Friday Updates - January 29, 2021


Friday, January 29, 2021


Skaters on Mill Pond this week in advance of the snow. Courtesy Todd Selig


Groundhog Day always occurs on February 2. In the Northern Hemisphere, the date traditionally marks the midpoint between the winter solstice in December and the spring equinox in March. Durham, UNH, and the nation watch with bated breath as Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his burrow. It’s said that if Phil encounters his shadow, we’ll be in for six more weeks of winter weather, but if he doesn’t, then spring is just around the corner. With the pandemic on everyone's mind, hopefully spring will arrive this year sooner rather than later!



The Town and ORCSD elections will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at the Oyster River High School. Polling hours will be from 7AM to 7PM.

The filing period for local elective offices in the Town of Durham officially closed at 5PM this afternoon.

The following individuals have signed up for the TOWN elected positions indicated below.

Durham Town Council: Three (3) positions with 3-year terms [Nicholas B. Germain, James Lawson, Carden Welsh, Tyanne Sylvestre, Warren Smith, Charles Hotchkiss]

Library Board of Trustees: Two (2) positions with 3-year terms [Stanley Reczek, Susan C. Wagner]

Trustee of the Trust Funds: One (1) position with a 3-year term [Michael H. Everngam]


The following individuals have signed up for the OYSTER RIVER COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT elected positions indicated below.

School Board representatives: Three (3) positions, 1 for each town, with 3-year terms: [Brian Cisneros, Debra Kavanagh, Nicolas S. Alcocer - Lee; Yusi Turell, Jeffery A. Fortin, Erik Mason - Durham; Dan Klein, Michelle Dunbar, Kevin Abbott - Madbury]

One (1) at-large seat with 1-year term: [Allan Howland, Jill Piparo, Matthew Durkee]

Moderator: One (1) position with 1-year term: [Richard Laughton]


YEAR END WRAP UP FOR 2020 – A summary of where we’ve been over the past 12 mo. by Admin. Todd Selig

Administrator Selig has completed his year end wrap up report for 2020. The report can be viewed on the town website HERE.


The Oyster River from Old Landing during Thursday's snow. Courtesy Todd Selig



The Durham Police Department's upcoming annual standards review required under the new four-year assessment model used by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) will take place in February.

The process is designed to provide agencies with the highest level of service by providing continual reviews of policies and procedures as they relate to CALEA standards. The DPD’s annual review will take place during the week of February 12, 2021 through February 20, 2021. The intent of the annual review is to confirm compliance of the applicable standards and policy parameters relating to the department.

The annual review will consist of a CALEA Compliance Services Member (CSM) reviewing approximately 25 percent of the department’s standards remotely utilizing the software that the department uses to track its compliance with accreditation standards.

The CALEA CSM assigned to review Durham Police is Brian Childress. Mr. Childress will be making contact with the Durham Police Department’s accreditation manager in the near future to provide a list of standards that have been chosen for review by CALEA.

Learn more about CALEA at



Every year, 1.5 billion toothpaste tubes end up in landfills, and it takes 500-700 years for a toothpaste tube to degrade there. In addition, toothbrushes are one of the most complicated items to recycle. These items are made up of three different components - the nylon bristles, a metal staple that holds the bristles in place, and the plastic handle.


Durham’s DPW and IWMAC will be offering a drop off box at the transfer station to recycle oral care products.  More details to come!




Phase 1b vaccinations for NH residents age 65 and over and those with two or more qualifying health conditions are now underway. 

Anyone age 65 or over may register for and schedule a COVID-19 vaccination via the State of NH website ( or by calling the NH 211 Help Center (simply dial "211" on your phone).   

Library Director Sheryl Bass has reached out to let us know that the Durham Public Library has computers and staff who can help community members who don’t have computers or access to WiFi register for the COVID-19 vaccine!  All residents have to do is call our terrific team at the library at (603) 868-6699 to make an appointment.



McGregor EMS and the Durham Public library have worked to jointly address some of the most common points of confusion (of which there are unfortunately many) which are not currently answered by the official NH Frequently Asked Questions page at ( 

This is not meant to take the place of official New Hampshire information, especially because changes to the signup process are frequent and may not be reflected here.

It can be accessed via clicking HERE.  


YOUR GUIDE TO CORONAVIRUS VACCINES IN NEW HAMPSHIRE - Good information for Durham residents with inquiring minds!

The first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine arrived in New Hampshire in mid-December, with the Moderna vaccine arriving soon after — marking a turning point, but not the end, of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the state and the country continue the monumental effort of immunizing people, HERE are answers to some questions you might have about the vaccine, courtesy of NHPR.



