Friday Updates - April 5th, 2019


Friday, April 5, 2019


Administrator Selig, while on chaperone duty this week with the ORMS Jazz Band, ran afoul of the authorities at Disney. While telling Mr. Selig to "wipe that smile off his face", Administrator Selig couldn't help but appreciate the more guardian approach to policing that the Durham Police embrace.



The Oyster River School District is embarking on designing and constructing a new Middle School. The Durham Energy Committee is excited to support the efforts of the ORCSD and share this update from a recent meeting with the Superintendent Dr. Morse

Four fundamental pillars guiding design of the new middle school:

  1. Academics- To design a facility which supports our very highest standards in education.
  2. Sustainability-To design a facility which impacts the environment to an absolute minimum in its construction and operation.
  3. Security- To design a school which keeps its students and teachers safe.
  4. Health- To design a healthy school environment.

The design team for the middle school project will be incorporating energy efficient elements into the proposed school design; for instance, use of natural light will be emphasized by siting the

building to illuminate south-facing classrooms, and by also delivering natural light to third and fourth floor classrooms on the north-facing side of the building using either skylights or clerestory

windows. Use of natural light where possible instead of electric lighting will reduce electricity consumption and will provide a more positive, healthful classroom environment.

Several questions will be considered in choosing between skylights and clerestory windows:

  • Effectiveness-Which approach will maximize the delivery and quality of natural light to the classrooms?
  • Aesthetics- Which approach will best fit the overall architectural design vernacular of the building?
  • Installed cost versus energy cost savings- Which approach is the better investment?

Many more energy-related considerations and features will be considered during the design phase of the new middle school and look forward to sharing this information with you!


Sol Sistar. Courtesy Maura Slavin


SPRING FORWARD--Ellen Snyder, Land Stewardship Coordinator

I love Spring in New England. Male woodcock peent from open fields at dawn and dusk. Tom turkeys display in their full regalia of red caruncles, fleshy snood, beard, spurs, fanned tail, and dropped wings. The first migrant songbirds return to our woods. Resident birds are already sitting on eggs. And the first warm spring rain—any evening now—will cause salamanders and frogs to make the annual trek from their upland overwintering homes to vernal pools where they breed. It is still a bit too chilly but keep an eye out for these small creatures as they move at night and are vulnerable to getting run over. Stay abreast of this migration by following the salamander crossings at the Harris Center for Conservation Education.

Spring also marks the start of our land stewardship work on conservation areas across Durham. We’ve got a lot planned, with an emphasis on trails, bridges, signage, and other improvements at Doe Farm off Bennett Road. Thanks to the many Durham residents who donated to the Patron’s Trust Fund, we are contracting with the Student Conservation Association (SCA) NH AmeriCorps program for an 11-day “hitch” to help build trail bridges, improve trails, and clear vegetation around the cellar hole at Doe Farm. The SCA crew is highly trained, will bring their own tools, and will camp on-site. Also at Doe Farm, Eagle Scout Ben Slama is getting ready to install four picnic tables, two benches, and several signposts this month. We’ve got some other volunteer work days in the wings and the invasive plant control will continue for another year at Doe Farm. This is just a sampling of the projects planned for 2019. As always, we welcome more helping hands with trail work, signage, and other field projects. If interested, contact Ellen Snyder, Land Stewardship Coordinator,



In the March 15, 2019 "Friday Updates", Representative Judith Spang provided information with respect to wells and groundwater contamination, specifically with regard to arsenic.

The Lamprey Watershed Association has set up a table in the Town Hall lobby that has test kits for arsenic available for interested residents.

For questions, consult the DES Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau’s Arsenic page: “arsenic in drinking water” at Technical staff are also available at (603) 271-3108 or

Or contact Judith Spang at



The IT department received a suggestion from an interested resident regarding the town possibly providing podcasts of Durham’s public meetings. After some research, we have learned that the network rackmount digital recorder, with installation is around $1,500. The IT department is not certain how much time it would take after each meeting to make the files ready for audio. There are some free podcast hosting services and also paid hosting services. The paid service is roughly $5 per month.

Before considering this further, it would be helpful if residents who might have an interest in such a service would let us know your thoughts by completing the simple survey included HERE.

Thank you.


Durham resident Karl VanAsselt provided the above photograph of what he called one of his "morning visitors". He said... "The deer prune my rhodys, bear levels the bird feeder, and the owl waits for a delicious field mouse. Need new sign "Wildlife Live Here."



