Friday Updates - January 22, 2016


Friday, January  22, 2016


A bird house in Durham in the Merrick Woods following this past weekend's snowfall.  Courtesy Todd Selig



For those residents interested in neither primary polling nor NFL football standings, there is an alternative — the upcoming 139 year old Westminster Kennel Club Competition scheduled for February 15 - 16.  Seven new dog breeds will get a chance at this year’s competition:  Boerboel, Bergamasco, Lagotto Romagnolo, Cirneco dell’Etna, and the miniature American Shepherd.


For more information about these interesting new breeds, click HERE.



The Durham Historic Association will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, January 24, 2016 (Rain Date: January 31) at 2:00 PM in the Town Hall Council chambers.


The program will include "Who was Major General John Sullivan?"  Sullivan was a Major General in the Revolutionary War and elected NH Governor three times. He lived his entire adult life in Durham, a life of important roles in the creation of the United States. His story will be told by Doug MacLennan, owner of the General Sullivan House here in Durham.


CALLING ALL RESIDENTS - If you have not yet registered to vote, avoid the long lines at the polls and do so on or before January 30th

For those residents that are not registered to vote and want to vote in any of the 2016 elections REGISTER NOW!  The lines to register at the polls can be extremely long.


Residents can register to vote at the Town Clerk’s office, M-F, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The Supervisors of the Checklist will also have regular publicized sessions to register voters prior to all elections. 


SAVE TIME and PAPERWORK, by bringing a birth certificate or passport to show citizenship, driver’s license for identity, and some proof of residency (a piece of mail will suffice if a driver’s license is not New Hampshire).  

Parents, please encourage your college children to register and request an absentee ballot while they are home for Christmas break.

Any registered voter can volunteer to work at the elections, please consider volunteering.  Call Town Clerk-Tax Collector Lorrie Pitt for more information or to sign up, 603-868-5577.


See the notice below from the Supervisors of the Checklist as well for upcoming additional registration periods scheduled.



People new to Durham wishing to vote in the upcoming Primary may register at the Town Hall in the Town Clerk’s office during their regular office hours (8AM - 5PM).  Besides this, the Durham Supervisors of the Checklist will meet at the Town Hall during the dates and times listed below to accept new voters and to make corrections to the checklist:   

Saturday January 23    11:00-11:30 AM

Saturday January 30    10:00 AM –12:00 noon  

Changes in party registration will not be accepted again until after February 9.  January 30 is the last day new registrations will be accepted until the February 9 election.  Anyone who is eligible to vote in Durham is welcome to do so at the polls (ORHS) on election day.  However, expect long lines for registration.

Prospective voters are required by law to show proof of identity, age (18 by the election day), domicile/residence in Durham, and U.S. citizenship.  A driver’s license and a birth certificate or passport are useful.  Affidavits of domicile and citizenship may be signed under oath if proofs are lacking.



The filing period for local Durham elected offices for the March Town Election is Wednesday, January 20, 2016 through 5:00 PM Friday, January 29, 2016. There is no filing fee required.


Citizens who might choose to become involved in Durham Town government may file for one of the positions below at the Town Clerk-Tax Collector's Office during the filing period noted above. Questions may also be directed to that office by calling 603-868-5577 or emailing Town Clerk-Tax Collector Lorrie Pitt at


Residents interested in learning more about any of these positions are invited to contact the Administrator's Office at 603-868-5571 or write to  The 2016 Town elections will take place on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours will be from 7AM to 7PM


Town Council, 3 positions (3-year terms)

Town Council, 1 position   (1-year term)

Library Board of Trustees, 3 positions (3-year terms)

Moderator, 1 position (2-year term)

Supervisors of the Checklist, 1 position (6-year term)

Trustees of the Trust Funds, 1 position (3-year term)






Town Council, 3-year terms:  Alan Bennett, Wayne Burton, Ute Luxem, Sean Starkey


Town Council, 1-year term:  Diana Carroll


Library Board of Trustees:   Charlotte Ramsay


Supervisors of the Checklist:  Deborah Hirsch-Mayer



The filing period for the ORCSD elected offices for the March 8, 2016 Election is Wednesday, January 20, 2016 through 5:00 PM Friday, January 29, 2016. There is no filing fee required.