The annual Oyster River School District Deliberative Session will be held February 2, 2021 (weather-permitting) at the High School. The deliberative session is the opportunity of voters to review, amend, and approve the school budget and other items which will be on the ballot for March 9, 2021 school elections. The deliberative session will be held in the ORHS Auditorium, with the ORHS Gym available as additional seating. A separate room will be made available for attendees who do not wearing face coverings.



The ORCSD School Deliberative Session is scheduled for Tuesday evening, February 2, in the high school Auditorium. The official checklist for that meeting has already been solidified, so if you are not on that list now, you will not be on the checklist that night. 

Durham's Supervisors of the Checklist have voted to make a portion of that meeting an “official” session for us for the purpose of accepting any new voters who have registered between January 19 and February 2. The Durham Supervisors of the Checklist will be available from 6:45 to 7:15 for this purpose. Please note that Lee and Madbury may NOT be offering this opportunity that night. You must be living in Durham and you must find the Durham Supervisors in the Auditorium. If you are a resident from Lee or Madbury, please check with the Supervisors of the Checklist in those towns directly.

In order to register (in order to vote at the sessions), either at the town hall or at this or other official sessions of the Supervisors, you will be asked to show proofs of Identity, Age (18 by the next Election Day – March 9), Domicile/Residence in Durham, and U.S. Citizenship. Affidavits of Domicile and Citizenship may be signed under oath if proofs are lacking.


The beautiful pedestrian bridge (foreground) and General Sullivan monument (background) after snowfall this week. Courtesy Todd Selig



The Town has submitted a transmittal letter to NH Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance expressing the Town of Durham’s interest in applying for a 2021 Round 4 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant. This is the first step in securing alternative transportation funding for the Madbury Road project.  

View the transmittal HERE.


DURHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM NOTICE - Citizen Assistance Request Program during Covid-19 Pandemic

Chief Kelley would like to remind our citizens that the Citizen Assist Request Program remains active during the duration of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The purpose of this program is to provide assistance to elderly members of the community and other members that may be in need obtaining food or medication due to illness, medical condition or other needs not readily identifiable. Due to the nature of the Covid-19 Pandemic, private citizens and Durham Police Officers will coordinate efforts to procure and deliver needed services to community members.  

Citizen Requesting Services

  • Call the Durham Police Department at 603-868-2324 between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. 
  • Provide your name, address and phone number, location of item to be picked up and indicate if it has already been paid for. 
  • Wait for a volunteer or Durham Police Department member to contact you. Officers have been instructed to wait no longer than 30 minutes to contact a volunteer before calling you back and providing you direct assistance.



Durham Public Works is finalizing the procurement of design services to establish a new pedestrian bridge over a tributary to the Oyster River estuary between parts of the walking trail system at Wagon Hill Farm.  The project will be funded through recently awarded Moose Plate Grant funding along with National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grants and Seacoast Reliability Project mitigation funding. The bridge will replace a deteriorated timber “bridge” at grade over the tributary that is located near the head of tide. The new bridge is planned to be located upstream from tidal influence. The concept is for the bridge to span “bank to bank” with abutments that may possibly be located outside delineated wetlands.  Construction Improvements for this project are planned to begin during the 2021 construction season, subject to design completion and permitting. 



The Town had applied for and received a grant from the NH Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the amount of $10,500 to update our existing Emergency Operations Plan. Such plans are to be updated approx. every 5 years. In addition, we are working to create a new document, a Continuity of Operations Plan, which would be of assistance in the event one of the Town’s major facilities unexpectedly became inoperable. In essence, we are thinking through scenarios and potential responses in advance to keep essential local government functions operational. 

Members of the Town’s various departments, representatives from the Oyster River Cooperative School District, UNH, and Town Councilor Andrew Corrow spent many, many hours with our external consultants from Mapping and Planning Solutions (MAPS) to assist us in this endeavor. The Emergency Operations Plan is nearly complete. Work continues on the Continuity of Operations Plan. It’s a big job using virtual Zoom technology when we cannot all get together in person to discuss nuances of the plans.  


Thompson Hall on Thursday prior to the opening of spring semester 2021. Courtesy Todd Selig


Students began arriving back into their on and off campus housing this week in preparation for the resumption of classes Feb. 1st for the spring 2021 semester. UNH students are required to have pre-arrival Covid-19 testing within 8 days before returning to Durham, arrival testing, and then commencement of twice per week testing. This means that some students will have 3 Covid-19 tests over the span of a week, and college athletes are required to have 3 tests per week per NCAA rules (if Admin. Selig understands correctly).  

Durham and UNH Police, Durham Fire/Emergency Mgmt., McGregor EMS, and Durham Public Works staff are all enrolled in ongoing weekly Covid-19 testing through the UNH testing program -- and have been for some time.

