Shoreline at Wagon Hill Farm. Courtesy Todd Selig
On Wednesday morning of this week, Administrator Selig received an automated call from “the Okeechobee County Detention Center in Okeechobee, FL” asking whether he would accept a call from an inmate.
Not knowing any inmates or anything about an “Okeechobee County Detention Center,” he immediately became skeptical but went along with the call to learn more.
After agreeing to accept the call by pushing a number on the phone keypad, Mr. Selig was transferred to an operator who very helpfully asked for credit card information in case the call exceeded 30 seconds. “But the first 30 seconds are free,” the caller explained. At this point, Mr. Selig ended the call.
Mr. Selig’s next call was to the Durham Police Department to report the incident. Durham Police Detective Sergeant Michael Bilodeau did some research on the call. It appeared to be a scam. Sergeant Bilodeau indicated, “Either Robo Call or individual, what they are trying to do is connect your phone number with their number, so your phone number will incur charges for any long distance or high priced chat lines or “pricey” call lines outside of the US.”
Moral of the story: If Councilors or residents receive a strange call from the Okeechobee County Detention Center (or from some other unexpected place or person), be skeptical and don’t provide any personal or financial information.
On a separate note, over 350 kids have signed up for summer reading programs at the Durham Public Library. I’ll read to that!
All Town Offices will be closed in observance of the Independence Day holiday on Monday, July 4, 2016.
REFUSE & RECYCLING SCHEDULE: NO Collection on Monday, July 4th. Delayed one day all week (Mon. collection on Tue., Tue. on Wed., etc.). NO commercial collection on Friday, 7/8/16.
As most already know, there is no July 4th celebration planned for Durham this year, which historically has been held at the UNH Cowell Stadium/Boulder Field. In fact there was no July 4th celebration in Durham last year either. Unfortunately, residents began to call us yesterday indicating that the Union Leader had listed Durham as a July 4th fireworks celebration location with a viewing area at the UNH horse barns (see Thursday's NH Weekend, page 11) and a rain date of July 5th.
We are rather frustrated as we have no idea where the Union Leader came up with this notion since fireworks have not been held in Durham since 2014!
The Administrator’s office contacted the Union Leader and has asked them to correct the error. In addition, we have asked Durham PD to keep an eye on the general area in case people from the region ultimately do come to town to see the nonexistent fireworks.
It goes to show, just because you read something in the paper does not make it so!
There will be no Durham Farmers' Market on Monday, July 4th. The market will resume its regular schedule the following Monday, July 11th.
Following a public hearing on June 20, 2016, the Town Council decided not to move forward with a proposal to charge non-residents to park at Wagon Hill Farm. The feedback provided on this matter by members of the pubic was very much appreciated by the board.
INVASIVE SPECIES BECOMING MORE PREVALENT IN DURHAM - Residents encouraged to be attentive to removing invasives from their yards so they do not spread.
We are seeing more and more invasive plant species in and around Durham. Everyone can do their part on private property identifying and removing such plants if possible. Some specific examples include:
Often, if such invasive plants are not caught early, they will spread quickly and establish themselves firmly in an area and become much harder to eradicate.
Ominous storm clouds loomed over the building at 1 Main Street on Wednesday this week as strong thunderstrorms moved through the Seacoast area. Several communities experienced periods of very heavy rain and even some small hail. Courtesy Todd Selig
Part-time Economic Development Director Mary Ellen Humphrey reviewed and updated our current inventory of commercial and office properties available for lease in Durham. Since our last update, a number of businesses have opened up in Durham leaving two prime retail locations still available. These two commercial spaces suitable for retail businesses in the downtown area are: Madbury Commons (2,000 SF), and 1 Madbury Road (1,600 SF). There are two commercial buildings in the Orion complex that are more suitable for office use, totaling 3,750 SF. Two properties offer 4th floor office space downtown, 8 Jenkins Court (1,046 SF) and 9 Madbury Road (4,054 SF). Recent office space (8500 SF) opened up on the second floor of the post office building.
At this moment, there is a total of 3,600 SF of retail space and 18,216 SF of office space available for lease. A complete listing is available on the town website or contact Mary Ellen Humphrey at mehumphrey@ci.durham.nh.us.
