Move in day at the University of New Hampshire is a family affair. Courtesy DCAT Studios
Today is move in day for incoming 1st Year Students at UNH. Classes begin Monday. We wish UNH, its students, faculty, and staff, a terrific 2019-20 academic year! Go Wildcats!
BUDGET AND CIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS UNDER WAY FOR FY 2020 - Departments/Committees in the process of preparing requests
Over the course of the summer, Durham’s department heads, as well as the Town’s various boards, committees, and commissions (as well as external organizations to which the Town makes payments for services such dispatch, ambulance, social service agencies, etc.) have been preparing their proposed budgets and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) requests for FY 2020 for consideration by the Administrator as he works to prepare a formal FY 2020 budget proposal for the Town Council as part of the annual budget development process.
Business Manager Gail Jablonski has begun to organize budget meetings with each of the Town’s department heads to enable herself and Administrator Selig to meet with departments and better understand budget requests, as well as departmental CIP requests.
Members of the Town Council will also be invited to each of these meetings if they have an interest in doing so.
One of the Town’s Council’s approved goals for FY 2019-2020 states: “Task the administrator with meeting the following budget goals for 2020: Hold the municipal tax rate at the 2019 level or less. For the medium and long-term, the Town will continue to make an effort to control its spending and explore innovative ways to reduce the municipal tax rate."
Per Town Charter, the Administrator is charged with the development of the annual budget and CIP program. The proposed annual budget must be submitted to the Town Council by the last business day in October. The Town Council by Charter then has until the last business day in December to adopt a budget or the Administrator’s budget becomes the budget of the Town by default.
The requested CIP projects will be presented to and discussed with the Planning Board during its meeting on September 11 and September 25, 2019. Interested members of the public should view that meeting to learn more about requested capitol projects from departments, boards, committees, and commissions.
As part of the 20219 paving and sidewalk program, Faculty Road was repaved and the deteriorated sidewalk was fully reconstructed this summer. The slanted granite curbing that had been utilized for many years was removed and bituminous asphalt curbing was installed.
This week, residents from Faculty Road submitted a petition expressing concern about the replacement of sloped granite curbing with asphalt and requested the Council consider reinstalling granite curbing again on Faculty Road. The granite curbing removed was recycled at Wagon Hill Farm as part of the shoreline stabilization program there and now comprises the path to the water to access the “beach area.”
At this time, the curbing/sidewalk on Faculty Road has been completed so we would not anticipate any change in 2019, providing the Council in the future authorizes a change, until the 2020 construction season (or at a time when the sidewalk in the futures requires reconstruction). Such a change would require budgeting for FY 2020 and significant reconstruction to install perpendicular granite curbing rather than the new bituminous asphalt curbing now in place.
DPW has been replacing the type of sloped granite curbing that was removed from Faculty Road with bituminous asphalt curbing for a couple of years now in other non-downtown core Durham locations, as the sloped curbing created widespread sidewalk asphalt longevity issues due to angular compaction over time, followed by fairly uniform asphalt cracking along the length of the granite curb and subsequent water infiltration and deterioration. (See photo above from fairly recent sidewalk with sloped granite curbing on Edgewood Road near the UNH Outdoor Pool.)
Asphalt curbing has been utilized in recent years in other locations around Durham, including Coe Drive, Bagdad Road and Bagdad, Dennison Road near the Paul School, Emerson Road, etc. The asphalt is approximately ¼ the cost of granite curbing, though it does not look as nice. The granite curbing in the immediate downtown area is rectangular/perpendicular curbing, which does not have the shortcomings associated with the sloped granite curbing that had been removed from Faculty Road.
DPW staff made the field decision to replace the sloped granite curbing (the granite had been intended to remain in planning documents as part of the approved CIP sidewalk schedule) with an eye toward cost effectiveness.
In addition to the Faculty Road question, the Council will likely discuss if Durham should utilize asphalt curbing in the future at all, whether in the downtown core or not, rather than granite curbing, though staff still recommends eliminating the sloped granite curbing due to sidewalk longevity concerns.