Durham and UNH officials will continue to communicate regularly throughout the remainder of the pandemic, as we have done from the start.  

Residents can view UNH Covid-19 testing information on line HERE



We have compiled and uploaded the 2020 year-end gross wages for Durham on our web site as we do every year. This information can be accessed HERE.


While the Town is under no obligation to do so, Admin. Selig believes it is important for the community to be able to easily understand what public employees and officials are paid by the municipality in a completely open manner. Business Manager Gail Jablonski therefore annually prepares the costs of, full time, part-time, overtime wages, and other compensation-related payments. 


New (Kenny Rotner) pedestrian bridge at Orchard Drive/Thompson Lane being lowered into position over the freshwater portion of the Oyster River. Courtesy Jim Hornbeck


After a year of work and with the support of almost 400 donors Durham has a new bridge (the Kenny Rotner Bridge over the Oyster). Last week the 100’ aluminum span was swung into place. It links Thompson Lane and Stevens Woods across the Oyster River. Now the Orchard Drive neighborhood is within quick walking distance of Durham’s center, and the network of beautiful, forested trails extending to Durham’s Doe Farm can be easily reached from town on foot. 

This week Durham’s Department of Public Works finished their elegant job of preparing both approaches to the bridge, and the span is already being used. 

There are many details to finish - guard rails, a fence, No-Parking signs, a plaque listing the donors and more. These will be  completed as the weather permits. Later in the spring there will be an official ribbon cutting ceremony inaugurating The Kenny Rotner Bridge in memory of Kenny’s many contributions to the region. In the meantime, go check out your new bridge. 

The new Kenny Rotner pedestrian bridge set in place on its foundations over the freshwater portion of the Oyster River upstream of the Mill Pond. Courtesy DPW.



The Durham Agricultural Commission is calling your attention to a Gardening Webinar Series being offered jointly by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. The series takes place Wednesdays at 6pm beginning January 27th until March 24th and includes 40 minute presentations followed by discussion.

The January 27th topic is “Optimizing Plant Growth with Indoor Lighting”, February 10th is “Science of Pruning”, February 24th is “Edible Landscaping”, March 10th is “Ornamental Garden Design”, and March 24th is “Protecting Fruit Trees from Insects and Diseases”. Registration is required with a $5 suggested donation (optional) for each webinar. Participants will receive the Zoom information after registering for a webinar. All sessions will be recorded and shared with participants following the event. If you are unable to attend the live session, please register HERE to receive a copy of the recording and a resource list.

Additional information and resources on garden planning may be found at the Agricultural Commission page on the Town's website HERE.


66 Main Street site. The currently vacant parcel identified with red arrow above. Courtesy DCAT Studios.


Economic Development Director Christine Soutter and Admin. Selig, along with representatives from UNH/USNH, attended a meeting in Maryland with Elliott Sidewalk Communities on Thursday/Friday, January 30-31, 2020, to discuss the potential redevelopment of the University-owned 66 Main Street property along Durham’s Main Street. 


In attendance were: Todd Selig-Town of Durham; Christine Soutter-Town of Durham; James Dean-UNH President; Christopher Clement-UNH COO and VP of Administration; Catherine Provencher-USNH Vice Provost for Finance & UNH Interim CFO; Ronald Rodgers-USNH General Counsel and Secretary; Tim Elliott-Elliott Sidewalk Co-Managing Partner; Brian Rogers-Elliott Sidewalk Co-Managing Partner; Jim Flannery-Elliott Sidewalk Partner; John Black- Mackenzie Capital President; and Brendan Harman-Mackenzie Capital Vice-President.

The NH team arrived Thursday afternoon, January 30, 2020, in Hunt Valley, MD and met with the Elliott Sidewalk (ES) team and Mackenzie Capital representatives. Friday morning, January 31, 2020, the group reconvened at 8:00 AM sharp to hear about and discuss the experience of ES over the prior 24 months in working with UNH/USNH/Durham relative to the potential redevelopment of the 66 Main Street and Hetzel/Alexander sites. After devoting time and discussion on past process and experiences and potential steps looking to the future, the ES team provided a possible revised concept for 66 Main Street and all parties discussed the opportunity for a public-public-private partnership between ES, UNH, and the Town to bring the project to fruition. All three groups discussed their core objectives for the site. At that time, the Hetzel/Alexander hotel project was off the table and may or may not be revisited depending upon whether goals at 66 Main Street can be realized, as well as other factors.

Over the course of a six-hour intense discussion that involved a working lunch with sandwiches the group discussed the assets and constraints that each party brings to the table and examined ways to work together to bring a vibrant, multi-use project to downtown that would benefit Durham, UNH, and ES alike.