Now that it is spring, residents may start to see signs from contractors offering to cut trees or remove broken branches on private properties in Durham for free. Residents are certainly free to undertake such work as long as they do so in accordance with local regulations, such as filing an intent to cut for large timer cuts and remaining outside wetland and shoreland setbacks. 

However, our staff has become aware of information that may be discouraging to the property owners that have had trees cut down to date. In a nutshell, such companies typically take only the trees they cut off the lot that are able to be sent to a sawmill for a profit. Everything else, they leave where it falls. This includes logs the contractor doesn't want, and “slash” (all the other limbs, etc.). After the job, the property looks like a mess.

The homeowner is then responsible for the removal/cleanup of what the contractor leaves behind — junk wood, stumps, limbs, uneven ground, required chipping, etc.

Several of the sites staff have seen after the fact in Durham look like a tornado has come through with large timber pieces helter-skelter, pell-mell.

The state requires that such slash be cleaned up to reduce fire load within 100’ of a structure (any structure) and within 25’ of all property lines. Clearly this can be expensive!

Folks who believe renting a chipper themselves on a Saturday will be sufficient to clean up the site will be sorely (think sore back) mistaken. The limbs of large numbers of trees can take a week to chip, and the stumps and butts that are left will need heavy duty equipment to address.

Again, residents are free to utilize such services and in many cases it might work well, but they should do so as a smart consumer. Remember, caveat emptor!

If residents have questions, they are encouraged to contact Durham’s Tree Warden/Public Works Director Mike Lynch at



GLASS/CANS/PLASTICS will be collected the week of April 8th. View the 2019 Recycling Collection Calendar HERE. Below is the definition of each category:




THE PLAY’S THE THING - Durham's Police Chief and a UNH Theatre Professor Join Forces to Confront Bias in Police Departments – Police Chief Magazine

Police Chief David Kurz has given a great deal of thought to an incident he was made aware of earlier in his career. A police officer was on a construction detail when a car with four, young African American, men pulled up to him and stopped. It turned out they were lost. The young man in the front seat asked the officer for directions. The officer pondered this for a moment and then said, “Boy, it’s not easy to get there from here.” One of the men in the back seat rolled down the window and said, “Who you calling boy?” and the interaction went quickly downhill from there. A simple encounter that should have be innocuous became a situation. 

The story had a significant impact on Chief Kurz. It brought home to him the immediate effect that language can have and the damage that can result from a lack of awareness and understanding of this fact. 

Chief Kurz teamed up with UNH Theatre Professor David Kaye to brainstorm ways to potentially utilize theatre and theatre pedagogy in areas outside of traditional performance. A marriage or sorts was forged and a terrific new program launched upon the national stage, only because of the close collaboration between the Town of Durham and the University of New Hampshire.

Read the full article in this month’s Police Chief Magazine exploring this innovate new program HERE.



Current Use Assessment provides a property tax incentive to all qualifying landowners who agree to maintain their land in an undeveloped condition. This assessment is based on the capacity of the land to produce income in its current use-whether it is managed farm or forest, or unmanaged open space. Current Use is the cornerstone of the state's land conservation efforts, with over half the land in New Hampshire is enrolled in this valuable program.

"It is hereby declared to be in the public interest to encourage preservation of open space, thus providing a healthful and attractive outdoor environment for work and recreation of the state's citizen's, maintaining the character of the state's landscape, and conserving the land, water, forest, agricultural and wildlife resources."

- NH Current Use law RSA 79-A

(enacted July 1, 1973)

For land to qualify for Current Use it must be a tract of land or a combination of contiguous tracts under identical ownership comprised of a minimum of ten (10) acres. 

When land is disqualified from Current Use due to development of the land or because it no longer meets the minimum acreage requirement, it is subject to a land use change tax equal to 10% of the full and true value of the land at the time it is disqualified.

For more information regarding Current Use, please go to the following website:        

Per RSA 79-A, the Current Use Board has revised the Current Use value ranges for 2019-2020.

Cub 304.07 Assessment Ranges for Forest Land Categories. The assessment ranges for forest land categories without documented stewardship shall be as follows:

(a) The category of white pine shall be $118 to $176 per acre;

(b) The category of hardwood shall be $57 to $86 per acre;

(c) The category of all other shall be $38 to $57 per acre.

