Friday Updates - August 12, 2016


Friday, August 12, 2016


UNH Outdoor Pool opens next week!


The UNH Campus Recreation Department is pleased to announce an Outdoor Pool Celebration event scheduled for Friday, August 19 from 2 - 7PM. This fun, free event includes games, food, giveaways, and of course, swimming in the new pool.  Complementary parking is available in the Woodside Lot.

In addition to the excitement of the new pool opening, August 19th is a special connection to the old pool.  In June 1938, the UNH Outdoor Pool opened. As the season ended, a huge opening celebration took place on August 19, 1938.  More information about the history of the pool will be displayed on the bathhouse.  Participants can review the historical displays when they visit the pool.



The Durham Town Council has committed to subsidizing resident costs for pool memberships up to a sum of $30,000. When purchasing one of the various pool pass options from the University of New Hampshire, Town of Durham residents will receive a 20% discount off the purchase price. Passes need to be purchased in person at Campus Recreation and proof of residency must be provided to receive this subsidy. In addition, any passes purchased for the 2016 season will be valid for the 2017 season - in other words - Swim FREE for the 2016 season by purchasing a membership or MVP pass now. Additional information and membership fees can be found HERE.


Please Note 

Pool memberships will be available at the Pool Bathhouse beginning August 19th.



Due to vacation scheduling, the Administrator's Office will be closed the week of August 15-19, 2016. The office will reopen on Monday, August 22, 2016.



With an ongoing national dialog about policing I thought it may be important to reaffirm to the community how the Durham Police Department views our role as part of the Durham community.  In Plato’s “Republic”, Plato viewed a perfect democracy giving the greatest amount of power to those called the Guardians who would protect the democracy and focus upon ethics, integrity and virtue.  Sir Robert Peel, who some refer to as the father of modern policing, stated that the “police are the people and the people are the police”.  

In the aftermath of Ferguson and the display of horrendous policing that we saw nightly on the national news, the concept of Warrior versus Guardian delivery of policing services has emerged as the “new topic” for police managers!  As we can see, it is not new and the guardian role has been the philosophy of the Durham Police for the past 20-years.  We believe that creating strong connections and community engagement will lead to improved public safety and more effective delivery of policing services.  As guardians we are committed to function as part of the community, demonstrating compassion and employing consistency in the way we do things.  While that does not eliminate mistakes or misunderstandings, we are committed to doing the right thing at the right time and continuously trying to do it better!   

The Durham Town Code authorizes and bestows the use of police powers upon the Durham Police Department, which is why we work diligently to be as transparent as possible.  By providing the community our annual “response to resistance” report which highlights in great detail when force was used by officers and under what circumstances, serves to ensure that the public trust bestowed upon us is warranted.  

It is my hope that this brief statement has not been too tedious or preachy.  But I felt it was important to convey the department’s philosophy to the Durham community in light of what we are all seeing on the nightly news reaffirming to you that we understand our role as guardians in our service to Durham.   


Police Chief David Kurz--


Steve Misek, Jennifer Kelly Misek, and Captain Dave Holmstock



Last week Jen Kelly graduated from the FBI Special Agent class in Quantico, Virginia.  Captain Dave Holmstock traveled down and represented all of her friends at Durham PD.  While we miss Jen and Steve we are excited for them as they begin their new life together!



The DPL Board of Trustees are excited to announce the appointment of Judy Haskell as Interim Director.  In addition to her warm and engaging personality, Judy has more than 20 years of experience as a public library director.  She retired last year from the Hampton Falls Free Library where she worked for 19 years. Previous to that she worked for 4 years at the East Kingston Public Library, received her MLIS from the University of Rhode Island and is very active in her community of Exeter.  Judy will serve in this capacity for 4-6 months as the Trustees begin the search for a new Director.  