For ES, some of the significant challenges to a successful project included:

Cost of removing the significant ledge present on the 66 Main St. site to create underground parking or even to simply develop on grade along Main Street; Risk involved with restricting housing to graduate students only (a desire of the developer, UNH, and Durham); 

  • Ability to offer below market rate housing for graduate students while staying within the density requirements set forth by the Town, which limit density a project such as this focusing on graduate students (or non-undergraduates) would need to carry to be economically viable;
  • Filling a large amount of commercial space (within an untested market) required by Durham's local zoning.
  • High cost of development in conjunction with a significant property tax burden in Durham.

The Town was evaluating utilizing the roughly $700,000 in its parking impact fee fund (paid into by prior downtown developers and required to be utilized to support downtown parking within 6 years of deposit by the Town or refunded) to support additional downtown parking as part of the development, as well as dollars within the downtown Tax Increment Finance district, or potentially RSA 79-E to help 

After discussion and a review of ES’s modified concept the parties agreed to evaluate party-specific issues/needs/opportunities and circle back in the coming weeks for further conversations. Then in March 2020 came the pandemic … and the world stopped.  

Eyeing a hard late-summer 2021 deadline to expend the roughly $700,000 in the parking impact fee fund (or refund it back to the developers who paid into the fund), Admin. Selig approached UNH President James Dean (and informed ES) about Durham potentially purchasing the 66 Main Street site directly from UNH (to be used in the short term as surface parking to support downtown) with the goal of a more complex redevelopment to include downtown parking with UNH and ES). Selig and Dean agreed to explore the potential further

Two appraisals for 66 Main Street from January and February 2019 have been conducted. Both firms have provided updates to their numbers and they generally concur that there have been no sales and thus no change in their opinion of value. You One appraisal (Bergeron) was commissioned by the University of New Hampshire and the other (Stanhope Group) was commissioned by ES. Both of these reports have been open and "on the table" since their receipt in 2019.  


The high appraisal is $2,120,000 and the low appraisal is $1,970,000. In Admin. Selig’s conversations with UNH about purchasing the parcel, a tentative agreement around the average of these two appraisal figures -- $2,045,000 -- as the sale price, has been established should the Town ultimately opt to pursue a purchase.  


The purchase, if we ultimately opt to move in that direction, would be effectuated though the use of the approximately $700,000 in parking impact fees, approximately $650,000 of “captured” TIF tax dollars in our TIF account, and the residual (around $750,000) bonded/financed through the TIF. (See 2021 approved Capital Improvement Program sheets for full TIF project financial overview for 66 Main St. HERE.)

If we ultimately move forward with the arrangement, after closing on the parcel the Town would continue to work with ES and UNH toward a redevelopment of the 66 Main Street parcel (a mixture of non-residential below -- including potentially the UNH Bookstore -- with graduate housing and staff/visiting faculty housing above).  


Once again, while the redevelopment discussions are taking place, the Town would utilize 66 Main Street as a fairly simple gravel parking area for various parking purposes. DPW estimates that for a full build out price of around $180,000, it would be possible to construct a paved 85 +/- parking lot at the property (including site work, pavement, stormwater management, lighting, universal access, etc.) to support the downtown core. If redevelopment discussions ultimately bear fruit working with ES and UNH, some portion of the parcel would likely be sold/conveyed by the Town to Elliott Sidewalk Communities and a structured parking component would be envisioned for the parcel on the Pettee Brook Lane side to support both the project itself and the downtown core as part of a TBD shared arrangement.  


Mr. Selig has pulled together a group of staff (Christine Soutter, Michael Behrendt, James Rice, and Audrey Cline) and a few Town Councilors (Al Howland, Sally Tobias, Jim Lawson, and Carden Welsh) to work with him on pulling together a more concrete plan for the property. That process is now in the works. However, Mr. Selig wanted to bring the community into the loop at this early stage of discussions so everyone was informed.  

66 Main Street preliminary parking layout site plan with +/- 85 spaces to support current and future downtown Durham commercial/office development. Courtesy DPW


DURHAM'S WINTER COMPOST CHALLENGE - February 15-March 26, 2021

Thought about composting?  Want to get started? 

Durham collects compost at our Transfer Station to help keep organic material out of the Town’s Solid Waste Collection and the Turnkey Landfill.   The anaerobic decomposition of the organic material in the landfill generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas.  