Moderator, 1 position (1-year term)

At-Large School Board, 2 positions (3-year terms)


Vote in Town of residence:

    Durham             ORHS                            7AM - 7PM

    Lee                    Lee Safety Complex      7AM - 7PM

    Madbury            Madbury Town Hall        11AM - 7:30 PM      






At-Large School Board, 3-year terms

Thomas Newkirk - Durham

Margaret Redhouse - Lee

Kenneth Rotner - Durham



Important ORCSD Dates to Remember:

January 13 - Bond and Budget Public Hearing, ORHS Auditorium, 7PM. Snow Date: Jan 14


January 19 - Lee Selectmen Meeting, 6PM, Lee Safety Complex, School District Budget Overview


February 16 - Candidates' Night, ORHS Location C-120, 7PM. Snow Date: Feb 18


Report of the District February 2016 Edition will be available the beginning of February at the SAU Office, Town Halls, Libraries, Schools, and posted on the ORCSD website.


If unable to pick up a report, please contact Wendy at 603-389-3286 or via email:


Budget information can be found HERE.  



While not required to do so by law, annually the Town compiles a list of year end gross wages for Durham employees and makes it available for public viewing.  

To view the 2015 list, click HERE.


UPDATE ON DURHAM SOLAR PROJECT – The Oyster River Solar Array in the Packers Falls Gravel Pit

A short update on the progress for the 640 kW DC Oyster River Solar Array for the Town of Durham.  The project is on track and moving forward as planned:

  • The Solar Panels were ordered Jan. 6th,
  • The order and check for the line recloser were sent to Eversource on Jan. 13th
  • The final design for the racking arrived last week. ReVision Energy is reviewing and will finalize the order this week.

The site walk with the high voltage electrician is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 21st.

Construction is scheduled to start when the ground thaws, however, ReVision Energy is working with its team and the racking company to begin advance work sooner.

There was an article in last weekend’s Portsmouth Herald about the project and as well as a solar project being proposed in Portsmouth which can be viewed HERE.



A block from Drexel University, a glassy new rental building offers residents a roof deck with a heated saltwater pool, a fire pit and outdoor televisions.  But the 28-story tower at 3601 Market Street was not built to house any of Drexel’s 16,900 undergraduates. Nor is it intended for the 10,400 undergraduates studying at nearby University of Pennsylvania.

Instead, it aims to attract young professionals — junior faculty, office workers and young doctors — to live in University City, a West Philadelphia neighborhood.

To learn more about this trend, check out the full article from January 19, 2016 in the NY Times.



At its meeting next Wednesday, January 27, the Planning Board will review updated plans for the Mill Plaza project, which is still in the preliminary design review phase.  To view the site plan and architectural renderings (proposed elevation drawings will be submitted later), click HERE


The Town Attorney will explain to the public the role of the Planning Board in light of the settlement agreement approved by the Town and the applicant.  A public hearing on the project will be held on February 10.

Also, at the meeting, Robin Comstock and Kenn Ortmann of the Workforce Housing Coalition will speak to the Planning Board about workforce housing.


Conservation Commission members Sally Tobias and Ann Welsh walking the Fogg farm easement.  The Conservation Commission walks the easements every year to ensure that they are honored.  Courtesy Carden Welsh



On March 8th residents of the Oyster River Cooperative School District will have the opportunity to approve Warrant Article #3, which would authorize the district to do a complete athletic facilities upgrade at the high school. 


If 60% of the district’s voters approve, Warrant Article #3 would install an artificial turf rectangular playing field, an all-weather track with 8 sprint lanes and reconfigure the baseball and softball fields for safer play.  Under this proposal all athletic programs in the district would receive significant benefit.


