2014. (Durham PD Community Room - 7PM). To view an agenda and other information, click HERE.
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at http://ci.durham.nh.us/ by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at http://dcat.pegcentral.com/.
Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.
DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Did you know the Town has an interpretive trail at Jackson's Landing?" Photo courtesy of Stefanie Frazee
R.E.A.C.H – Recreation Education and Adventure Close to Home (Registration Deadline Extended to April 18th) - A collaboration between Oyster River Cooperative School District, Durham Parks & Recreation Department, and the UNH InterOperability Laboratory to provide exceptional opportunities for our ORCSD students. Camp R.E.A.C.H is a community-based summer camp experience. Register and find out more HERE.
20th Annual Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 19th. Find out more HERE.
Memorial Day Parade – Monday, May 26th - Calling all community members, veterans, friends, and family: You’re invited to walk or ride with us during the 67th Annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 26th! To get involved, email: sfrazee@ci.durham.nh.us
Rec After School – April 16th & 30th - UNH’s Recreation Management students have come up with some new and exciting programs! On April 16th and 30th, they’ll be at ORMS from 4-5:30PM to demonstrate with our students! Topics will include:
Wed, April 16 (4-5:30): Outdoor Nature and Adventure, Sports Lead-Up Activities, Outdoor Trust Building Wed, April 30 (4-5:30): Low-Organized Games, Intercultural Communication and Diversity, Drama
Email Parks & Recreation Director Stefanie Frazee to sign your student up for this opportunity (FREE): sfrazee@ci.durham.nh.us. Space is limited.
Volunteers Needed – Wednesday, May 14th
We are looking volunteers from our community to help with this year’s Bike Rodeo at ORMS. Students will spend the day rotating through various stations, learning about: rules of the road, signaling, bike maintenance, helmet safety, etc. Basic familiarity with bikes is preferred, but not required. If you’d like to help during this fantastic event, please email Parks & Recreation Director Stefanie Frazee: sfrazee@ci.durham.nh.us OR SRO Holly Malasky: hmalasky@ci.durham.nh.us
World Tai Chi Day-Saturday, April 26
Come join the Durham Parks & Recreation Department for an outdoor Tai Chi lesson to celebrate World Tai Chi day. Tai Chi will demonstrate Health and Martial Forms with sticks, swords, and fans. April 26th at 10 am at Jackson’s Landing-Durham, NH. More information click HERE.
New Classes and Times! - View our weekly calendar and class descriptions HERE!
BALANCE – Martial Arts for Women – NEW! - Shaolin Kung Fu is a form of martial arts that promotes self-defense techniques along with the cultivation of overall physical conditioning, and spiritual well-being. The class begins with a light warm-up and stretch, progressing to single technique forms (basic punch, kick, blocking). Email: sfrazee@ci.durham.nh.us to put your name on the mailing list.
Senior Trips – Are you interested in taking a trip to places like Boston, New York, Foxwoods, etc.? Email: sfrazee@ci.durham.nh.us to put your name on the mailing list.
Trial Stewards Wanted
Spring has sprung and it is time to break out the hiking boots. Before you enjoy that leisurely stroll we need help cleaning the trails! Do you have an organization that needs community service hours? Would you like to help give our trails a spring cleaning? Contact: sfrazee@ci.durham.nh.us to learn more about this great opportunity.
Save the Date:
Annual Egg Hunt - Saturday, 4/19
Memorial Day Parade - Monday, 5/26
World Tai Chi Day Demonstration - Saturday, 4/26
Summer Kickoff Party - Saturday, 6/28
Music by the Bay Summer Concert Series - July, August
Durham Day - Saturday, 9/27
Jessica Veysey (above) will speak at the Durham Garden Club meeting on April 22nd, offering practical suggestions that can be used to protect and manage wetlands in communities. See more information below.
UNH Cooperative Extension 4-H Program Spin Club, is seeking volunteers who would like to lead 6-hour projects. 4-H Spin Club is a special interest club led by volunteers who have a passion and want to share their knowledge with young people. Topics can include: gardening, technology, photography, biking, baking, GPS, bookkeeping, arts, science, and more. Amanda Royce, 603-447-3834, amanda.royce@unh.edu for more information.