Cub 304.08 Assessment Ranges for Forest Land Categories with Documented Stewardship. The assessment ranges for forest land categories with documented stewardship shall be as follows:

(a) The category of white pine shall be $71 to $106 per acre;

(b) The category of hardwood shall be $34 to $52 per acre;

(c) The category of all other shall be $23 to $34 per acre.

Cub 304.13 Assessment Range for Unproductive Land. The assessment for unproductive land shall be $23 per acre.

Cub 304.14 Assessment Range for Wetland. The assessment for wetland shall be $23 per acre.



On March 27, 2019 the Durham Fire Department welcomed Lilah Cherim to the position of Call Firefighter. 

Lilah is a graduate of the University of NH. She currently serves as a Corporal in the Marine Corps Reserves and also works part-time at NCS Global in Rochester and part-time at Thompson 2nd Alarm in Dover. Lilah also enjoys playing rugby on the Seacoast Rugby Team. 

Welcome aboard Lilah!   


BRING IN YOUR BIRD FEEDERS!  Bears are out and about...

It’s that time of year again and the bears are on the move and it is important to understand how we can limit our interactions so the bears and humans remain safe and peaceful neighbors.

According to the New Hampshire Fish and Game website, black bears are generally shy and usually avoid humans. They are opportunistic and will search for human food supplies when natural foods are not available. Maintaining a sustainable bear population in New Hampshire depends on minimizing human-bear conflicts.

It is illegal to intentionally feed bears in New Hampshire. Intentional feeding can create problems within residential areas and can result in fines. It also may threaten the life of the bear, if it becomes a nuisance animal as a result of this feeding.

New Hampshire Fish and Game understands the importance of educating the public and provide very good tips for helping to avoid conflicts with bears. You can find the following tips HERE.

Take down, clean and put away bird feeders by April 1! Store the bird feeder until late fall. (Birds will do just fine with the natural foods available.) Bear damage to bird feeders is a common and growing spring complaint.

Clean up spilled seed below feeder stations.

Keep garbage in airtight containers inside your garage or storage area. Double bagging and the use of ammonia will reduce odors that attract bears.

Garbage for pickup should be put outside the morning of collection and not the night before.

Do not place meat or sweet food scraps in your compost pile.

Do not leave pet food or dishes outdoors at night.

Clean up and/or store outdoor grills after use.Use a bear-proof dumpster.

Never intentionally feed bears to attract them to your yard for viewing.

New Hampshire Fish and Game suggests that you wait at least until December 1 to put your feeder back up. However, if we have not had several days and nights of cold weather, bears may still be active and looking for food; then you should keep your feeder down until we have had several days of cold weather.


Pictured are Zoll Medical Instructor, Ryan Shaughnessy; (l-r): Firefighter Evan Crafts; Firefighter Artie Boutin; Captain Nate Katz; Inspector Jess Plante; Firefighter Andrew Davis; Chief Dave Emanuel; Inspector Matt Wilder


Pursuant to the 2019 Capital Improvement Plan, the Durham Fire Department recently purchased two new Zoll X Series Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillators which will allow firefighters to stream medical information to the hospital in a live feed. This new state of the art equipment effectively lets the Emergency Room doctor see what the responding personnel are seeing in the field. 

The new cardiac monitors/defibrillators will give our team the confidence to effectively administer the best EMS care possible to our community and the public at large.   

The Durham Fire Department appreciates your continued support in allowing us to better serve you. 


PLANNING BOARD MEETING - Wednesday, April 10, 2019

On Wednesday evening, April 10th at 7PM, the Planning Board will hold public hearings on three proposed amendments regarding the draft solar ordinance, changes to the parking ordinance, and the process for the minor site committee. 

View the board’s agenda HERE, as well as all of the related documents for any item (located in the green area on the webpage).



The Durham Historic Association is looking for local residents who love history and are willing to give back to our community by volunteering some of their time with the DHA. The DHA is seeking additional officers/directors on our board who will help our organization grow and help shape our future.

If you are interested, please contact David Strong at

The DHA's mission is:

  • To preserve the memory of events connected with the history of the Town of Durham, or of individuals who may have resided there;
  • To serve as guardian of the town's history;
  • To preserve the artifacts of the town's history;
  • To inform and educate the citizens of Durham and others of the history of the town and how contemporary Durham arises out of its past.

The Historic District Commission recognized former Town Council member Alan Bennett for his service on the HDC at its meeting on Wednesday. Chair Michael Bradley (on the right) presents Dr. Bennett with a certificate of appreciation.