The Winter Compost Challenge will be conducted by the Integrated Municipal Waste Advisory Committee (IWMAC) along with support from Parks and Rec and the DPW to provide data on what percentage of our community waste collection may be compost.  Durham families are invited to sign up through Parks and Rec (To register online, visit: You will be provided with a compost bin and compostable bags, and we ask that you weigh your compost and household waste weekly, take your compost to the Transfer Station toters, and record and share your data.  If you participated in the Fall Compost Challenge, you may join this challenge as well, and we will collect your data. Fall Challenge participants will not need to pay to participate again and will not receive another bin and bags.


MILL POND DAM ON OYSTER RIVER FEASIBILITY STUDY - Town Council closes public hearing and will to continue its deliberations on Feb. 15th

The Town Council held a public meeting on Monday January 11th to receive significant public input on the Oyster River Dam at Mill Pond Feasibility Study. The completed $300,000 feasibility study, which is a comprehensive and objective look at the issue and questions that have been raised over the years, includes options for addressing water quality impairments (the pond is an impaired water body) and stabilizing or removing the historic head of tide Oyster River Dam at the Mill Pond located on the Oyster River along Route 108/Newmarket Road in Durham.

The Town Council is scheduled to meet with VHB Engineers, the engineering firm it hired to outline the options for the dam’s future as part of the feasibility study, at its meeting on February 15, 2021.

Questions regarding this matter should be addressed to April Talon, Town Engineer, at 603-868-5578 or email Written comments may be mailed to the Administrator’s Office at 8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824 or sent by electronic mail to


Prior presentations on the Feasibility Study and the full report, including appendices, are posted on the Town’s website, along with comments from the public that have been submitted to the town. All information can be viewed HERE.

Recommendations have been provided by the Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission, and the Durham Historic Association. The recommendations can be viewed HERE.


Learn about alternatives considered by VHB as part of the feasibility study to address the dam/impaired water quality in the Mill Pond impoundment in the next section below.


Freshwater portion of Oyster River as seen this morning from new Kenny Rotner pedestrian bridge at Thompson Lane upstream from the Mill Pond. Courtesy Wayne Burton


The VHB project team developed a set of five preliminary alternatives to address the known structural deficiencies of the Oyster River Dam. The review considered the 2018 NHDES Letter of Deficiency, but also incorporated new data and modeling generated during this feasibility study. Based on an initial analysis that considered cost, constructability, and compliance with regulatory requirements, two alternatives were determined to have merit and were therefore advanced for detailed study. A description of alternatives follows from the feasibility executive summary:

Alternative 3 – Dam Stabilization: This alternative would fill the interior spillway cells with reinforced concrete to create a mass concrete section. The concrete would be reinforced, and the dam would be anchored to the underlying bedrock. Additionally, repairs would be performed to address scour of the existing right training wall and undermining of the fish ladder downstream of the spillway. This alternative would retain the dam in essentially its current configuration, and therefore maintain the impoundment, with no measurable changes in water depths or surface area.

However, this alternative would not comply with NHDES Dam Safety regulations, and would there require the NHDES Dam Bureau to approve a waiver to regulate the dam as a “non-menace structure.” Initial analysis and coordination with NHDES found that approval of such a waiver request would be contingent on the abutting property owner recognizing that dam failure would have a detrimental impact on its property and accepting the consequences associated with such an occurrence. NHDES would require that any such agreement would run with the land such that future property owners would also be bound.

Dam Stabilization would retain Mill Pond, but would not directly address the decreased depth and poor water quality in the pond. To do this, the project team developed a conceptual plan to remove approximately 11,000 cubic yards of sediment from the pond, which would convert approximately 2.4 acres of wetland to deepwater habitat. Because the Oyster River will continue to transport and deposit sediments, this pond restoration dredge would be an ongoing maintenance task that would need to be repeated in the future as the dredged areas are re-filled with new sediment. Based on a review of sequential historical aerial imagery, field observations, and professional experience in similar settings throughout the region, the dredge areas would likely refill over a period of 5-20 years.

Additionally, it is critical to note that coordination with NHDES and the US Army Corps of Engineers, both of whom would need to approve the dredge, indicates that obtaining a permit for a freshwater dredge of this size would be extremely difficult and perhaps impossible.

Alternative 5 – Dam Removal: This alternative would consist of a four-part plan that includes the removal of the existing dam structure, abutment preservation, channel shaping, and upstream channel restoration. The main dam spillway and the adjacent fish ladder would be entirely removed, but the left and right abutments would be left in place to help stabilize the riverbank and mitigate historic impacts. The channel would be reshaped to have a roughly 42-foot bankfull width, incorporating a 12-foot wide low-flow channel, to provide fish passage under low flow conditions. The active restoration of the Oyster River channel upstream of the dam removal site is also recommended. This would involve channel shaping approximately 600 feet upstream of the location of the dam to stabilize the channel and remove approximately 3,000 cubic yards of sediment deposited in the center of the Mill Pond impoundment. This would minimize potential sediment impacts downstream, as well as improve the stability and ecological integrity of the upstream area following dam removal.