For those who may visit the Mill Pond and walk their dogs along Mill Pond Road near the pond and Churchill Apartments, please be aware that this area has recently experienced a large amount of Canada Geese that have been coming to the pond, and with that, leaving an equally large amount of droppings in the area; not only in the grassy area around the pond, but also on the sidewalk and the grassy hill going up to the Churchill Apartments.

A Churchill Apartment resident informed the Town that one of their neighbors' dogs contracted and is being treated for Giardia after having been in contact with the droppings, and warns residents to be aware of this situation when visiting the Mill Pond and walking pets in that area.




4th Annual Durham Farm Day, Saturday, August 20th, 10am - 4pm, rain or shine!  Spend the day exploring farms and gardens across town and campus.  Lots of family-friendly activities. A full schedule of events can be viewed HERE, or on Facebook.


For more information, contact Theresa Walker of the Durham Agricultural Commission to register for tours, or if you have any questions about Farm Day,, 603-659-7226.



Phase A of the Route 108 Project, from the vicinity of Stagecoach Road to Hamel Brook (south of Laurel Lane) is proceeding as scheduled and is expected to be completed by mid-October. At that time the 4-foot shoulders will in place and the roadway will be paved.  This fall the NHDOT will be advertising for Phase B of the project which will encompass Route 108 from the Durham Town Hall to Hamel Brook and from Stagecoach Road south to Newmarket. It will continue into Newmarket to the Lamprey River Bridge. It is expected this phase will take 2 construction seasons with a final completion date of late 2018.



Durham residents in close proximity to the Durham Public Works facility on Stone Quarry Drive may hear periodic shooting next week specifically on August 16th, 17th, and 18th as the Durham Police conduct their annual qualifications with their firearms. While there are significant portions of the annual training that involves practicums without the discharge of a weapon, there will be periods of active shooting.  

Residents may recall that the Durham Police are working with Strafford County officials to construct a county-wide firearms range. Unfortunately that range has not fared very well on the County budget and has been pushed off for yet another year.   

Letters have been sent to abutters, or those who may be in earshot of the actual training, advising that the training is going to occur.  Chief Kurz hopes that some of the noise will be diminished by the leaves on the trees, the buffering of the area by a large berm, warmer weather and the day-time hours.  If there are any concerns please feel free to contact the police department at 868-2324 or Chief Kurz at


After arriving in Hawaii, Administrator Selig met with the Managing Director of the City of Honolulu, Roy K. Amemiya. In Honolulu, there are 9 members of the City Council elected by ward, and one mayor elected at large. The mayor hires all department heads, including the Managing Director, all of whom must be confirmed by the City Council. Courtesy Todd Selig


HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY - Morning of Saturday October 1, 2016

The 2016 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive.  As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only, between 8-11:30AM.  To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail  Remember - The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS FIVE GALLONS.  





Consider reducing your purchase of products with hazardous ingredients; read labels thoroughly. Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in anything other than their original containers and never remove labels. Never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become un-recyclable. Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.


LATEX AND OIL BASED PAINTS , MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY!  These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with your permit throughout the year.  Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil,  anti-freeze  and  oil  based  paints  can  go  up  as  is.  Typically,  hazardous  waste  is  categorized  as  toxic,  ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer’s label.


Common Household Hazardous Waste:


Wild turkeys on Old Landing Road. Courtesy Jim Munsey



The "Summer Hot Deals" listed below will run through August 19th. Please contact the businesses directly with any questions.

3 Bridges Yoga, 37 Main St., 603-590-0010

2 months of unlimited yoga for $125


Amy's Frame Shop, 44 Main St., 603-868-2511

Receive a coupon for 25 FREE 4" by 6" prints from the Kodak Kiosk with your Custom Framing Order*. Mention Summer Hot Deals to receive the offer. *Excludes ready-made frames


Papa John’s, 10 Pettee Brook Ln., 603-868-9999

Buy a Large or Extra Large Pizza at regular menu price, get the second pizza of equal or lesser value FREE. Offer valid online only. Use promo code TMT4569DBABOGO when ordering.