The Durham Historic Association will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, April 14th at 1 p.m. in the Durham Town Hall Council Chambers. There will be a brief business meeting for the election of officers and directors for 2019-2021.  Annual membership dues will also be collected at this time.

Following the business meeting, the DHA will present “The Lives and Work of Ed and Mary Scheier”.

Ed and Mary Scheier were American potters who were part of the revival of American crafts that blossomed during the mid-twentieth century. They came to UNH in 1940 to teach, and during their long tenure here became internationally famous. Their pottery is unique in the American Craft movement, and is collected by major museums. The work of these former UNH professors, Durham residents, and internationally acclaimed artists continues to be in great demand by collectors.

This program will include a short video presentation about the Scheiers and examples of their work. We also encourage you to share your own memories and stories about the Scheiers.   Please feel welcome to bring your own treasured piece to share with the audience.

This event is open to the general public. Refreshments will be served.



If you own property in Durham and recently installed a “solar energy system” that utilizes solar energy to heat or cool the interior of your building; heat water or to provide electricity, you may qualify for a solar exemption. If you are already receiving a solar exemption, you do not need to reapply. 

The Town of Durham has adopted the Exemption for Solar Systems per RSA 72:62 where you may qualify for a solar exemption from your property tax assessment.

To qualify for this exemption, you must submit a PA-29 exemption application by April 15, 2019. Applications are located on the Town’s website or you may pick one up at the Assessor’s Office. Your application must also include the total installation cost and a detailed list of what equipment was installed on your property. 

If approved, this exemption will be applied to your 2019 assessment.

If you have any questions, please contact the Assessor’s Office at 603-868-8064.



Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.


Hayden Sports is liquidating The Out Back gift section of its store and is having a 50% OFF BLOWOUT SALE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! Sale items include: kid’s games, toys, books, box signs, jewelry, pillows, candles, mugs, and MORE! Courtesy Maura Slavin


Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Durham Parks & Recreation and ORPP proudly present the 24th Annual Egg Hunt at the Oyster River High School Turf Field.

Hunt Details

-Please arrive between 9-9:20am

-The Hunt will start promptly at 9:30am

-Age appropriate hunting zones

-Find an egg with a “Golden Ticket” and win a prize!

-Light snacks & refreshments served

-Parking available in the High School parking lots

-Participation is Free

-Participants should be prepared to hunt outside. 

The Egg Hunt will take place regardless of weather!

Our 2019 Annual Egg Hunt has been kindly sponsored by The Candy Bar & Kennebunk Savings.




Saturday STEAM Family Program! This week: Watercolor Painting!

Sat. April 6th at 10:30 am

Join us for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Saturday. This week come and paint with watercolors. All ages and all are welcome!


Poetry Reading with Andrew Merton

Thursday, April 11th at 6:00 pm

Join us as we welcome Andrew Merton for a reading of his most recent publication, Final Exam. Merton's nonfiction has appeared in publications including The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Ms. Magazine, Glamour, and Boston Magazine. His poetry has appeared in Bellevue Literary Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Rialto, Comstock Review, Asheville Poetry Review, Louisville Review, The American Journal of Nursing, and elsewhere. He is the author of two books of poetry: Evidence that We Are Descended from Chairs (Accents Publishing, 2012) and Lost and Found (Accents Publishing, 2016). His review of The Academy of Hay, poems by Julia Shipley, appeared in GMR in 2016. He is a professor emeritus of English at the University of New Hampshire.



During the month of April every $2.50 Reusable Community Bag sold at the Hannaford store located at 7 Mill Road in Durham will generate a $1 donation to the Friends of the Durham Public Library.

The Friends are a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing and promoting the library. They fund these programs for the Durham Public Library community:

Facilitator-led book discussions

Summer outdoor concerts

Children’s Patch Program

Supplies for arts and crafts

Special events and performances

Museum passes

Library enhancements




*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1909 - The Boston Post newspaper gave a gold-headed cane to each New England town to be transmittted to the oldest resident. True Lovering was our first recipient, then J. Smith, E. Griffiths, C. Scott, S. Runlett, Jr., C. Pettee, A. Clough, A. Craig, F. York, H. Hatch, W. Dean, and E. Hitchcock.


If you know of others who would find the weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. Folks can sign up on the Town's web site HERE on the left side of the page. Click on "Friday Updates" then enter your email address and first and last name.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T: 603-868-5571

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