Friday Updates - August 12, 2012



Friday, November 9, 2012

Durham resident Rick Smith took this photograph of a Barred Owl in his backyard on Partridgeberry Lane.


Sunday, November 11 is Veterans Day. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918.


Veterans Day is intended to honor and thank all military personnel who served the United States in all wars, particularly living veterans. Take a brief moment to pause and give thanks to those who have and are currently serving our country this Veterans Day.



All Town offices will be closed in observance of Veteran's Day on Monday, November 12, 2012. There will be NO CHANGE TO THE REFUSE AND RECYCLING SCHEDULE. All items should be out on their regular day by 7:00 AM.


Many thanks to those who helped to make Tuesday's General Election run successfully. Courtesy Todd Selig




From the Supervisors of the Checklist:


We would like to extend a great big thank you to the numerous residents who lent a hand during Tuesday's election.  The historic same day registration numbers were overwhelming (3,026), yet we were able to get the job done in as timely a fashion as possible due to the generosity of time and spirit given by many.


To our original crew of volunteers, the registrars, the crowd controllers, the gophers, the data crunchers, the alphabetizers, and the missing information specialists, we offer our appreciation.  And a special thank you to those who just showed up with those welcome words, "how can I help?" At that weary moment, it's hard to describe how much that meant.  Seeing people jump into the fray to learn the job on the spot, to go get computers, to bring food and mostly, to bring good cheer and a sense of getting the job done together, was truly remarkable.  A testament to the wonderful little town of Durham that we are proud to call home!


Ann, Roni, and Judy


All Town Offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23, 2012. All offices will reopen for business on Monday, November 26th at 8:00 AM.


Refuse and Recycling Schedule During Thanksgiving:

There will be no collection on Thanksgiving day. Thursday's collection will occur on Friday (Nov 23).


There will be no commercial collection on Friday (Nov 23).



This year’s budget cycle has resulted in a proposed 2013 General Fund budget totaling $12,410,419.00, a spending increase of $1,133,210.00 or 10.05% compared to FY 2012.  Due to an infusion of revenue from a variety of sources (see General Fund Revenue section below), a number of which directly offset proposed expenditure increases for the coming year, non-property tax revenues are expected to increase dramatically in FY 2013 by $661,696.00 or 14.1% to $5,354,900.00.  In total, this year’s budgetary proposal is projected to increase the 2013 local municipal portion of the tax rate by 36 cents (or 4.72%) to $7.97 from the estimated 2012 level of $7.61.  If debt service associated with the new Durham Public Library project that overwhelming passed (74%) by referendum last year is subtracted from the equation, the municipal tax rate increase would be 1.77%.


Revenue projections do continue to include an annual $225,101.00 payment from UNH to Durham which began in 2009 to compensate the community for the University’s financial impact upon the Town in areas such as roadways, traffic, and policing services.  Budgetary projections take into account this additional revenue, a projected $18 million infusion into the tax base  associated largely with the Capstone project as of April 1, 2013 (an initial increase largely associated with Capstone was added to the tax base for 2012 totaling $15 million), holding Overlay at $300,000 due to a number of outstanding property tax abatement appeals pending with the Board of Tax and Land Appeals/Superior Court, no use of fund balance, and recommended expenditures.


The proposed Sewer Fund budget reflects a 0% increase in user fees in 2013 (a rate of $5.75 per hundred cubic feet), while the proposed Water Fund budget carries an anticipated 5.3% increase in user fees (a rate of $4.18 per hundred cubic feet) for FY 2013.


For comparative purposes, the twelve-month September 2011 to September 2012 Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) numbers are:  U.S. City Index – 2.0%, Northeast Urban Index – 1.7%, and Boston-Brocton-Nashua-MA-NH-ME-CT – 1.7%.

As background information, the Town Charter in Durham states:


Sec. 5.2. Budget procedure.  At such time as may be requested by the Administrator or specified by the Administrative Code, each officer or director of a department shall submit an itemized estimate of the expenditures for the next fiscal year for the departments or activities under his control to the Administrator. The Administrator shall, based on these estimates and other data, prepare a recommended budget which he shall, together with these department estimates, submit to the Council no later than the last workday prior to November 1 of the current year. The Council shall review the budget for the following fiscal year and make such modifications and amendments as it desires.