The total cost of this project is $2.2 million dollars.  Article #3 asks Oyster River taxpayers to approve a bond of up to $1.5 Million over a 10 year period to fund the majority of the costs for this athletic facility upgrade project at the high school.  In addition to including an all-weather track, an artificial turf playing field and reconfiguring both the baseball and the softball fields the 2016 proposal also includes an environmentally friendly infill for the turf field.  The benefits of this project include increased safety, improved drainage for the entire facility, reduced runoff into Beard’s Creek, and increased field access which will reduce the need to rent UNH fields for the district.   

Assuming the $1.5 million bond is approved by the voters, $300,000 for the project has been previously raised and will be used to fund the construction of the all-weather track. The remaining $400,000 will come from the year end fund balance at the ORCSD.


The Oyster River School Board anticipates that additional fund raising will make enhancements to the project, including field lights and dugouts, possible.

A similar proposal was made last year in order to address the long-standing need for improved athletic facilities in the school district.  Because the project involves bonding a 60% majority is required.  Last year 56% of the voters supported the project. 


Given that the vote was so close last year the school board authorized the creation of the Ad Hoc Athletic Fields Committee charging them with identifying the key issues of concern to the voters of the district and to make recommendations to the board for modifications to the proposal. 


After months of work the ad hoc committee made two key recommendations for this project:


  • The first recommendation was to remove tire crumb rubber infill from the project and replace it with an alternative called EPDM which eliminates the health concerns raised last year.  
  • The second recommendation was to reduce total bonding by $200,000 which also reduces the tax impact from the previous proposal by more than 10%. 


The district hopes that these basic changes will allow the project to secure a 60% vote of the district on March 8th.

For more information on the ORCSD Athletic Fields Project, click HERE.



Parking in the downtown is designed to be governed consistently and with all users being equal in the requirements of obtaining a parking receipt from the kiosks located throughout the downtown. 


Durham resident Bill Hall noted during Public Comments at a recent Durham Town Council meeting that it appeared that some UNH maintenance vehicles that parked in the downtown were not retrieving the “one-hour free” receipt as they obtained coffee from downtown merchants.  While Chief Kurz responded this was neither the case nor design of the parking program, it appears that this may in fact have been occurring. 


Even through the Parking Enforcement Officers (PEO) are not always in the immediate downtown as they monitor the many other parking areas, it appears that the human aspect of their jobs found them overlooking the momentary parking without a receipt when UNH maintenance workers, and others, were attempting to obtain a quick coffee.  While Chief Kurz desires his personnel to use sound and consistent discretion, no UNH or non-official Durham vehicle is exempt from obtaining a pay and display receipt.  


Tickets will be issued for violations.



We are pleased to note that the Durham Master Plan has been finalized and adopted.  It is available for review HERE. It can also be accessed at the Planning Department or Planning Board web pages.

Click on the first item to see the entire Master Plan.  It will take a minute to download as the document is quite long.  You can also examine any particular part of the Master Plan by clicking on other specific items, including the individual chapters.  The plan consists of introductory material, the ten master plan chapters, supplemental materials for six chapters, and larger versions of maps contained in the document.  We will have paper copies of the entire document available for viewing at the Library, Planning Office, and Town Clerk’s Office.

This has been a long process, having started over five years ago when the Master Plan Steering/Advisory Committee was formed.  We plan to add a Proposed Land Use Chapter in 2017 and possibly several other chapters after that as needed. 


You can also click on “Other Plans/Studies” on the right side of the web page to see other master plans, including the prior 2000 Master Plan, and various plans and studies. 


The 2015 Durham Master Plan is the official Town Master Plan but there is still a great deal of useful and relevant information in the other documents.  A master plan is a planning and policy instrument and does not carry the force of law.  Nonetheless, it is an essential document to guide decision making for the community in the coming years.  