A number of new business have opened in Durham over the course of the last year including the following:
Durham Geeks Computer Services
9 Madbury Rd, #103, 815-4135
Joanne M. Stella, Durham Criminal Law
9 Madbury Rd, 603 312-2465
UNH Analytics Program
10 A Pettee Brook Lane, 603-862-0803
Papa John’s Pizza
10 Pettee Brook Lane, 868-9999
Bikram Yoga Durham
1 Madbury Road, 815-4909
ALKU Technologies
1 Madbury Road (opening soon)
Kennebunk Savings Bank
17 Madbury Road, Suite 120, 603-590-1992
UNH Interoperability Lab
21 Madbury Rd., Ste 100, 862-0090
Alpha Loft (moved to Madbury Commons)
21 Madbury Road, at the UNH ECenter, 629-9511
The Juicery and The Soupery
30 Main Street, 815-4164
Lexie’s Joint
10 Jenkins Court, 815-4181
Blue Moon Smoke Shop, (former Mt. Everest location)
A number of additional businesses will be coming soon to downtown Durham as well:
Bamee Noddle Restaurant, Jenkins Court
Azure Express Bar, Jenkins Court
Saxby’s Coffee, Madbury Commons
UPDATES ON DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS IN DURHAM The Mill Plaza submitted a revised proposal at the Planning Board meeting June 8, and asked to postpone until September when they will submit another revision.
The owners of Young Drive are moving forward with plans to bring their preliminary proposal to the planning board in the near future. They are looking to develop 184 Senior Housing units (condos) on Young Drive in a secured and gated community.
The former ATO Fraternity site at 66 Main St continues to be discussed, working toward a design that will include using the site efficiently to potentially include a hotel, bookstore, additional retail, office space, a parking garage, etc.
MEI WEI Chinese Restaurant in the Mill Plaza had expressed an interest in expanding into the former New Hampshire Federal Credit Union space next door for restaurant expansion, a bar, dancing, and a private karaoke room. Although the Planning Board determined that full site plan review was not needed, the owners ultimately opted not to pursue the idea.
2 Brook Way – Café and Performance Area. Design Review (preliminary) application for the development of a café inside an existing student apartment building and an outdoor performance area. Paul Berton, Fall Line Properties, LLC, property owner within the Professional Office District. The Planning Board held a site walk on June 22nd. The board set the public hearing for the design review for July 13.
49 Main Street – Pauly’s Pockets. The Planning Board received a request for modification for lunette and discussion of other architectural details. The architectural renderings that were approved as part of the site plan for this mixed-use redevelopment included a detailed design for the lunette, the round granite element at the corner of the building above the first floor. The lunette that was installed does not match the approved design and the applicant requested approval of the design as built. The Architectural Design Subcommittee had asked about several other details of the project that were discussed. Paul Eja, proprietor of Pauly’s Pockets, is the applicant. Central Business District. The Planning Board approved the requested modification to retain the lunette as installed. Several other outstanding items are now being completed.
A reminder that per Chapter 49-1 of the Town Code, except as provided below, all dogs in the Town of Durham shall be restrained by a leash not exceeding eight (8) feet in fixed length or a retractable leash with stop control.
Exceptions to Leash Requirement. Section 49-1 shall not apply in the following circumstances:
A. When the dog is physically present in a structure or vehicle of, or on land owned by
the dog’s owner; or
another person who has consented to the presence of the dog;
B. When, after receipt of a written request of any person, the Durham Town Administrator gives written consent, under such conditions that s/he shall set forth by written directive, for a variance from the requirements of section 49-1 for a particular occasion or event that, in the judgment of the administrator, justifies such variance; or
C. Federal or state law requires otherwise.
Pursuant to RSA 31:39, III, any person guilty of violating this ordinance shall be fined as follows:
1st offense: $ 25.00
2nd offense: $ 50.00
3rd & subsequent offenses: $150.00
Over the past two years, DCAT Coordinator Craig Stevens has been working toward placing all of the Town's ordinances (contained in the Durham Town Code) on the Town website.
The Town Code is the end product of the process of research, review, revision, and organization of the Town's local laws and ordinances into a comprehensive document. A codification must be formally adopted in order to establish it as a permanent and practical system of municipal law as required by Durham's Charter.