In short, perpendicular granite curbing is more decorative/attractive while asphalt curbing according to DPW staff is less expensive, easier to utilize, and easier to modify in the field as needed. Note, the perpendicular granite curbing is typically set in concrete to hold it during winter freezing/thawing cycles, etc.
The topic will be an agenda item at the September 9th Council meeting for further discussion. To view the petition received, click HERE.
LITTLEHALE POND PROJECT - End of Bagdad Road to be closed to car and foot traffic into October...
The existing Littlehale Pond culvert is a 24” diameter corroded corrugated metal pipe with a concrete dam structure that carries the flow from Littlehale Creek and Littlehale Brook under Bagdad Road and to Beards Creek which flows under Coe Drive. DPW has researched the history of Littlehale Pond beginning in 2013. Fitts Farm encompassed most of the land bordering Bagdad Road, Emerson Road and Edgewood Road. For years was a working farm with both livestock and crops. Sometime in the late 1940’s a shallow, small pond was created in the current location of Littlehale Pond/Dam by the Fitts Family Farm folks for use by the livestock and for irrigation.
During our research and in meetings with NHDES including the Dam Bureau it was determined that the current weir structure was not registered as a dam and had various deficiencies. NHDES expressed that removing the pond and restoring it back to a flowing stream would be the best alternative to restore a healthy environment.
This project includes removing a dam structure and replacing the existing undersized culvert with a 10’ wide x 6’ high precast concrete box culvert with appropriate headwalls and associated minor roadway reconstruction work. Additional work includes the upgrade of water, sewer, and addition of innovate stormwater treatment practices. In order to move the existing waterline, a shutdown was completed in the overnight hours.
Bagdad Road will be closed to thru traffic for the duration of the project, which is expected to continue into the month of October. DPW is working with the contractor on the schedule to ensure that the project is completed as expeditiously as possible. We realize this is not ideal; the project had been originally timed to be complete for the start of the school year.
DPW is also in communication with school administration, school bus transportation and the police department. Middle School walkers will be re-routed through Coe Drive. Walkers and bicyclist will not be permitted to cross through the project site as it is extremely dangerous to enter an active construction site. Additional no pedestrian signage and barriers will be placed to enforce this message. We expect there will also be additional traffic congestion going to the middle school so it is recommended that children take the bus where possible.
Miscommunication between the Town’s contract design consultant and the permitting agency NHDES caused delays in completing the permitting application process. Additionally, this project required approval from the wetlands bureau and the dam bureau which had added additional requirements to the submitted application.
The contractor intends to work this Saturday to complete the preparation of the cofferdam bags. Cofferdam installation, stream diversion, crane pad prep, and preparation for the culvert placement will begin next week.
EVERSOURCE SEACOAST RELIABILITY PROJECT - ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - Updated August 19, 2019 (All dates are in 2019 unless otherwise indicated. Schedule is subject to change and will be updated periodically)
Town Clerk-Tax Collector Lorrie Pitt (right), introduced the Durham's new Deputy Town Clerk-Tax Collector, Rachel Deane, at the Town Council meeting on Monday, August 19, 2019. Courtesy Todd Selig
At this week’s Leadership Team meeting, Public Works Director Mike Lynch reported that DPW was finding that there were far fewer contractors available to undertake work for the Town, fewer companies providing quotes, etc. He suggested reviewing the threshold triggering the need for departments to seek three quotes within the Town’s purchasing guidelines, currently set at $5,000, and perhaps making this a slightly higher amount. Obtaining 3 quotes was difficult to obtain in some instances, he indicated, with limited contractors available. The Business Office will take a look.
Assessor Jim Rice noted that real estate sales prices are significantly higher again this year in Durham versus last year, due to the overall desirability of the Durham community. He will evaluate whether this might trigger the need for a partial statistical update much sooner than otherwise anticipated. He also reported the Town might be able to save $25,000 by doing a rolling four year statistical update of assessments, versus a single year revaluation. He will continue to evaluate as we approach the budget season.