SolSistar, 49 Main St., Suite 103, 603-397-5229
25% off 1 non-sale item on Friday’s when you mention Summer Hot Deals!


Tacomano, 38 Main Street, 603-397-5203

FREE gauc or bacon with purchase of either a burrito, a bowl, or an order of tacos.


UNH Dairy Bar, 3 Depot Road, 603-862-4843

Get a large fountain beverage for only $.99 cents when you buy any salad or sandwich at the UNH Dairy Bar!




The Durham Agricultural Commission's Food Friendly Yard program encourages residents to participate in home food production and small scale farming.  The program also supports elimination of chemical pesticide use on lawns and gardens and increased planting of flowers and blooming ornamental shrubs and trees to nurture birds, wildlife and pollinating insects.  

To learn more, please join members of the Commission on Farm Day, August 20, 2016, for the Food Friendly Yard Tour.  The tour will visit the yards of 5 residents to see how they are integrating vegetables, fruit, bees and chickens into their landscaping.  The Tour will begin at 1pm in the Middle School Parking Lot on Dennison Road and will last approximately 1 hour.  Registration required by August 19th.  Please contact Theresa Walker at 603 659 7226,, to register



Durham's Agricultural Commission's has begun featuring a Mini Film Series in the weekly "Friday Updates".  Each week a short video on an agricultural topic will be posted that Commission members hope subscribers will enjoy and find helpful.


This week's Mini Film is Unbroken Ground: Finding Solutions to the environmental crisis through food.


Who doesn't enjoy a good old fashioned lemonade stand during the hot and humid days of summer? While delivering mail along his route last week, US postal carrier John Pacheco found these two ambitious youngsters set up and ready for business. Courtesy John Pacheco



Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Town Council meetings in September will be held on Monday, September 12th and Monday, September 26th instead of the usual 1st and 3rd Mondays.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the next two weeks.  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Town Council - Monday, August 15, 2016

Economic Development Committee - Tuesday, August 16, 2016 (8:00 AM)

Trustees of the Trust Funds - Monday, August 22, 2015 (7:15 AM - Young's Restaurant)

Planning Board - Wednesday, August 24, 2016


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.



The Trustees of the Trust Funds, in coordination with DPW, plan to close Doe Farm to public use during one week in October around the time the Town's contractor is spraying herbicide to kill invasive plants.  


Since the weather patterns in the early Fall may vary enough from normal to cause the Trustees to shift their "best time" selection forward or backward by a week, they can't say yet which week the Farm will be closed.  The Trustees are not closing because they expect the spraying operation to endanger anyone, but to prevent unwanted, unprotected public contact with herbicides and interference with the workers.  (As you may recall, someone (or ones) removed all of the flagging delineating the invasive plant infestation areas earlier this year causing frustrating delays and additional expense for the project.)


The Trustees and DPW will work to minimize the time of closure.




We recently heard from former Durham resident and Town Councilor, Julian Smith. He sent an email (with the above photograph attached) which read: "After campaigning since LAST September for the election THIS November, it's come to this: I've just scheduled the first two of a series of different highway billboards on the mainland--on the most heavily-travelled roads. The image of the shabby old codger is the one I've been using on my campaign cards and in some print ads. Soon I will be beginning my radio ads." The email was signed "The shameless candidate formerly known as Julian".


Julian took up permanent residence at his second home on St. Simons Island, Georgia in the fall of 2015 after having been a resident of Durham since 1965.


We wish Julian a successful campaign!



For those wondering about how and where to go to have used light bulbs and batteries recycled, Batteries Plus in Newington accepts these items for recycling. For more information, visit their website HERE.


Administrator Selig and daughter Zoe taking Ukulele lessons. Courtesy Todd Selig



DCAT 22 now has an aerial drone. The drone craft will be used in many different municipal capacities where an aerial view is necessary. The drone has HD video and HD still shot capability.  Due to the size and weight of the drone, it’s necessary for it to be registered with the FAA, tail numbers: FA3ECN9RR3.  