Durham’s Code was formally adopted by the Town Council on March 1, 1999. The major benefit of a codification is convenient access to information. Having an accurate, up-to-date representation of municipal law enables town officials to answer questions from citizens quickly and accurately.
Craig spent many hours in-between his other responsibilities to accomplish this very labor intensive and time consuming project. We are pleased to announce that the Town's codified ordinances are now available on-line, referenced as the "Town of Durham Code", and located under "Helpful Resources" on the website's home page.
Thank you to Craig for the time and effort he devoted to accomplish this long-awaited project!
Yes, you read this title correctly. The City of Portsmouth has a water transmission line that runs through Durham’s Wagon Hill Farm.
On Tuesday July 5th Portsmouth Public Works will be fixing a manhole and vent stack located in Wagon Hill Farm. This is part of the water line that runs from Madbury to Pease and crosses through the property. The area being serviced is located past the wagon near the trails that merge by the stone wall on the east side of the property. They should be on site by 830 AM and they feel they will only need one day to finish.
SPRUCE HOLE WELL PERFORMING AS ANTICIPATED – Durham/UNH Water System moves off surface waters due to low river flows
The Durham/UNH combined water system has been drawing primarily from the new Spruce Hole Well since last weekend when the Lamprey River hit 16cfs triggering in-stream flow restrictions. UNH, Durham, and our consultant at EGGI are all monitoring well data. The well is responding as expected at a pump rate of around 640,000 gallons per day, plus an additional 40,000 – 90,000 gallons per day from the Lee Well. The system is not drawing off of surface waters at this time.
The Durham Zoning Board of Adjustment normally meets the second Tuesday of every month. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers of the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise posted. The meetings start at 7:00 p.m. Any information to go into the Zoning Board packet must be submitted by noon on the date the packet goes to the Board. Beginning in July, deadlines for Zoning Board applications are changing. To view the ZBA meeting dates and new schedule of deadlines,click HERE.
The Durham Police Department is working with the staff at the Town Hall to plan an active shooter exercise for July 11th from 3-5 PM. The Town Hall will close to the general public during this timeframe.
In December 2015, at the request of staff, Durham developed an Employee Active Threat Response Plan that employees at the Town Hall desire to practice. The Durham Police Department is working to develop several scenarios to give employees and emergency responders alike important training in this area. During the scenarios, a firearm will be discharged using blanks to give everyone as accurate a sense as possible concerning what such situations might entail.
The Town and UNH will be working together to complete a sewer repair on a section of shared sewer line on Mill Road near the entrance to the Mill Plaza and C-Lot beginning on July 5th. Work will be completed during the day and detail officers will be utilized maintain traffic on Mill Road and access in and out of the Mill Plaza. This project is being completed prior to the Town finishing its paving work on Mill Road. We appreciate your patience.
Questions can be directed to Durham Town Engineer April Talon, P.E. at atalon@ci.durham.nh.us or at 603-868-5578.
As part of the Seacoast Reliability Project, Eversource and its contractors will be conducting engineering field investigations, which include soil and rock sampling within its right-of-way. Eversource’s contractors will be taking soil and rock samples near the proposed overhead transmission structure sites to help evaluate the condition of the soils on the right-of-way.
Sampling typically takes 1-2 days per location, with equipment remaining on site for the duration. Some minor vegetation trimming or removal may be needed to access the sampling locations. Plywood and/or wood mats may also be used temporarily to protect environmentally sensitive areas. The mats will be removed at the conclusion of the soil sampling.
This field work is part of the preparations for the Seacoast Reliability Project (SRP), designed to improve the reliability of the transmission system in the area. Please note that these surveys are NOT part of the construction process.
Work Locations: This field work will take place within the boundaries of the existing Eversource right-of-way corridor that is being proposed for the Seacoast Reliability Project. The right-of-way begins at Madbury Substation, and crosses Madbury Road, Route 4, Main Street, Mill Road, Route 108, Timberbook Lane, Cutts Road, Frost Drive, Sandy Brook Drive, Longmarsh Road, Durham Point Road, Gundalow Landing, Little Bay Road, Nimble Hill Road, Fox Point Road, Spaulding Turnpike and Woodbury Avenue, ending at the Portsmouth Substation.