Interim Library Director Susan Wagner reported this week that interest in DPL summer programs exceeded expectations. Good news! Mike Lynch indicated we’ll need a 15 hr/wk position for maintenance at the Library facility for next year to care for building grounds, etc. In addition, the Library Trustees decided to keep the front lawn area grass rather than architectural pavers, and to concentrate more resource on keeping it green and attractive.
Business Manager Gail Jablonski provided a quarterly financial report to the Council Monday evening. Everything is on track and on budget. View the report HERE.
The Fire Department undertook a Stop the Bleed program this week. It teaches participants how to stop significant bleeding if that were to occur. The DFD is also working on budget development.
Planner Michael Behrendt noted he is working with Director Lynch, Lorne Parnell, James Bubar, and Business Manager Jablonski to interview potential arborists to monitor Eversource tree work on Durham Point Road. Admin. Selig recused himself from the selection process as one of the applicants has been caring for his mother’s property for many years.
Banners at intersection of Main Street and Quad Way welcoming students and visitors to the UNH campus. Courtesy Todd Selig
Earlier this year, the Town received a request for hanging decorative rainbow welcome banners on Main Street in advance of Pride Month in June. The idea of hanging decorative/message banners on the twelve light posts along Main Street between Pettee Brook Lane and Madbury Road is not something the community had previously considered and since the Town does not possess the hardware to hang such banners on our light posts, we were not able to consider the idea further. UNH does have decorative banners on its decorative light poles along Main Street from approximately Pettee Brook Lane to College Road.
Durham Public Works researched the cost … and the hardware alone would be $3,460. In addition, a single run of twelve decorative banners wold cost approximately $1,500 ($125 per banner). With a banner program, we would want to have an ever changing array of images/messages depending upon the season/holiday so we’d probably be looking at around six sets of different banners costing about $9,000 for a full year of messaging alone (excluding hardware).
In addition, a resident wrote to Administrator Selig over the July 4th week to suggest hanging American flags along Main Street for Independence Day. We have received the same suggestion in the past from other residents concerning hanging flags around the Memorial Day and Veterans Day holidays. Durham has no brackets for hanging flags on our decorative light posts so there would be a similar set up cost.
At Monday’s Council meeting, it was discussed that such banner/flag programs would place additional stress on an already overstretched DPW staff asked to do a great deal with limited resources. In addition, Councilors felt Main Street looked very dignified and attractive currently and such a program might in fact detract from the classic look and feel of the downtown core. Finally, there was concern about determining what messaging to potentially include on a banner program. Ultimately the Council decided not to proceed with such a program.
RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'VE GOT A GARDEN! - The Ag. Commission is compiling an inventory
The Agricultural Commission is compiling an informal inventory of current farming and gardening activity in town to further a Durham Master Plan goal to increase local food production.
If you’d like to be included in the inventory please email Theresa Walker of the Agricultural Commission at mailto:theresawalker@comcast.net. Better yet, stop by the sheep shearing demonstration during Farm Day at LaRoche Farm and let Theresa know in person!
DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday afternoon in the Sammy's downtown lot off Pettee Brook Lane
Be sure to stop by the Durham Farmers' Market being held on Monday afternoons at the Sammy's/Store 24 Parking Lot. A variety of locally produced farm products, prepared foods, and fine crafts will be available Mondays 2:15 - 6:00 PM.
There will be no Farmers' Market on Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd.
The historic Oyster River (Mill Pond) Dam, August 23, 2019. Courtesy Todd Selig
On Monday evening, the Town Council awarded a contract for Oyster River Dam (Mill Pond Dam) Feasibility Study to Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) in the amount of $330,000.
The VHB team, including Pare Corporation and Weston and Sampson Engineering, was chosen through a competitive Request For Qualification (RFQ) process over several other engineering companies, to perform the feasibility study. This team was selected because of their expertise and success in similar projects as well as their previous work that has been completed for the Town. The Town also received qualification packages from VHB and Wright Pierce.