Sec. 5.4. Final date for budget adoption.  The budget shall be adopted not later than the last workday of the preceding fiscal year. . .Failure by the Council to adopt a budget by the deadline established in this section will establish the budget as recommended by the Administrator as the adopted budget.


To view the full 9 page transmittal letter providing an overview of the FY 2013 Administrator's proposed budget, click HERE.  To view the draft 2013 Operating Budget, click HERE. To view the draft 2013-2022 Capital Improvement Plan, click HERE.


A public hearing will be held on the proposed budget on November 19th as part of the regularly scheduled Council meeting.




The Public Forum held on Wednesday, November 7th relative to draft development plans for the 8 Newmarket Road site as the future location for the Town Hall is now available for viewing on DCAT on Demand.  Architect Art Guadano provided four alternatives for the public to review and provide comment.  


A great deal of Q&A took place which is quite interesting and helpful in evaluating the project.


To view the rebroadcast of this public forum, click HERE.



The gravel pit will be open for Durham residents Monday, Nov. 5, 2012 – Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012 from 7:30am – 3pm. Entrants MUST have either Transfer Station Permit (purple sticker) or proof of residency. Contractors MUST obtain a Landscapers Permit from the Public Works Department; residents can call ahead or pick up permit for their contractor.  No stumps accepted.



Regular fall cleanup began Monday 5, 2012 please have all brush and leaves curbside by 7:00 AM. Please make sure all curbside brush is less than five feet in length and five inches in diameter and that leaves are in paper bags.


Planning Board members conducted a site walk of the Capstone Cottages today, evaluating the application process. Courtesy Tom Johnson



The Durham Winter Parking ban commenced November 1st and will be in effect through April 1, 2013. 


As many know, parking on Main Street, Jenkins Court and any Town owned parking lot is prohibited between 1:00AM and 6:00AM throughout the year. But the Winter Parking ban prohibits parking ON ANY STREET from November 1st to April 1st between 1:00AM and 6:00AM. 


As the ordinance states, “Any vehicle so parked during the prohibited hours and dates shall be subject to being towed away at the owner’s risk. The owner or owners shall be required to pay all towing costs and a fine before the vehicle is released.” 


For the first week, the Durham Police will endeavor to issue warnings but during snowstorms, vehicles may be towed to allow for Durham Public Works to more effectively plow the streets and roadways of Durham. 



The Durham Police has been collecting data for the past seven years enabling analysis of police response as well as comparisons. As this initiative continues, additional annual data will enhance the department's ability to form conclusions about problematic property that gives every indication of being managed poorly as well as recognize those that have undertaken initiaties that will improve behavior and negate the need for police response. To read the report, click HERE.    



The Durham Police are working with UNH Professor Dr. Andy Smith and one of his graduate students, Monica Andrews, to deliver a survey to the Durham community regarding crime and policing in the Town of Durham. 


The survey is done every three years and is designed to provide Chief Kurz and the community a better understanding of the perceptions and wishes of the town as it pertains to law enforcement activities in Durham.  Results are used to enhance policing services and to direct the department as it strives to provide the most responsive, cost efficient, and compassionate police services possible.


With the busy Holiday season upon us, Chief Kurz will be working with Ms. Andrews and Dr. Smith to ensure the questionnaire is worded appropriately and will result in valuable feedback.  The delivery date to the community will be after the first of the year.   As the date for distribution approaches, there will be further announcements. 



Unfortunately it is a fact of modern life that there are people who will attempt to get your money by any method.  The Administrator's Office received a call today from a resident reporting that they had been called by a person saying they were issuing new medicare cards and asking for an address and Social Security Number. When the resident refused to provide this information, they were hung up on. 


Residents are reminded to never…..never give financial or personal information such as a Social Security number, credit card or bank account numbers to anyone on the telephone unless you initiated the call.  Reputable groups won't request such information.  And never allow yourself to be pressured into making an immediate decision. 


If you believe you have received such a call, please notify the Durham Police at 868-2324.