Perhaps it was too hot for you to attend the Eversource Seacoast Reliability Forum on July 14 in the Oyster River High School (it was very warm inside), but alas, you can watch from your air conditioned home as DCAT 22 Studios was there to record the event.  This video is available for replay on DCAT Cable Channel 22 and on our On Demand site.  Total run time: 1:16 – Monday at 4:00 PM, Tuesday at 1:30 PM, Wednesday at 10:00 AM, Thursday at 10:00 PM & Friday at 8:30 PM.


New video from DCAT 22 Studios

Learn a wee bit more about the Durham Farmer’s Market and the vendors that shelp their delicious wares from town to town on a weekly basis. This is a video short and runs a total of 7:00 minutes.  Phil also recorded the most recent and ever popular “Music on the Lawn” series from the Durham Public Library’s green and comfy lawn.  Performing artist, TJ Wheeler.  TJ enjoys regaling his listeners with stories of the blues and jazz.  Run time: 33:37  Both videos are available on our DCAT 22 On Demand site: (DCAT Studios folder).  Thanks to DCAT 22 volunteer, Phil Kincaid for recording and editing these videos.


Protecting Against Frauds & Scams

New frauds and scams seem to crop up daily, many of them specifically targeted at seniors. Identity theft, investment fraud, and scams rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money. Last year, 13 million people were the victims of identity theft alone – that’s one person every two seconds! Join DCAT 22 Studios for an important program by AARP presenter Norma Boyce, to learn how you can protect yourself against frauds and scams.  This presentation is available for replay on DCAT 22, Saturday & Sunday at 4:00 PM.  The episode can also be viewed on DCAT On Demand. Total run time: 1:00


In the Biz Spotlight: DCAT 22 Coordinator, Craig Stevens and EDC Director, Mary Ellen Humphrey visit local businesses to introduce them to the community, and to welcome newcomers to Durham.  Most recent episode: The Juicery & The Soupery. Stop by and sample their products.  Note: all cups, lids, soup cups, straws, and silverware are compostable. All of the serve ware is compostable as an effort to help the environment, which is a part of their company's culture.  Quote: “Smoothies, juices and soups are fast food... that actually contain food.” Tory Dube (marketing) and Megan Senter (store manager). The episode can be viewed Cable Channel 22 @ 12:30 PM & 6:00 PM, Saturday & Sunday and on DCAT On Demand.


DCAT is Live Streaming

Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account.  You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time.  All you have to do is click and watch.  Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device.  Please contact with any questions.




The Historic District/Heritage Commission currently has one vacancy with a term expiration of April 30, 2018.


The Durham Historic District/Heritage Commission helps administer the Durham Historic District Ordinance, as described in the Zoning Ordinance, the purpose of which is to preserve and promote the historic, cultural, educational, economic, and general welfare of the community.


The Commission meets the first Thursday of every month at 7PM in the Town Council chambers.


Interested residents may complete a board appointment application and submit it to Jennie Berry at The form can be found HERE,
then click on "Application for Appointment".


Questions concerning the HD/HC may directed to Michael Behrendt at 603-868-8064 or email at


A host family is being sought to host Leo, a 15-year-old male, 9th grader from Xi’an, China, who will attend Berwick Academy this fall. The family will earn $900 a month to host. The host family will treat Leo as a family member, not as a guest. They will provide room and board, and, if not within walking distance, a ride to and from Berwick Academy’s bus stop in front of Wildcat Fitness. Leo will pay all other expenses. CYC (Culture and Youth Connections), with offices in Durham, NH and Beijing, China, provides 24-hour local support and works directly with the host family, Leo, Berwick Academy, and Leo’s parents, for a smooth homestay. If interested, please contact Anna Yu: cell: 603-397-2305,




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Music on Main Summer Concert

We had an amazing night with our 1st ever Music On Main Summer Concert last Thursday!! Thank you to those who came out and enjoyed the evening! A special thanks to FLING for their great music, and several of the main street businesses- The Makery, The Candy Bar, Durham Bike & Sport, and The Juicery who added all the FUN to this memorable night.