Shoreline at Wagon Hill Farm. Courtesy Todd Selig
On April 12, 2016, Eversource, filed an Application for a Certificate of Site and Facility with the NH Site Evaluation Committee (SEC). Eversource seeks the issuance of a Certificate of Site and Facility approving the siting, construction, and operation of a 115 kV transmission line from their Madbury substation through Durham and Newington to the company’s Portsmouth Substation.
The project will be approximately 13 miles in length and is comprised of a combination of above ground, underground, and underwater segments. The project will be located in the communities of Madbury, Durham, Newington, and Portsmouth.
On April 29, 2016, pursuant to RSA 162-H:4-a, the Chairman of the SEC appointed a subcommittee in this docket. On June 13, 2016 the Subcommittee issued an order finding that the Application contained sufficient information to carry out the purposes of RSA 162-H.
RSA 162-H:10, I-a, requires that within 45 days after acceptance of an application for a certificate, that the applicant hold at least one public information session in each county – in this case Strafford and Rockingham -- where the proposed facility will be located.
The purpose of the public information session is to provide the public with information on the proposed project, to provide an opportunity for comments and questions from the public, and to explain the process the SEC subcommittee will follow in reviewing the application. Robert R. Scott, the presiding officer of the SEC subcommittee, has designated Counsel to the Committee, Michael Iacopino, as the presiding officer for the public information session.
The Strafford County public information session will be held on July 14, 2016, at 6:00PM at the Oyster River High School, 55 Coe Drive, Durham, New Hampshire.
The Rockingham County public information session will be held on July 21, 2016, at 6:00PM at the Newington Town Hall, 205 Nimble Hill Road, Newington, New Hampshire.
The application and all other filings in this docket are located on the SEC’s website.
Unlike the last time a public hearing was scheduled by Eversource relative to the project in Durham on April 22, 2015, this time around there will be the opportunity for a question and answer session. Eversource will not have a judge moderating this time, rather the Site Evaluation Committee will be taking on that role for this round, and the next, of information sessions.
Also, Eversource will be conducting an open house in advance of the information session again, similar to what residents experienced last April, to allow residents to ask specific information from the Eversource project team.
Eversource is currently in the process of selecting members of its panel that will be prepared to respond to questions from the Durham public and help address issue on the spot. In some cases, depending on how specific the question, Eversource may need additional time to gather the information but hopefully those instances will be minimal.
Last year, the project was estimated to cost in the range of $70 million with more than half of the route in Durham within existing Eversource rights-of-way.
LAMPREY HEALTH CARE'S SENIOR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Lamprey Health Care’s Senior Transportation Program provides transportation services to seniors ages 60+ and adults with disabilities. Trips include grocery stores, banks, pharmacies, medical, dental and rehabilitation appointments. Lamprey also offers monthly recreational trips.
For a schedule or to arrange for transportation, please call the transportation office at (603) 659-2424, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Who Can Use this Service?
Residents of Rockingham County and parts of Strafford County who are 60 years of age or older, and adults with disabilities. Transportation Services are not restricted to Lamprey Health Care patients.
What are the Costs of a Ride?
A $5.00 donation is requested for medical appointments and shopping trips, and a $10.00 donation is requested for the recreational day trips.
Medical Appointments
Transportation services to medical appointments are available Monday through Friday in addition to the daily shopping trip schedule. Medical appointments are not restricted to Lamprey Health Care providers.
Can I bring a Wheelchair or Walker?
Yes! Vans are handicap accessible, and provide door-to-door service for your convenience.
Cadets and cadre meet with the Joint Chief of Staff of the São Tomé military including Durham Police Officer Pam Donley (front row far left) Courtesy Pam Donley/US Army Reserve
During May and June, Durham Police Officer Pam Donley was deployed to São Tomé and Principé (STP) Africa as a Team Leader with the Army ROTC CULP (Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency) program.