Thank you to the following parties for their indispensable contributions in developing the 2015 Durham Master Plan.

  • Planning Board
  • Master Plan Advisory Committee
  • Agricultural Commission
  • Conservation Commission
  • Economic Development Committee
  • Energy Committee
  • Historic District Commission
  • Historic Resources Chapter Committee
  • Parks and Recreation Committee
  • Town Council
  • Town staff, and in particular Planner Michael Behrendt and Econ. Dev. Dir. Mary Ellen Humphrey
  • Strafford Regional Planning Commission – Cynthia Copeland, Liz Durfee, Kyle Pimental, and Matt Sullivan
  • The countless residents of the town who provided input to the Planning Board and committees


Residents/taxpayers sometimes forget that their single annual tax bill issued by the town includes four components:  
Municipal, ScSchool (Local), School (State), and   County


The Town of Durham only has oversight over one of these portions of the local tax pie – municipal totaling $20,813,681 (inclusive of all funds before revenues are deducted). 


The Oyster River Cooperative School District oversees the school section, the State of New Hampshire technically dictates the School (State) section, and Strafford County oversees the County portion of the bill.  

While the 2016 budget for the Town of Durham has been set by the Town Council in Dec. 2015, the School Board and the County are still hard at work on their budgets.  

A public hearing and meeting before the Strafford County Delegation will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2016, at 7 PM (SNOW DATE: Wednesday, February 3, 2016) in Superior Courtroom II, Second Floor of the William A. Grimes Strafford County Justice and Administration Building, 259 County Farm Road, Dover, NH on the Strafford County Commissioners’ Proposed Operating Budget for 2016.  The Public Hearing is to receive public input on the Proposed Operating Budget.  A Public Meeting will be held after the Public Hearing to hear any other business that may legally come before the Delegation at that time.  

The Strafford County Commission is proposing a budget totaling $60,058,257 in operating expenditures with revenues of $29,787,822.  The proposed amount to be raised by taxes is $30,118,545, an increase of 1.47% over 2015.  For the fourth year in a row, the County is authoring a budget that stays within the best estimated tax caps for the municipalities of Strafford County.  

A copy of the budget book from the County is available for public viewing at the Durham Town Hall in the Business Office.

2015 Tax Rate Breakdown between components of government as reflected on Durham tax bills:




The deadline for 2015 property tax abatement requests in Durham is March 1, 2016.  Please contact Assessor Jim Rice for more information at




The Lamprey Rivers Advisory Committee has published its Winter 2016 newsletter. To view the newsletter, click HERE.



A settlement agreement has been reached by and between the Town of Durham and Colonial Durham Associates, LP, relative to the redevelopment of the Mill Plaza.  The application will now move on to the Durham Planning Board and will proceed through the planning process subject to several conditions.  

To view the settlement agreement, click HERE.



Never too early to plan your garden!  Save this date - Wednesday, March 9th at 7pm - for a Seed Starting Workshop at the Durham Public Library.  Sponsored by the Durham Public Library and the Durham Agricultural Commission.



Durham's Agricultural Commission's has begun featuring a Mini Film Series in the weekly "Friday Updates".  Each week a short video on an agricultural topic will be posted that Commission members hope subscribers will enjoy and find helpful.


The Durham Agricultural Mini Film this week is about how to build a raised bed for growing vegetables.



We at Oyster River Womenade are excited to announce Winter Warm-up With Womenade! an Oyster River Eats Out event to support Womenade.

The businesses listed in the above poster in Durham, Lee, Madbury, and Newmarket, have generously agreed to participate in this first of what we hope will be an annual January event.

Who we are: Oyster River Womenade is a local non-profit organization that serves women, men, and children in the towns of Durham, Lee, Madbury, and Newmarket. The unique appeal of Womenade is our ability to react quickly to the needs of the community. There is no national organization guiding our mission, our organization works solely within the local community to raise money through sponsored events and generous donations from businesses and individuals. It really is about using local resources to help local people.