Each year, we wrestle with the decision of what will be placed on the cover of the Town Report. If residents have a photograph or photographs that they think might be suitable for the Town Report, we would appreciate receiving them. If you are out-and-about and find a scenic or landmark area of Durham to photograph that you feel might make an attractive cover, we would like to hear from you. There may still be enough color left to capture something awesome! We prefer to receive digital (jpeg) files, which can be emailed to Jennie Berry at In order for photographs to work on the Town Report cover, they must be taken as vertical photographs (not horizontal) and the camera should be set at its highest resolution. Also, please do not alter the size of the photograph once it is taken o
r compress it when emailing it. 



In addition to the Town Report cover, we also need photographs for the weekly “Friday Updates” and DCAT bulletin board. Photographs of scenery, events, historic moments, etc. are welcome--whether they are from 2012 or 1912. As mentioned above, we prefer to receive digital (jpeg) files if possible. Photographs (originals) may also be dropped off at the Town Administrator’s office during regular hours, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Monday through Friday which will be scanned and returned to the owner once they are used. Let us know if you would like to be credited for your photograph, and if so, how you would like the credit to be worded.


End of two-story section, beginning of one-story section of new library building.

Courtesy Walter Rous



For those who may be unaware, the front door to the former house at 49 Madbury Road will not be the entrance to the new library. 


The new double door entrance to the library will be off the south parking area and up a ramp to the new addition.  Entering the lobby, patrons will turn left to enter the library or turn right to visit the periodical rooms, the Friends Room or the Heritage Room all in the 49 Madbury “home” or to take the elevator to the second floor. 


The existing elevations (differences in height between the existing structure and the new library) mean the the first floor of the library addition is approximately 4 feet below the first floor of the existing house.  Consequently, when a patron wants to visit the Friends Room, they will go up a half flight of stairs or take the elevator up one-half stop.   All this is to explain that we discovered that the floor of the house at the elevator door dropped off by as much as 1½”!  Old houses, ya gotta love them!  Carpenters stripped back about 20 feet of the first floor framing, re-framed the floor – strengthening it as they did so – and added new floor sheathing so that now the floor actually meets the elevator threshold at this level.


In addition to this work, more exterior and interior partition framing was completed and roof rafters over the adult fiction area were installed.  Toward the middle of next week, the second floor roof trusses will begin to be set!


This program is intended to give local merchants an opportunity to encourage residents to shop locally. 


Wildcat Fitness, 397-3200,

$15 sign-up, $15 a month (billed to a checking account) 

Located at the far end of the Mill Plaza   


Red Carpet Florist, 868-7021,

$5 bouquets of flowers every Friday

Located at 56 Main St.   

Mino’s Roast Beef, 397-5261,

$6.50 Chicken Kebab Salad (Regular Size) on Fridays

Located in the Mill Plaza


Domino’s Pizza, 868-6230,

$.99 Small Cheese Pizza every Friday

Located in the Mill Plaza


Uppercut Hair Salon, 868-7363

20% off all hair care products every Friday

Located in the Mill Plaza


Mama Mac and More, 868-7449

$5 for an 8" sub or salad (add $2 for chicken or steak on salad)

Located at 38 Main Street


Durham House of Pizza, 868-2224

$4 for a small cheese pizza

Located at 38 Main Street


Candy Bar, 397-5154

Free dark caramel and sea salt chocolate truffle with every $10 purchase

Located at 44 Main Street


Bindy’s Boutique, 590-0044

20% off on Fridays when you mention this ad from the Friday Updates

Located at 42a Main Street


Wiswall House Antiques, 659-5106,

20% off all antique and vintage table lamps

Located at 28 Wiswall Road


Perfect Tan, 868-3200,

Buy a single session, get a single session free

Located at 13 Jenkins Court


SolSistar Boutique,  397-5229

25% off 1 item of your choice on Fridays when you mention this ad from the Friday Updates

Located at 9 Madbury Road


Wiswall House Antiques, 659-5106

All vintage , Oil Lamps, Hurricane lamps, and Candleholders

20% off when you mention the Durham Friday Updates.

Located at 28 Wiswall Road


Money spent locally stays local. Support Durham business. If your business has a Friday deal to offer please send it to Ken Entz at



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below.


Durham Agricultural Commission - Monday, November 12, 2012. To view the agenda and other information, click HERE.

Zoning Board of Adjustment - Tuesday, November 13, 2012. To view the agenda and other information, click HERE

Durham Energy Committee - Tuesday, November 13, 2012. To view the agenda and other information, click HERE.