The 2019 Capital Improvements Plans includes $300,000 for work related to the Oyster River Dam Feasibility Study. Additionally, the 2017 Capital Improvement Plan included $150,000 for work related to the restoration of Mill Pond, of which $125,000 is remaining in that account. The scope of the feasibility study is comprehensive and includes the following major tasks;
- Data Collection & Review
- Field Survey & Base Mapping
- Determine Appropriate Scenarios and Develop Alternatives
- Sediment Evaluation
- Hydrology and Hydraulics Analysis
- Cultural Resources
- Wildlife and Natural Communities
- Other Issues of Importance
- Fish Passage
- Bridge and Infrastructure Impacts
- Recreational Usage
- Invasive Species
- Wetlands
- Water Quality
- Outreach and Coordination Meetings
- Visual Assessment
- Feasibility and Impact Analysis Report
View the scope of services HERE.
On Monday DPW will be reinstalling the speed table on Edgewood Road that was removed for paving. The road will be shut down for thru traffic but open for local residents. Access will be from Madbury and Emerson as the table is located at the middle of that section of Edgewood. DPW will have appropriate signage and Assistant Director for Operations Doug Bullen anticipates the road being fully open by early afternoon. Any questions or concerns please let DPW know at (603) 868-5578 or mailto:jrichard@ci.durham.nh.us.
The growth of saplings, branches, and weeds along Durham roadsides is a real concern obstructing signage, sight distances, and in some cases forcing vehicles and people out of their lane.
Public Works is aware of the concern in numerous areas around town. Resources have been stretched thin at DPW across many competing priorities this summer, including some illness, position vacancies, and summer vacation schedules.
Brush cutting on sidewalks in the vicinity of the schools is being addressed this week (should be wrapping up by today).
A crew will begin general roadside cutting during the second week of September. Roadside trimming is not the most attractive process but it is necessary to keep foliage from growing into the roadways/sidewalks and over time keeps saplings from growing into trees below utility lines, which ultimately becomes an issue as they get taller.
Moved in and ready to start classes on Monday at Fairchild Hall. Courtesy DCAT Studios
2 SCU Victory Club Tickets, Home Opener September 21st, UNH vs. Rhode Island
1 raffle ticket for $5.00. 5 raffle tickets for $20.00. Value of tickets is $200.
Club members receive...
- Seat ownership of the best seats in the house.
- Exclusive access to the luxurious climate-controlled Service Credit Union Victory Club.
- All-you-can eat upscale buffet with carving stations.
- Access to a Club Level outdoor patio area featuring game day fare.
- Premium parking located near entrance.
- Spacious 22-inch wide fixed seat with back, arm rests and beverage holders.
- VIP seating outside, in front of the SCU Victory Club
Raffle Ticket Sales
If interested in purchasing a raffle ticket(s) please contact the DBA at mailto:durhambusinessassociation@gmail.com
Winner to be drawn on Friday, September 13, 2019 at the SCU Victory Club.
Winner does not need to be present to win.
Thank you for supporting the Durham Business Association.
PARKS & RECREATION HAS HAD A BUSY SUMMER – And offers some exciting programs for the fall as well…
Our final week of camp is taking place this week, which will wrap up 9 weeks of summer camp for P&R. It was a great and very busy summer. P&R Director Rachel Gasowski indicated she is so amazed by how fast this summer flew by… but time flies when you’re having fun!
A recap of the summer…
- DPR successfully offered 4 free community events: The Family Camp Out at Wagon Hill Farm, Family Theater Night, Music on Main and The Summer Splash and Potluck Picnic. They had great weather for all of the outdoor events.
- A variety of summer camp opportunities for kids 1st grade-8th grade including, Makers of The Future Science Camp, Dinos vs. Robots, and Afternoon Splash Camp; 5 weeks of REACH Afternoon Camp & 5 Friday Field Trips, Outdoor Adventure Week, and Adventure Paddle Camp.