Here are some examples of how Oyster River Womenade has helped community members:

  • emergency fuel for an injured elderly woman left unable to work, she had no heat and her house temperature was down to 40 degrees
  • food gift card for a single mother with two severely autistic children
  • temporary assistance with a water bill for a family who has a high school student suffering from a brain tumor

The Event:  Choose a participating restaurant and treat yourself on the day they have selected during the week of January 18th to January 23rd, 2016. Come in from the cold and raise money for local families in need.

Note: for Kume, please bring in a copy of their flier, which can be found HERE.

For more information about Oyster River Womenade, please feel free to visit



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Trustees of the Trust Funds - Monday, January 25, 2016 (7:30 AM at Young's Restaurant)

Planning Board - Wednesday, January 27, 2016


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website and then by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule.

DCAT Programming Schedule.



First in the Nation Primary - Have you ever wondered how Iowa and New Hampshire got to be first?  DCAT 22 Studios recorded the program at the Durham Public Library.  Join David Moore and Andy Smith, authors of the book “The First Primary”, New Hampshire’s Outsize Role in the Presidential Nominations. Don’t pass up the opportunity to enjoy this special program on your own DCAT 22.

Saturday & Sunday @ 1:30 PM

Also available on DCAT On Demand


The "Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Presents SOCIAL MEDIA: A Predators Playground" presented at the ORMS on Monday, December 7th. The presentation was recorded by DCAT 22.  This presentation was offered in conjunction with the ORMS PTO, Durham Police Department, and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.  Learn about the dangers that face teens every day. In doing so, we’ll discuss how computers, cell phones, IPads, digital cameras, gaming systems, social networking applications, and Internet blogs all play a role in placing students and families at risk. This 1.5 hour presentation is specifically geared towards parents and educators who looking to better understand the technology available to teens today and the way in which child predators use it to exploit them.

DCAT 22 replay times: Saturday & Sunday @ 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM

Also available on DCAT On Demand

Run time: 1:22


DCAT is Live Streaming

Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account.  You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time.  All you have to do is click and watch.  Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device.  Please contact with any questions.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Winter Programs

Our Winter Programs and Events Guide is packed full of programs, classes, trips and activities to keep everyone busy this winter!  Check it out!


February Vacation Week Camp!

Join Durham Parks and Recreation during February Vacation for a week of FUN, entertainment and adventure!  Participants are welcome to sign-up for specific days or for the whole week! Please visit us online to see what we have planned!

Who: Kindergarten -6th Grade

When: Monday, February 22nd- Friday, February 26th 2016

Where: Oyster River Middle School Gymnasium and MPR

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm

Cost: $40 per day per student or $185 for the week

Min. of 12. Max of 24 participants daily

Registration deadline: Monday, February 15th 2016






Archery Clinic

Archery In Motion will be instructing this four-week clinic which will focus on safety, proper form and developing technique to become more precise in order to enhance the archers’ abilities.

Dates: Tuesdays: February 2nd - March 1st, 2016 (no clinic on Feb 23rd)

Time:  2:45 - 3:45

Location:  Oyster River Middle School MPR

Fee:  $70/student

Ages:  Grades 5+

Min:  8 / Max:  12

Registration deadline: Friday, January 29th, 2016


Climbing Club: Durham Parks & Recreation has once again teamed up with UNH Outdoor Education for the after school Climbing Club.  Participants will work closely with UNH Outdoor Edu. students who are AMGA certified instructors to learn belaying skills, knots, equipment, climbing technique, problem solving skills, and more!  New and experienced climbers welcome.

Dates: Fridays: February 5th - March 4th, 2016 (no climbing on Feb. 26th)

Time: After School until 5pm

Location: NH Hall (UNH)- Artificial Climbing Wall

Fee: $50/student

Ages: Grades 5+

Min: 10/ Max: 24

Registration Deadline: Friday, January 29th, 2016


Community Archery Clinic

Archery In Motion will be instructing this four-week clinic which will focus on safety, proper form and developing technique to become more precise in order to enhance the archers’ abilities.