Great Bay Rowing, located at Jackson’s Landing in Durham, has a variety of Camp programs for students interested in learning to row or improving their rowing skills. For a full description of GBR Rowing Camp options offered this summer, click HERE.
Great Bay Figure Skating Decades Ice Show, Saturday, Apr 12, 2014, Dover Ice Arena, 110 Portland Avenue. Doors open at 10:30 AM. Tickets at door: $8.00, children 4 and under are free. 36 skaters will perform, including local Oyster River skaters.
Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, Apr 13, 2014, 8-10:00 AM, Community Church of Durham. Donations to benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger for the OR Schools Backpack Program. Live music, local food, children's craft table.
Newcomers Unlimited April Program, “Gardens in New Hampshire”, Friday, Apr 18, 2014. Linda Seedner will talk about various gardens and projects that she has been involved with through the Master Gardener training: “The Gardens of NH Native Plants”, the “Kids Can Grow” program, and “Bedrock Gardens”. Coffee & conversation at 9AM; meeting & speaker at 10AM, Fellowship Hall, Durham Community Church. Please park in the lower lot.
Save Our Shoreline, Earth Day Planting Event, hosted by Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Saturday, Apr 19, 2014, 9AM - 4PM, Adam's Point. RSVP to melissa.brogle@wildlifenh.gov. Melissa Brogle, 603-778-0015, for more information.
Durham Garden Club presents “Valuing and Protecting our Wetlands”, Tuesday, Apr 22, 2014, 6:30 PM, Durham Public Library. Jessica Veysey will discuss the diversity of wetland ecosystems and the greatest threats to wetlands today. Free and open to the public.
Haitian Health Foundation Dinner, hosted by The Student Nutrition Association, Friday, Apr 25, 2014, 5-7PM, Young's Restaurant. Benefits the Haitian Health Foundation. Food, entertainment, live music, raffles.
Letter Carriers' Annual Food Drive, Saturday, May 10, 2014. The Durham Post Office letter carriers (city and rural) collect food donated by customers when their mail is delivered. All food collected goes to local pantries in Durham and Lee and serves those residents who need assistance. Last year, letter carriers collected approximately 5500 pounds of non-perishable foods and other items.
A big thank-you to ORMS Junior/Cadette Troop 22916 for creating two flannel board sets of the stories “The Ugly Duckling” and “The Little Red Hen” for pre-school storytimes at the library. Girl Scout Emily Shuman is pictured above with the sets.
Baby Lap-Sit Saturday, April 12th at 10:30 a.m. (ages 2 & under with care-giver) – Join us for stories, songs, fingerplays and a time to socialize afterwards. You will DPL Exhibit! Confronting the South: New Hampshire People During the Civil War - Last year marked the 150 year anniversary of the start of the American Civil War. Between April 1861 and the spring of 1865, the Civil War tested concepts of nationhood, attitudes toward race and human rights, gender roles, and the U.S. Constitution itself. Through the soldier’s letters, the exhibit interprets three aspects of the war: Confronting the South- the soldiers reaction to being in unfamiliar territory; Seeing the Elephant- popular term describing being in battle for the first time; and Life at Home- feelings and hardship of those left behind in New Hampshire. Exhibit is on loan from the UNH Dimond Library Special Collections. Chess and Board Game Afternoon (ages 10 & up), Monday April 14th 3:00-4:00 p.m. – This week come and play/learn the board game “Forbidden Island”. Join us every Monday afternoon now in the Young Adult room for a game of chess (or other board games). Great Bay Time Bank: Pay-It-Forward! Monday, April 14 at 7 p.m. - Come learn about the Great Bay Time Bank. TimeBanking is a medium of exchange. Like money. Except that it was purpose-built — designed in 1980 by TimeBanking founder Edgar Cahn to reward “decency, caring, and a passion for justice. The idea is simple: I earn a time credit by doing something for you. It doesn’t matter what that “something” is. You turnaround and earn a time credit doing something for someone else. For example, an hour of gardening equals an hour of child-care equals an hour of dentistry equals an hour of home repair equals an hour of teaching someone to play chess. TimeBanking builds on the magic of “pay it forward,” one good turn leading to another and another and another. Through pay-it-forward, TimeBanking joins unused resources in a community to needs that are not being