Through the CULP program, ROTC Cadets are immersed in a foreign culture learning about how others around the world view the U.S. and, in the process, learning more about themselves. The Army recognizes the need for young leaders to develop more cultural awareness and foreign language proficiency skills. An overseas immersion exposes Cadets to a different culture with a vastly different lifestyle, economic standing, and world perspective and intensifies language study, which helps produce commissioned officers who possess the right blend of language and cultural skills required to support global operations in the 21st Century.
São Tomé CULP 2016 was made up of 20 Cadets from 19 different universities - from Texas to Vermont. We taught English to members of the STP military and conducted humanitarian service at a local orphanage and middle school. The Cadets also spent time learning about the social, cultural, and historical aspects of the country. STP is a relatively poor country with a cash and barter economy where indoor plumbing is rare. The Cadets all expressed a new understanding about how much they had taken for granted growing up in the U.S. and a desire to continue to give back through volunteer efforts within their local communities.
At its meeting on May 23, 2016, the Town Council adopted goals for the coming year. As in the past, these goals are intended to be reflective of Town aspirations over the next 1-3 year timeframe.
It is our hope that all of the Town’s various boards, committees, and commissions will review the list and work to incorporate these key elements into their own work plans.
Standards of Performance
Embrace openness in the transaction of public business while conducting Town affairs in a manner that is just and best demonstrates a genuine respect for different ideas, opinions, and perspectives.
Encourage all Town boards, committees, and commissions to align their efforts with the Council goals and to collaborate and communicate frequently with each other and with the community at large.
Ensure that the Town staff and resources secured by the Town provide exemplary expertise, guidance and support to Town boards, commissions and committees.
Key Objectives
Pursue long-term economic and environmental sustainability and resiliency, anticipating the community’s and the region’s future needs through a framework that formally integrates the consideration of multiple elements including society, ecology, economics, transportation, agriculture, recreation, food and drinking water, climate, and energy resources.
Continue cooperative and collaborative efforts with UNH to enhance mutual intellectual, cultural, environmental, social, and economic benefits associated with hosting New Hampshire’s state university. Negotiate equitable agreements for the delivery of services and provision of infrastructure used by both the Town and UNH and develop long-term policies that reduce the burden on the Town and clarify town-gown land ownership.
Having expanded the tax base through student housing construction, focus on revitalizing Durham’s commercial core in ways that enhance the sense of community and better provide for the needs of our residents, while maintaining our small town character, rural pastoral gateways, and cultural history.
Regain and enhance the integrity of Durham’s traditional family neighborhoods.
Finalize police station expansion design and project approval by Town Council or by referendum, as appropriate.
Select site and finalize design for a new fire station.
Develop a plan and assess the merits of pursuing initiatives for new or existing public facilities to meet the present and future needs of the community to include, among others:
Shoreline stabilization and trail plans for Wagon Hill Farm that consider the Stewardship Plan for the property.
Dam/culvert deficiencies and water quality at the Littlehale Pond.
Restoration of the Mill Pond.
Integrated or stand-alone wastewater/stormwater permits through the US EPA.
Additional green space and/or public space or facilities that could be utilized for public events, activities, or programming such as art exhibitions, musical events, a Farmers’ Market, or a community center in order to further enhance the lives of Durham residents. With this in mind, efforts will begin in order to realize unique opportunities if and when they appear.
Provide the resources so the Planning Board may complete the Future Land Use Chapter of the Master Plan by the end of calendar year 2018.
Strengthen the community and enhance its social capital by supporting an array of recreational, artistic, and educational opportunities; celebrating and sustaining Durham’s history and natural setting; and developing initiatives that promote public transportation options and ensure safe walking and biking.
Task the administrator with developing a budget for 2017 that holds General Fund expenses at current levels except for contractual increases including wages and benefits and a cost of living adjustment for non-unionized personnel. Develop a Capital Fund budget using increases in revenue projected and any increase in the tax rate if necessary. Specific itemized expenses for initiatives or projects that exceed this budgetary threshold but are deemed by the Administrator to increase efficiencies over time, are consistent with other Council goals, or are important for the general welfare of the community as part of the proposed budget shall be highlighted and include itemized rationale, as well as offsetting revenue as appropriate, for the Council’s discussion and consideration as part of the annual budget process.
Identify and address the needs of our citizens to ensure they are well-served by the Town.