Many thanks to the Durham Fire, Police and Public Works Departments for their assistance to make this event happen!



Summer Day Camp Update

We are in the final stretch of DPR summer camps before the start of the school year. We still have some space open in the following camps for those looking to squeeze in a little more summer fun!

Register ASAP for:

8/15-8/19- Extreme Earth Camp (Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM)

8/22-8/26- Wicked Cool Med School (Monday-Friday 9AM - 4PM)

For more information or to register for camps/trips please visit us HERE.


Discover Durham’s Trials-Wildflowers at Wagon Hill Farm Saturday, August 13th 9:00-10:00am.  Take a closer look at wildflowers found along the meadow trails.  Meet at the parking circle for this FREE, interactive walk at Wagon Hill Farm! All Ages.


Durham Day at Wagon Hill Farm

Saturday, September 17th from 12:30-3:30pm. Enjoy a community celebration of Durham with FREE BBQ, live music, informational booths from community organizations and businesses, Kayak & boat tours, kids activities and more!

Those interested in being an Exhibitor or volunteering for Durham Day please complete our Participant Registration Form.

Rain Date for Durham Day-Sunday, September 18th 12:30-3:30pm.


Sunset Yoga Hike

Friday, Sept. 16th from 5-6:30pm.  Celebrate the Harvest Moon by taking a yoga hike at Wagon Hill Farm. Instructor Colleen Kendall-Piel is sure to relax your muscles while the moon begins to rise. $15/for pre-registers/ $17 for drop-ins.  Register HERE.

Historic Walking Tour

Sunday, Sept. 18th from 1-2pm.  Join the Durham Historic Association for insight into the history of Durham! This free tour begins at the Durham Parks and Recreation/ DHA building and includes many historic spots nearby. Some spots included are: The Chapel, 3 Chimney’s Inn, the oldest house in Durham, and the Raid on Fort William and Mary. The guided walk will conclude at Sullivan Graveyard.  Register HERE.


Coyote Club Session 1

Mondays- September 12th-November 7th 3:30-5pm at the Moharimet Sugar Shack and surrounding woods.  Transportation is available from Mast Way Elementary School to Moharimet.  Register HERE by Monday, September 5th.  

NEW- Coyote Club sessions are now 8 weeks vs. 6 weeks.

Coyote Club introduces children to nature-based studies, native crafts and environmental stewardship.  This program will get kids out of the house and into the woods, connecting them to their environment.  

FREE Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm

Thursdays from 5-6pm. Bring a mat or a blanket and meet at the wagon.  Participation is FREE.  Class is canceled in the case of inclement weather.


Adult Fitness Classes

Durham Parks & Recreation offers a variety of weekly Adult Fitness Classes that are welcoming, affordable and fun!  Our current class schedule includes, Bootcamp, Pilates, Strength & Stretch, Zumba, Traditional Tai Chi & Tai Chi Balance and Qigong, Yoga classes and Restorative Yoga Workshops.  For details on class times and schedules, please visit us HERE.


Drop-in Programs at Churchill Rink

DPR is offering a variety of FREE drop-in style programs this summer at Churchill Rink for both youth and adults.   

Tuesdays: Pick-Up Pickleball (6-8pm) (equipment provided)

Wednesdays: Youth Street Hockey-Ages 7+ (5:30-7pm) (bring a stick)


Save The Date:

Friday Teeter TOTers Playgroup with ORPP- Beginning September 16th

Tentative Churchill Rink Opening Day- Tuesday, October 11th.  