VHB also included initial financial estimates as outlined below (all of which, including a great deal of additional information) may be found in the Executive Summary of the Feasibility Study on the Town web site by clicking HERE):


The red lines outline the boundaries of a potential microgram project for Durham/UNH. Courtesy Eversource

EVERSOURCE-UNH-DURHAM-ORCSD COMMUNITY MICROGRID PROJECT - Latest developments, though it's moving very slowly...

As noted several times over the past couple of years, Eversource, UNH, Durham, and ORCSD are working together to explore whether it would be possible to create a community microgrid including the UNH campus and a portion of the infrastructure serving the Town of Durham (and potentially the Oyster River Middle and High Schools), including the central business district and other other critical load areas such as the UNH campus and the Town’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, Police Department, etc. 

A microgrid would potentially include new resources to augment existing generation and electrical infrastructure:

  • Solar PV
  • Battery energy storage (front of meter)
  • Electrical infrastructure
  • Communications infrastructure
  • Microgrid controller software

The primary benefit of a microgrid for Durham, UNH and ORCSD is resiliency; the microgrid would provide additional options to serve critical loads in a storm event. That added resiliency provides economic and safety benefits for the community.

The project would potentially also leverage the value of clean energy resources, aid in research of these technologies, and provide Eversource with a potentially scalable model for the state and the New England region. Representatives from Eversource, UNH, the Durham Energy Committee, ORCSD representatives as needed, and Mr. Selig have been holding periodic ongoing meeting regarding this concept. 

It's been a tough project to get off of the ground as necessary external funding has been elusive. The project partners are looking at potential grant opportunities.


A trucker bound for Canada waits on the landing at Doe Farm for a load of red pine logs to be loaded onto his vehicle. Courtesy Ellen Snyder


The timber harvest at Doe Farm is finished and the trails are open once again. For the past two weeks, the forestry company HHP harvested red pine, white pine, and other tree species on Durham’s Doe Farm, under the guidance of consulting forester Charlie Moreno. Charlie says the timber harvest went very well and he will provide a more detailed summary of the project in a few weeks.

Land Stewardship Coordinator Ellen Snyder and volunteers Sally and Jerry Needell spent two mornings clearing and smoothing the walking trails after the harvesting and hauling of the logs to the landing was complete. Neighbor Chris Wilson repaired minor damage to one trail bridge. Thanks to everyone’s cooperation in staying clear of Doe Farm while HHP was working in the woods. 

A few reminders to Doe Farm visitors: 

  • The walking trails have been cleared and raked out, but due to the freeze-thaw conditions some sections may remain a little bumpy until spring thaw; please take care on the trails
  • Please stay on only blazed trails (red, blue, yellow, white, and green). Avoid walking on the haul roads through the woods as they have been re-graded and will re-vegetate beginning in spring.

Thank you to everyone who has helped to facilitate this major undertaking, including the Michael Everngam, the Trustees of the Trust Funds, DPW, the Land Stewardship Subcommittee, and more!



Please consider supporting our local Durham - Great Bay Rotary Club in its 'citric' duty for the community by buying a little box of Florida sunshine for someone. All proceeds go to our charitable giving budget. We support many initiatives in the community. See the link below. Thank you for your support!

Durham Great Bay Rotary.


Three Chimneys Inn Sign, winter 2021. Courtesy Todd Selig



On Monday January 25, 2021, Durham Public Works issued the Madbury Road Reconstruction Project Request for Qualification (RFQ) package to begin process for securing engineering design services. 

The Town portion of Madbury Road is over 7,500 feet in length, connecting Main Street in downtown Durham with US Route 4 and neighborhoods beyond.  Although the roadway is rural in character with thickly settled homes directly abutting the roadway, Madbury Road serves as a major arterial corridor in Durham, with traffic counts exceeding 5,600 vehicles per day (VPD). Madbury Road also provides primary access to students and middle school aged walkers attending the Oyster River Middle School, located just one block away on Coe Drive and serving the students of Durham, Madbury, and Lee.  

Madbury Road was transferred to Town ownership from the State of New Hampshire when U.S. Route 4 was upgraded many years ago. The roadway was last paved in 2009 at which time it received an overlay treatment.  Currently the roadway is in poor condition with significant pavement raveling, delamination, longitudinal and alligator cracking, rutting, settlement, and road base failure. Many of the sidewalks and curb ramps are non-compliant, relative to ADA requirements and curb reveal is minimal or non-existent in some areas.  Traffic calming measures have been installed, which include elevated speed tables. This has proven to be effective in slowing traffic, but this approach has resulted in other perceived negative consequences.    Portions of the stormwater system are undersized with drainage structures and drainage pipeline in an excessively deteriorated condition.   Water main replacement along Madbury Road to US Route 4 is also necessary based on pipe age and watermain break history.  Due to the current condition of the roadway and sidewalk infrastructure along Madbury Road, along with anticipated impacts from the utility replacement project, a complete roadway and sidewalk reconstruction will be required.  