When developing new regulations or assessing the benefits of existing codes that could be simplified or eliminated altogether, endeavor to make living in Durham less complex and less burdensome for our residents.
NOTE: Order of the goals does not imply priority. Goals for previous councils can also be viewed HERE.
WEB SITE REDESIGN UNDER WAY – Suggestions from residents for improvements sought.
The Town is currently in the process of updating/redesigning its web site housed at www.ci.durham.nh.us. If residents have suggestions on aspects of the site that could be improved upon, please send an email to DCAT’s Craig Stevens at dcat@ci.durham.nh.us.
The "Summer Hot Deals" listed below will run from June 17th through August 19th. Please contact the businesses directly with any questions. ==============================
3 Bridges Yoga, 37 Main St., 603-590-0010
2 months of unlimited yoga for $125
Amy's Frame Shop, 44 Main St., 603-868-2511
Receive a coupon for 25 FREE 4" by 6" prints from the Kodak Kiosk with your Custom Framing Order*. Mention Summer Hot Deals to receive the offer. *Excludes ready-made frames
Papa John’s, 10 Pettee Brook Ln., 603-868-9999
Buy a Large or Extra Large Pizza at regular menu price, get the second pizza of equal or lesser value FREE. Offer valid online only. Use promo code TMT4569DBABOGO when ordering.
SolSistar, 49 Main St., Suite 103, 603-397-5229 25% off 1 non-sale item on Friday’s when you mention Summer Hot Deals!
Tacomano, 38 Main Street, 603-397-5203
FREE gauc or bacon with purchase of either a burrito, a bowl, or an order of tacos.
UNH Dairy Bar, 3 Depot Road, 603-862-4843
Get a large fountain beverage for only $.99 cents when you buy any salad or sandwich at the UNH Dairy Bar!
Durham's Agricultural Commission's has begun featuring a Mini Film Series in the weekly "Friday Updates". Each week a short video on an agricultural topic will be posted that Commission members hope subscribers will enjoy and find helpful.
This week's Mini Film is "Maintaining a Vegetable Garden". In order to ensure the best yield from your vegetable garden, mid-season attention is important.
Learn some tips for keeping your garden growing well.
The Lamprey River Advisory Committee has published its 2016 summer newsletter which is available for viewing HERE.
The LRAC would like to remind boaters that New Hampshire law RSA 270-D:2,VI, states that if you are less than 150' from someone's boat, dock, swim raft, shore, rocks, or almost any other object (except navigation buoys), then you should be at headway speed, whether a No Wake sign is present or not. Let's all have a safe, enjoyable experience on the water this summer.
The Town Council will hold one meeting in July - Monday, July 18th.
The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.
Historic District Commission - Thursday, July 7, 2016
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
Protecting Against Frauds & Scams
New frauds and scams seem to crop up daily, many of them specifically targeted at seniors. Identity theft, investment fraud, and scams rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money. Last year, 13 million people were the victims of identity theft alone – that’s one person every two seconds! Join DCAT 22 Studios for an important program by AARP presenter Norma Boyce, to learn how you can protect yourself against frauds and scams. This presentation is available for replay on DCAT 22, Saturday & Sunday at 4:00 PM. The episode can also be viewed on DCAT On Demand. Total run time: 1:00
In the Biz Spotlight: DCAT 22 Coordinator, Craig Stevens and EDC Director, Mary Ellen Humphrey visit local businesses to introduce them to the community, and to welcome newcomers to Durham. Most recent episode: The Juicery & The Soupery. Stop by and sample their products. Note: all cups, lids, soup cups, straws, and silverware are compostable. All of the serve ware is compostable as an effort to help the environment, which is a part of their company's culture. Quote: “Smoothies, juices and soups are fast food... that actually contain food.” Tory Dube (marketing) and Megan Senter (store manager). The episode can be viewed Cable Channel 22 @ 12:30 PM & 6:00 PM, Saturday & Sunday and on DCAT On Demand.
DCAT 22 On Demand has made a change to the Town's Video On Demand service. The switch to the new VOD service began on Monday, April 18th. All of the videos that were available on the old site have been ported over, and are up and running for the public's viewing pleasure on the new site.