Who: Ages 7-107+!

When: February 2nd- March 1st (no clinic on Feb. 23rd)

Where: Oyster River Middle School MPR

Time: 4:00-5:00pm

Cost: $70/person

Min. of 8, Max. of 12

Registration deadline: Friday, January 29th, 2016 day options are available


Sally Baker, Physical Therapist


FREE Balance Workshop with Sally Baker, PT

Better balance prevents falls and injuries. Join Sally Ann Baker PT from Durham Physical Therapy as she shows you easy balance exercises, which will help restore some of the flexibility, and strength you remember.

As we get older, falling can result in more than the bruises we might have experienced in our youth; it can rob us of our independence.  Every year thousands of older people experience broken hips and head injuries. Don’t join this group!

Join Sally Thursdays at 12pm at the Durham Recreation Parks & Recreation building  located in the old court house on 2 Dover Road, for a half hour of fun, gentle, preventive exercise, a no sweat approach, which will arm you against the uneven surfaces and black ice of New England.

Call the Durham Parks & Recreation at 817- 4074 or email at for more information about this ongoing FREE program beginning Thursday, January 28th at 12:00pm.  Or just join us!


FREE Astronomy Workshop at Durham Public Library

Durham Parks & Recreation is teaming up with UNH Astronomer John Gianforte - The SkyGuy, to offer Stargazing at Wagon Hill Farm! Before we head outside, we will kick-off this exciting, family-friendly program with a FREE indoor astronomy workshop on Monday, February 8th at the Durham Public Library from 6 -7:30pm.   Please let Durham Parks & Rec. know you’ll be attending the workshop by Friday, February 6th so we can best prepare for the evening.


Save the Date!!
Bus Trips  - March 16th- Boston Flower and Garden Show

                   March 16th- Boston Celtics Game

                   March 18th- No School Ski Day to Gunstock Mtn. Resort

Coyote Club Session 4 - Mondays, March 7th-April 11th

Annual Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 26th

We want to hear from you!  Have a new exciting program idea?  Please be sure to share your vision with Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski.  Stop by the Recreation Department Office (2 Dover Road), or call/email the department at (603) 817-4074/



Groundswell/Natural Wonder Exhibition, UNH Museum of Art, Paul Arts Center, January 26-April 3, 2016. Opening Reception Friday, January 29, 2016, 5:30-7:30 PM.

Face to Face with Alzheimer’s: Learning, Accepting and Finding Hope, Jan 30th at 7:00 PM and Jan 31st at 3:00 PM, Community Church of Durham. Join us for a rare opportunity to hear the Church Choir perform “Alzheimer’s Stories.” The libretto is based on real stories by ordinary people whose lives have been touched by Alzheimer’s disease. Reception will follow in Fellowship Hall. Please contact Carly Hellen, OTR, at 603.397.501, with any questions.

UNH Celebrity Series - Walnut Street Theatre presentation of A Moon for the Misbegotten by Eugene O’Neill, Wednesday, Feb 10, 2016, 7PM, Paul Creative Arts Center’s Johnson Theatre, Durham.  Tickets can be purchased on line HERE.

Active Retirement Association General Meeting, Monday, Feb 8, 2016,1:30 PM, Durham Evangelical Church (lower level), 114 Dover Road (Route 108), Durham, NH. The program will feature AARP presenter Norma Boyce discussing how you can protect yourself against frauds and scams.


Author Diane P. Freedman, "Midlife with Thoreau: Poems, Essays, Journals...Nature Memoir" on Wed. Jan. 27th 7pm



Friends of the Library Book Donation Week, Mon. Jan. 25th  – Sat. Jan. 30th
New! S.T.E.A.M. Program, Sat. Jan. 23rd, 10:30-11:30am. This week’s theme: Tinker for Architecture – Join us every Saturday for S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) activities in the Storytime/Craftroom. All ages welcome!
New! YA Tech Club, Tues., Jan. 26th 6:30-7:30pm. This month’s theme: Ozobot 2.0 – Make colored mazes, race the Ozobots around, and learn how to code them too. 10+ year olds are welcome.