The Madbury Road design is proposed to take a Complete Streets approach evaluating and constructing multi-modal transportation improvements where possible, including traffic calming and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. The Town is seeking federally funded Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) towards this project for eligible components which will include sidewalks, ADA compliant ramps and crossings, improved signalization, lighting, pavement markings, traffic calming, and pedestrian and cyclist accommodations.

The Town has already received a lot of interest in this project and has received requests for RFQ packages from over fourteen engineering firms in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Durham Public Works will hold a site walk with interested engineering firms in the next few weeks. RFQ packages are due by February 25, 2021.



Following the removal and remediation of the asbestos tile flooring located in the multi-purpose room at the Old Town Hall (the handsome historic brick building at the corner of Dover and Newmarket Roads), Durham Public Works commenced with coordinating the installation of a plywood subfloor and finished maple plank flooring.  

The flooring was selected following consultation with the Durham Historic Association and Durham Heritage Commission as well as recommendations from historic preservation specialist Aaron Sturgis of Preservation Timber Framing.

While work has been taking place, we’ve been very pleased to welcome the knitters to the current Town Hall across the street within the Town Council chambers!



February 10 - the Downtown Zoning Amendments and the Gerrish Drive Subdivision; February 17 – a special meeting for the parking lot at 19-21 Main Street; and February 24 – Mill Plaza. You can see all of the documents, including emails and letters from residents, related to these items at the Town’s website under Inside Town Hall – Planning Board – Current Information and Applications (or just click HERE).

The Conservation Commission is holding a special meeting on February 11 to discuss the conditional use application for the Gerrish Drive Subdivision. The commission will not be accepting public input at the meeting but interested parties can still send any comments to the Planning Office.  



The Durham Town Council is holding a public hearing this Monday on extensive changes to the Zoning Ordinance regarding agriculture. The proposal was researched and developed by the Agriculture Commission and afterward modified and refined by the Planning Board and Town Council through a number of iterations in the Durham manner. It is one of the first, if not the first, comprehensive agriculture ordinances prepared in accordance with RSA 21-34-a which provides a broad framework for drafting local regulations.

The purpose of the changes is to: a) encourage and facilitate agriculture throughout the town pursuant to the Agricultural Resources Master Plan; b) locate specific agricultural activities in appropriate zoning districts according to specially tailored requirements; c) overhaul the existing ordinance which is out of date and burdensome; and d) align with the state’s definition of agriculture. You can see the proposal and related documents at this link: Please feel free to contact Michael Behrendt, Durham Town Planner, at with any questions or if you would like to send a comment to the Town Council.


RESTAURANT BINGO KICKS OFF IN DURHAM - Support our downtown restaurant establishments and have some fun at the same time.

The federally funded Small Business Administration opened up a 2nd round of the Paycheck Protection Program(PPP) for small businesses this week. On Monday, January 11th, applications were limited to first time applicants(First Draw PPP) “from participating CFIs, which include Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs), Certified Development Companies (CDCs) and Microloan Intermediaries. On Wednesday, January 13th, businesses that previously received PPP loans were eligible to apply as long as they meet the criteria which includes a 25% loss in gross receipts. The program is evolving as it is goes to best manage the application process. Interested businesses should visit their website, HERE, and speak with their local lender. Please call or email Economic Development Director Christine Soutter with any questions,

You can pick up your game board from participating restaurants and join in on the fun while supporting your favorite eateries. Completed gameboards can be dropped off at the Town Hall, Three Chimney’s Inn or the Freedom Café. Anyone who submits a completed gameboard will be entered into a raffle for some great prizes. The first drawing will be on Friday, January 29th and will continue weekly until the game ends. You can see a list of participating venues by visiting,



For the month of February 2021, the Durham Historic Association will receive a $1 donation from each purchase of the $2.50 reusable Community Bag at the Hannaford store located at 7 Mill Road, Durham NH.


The Durham Historic Association's mission is:

  • To preserve the memory of events connected with the history of the Town of Durham, or of individuals who may have resided there;
  • To serve as guardian of the town's history;
  • To preserve the artifacts of the town's history;
  • To inform and educate the citizens of Durham and others of the history of the town and how contemporary Durham arises out of its past.