- A Youth Fishing Program one evening a week for 5 weeks.
- A regular schedule of adult fitness programs: Pickleball, Bootcamp, Strength & Stretch, Zumba, Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga and Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm.
Coming this fall…
Youth & adult fall programs are online and registration is open. Here’s what is going on…
- Off The Beaten Path
- Hip Hop/Breakdance Class
- Horseback Riding Lessons with Green Acers Stable
- KayakingBackcountry Cooking
- Medieval Wilderness
- Mountain Bike Club
- Backcountry Survival
- After School Climbing Club
- Adult Fitness Classes: Yoga, Tai Chi, Strength & Stretch, Bootcamp, Zumba, Pilates, Pickleball
- Knitting Class
- Adult Field Trips: Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens; Beautiful: The Carol King Musical; Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum
- Possible Youth Fishing Program
- Possible Adult Photography Workshop with Elyse Sullivan
And some upcoming Parks & Recreation Department Events…
- Trot in The Trees 5K Trail Run and Fun Run in partnership with ORYA (Oct. 20th)
- Downtown Trick or Treat (Oct. 26th)
- Feather Fest with ORPP (Nov. 28th)
- Frost Fest (Dec. 7th)
Durham Firefighter Evan Crafts (center) pictured with: (back row l-r) Deputy Chief John Powers, CPT James Brown, Inspector Jessica Plante, FF Scott Campbell, FF Devon Skerry, Fire Chief David Emanuel, Inspector Matt Wilder; (front row l-r) FF Brendan O’Sullivan, FF Ryan McFadden, FF Barry Lavigne, FF Artie Boutin, CPT Nathan Katz, CPT Gary Kustra, Assistant Chief Randall Trull
The Durham Fire Department is pleased to announce that on August 22, 2019, Firefighter Evan Crafts officially completed his one-year probationary period with the Durham Fire Department and is now a permanent firefighter with the department. The training modules for probationary firefighters are an intensive course of study, which Evan completed in just over 364 hours.
Prior to coming to Durham, Evan previously served with the Newmarket Fire Department. Firefighter Crafts resides in Brentwood, NH. He attended the Lakes Region Community College in Laconia, NH for Fire Science. Congratulations to Evan on successfully completing his orientation period and training modules!
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is starting to plan for improvements to the Madbury Road – Route 4 intersection.
The project area will extend 1,000 feet in each of the four directions from the intersection. NHDOT has asked the Town for information about natural, cultural, and community resources located within or close to the project area. See the link below which includes a letter from Melilotus Dube, Environmental Manager at NHDOT, and a map of the project area. Please send any comments to Michael Behrendt, Town Planner, at mailto:mbehrendt@ci.durham.nh.us. He will convey to NHDOT in the early fall a list of concerns which will be considered as NHDOT moves to the design phase. We expect that NHDOT will hold a public information meeting some time later.
View a letter from Melilotus Dube, Environmental Manager at NHDOT, and a map of the project area HERE.
REMINDER! HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY - Morning of Saturday, October 26, 2019
The 2019 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive. As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only, between 8 - 11:30 AM. To register, you must call DPW at 603-868-5571 or mailto:publicworks@ci.durham.nh.us. REMEMBER - THE MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS FIVE GALLONS. NO EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS, RADIOACTIVE WASTE, ASBESTOS, SILVEX OR INFECTIOUS/BIOLOGICAL WASTE WILL BE ACCEPTED.
NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY - LATEX AND OLD-BASED PAINTS, MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE. These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with a permit throughout the year. Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil, anti-freeze and oil-based paints can go up as is. Typically, hazardous waste is categorized as toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer's label.
The Town Council will be meeting only once in September on Monday, September 9.
Milkweed Plots at Wagon Hill Farm
Strafford and Rockingham County SWCDs, The New Hampshire USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation are conducting a small collaborative study to test a new, old-field management strategy intended to increase the number of milkweed plants in the field by early season mowing.