Planning Board - Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee - Thursday, November 15, 2012. To view the agenda and other information, click HERE.


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at  by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE


Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE.



The rink has been open since October 22nd and all systems are go for a great skating season!  New Rink Manager Bill Page began work the day after Labor Day and since then has changed the face of the rink for the better considerably.  With help from Rink Attendant’s Kirk Sim, Tim Murphy, and Dave Smith from ORYH, users have been pleasantly surprised to see the many improvements at the facility.  Improvements include much cleaning, a fresh new office/concession interior, clean comfortable restrooms with new partitions, new paint on a lot of walls, and clean locker rooms.  Please stop by and have a look.


For additional information, click HERE.



Sign up for the Coyote Club, a six-week program at Wagon Hill Farm, Mondays 3:45 to 4:45 PM, November 5th through December 10th. Ages 1st through 5th graders. $60 registration fee. To register contact P&R Director Stefanie Frazee, 817-4074, Direct class content questions to John Pazdon,


Sign up for Wag it Dog Day (space limited). Tail wagging fun for the whole family on Saturday, November 10, 2012 from 10-11:30 AM at Wagon Hill Farm. Certified Wag It Instructor Andrea Rogers will show you how to start teaching: Shadow Skills, No Need for Speed, Sniff It, and Agility. Dogs and their people don't need to be great athletes to play. Bring your friendly dog, flat collar or harness (no prong or choke collars), a 6' leash (no flexi-leashes), high-value treats (small pieces of string cheese, hot dogs, etc.), and a desire to have fun with your dog.To register contact P&R Director Stefanie Frazee, 817-4074,


Annual Turkey Trot event. On Thursday, November 22, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon, start Thanksgiving Day off with a gobble at the annual Turkey Trot event held at Wagon Hill Farm and put on by Oyster River Parents & Preschoolers (ORPP) and the Parks and Recreation Committee. Young residents gather at Wagon Hill for a Thanksgiving story reading, then stroll along the dirt road collecting biodegradable feathers that "Tom the Turkey" has left behind. The event ends at the waterfront with hot chocolate and donuts!


Light Up Durham is Back! Stay tuned for more exciting details.  Durham Parks & Recration is taking on this event for 2012.


For more information regarding any of the classes or events above, visit the P&R web site


Oyster River High School Drama Department presents "Noises Off".

(See information below)



Oyster River Folk Featuring KC Bluesman Poor Howard Stith at the Durham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Saturday, November 9, 2012, 7:00 PM. Kids are free.

UNH Hosting International Education Week, Nov 12-18, 2012. Most events are free and open to the public. For more information, click HERE.

Addressing Nitrogen Issues in Great Bay, a 3-part series, Thursday, Nov 15, Madbury Town Hall, 7-8:30 PM. For more information, click HERE.

Durham-Great Bay Rotary Club Food Drive to support local food pantries, Thu., Fri., Sat., November 15, 16, 17. Durham Marketplace sidewalk is the collection point. Articles may be dropped off between 3-6PM on Thu., 3-7PM on Fri., and 10AM-4PM on Sat. Cash donations also accepted.

OR High School Drama Department Presents NOISES OFF by Michael Frayn, Directed by Meredith Freeman-Caple, Thu, Fri, Sat, November 15, 16, 17, 2012, 7:00 PM. ORHS Box Office call for hours, 868-7156. $5/Sr. Citizens and students; $7/adults. Concession opens at 6:30 PM. For tickets call parent volunteer Armida Geiger, 603-868-7156. Flowers will be for sale at $5 by Red Carpet owner Kaitlyn Bassett.

Newcomers Unlimited, Friday, November 16, 2012, 10:00 AM, Durham Community Church. Program is "The Old Country Fiddler: Charles Ross Taggart, Traveling Entertainer". Adam Boyce of West Windsor, VT will be portraying Charles Ross Taggart, through the NH Humanities To Go.

Mast Way School Holiday Shopping Bazaar, Saturday, November 17, 2012, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, Mast Way School. Great shopping with local vendors and artisans. PTO will be selling soups and baked goods. For more information or re information or to become a vendor, contact Laura DiMeglio,

Book Study of "The Transition Companion: Making Your Community More Resilient in Uncertain Times", Sunday, November 18, 2012, 3-4:30 PM, St. George's Episcopal Church. Free and open to the public.