The 2021 dog tags are now available and residents may obtain their licenses starting Monday, January 11, 2021. Please note that NH-State law requires that all Durham residents license their dogs no later than April 30, 2021. You may renew your dog license online at or by visiting the Town Clerk-Tax Collector’s office Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm. New dog licenses must be done in person or by mail. If you have any questions, please contact the Town-Clerk Tax Collector’s office at ph: 603-868-5577.


2021 TOP DOG RAFFLE - Will your loyal companion be next year's "Top Dog"? Entries Now Accepted

The Town of Durham is proud to announce the 2021 Top Dog raffle. This raffle was created to motivate and remind dog owners to license their pets every year by April 30, as state law requires. Residents automatically register for the Top Dog raffle when they obtain a dog license before April 30, 2021. The winner of the Top Dog raffle will receive a gift basket donated by the clerk’s office.  

The clerk’s office will not seek donations from our local pet businesses this year. In lieu of the town seeking donations for the top dog raffle, residents are welcome make a donation to support a local business of their choice that may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact Deputy Town Clerk-Tax Collector Rachel Deane at if you would like to make a donation. Local businesses that donated to the raffle last year included: 

  • The Yellow Dog Barn, 136 Old Concord Turnpike (RTE 4), Barrington, NH 03825 
  • Oyster River Veterinary Hospital, 157 Calef Highway, Lee, NH 03861 
  • Take Five DOGCARE, LLC, 122 Mast Road, Lee, NH 03861
  • Great Bay Kennel, 27 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824

Rules & Regulations

  • Contestants will automatically be entered into the raffle when they register their dog(s) before April 30 (only open to Durham residents).
  • Residents who DO NOT want to be included in the raffle may opt out by writing, calling, or emailing the clerk’s office.
  • Contestants must be 18 or older and be the owner of the dog on file with the clerk’s office. Town of Durham employees and elected officials are not eligible.
  • The contestant must have a 2021 Town of Durham dog license by April 30. A current rabies vaccination will be required to obtain the license.
  • The raffle winner may submit a digital photo and brief biography of their dog. Photos of the 2021 raffle winner’s dog will be included in the Durham Friday Update.
  • The winner will be drawn at random by clerk’s office at a Town Council meeting in May 2021.



DPW officials recently met with a subcommittee of the Integrated Solid Waste Committee and coordinators of the Swap Shop to evaluate the possibility or re-opening. The consensus was to continue to keep closed. A poll was taken of the volunteers to determine if there was any interest in opening and found that concerns over Covid including possible spikes in the fall and winter remained and people felt it was a better approach to keep closed until spring. We will keep updating the community as things change.   



Durham resident Ron Ablowich captured a photograph of this bobcat in his field at Packers Falls Road. He said there were actually two bobcats that were were actively hunting for voles.




Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.



Virtual Events and Digital Resources From DPL! 

Check out AtoZdatabases, the latest addition to our digital resources, and grow your business with your library card! To accompany this new service, DPL will also be hosting several career services programs with recruiter and career coach Gary Gekow. Join us for his Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview on February 16th. Register for these and more adult programs on our Upcoming Events page, including NHHC programs to Black History Month in February and Women's History Month in March!

What’s New in Youth Services?! 

Register for the McAuliffe Shepard Zoom Space Program on Thurs. Feb. 25th at 10:30 am. This is a joint library program with the Durham, Lee and Madbury Libraries. This is a joint library program with the Durham, Lee and Madbury Libraries. Sign up for regularly-scheduled programming including Zoom Storytime, Baby Lap-sit, STEAM crafts to go, YA Zoom Activities, Raccoon Readers (2nd-4th grade) book group, Patch club and more! Or download the complete February calendars! 

Daily Operations at DPL

The Library is currently open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing, checkouts and the use of computers, the printer and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment. Meeting rooms and the Cafe remain closed. At this time, we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering and masks are available to patrons who request them. We ask that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library and for those uncomfortable coming in, our contactless “Library to-go” services continue! Please visit our website at for complete information! Still have questions? We can be reached at 603-868-6699 during open hours or at any time! 

Give to the Annual Appeal!

The DPL Board of Trustees Annual Appeal is underway! Please consider giving this season by clicking HERE or visiting our website at


St. George's Episcopal Church. Courtesy Todd Selig



*Academic year commences the third week of August through graduation at UNH in May.


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1694 - "The Indians fell suddenly & unexpectedly upon Oyster River about break of day. Took 3 garrisons, killed & carried away 94 persons & burnt 13 houses." This massacre was the first act of hostility after "ye peace concluded at Pemiquid." Plans for attack were common talk on Quebec streets.


Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA

t: 603.868.5571 | w:

He/him/his pronouns

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