Midlife with Thoreau: Poems, Essays, Journals…Nature Memoir, Wed. Jan. 27th 7pm – Author Diane P. Freedman. Contact Armida Geiger
Chinese Calligraphy Exhibit Opening Reception, Mon. Feb. 1st 7pm - Runkun "Cara" Song 18 years old, shares her accomplishments and talents.

Workshop with Miss Song, Chinese Calligraphy, Tues. Feb. 2nd 5:30-7:30pm – An overview of Chinese calligraphy, registered participants create their own work of art to bring home assisted by Miss Song. $5 fee for materials. Register with Armida Geiger, 603-988-6616;
Poetry Reading & NH Notables, featured poet Abigail Carroll, Tues. Feb. 9th 7pm – Words & Music for the Senses! Program includes UNH professors and students from the English Dept. and music from the UNH a capella group, The NH Notables. Intermission with light refreshments. Contact Armida Geiger Make this your Valentine’s Destination!
Seacoast Reads – Want a UNH reading Buddy? Sign up your child (1st-3rd grade) to read with a college student trained by the UNH Education Department’s Seacoast Reads program. Register at the Children’s Desk or call # 868-6699. Program begins in February!
Game Afternoon resumes Mon. Jan. 25th 2:45-4pm, For ages 10 & up – Come and play some fun games and have a snack too.

Storytimes! This week’s theme: Birds, Tues. Jan. 26th and Thurs. Jan. 28th 10:30am, next week’s theme: Groundhogs & Counting Join us for stories, finger-plays, felt board, songs and a craft.
Baby-Lapsit, Wed. Jan. 27th 10:30-11:30am - For children & their care-givers, infancy to age 2.  Songs, stories, movement, rhymes & socializing afterward.
Knitting Club, Wed.  Jan. 27th 4-5 pm - 3rd through 5th graders knitting club. Please register at the Children's desk.
Lego Club (K-4th grade), This week’s theme: Timed Building, Thurs. Jan. 28th 3:30-4:30pm – Like to build Legos? Join us to do Lego challenges and build cool structures. Please note the new start time.
Homeschoolers Group, Fri. Jan. 29th 10:30am, Theme: The Future – Join us for books, games, and a craft. This group is geared toward homeschoolers, but all are welcome.
Raccoon Readers, 2nd-4th grade, Tues., Feb. 2nd 6-7pm - “Half Magic” by Edward Eager. Discuss the book/author, play games, have snacks and more. Books available at circulation desk.
Bookeaters Middle School Book Group, Wed. Feb. 10th 2:45-4pm – “Spirit Animals: Wild Born” by Brandon Mull. Facilitator, Ruth Wharton McDonald. Pizza is served and books are available at the circulation desk.
First Aid Class, Tues. Feb. 2nd 6:30- 8pm – Offered by McGregor Memorial EMS. Register at:
Oyster River Knitters, Tues. Feb. 2nd 7-9pm – Contact Janet # 868-1142
Alzheimer’s Café, Fri. Feb. 5th, 10:30am-12pm – Contact Nicole Moore # 868-6699,
Tales for Tails – Have a child who needs to increase their confidence in reading?  Have them read to one of our Pet Partner dogs!  Your child will read ½ hour once a week to one of the dogs and their handlers. Sessions run for 4 weeks. Next session begins on Jan. 25th. Call the Children’s Dept.#868-6699 to sign up now!
Join the Reading Patch Club!  Ages 2-12 years - Earn patches and a tote bag for hours that you read! Program sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library.


For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.



*Academic year commenced August 28th and will be measured through graduation at UNH in May.


Have a very nice weekend. 




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


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