Milkweed of course is a required host plant of the monarch butterfly. If the management strategy does in fact increase milkweed stem density in old fields, the collaboration's findings will be put to immediate use by the NH NRCS through their Environmental Quality Incentives cost-share Program (EQIP) as part of monarch butterfly conservation efforts.
Why WHF was a good site for the study:
The study was seeking sites with milkweed present, but at a low to medium density. Sites will be staked with stakes large enough to be seen in a grown-up old field. Soil and Water Conservation District staff, or possibly other partners, will need to visit the sites twice per year for 3 years - so ownership of the site had to be stable. Sites had to be in southeastern New Hampshire.
- Late August/Early September 2019 - SWCD staff will measure out at least 2 plots (but could do more if able) , each about 10 x 75 feet, and demarcate them with stakes. SWCD, NRCS, and/or Xerces will count all milkweed stems present in plots.
- Fall 2019 - Town may carry out regularly scheduled fall field mowing. We ask that you do not mow one of our two plots. The plot that we ask you not to mow will be clearly marked. The other plot can be mowed with the rest of the field in the fall.
- Spring 2020 - One of the two plots will be mowed by SWCD staff at some point between mid-May and June 15th, however ideally no later than June 1.
- Late August/Early September 2020 - SWCD staff counts milkweed stems.
Steps 2 through 4 would be repeated until the project is completed (2022).
Map of Aquaculture Applications in Oyster River just off Wagon Hill Farm shoreline. Courtesy NHF&G
AQUACULTURE APPLICATIONS PENDING BEFORE NHF&G - Resident input sought from Fish & Game
The Town of Durham has become aware of three commercial oyster operation applications currently pending before NH Fish and Game (NHF&G).
The specific area extends along much of the Wagon Hill Farm waterfront on both sides of the river.
This section of the river is perhaps the most accessible pristine section of the river if not the entire Little Bay area. It is also one of the few areas protected from prevailing winds and strong currents making it an ideal area for public use and recreation/enjoyment of the river, including kayakers, boaters, swimmers, UNH Crew/Great Bay Rowing, and more.
We want to ensure these public, municipal, and UNH interests are preserved and continued.
Rather than turning six acres over to exclusively commercial/for profit enterprises, great weight must be given to keeping the area/acreage in this location open to general use for everyone to enjoy.
We also want to ensure there is no negative impact to our ongoing shoreline restoration project at Wagon Hill Farm, including planned future phases.
As part of the process, Admin. Selig had requested that NHF&G postpone the scheduled public hearing for a period of 60 days to allow additional research by impacted parties, including the Town of Durham, abutting Durham property owners, UNH Crew, Great Bay Rowing, and the general public.
If postponement was not approved, Selig requested the public comment period be extended by 60 days to allow for adequate research and feedback to be undertaken and submitted by interested parties and the public at large.
NHF&G denied Durham's request to postpone the hearing and held it this past Tuesday at the NHF&G Durham Office. However, the public comment period was extended per the Town's request to November 2, 2019.
Robert Atwood, biologist with NH Fish and Game, will present information about the three plans to the Conservation Commission at its meeting this Monday, August 26. The presentation is the fifth item on the Conservation Commission's agenda.
Generally speaking, the sites would be located south of Wagon Hill Farm near the confluence with Little Bay. Various kinds of shellfish would be raised including oysters, clams, and quahogs. The methods include trays that would be submerged at all times and others that would float on top of the water. Aquaculture can offer numerous environmental and economic benefits but residents at the NHF&G hearing voiced concerns about potential aesthetic, navigational, and other impacts. There had been standing room only at the NHF&G hearing and all but maybe three people spoke in opposition to the applications.