met. TimeBanking encourages giving without measure and receiving with an open heart. People who jump in to the pay-it-forward exchanges that TimeBanking encourages often report that the experience is life-altering. Their lives become transformed in ways they could not have begun to imagine.The Great Bay Time Bank was started in 2011 by a small group of people who saw a need for neighbors to help neighbors in the community. Affiliated with TimeBanks USA, (timebanks.org) we have a small group of folks in local towns who use our website (greatbay.timebanks.org) to exchange services and time. Our time bank is currently accepting new members, and the coordinator, Ms. Noel Jost-Coq, can be reached at our website or by phone at 603-292-5667. Pre-school Storytimes: Tues. April 15th and Thurs. April 17th at 10:30 a.m. –The theme is: Dinosaurs! McGregor Memorial EMS CPR Course at the DPL Tuesday, April 15 at 6 p.m. - McGregor Memorial EMS is proud to offer a CPR Course at the library. The cost for the Community CPR Class is $20, and payment is due the night of the class. Please register at www.mcgregorems.org Friends Book Discussion: "The Love of a Good Woman" Wednesday, April 16 at 10:30 a.m. - Join us for April's Friends book discussion. Jennifer Lee will lead us through three stories from The Love of A Good Woman by Alice Munro: the title story, "The Children Stay" and, "Before the Change." The books are in and your copy awaits... Bookeaters, Middle School Book Group Wednesday, April 16 at 2:45 p.m. - You'll have so much fun at this Bookeaters Middle School Book Group. This month's book is "A Mango Shaped Space" by Wendy Mass. Walk from the middle school. Ruth Wharton McDonald is the facilitator. Pizza is served and all are welcome. Books available at the library. XBOX Kinect Gaming Night (ages 10 & up) Wednesday, April 16 at 6 p.m. - Come out and test your skills with our XBOX Kinect in the Young Adult Room! Pizza is served. Poetry Series Continues: Emmy-Nominated Poet Andrew Periale Wednesday, April 16 at 7 p.m. Join us for a fantastic evening! Andrew Periale continues the library's Poetry Series. Periale is an Emmy-nominated artist, and has toured the U.S. as an actor and puppeteer. He is editor of Puppetry International magazine and has written many plays. He is the NH coordinator for Poetry Out Loud, a competition for high school students. He also teaches creative writing workshops in high schools. His poetry has appeared in a number of journals and was the Poet Laureate of Rochester. Lego Club, Thurs. April 17 at 3:45-4:45 p.m. – Join us Thursdays to make Lego creations. Lego Club is in need of Lego Donations! Have any Legos that you would like to donate to the library? They will be put to good use at our very popular Lego Club. Homeschoolers Activity Hour, Friday April 18th, 10:30 a.m. – This week: Art! Painting and Drawing! We will hear books, play some games, do some puzzles and make a craft. This group is geared to home-schoolers but all are welcome. Crafternoon – Fri. April 18th 3:00-4:30 p.m. – Stop by the Children’s craft room on Fridays for a fun craft. Family Movie Afternoon “FROZEN" Saturday, April 19 at 2 p.m. - Just "Let it Go" and watch last year's Oscar-winning smash hit on the big screen at the library! Popcorn is served! Tales for Tails sign-ups happening now. Contact the Children’s desk to register. Patch Club! Earn patches and a library bag for your reading time. Register at the children’s desk. Join the Durham Public Library Birthday Book Club. Celebrate a child’s birthday in a unique way with a gift of a book to the library. Talk to the children’s librarian at the children’s desk for more details.
Visit the DPL website www.durhampubliclibrary.org for more information.
FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association 1781- Alexander Scammell studied law under Sullivan, applied the Association Test, pulled down the British flag at New Castle, was Washington's Adjutant-general, and died of wounds at Yorktown. The Grange, 1930 draw-bridge to Dover Point, and a Fort in Casco Bay are named for him.
I'll be presenting at the Sixth Annual Local Energy Solutions Conference tomorrow, April 12, 2014, talking about the many Durham sustainability initiatives we have put in place locally.
Kudos to the Durham Energy Committee for their work in this regard.
Have a nice weekend.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
T: 603-868-5571 F: 603-868-5572
tselig@ci.durham.nh.us http://www.ci.durham.nh.us
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?