The Nutcracker is Coming to Durham! Saturday, December 8, 2012, 2-7:00 PM, Oyster River High School auditorium. 13 Oyster River students will join the Northeastern Ballet's professional cast for this year's performance. The show will also premiere on Saturday, December 1st at 2:00 and 7:00 PM. For more information, click HERE.

Gingerbread House Construction Fundraiser for On Belay, Saturday, December 8, 2012, 10 AM-3 PM, MUB Food Court at UNH.All supplies provided for your family to build something great. $15/team pre-registration and $20/team at the door. Email to pre-register. 

Movie Matinee, Saturday, December 8, 2012, 1:00 PM, UNH MUB, Theater 2. ParaNorman in 3D. $2/person; $2 for reusable 3D glasses (if you do not have them already). Visit




A Big Thank-you to members of the State Street Ballet for visiting storytime last week.  They performed dances from their performance of “The Secret Garden” Ballet as part of the UNH Celebrity Series at the Johnson Theater.

Preschool Storytimes Tues. Nov. 13th and Thurs. Nov. 15th, 10:30 a.m. – This week:  World Tales!  All are welcome to enjoy stories, songs, fingerplays, feltboard and a craft.

Picturesque Paris, Tues. Nov. 13th, 7:00 p.m. - Need a vacation? Explore the beauty of Paris with Henry Smith. Henry will share secrets of the City of Light and guide us through a photographic journey from the Eiffel Tower to Montmartre and everything in between.

Bookeaters, Middle School Book Group, Weds. Nov. 14th, 2:45-4:00 p.m. - Join us for this Middle School Group!  Walk from the Middle School to come and discuss the book of the month.  This month’s book is “The Maze Runner” by James Dashner.  This group is facilitated by Ruth Wharton-MacDonald.  Pizza is served! 

ORHS Poetry Night and Naming of the New ORHS Poet Laureate, Weds. Nov. 14th, 7:00 p.m. - Join us as we name the Oyster River Poet Laureate 2012!  Come hear Oyster River's talented High School Poets read their poetry.  One of them will be named the new Oyster River Poet Laureate.  Don't miss this fun night of poetry.  All are welcome and refreshments will be served.

Lego Club for 1st-4th graders, Thurs. Nov. 15th, 3:45-4:45 p.m. - Lego Club is back for 1st -4th graders.  Like to build with Legos?   Join us for 6 Thursday afternoons as we build with Legos.
Thanksgiving Holiday Hours:  The Library will be closed starting Weds., Nov. 21st at 5 pm and will re-open on Sat. Nov. 24th at 10:00 am.  Happy Thanksgiving!
Special Pajama Storytime:  Dance/Music with Dancers from the Northeastern Ballet Company and the Nutcracker!  Tues.  Nov. 27th at 6:30 pm – Join ORPP and the Durham Library for our monthly Pajama Storytime. This month: Dance and Music!  Join us for this special storytime.  Dancers from The Northeastern Ballet Co. and their upcoming performance of "The Nutcracker" will visit this storytime.  Come and hear stories about dance/music
and see a short performance of the Nutcracker as well as meet some dancers from The Northeastern Ballet Co.  We will also make a craft.  ORPP supplies a snack.  All are welcome.
Join the Patch Program, our reading incentive program for children aged 2-12 years. Children earn patches for minutes read or being read to as well as a Durham Library book bag. If new to the program, stop by and register.  Thanks to the Friends of the Durham Public Library for their continued support of this program.  We have new patches!
Thanks to the Friends of the Durham Public Library for their continued support of this program.  We have new patches!


Check out the library's website at for more information.



"Farm Life in Durham: "Leawood Orchards, on Mast Road off Old Concord Road, was owned by George Potter in the 1920s. It was bought in 1945 bt Clayton ("Red") Cross. The farm, which sold eggs in the early days, also had a large apple orchard. In the 1980s, in addition to selling apples, the farm is well known for its excellent cider, sold from the farm in the fall. Vegetables and other fruits are also sold in season." Published in 1985 by the Durham Historic Association.



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


Have a nice weekend. 




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, New Hampshire

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


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