Spooktacular Day- Friday, October 28th 4-6pm

Tree Lighting Celebration- Saturday, December 3rd



Lamprey River Splash & Dash, Saturday, Aug 20, 2016, downtown Newmarket at Schanda Park, 10:30 AM check-in and day of registration opens; 12 PM themed paddle craft & dress for paddle polloza parade; 1:15 PM 3K races & 1/2 kids knovoy. Hosted by Lamprey Rivers Advisory Committee, Newmarket Recreation, and others. More information HERE

One World Language FREE Mini Summer Class, Thursday, Aug 25, 2016, 11 - 11:45 AM. One World makes language learning accessible at a young age, regardless of financial standing, and takes students to a level of fluency to be comfortable in another country using another language. Students will learn another language through games, role-playing, puppets, and stories. More information, contact Pranav Dadarwala, 207-370-8398,
Wildcat Fitness - $1.00 per class in August. All classes are designed for all fitness levels. Offer available to all community members. Kids 12-16 FREE (must be with a parent). More information HERE.

UNH Celebrity Series. The University of New Hampshire Celebrity Series is beginning its 2016-2017 season. The community is invited to upcoming performances at the Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre in Durham. View events and purchase tickets HERE.

Like to sing? The Seacoast Choral Society has openings for all voice parts - no audition necessary! Rehearsals are on Mondays, 7:15-8:45 PM, September through May at the Durham Community Church (free parking on site). Concerts performed in January and May. More information, contact
Want to Become a Master Gardener? Learn more HERE.

Durham Bike & Sports Women’s Ride, every Tuesday evening; leave at 5:45 pm. Meet at the shop to get water and put air in your tires. For more information call 603-312-1755.

Emery Farm – PYO blueberries and coming soon the Market & Café at Emery Farm with expanded offerings of ice cream, morning coffee and bagels, and more! 

Durham Farmers' Market at Jackson's Landing - Every Monday now through October 3 (2:15 - 6PM)

UNH Organic Garden Club - Located at the weekly Durham Farmers' Market and Farm Stand at Murkland Courtyard (3-6PM). More information HERE.

UNH MUB Summer Series with weekly Wednesday movies (including many in 3-D!), a mini-carnival, an outdoor movie, and more. For the full printable schedule, click HERE.


The Seligs standing within the southern most point in the United States!  (Note the volcanic lava trail in black behind them.) Courtesy Todd Selig


Earlier this week, the Selig family visited Kīlauea, a currently active shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, and the most active of the five volcanoes that together form the island of Hawaii. Todd noted in his Blog that "Many people do not realize that the most southern part of the United States of America is actually the southern tip of the Island of Hawaii where we traveled. At this location, we were geographically at the same latitude as Mexico City. This explains why the sun is so hot in Hawaii."



The library will have a delayed opening on August 18 due to on-site tree work.  Opening at 1:00 on August 18. Sorry for an inconvenience this may cause.


The DPL welcomes its new Interim Director, Judy Haskell


The Library Board of Trustees welcomes Judy Haskell as Interim Library Director. Judy has worked as a public library director for over 20 years, retiring from the Hampton Falls Free Library at the end of 2015. Judy received her MLIS from the University of Rhode Island. Judy wants everyone to know that she's a 30 year resident of Exeter, totally addicted to audio books, is a member of two book groups, walks with a neighbor most mornings, is happily married and the mother of two grown daughters. Judy is excited to be working at Durham Public Library and hopes that you'll stop by to meet her.