Here are the applications:
Gallagher application
Rankin application
Virgin Oyster application
The Town Council is planning to invite Robert Atwood to provide a presentation to it on September 9th. The Council also would be interested in the thoughts of residents concerning the applications to assist it in formulating a recommendation to NHF&G. The Agricultural Commission is considering inviting the three applicants to provide a presentation as the three proposals would represent locally grown agriculture/aquaculture, which is generally something the Commission has supported in the past.
Submit feedback to NHF&G at mailto:Robert.Atwood@wildlife.nh.gov.
Submit feedback to the Town Council at mailto:council@ci.durham.nh.us.
Images from today's 1st year student move in. Courtesy DCAT Studios
Brookdale Spruce Wood at 25 Worthen Drive in Durham is seeking a volunteer in the Durham community to facilitate an Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group. A day long training with the Alzheimer’s Association is required, and then once a month for an hour and a half the volunteer would join Meghan Wentworth, Clare Bridge Program Manager at Brookdale and facilitate the group with her. This would place Brookdale on the map for the Alzheimer’s Association and others in the area would know about the meeting and would be able to attend and get the support they need.
Questions regarding this matter can be addressed to Meghan Wentworth, 603-659-1100, mailto:meghan.wentworth@brookdale.com
The Durham Town Council is seeking interested residents of the Town of Durham who have the ability, desire, and time needed to fill vacancies on several town boards, commissions, and committees.
Applications are available on the home page of the Town of Durham website at the top of the home page under “Helpful Resources”, then “Town Documents”, then “forms”, then “Application for Appointment”.
Completed applications may be mailed to the Administrator’s office, or submitted via email to Jennie Berry at mailto:jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.
The Fire Department has implemented a new permit for permissible consumer fireworks. The permit has been created to address the need for permitting for non-commercial fireworks displays on private property in Durham.
In order to receive a permit, the permittee must be at least 21 years of age, own the property or have written permission from the owner of the property where the display will take place, and purchase the fireworks from a licensed retail store in New Hampshire.
They must also read the State Fire Marshal’s brochure titled “Safety Information for the Use of Permissible Consumer Fireworks”.
If residents are interested in obtaining a consumer fireworks permit, the permit can be found on the Fire Department’s website to be printed and brought to the Fire Department with the $25 fee. See the Fire Department’s website for more information or call the station to speak to a member of the Fire Prevention Team.
Access the Fire Permit at the permits page of the fire department HERE.
The 2019 Durham Historic Treasure Hunt is open to Durham residents ages 8-17, and will run through the end of August.
View more details HERE.
COME VISIT THE DURHAM HISTORIC ASSOCIATION MUSUEM - There are incredibly interesting historic artifacts to view from Durham's rich history.
The Durham Historic Association Museum doors are open to the public every Tuesday and Saturday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. through Labor Day weekend.
Explore Durham's 400-year history in eight chronological periods, from the Abenaki settlement on the Oyster River to the present, in air-conditioned comfort.
Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Established in 2006, Oyster River Womenade provides financial assistance to community members in times of hardship . The organization serves all residents and families in Durham, Lee, Madbury, and Newmarket when no other resources are available. Their belief is that by helping someone through a short-term financial crisis, theyt can keep their situation from becoming worse.
To learn more about the organization or to donate, or volunteer, please go to https://www.orwomenade.org/ or email at mailto:info@orwomande.org.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Fall Programming begins the week of September 3rd. Check our website for details.
Tuesday September 3rd, 7:00-8:00 pm
Mindful Meditation with Jiong Jiong Hu
Easing through anxiety
Each session invites you to tune inward, explore the secret power of self-care and healing through gentle inquiry, mindful breathing and reflection. This opportunity provides time and space for you to learn tools to calm and balance your body and mind in midst of life's challenges.
Free and open to all. No registration required.
HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)
Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."
1929 - Miss Charlotte Thompson, "Aunt Lottie," was the beloved and respected librarian of the Durham and NHC libraries for 34 years. The children's room in Hamilton Smith Libray and now in Dimond Library were named in her honor. She was short of stature but long on dignity.
Have a very nice weekend.