Children’s and Young Adult Programs:

Fall Programs start Sept. 6th!
Storytimes begin Tues. Sept. 6th and Thurs. Sept. 8th at 10:30 am.  “Mice!”
Saturday Family Programs begin Sat. Sept. 10th at 10:30 am “Marble Mazes”
Baby Lap-sit begins Weds. Sept. 14th at 10:30 am
Young Adult Drop-in Monday (ages 10 & up) starts Monday 2:45-4pm “Duct Tape Lab”
New Jack & Annie Book Club (K-2)  starts Tuesday, Sept. 20th 4-5 pm (register for this monthly book club at the Children’s Desk).
Knitting Club is back for 3rd-5th graders and will start Weds. Sept. 21st 4-5 pm (register at the Children’s desk).
Lego Club (K-4th grade) begins again on Thurs. Sept. 22nd at 3:30-4:30 pm!
Monthly PJ Storytime with ORPP and the Durham Library begins Thurs. Sept. 22nd 6:30-7:30 pm “Fall Carnival!”
Home-schooler’s Group will start on Friday, Sept. 23rd at 10:30 am.  “Tall Tales!”
Meet us at Durham Day at Wagon Hill for a fun craft!  Sat. Sept. 17th 12:30-3:30 pm
More Fun Fall Programs coming soon, Raccoon Readers, YA Monthly Group, YA Iron Chef, Tales for Tails and Seacoast Reads.

Patch Program begins again Sept. 1st!


DPL Adult Program & Event Coordinator, Armida Geiger, said she visited the Wagon Hill Community garden last weekend and did not see any okra plants. She wanted to share the photograph above of the okra plant from her backyard garden.

Adult  Programs
August 25, 7-8 pm Art Reception, Late Bloomer Artist- Debbie Mueller - Debbie Mueller, Late Bloomer Artist has been an Obstetrician/Gynecologist for 31 years, a wife for 22 years, a mother for 21 years, a Durham resident for 10 years, and a painter for 6 months. She had her first lesson in painting in February, 2016 from her mother, Judy Underberg, a lifelong artist.  She has since studied with Susan Schwake & Tom Glover, and is continually informed and inspired by the work of her accomplished next door neighbor, the artist Christy Hegarty.  All are invited to meet Debbie at the artist reception on Aug. 25 at 7 pm and view her work on display in the Durham Public Library Gallery. Contact Armida Geiger
Upcoming Author Talks and Book Signings

Climbing: From Sport to Traditional Climbing (How to Climb) by Nate Fitch & Ron Funderburke.  Thurs. Sept 8, 6:30 pm

The BIG Trip: A Family Gap Year by Martha McManamy with Evan, Conor, & Laura McManamy.  Thurs. Sept 29, 6:30 pm

DPL Trustees Workshop - Wed. Aug 17, 6:45 pm

Book Donation Week - Aug 29 thru Sept 3  Accepting gently used books and DVD's
Friends of the Library Summer Big Read 2016 - Spend the summer reading at a suitably leisurely pace (about 250 pages a month) our September Book Discussion choice, to be facilitated by Jennifer Lee. The 2016 book is Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Copies to borrow for the summer are available at the library. If you buy your own, be sure it has notes and an introduction (and readable print.) There are several good paperback editions for between $11 and $13. Enrich your reading, if you like, by signing up with your name and email at the library, and you will receive by email from the facilitator:  A brief historical and biographical background and short bibliography of background books.  Suggestions for making your reading easier and more enjoyable. Periodic encouragements and provocative quotes, facts, suggestions, etc.  The opportunity to ask questions before September. Signup is optional, but please do it by June 15.  You can request to be put on the list at the library circulation desk, over the telephone (868-6699), or by email If you were on the email list last summer (for Middlemarch), simply email Jennifer.

The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology: computers, iPads & cell phones, eReaders (Nook, Kindle, etc.) Call to check on availability of the volunteers and set up an appointment. 868-6699 or email

For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.


Durham resident Joe Moore found this large mushroom growing on a maple tree trunk at the beginning of the Madbury Road end of Beech Hill Road. He believes it is an Eastern Cauliflower mushroom (Sparassis Spathulata).



Have a very nice weekend.


Jennie Berry--


Administrative Assistant

Town of Durham, NH
t: 603.868.5571 m: 603.817.0720 
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA



Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?