The new site address: https://dcat22.viebit.com/
Please contact: dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions
Perhaps you missed or couldn’t make it to the Solar 101 Workshop on May 24. Have no fear, DCAT 22 was there to record the entire workshop. Learn about solar PV systems and residential installations, panel placement, permitting & interconnection, financing & incentives, and installer selection. Presentation by Andy Duncan, Energy Training Manager, Lakes Region Community College. This video is also available on DCAT On Demand or watch it on Cable Channel 22 on Saturday or Sunday @ 1:00 PM
Join DCAT 22 Studios, the Durham Energy Committee and James Hasselbeck of Revision Energy for a tour of Durham’s new solar array. Walk the grounds with a group of solar enthusiasts. Plenty of questions and answers about the new array. So, don’t miss this DCAT 22 original programming. The program is available on DCAT On Demand or watch it on DCAT Cable Channel 22, Saturday & Sunday @ 8:30 PM – total run time: 47 minutes ______________________
DCAT is Live Streaming
Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.
Troop 154 Scoutmaster Tom Perley awarded Toluwase Afolayan with the Eagle scout neckerchief and slide during the Court of Honors ceremony on June 1st. Courtesy Jim Brown
Durham Boy Scout troop 154 honors its 106th Eagle Scout since 1932. Toluwase Afolayan was honored in an Eagle Scout Court of Honors on Wednesday June 1, 2016 at the Durham Community Church.
Toluwase Afolayan was honored for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank awarded by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Toluwase trail to Eagle has required him to achieve all the ranks required from Scout to Life rank before obtaining his Eagle rank on March 30, 2016. Along the way Toluwase has held the offices of Senior Patrol leader, Assistant Patrol leader, instructor and outing director within the troop. While fulfilling his leadership responsibilities Toluwase completed 21 merit badges with one of his scouting milestone being his 50 mile cycling trip.
Each Eagle scout is required to complete an Eagle Scout service project. Toluwase's project was working with the Newmarket and Concord divisions of the New Hampshire Natural Conservancy. His project would require him to raise money via a local car wash to help fund supplies need to build two kiosks. These kiosks will help promote the Nature Conservancy at events and programs in the surrounding communities. Scoutmaster Tom Perley awarded Toluwase with the Eagle scout neckerchief and slide during the Court of Honors followed by a small reception.
The Durham Agriculture Commission encourages residents to participate in home food production and small scale farming. We recognize these efforts with our "Food Friendly Yard" signs displayed around the community.
What is a Food Friendly Yard?
A Food Friendly Yard is a nourishing, chemical free, space for people, wildlife and pollinating insects. Food Forest landscaping provides fruit and berries. Lawns become vegetable gardens. Ornamental plantings support a host of pollinators. Backyard chickens, turkeys and goats produce food, control weeds and insects and provide valuable nutrients with their composted waste.
How can you qualify?
There are lots of ways to qualify as a Food Friendly Yard. You can meet the criteria if you have:
Edible landscaping: fruit trees, bushes and berries
Vegetable plantings: in- ground raised beds, or container gardens
Ornamental plantings that support pollinators
Chickens, turkeys, goats and other poultry or livestock for eggs, meat, milk or manure
If you would like to display one of our signs contact the Durham Agricultural Commission, c/o ellenkare51@gmail.com
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Online Program Registration- Now Available!
Durham Parks & Recreation is excited to announce the addition of online program registration and payments to our department! You can find program and department information by visiting us HERE. Please create an account on the left hand side of the page, which will allow access to register for programs. Please be sure to ask questions, and let us know if something isn’t operating correctly.
DPR Summer Program & Events Guide - A comprehensive detailed guide of Parks & Recreation summer happenings.
Family Camp Out at Wagon Hill Farm
Tents lined up at WHF during the Parks & Rec Family Camp Out on Saturday, June 25. Courtesy Jeremy Gasowski
The Family Camp Out was a great success! A total of 13 families (50+ participants) enjoyed this special night out at Wagon Hill with a BBQ dinner, s’mores and stories by the campfire, lawn games, a lot of free play and special summer memories made hanging out with friends! The weather was absolutely perfect to boot!
Thank you to all the families who participated this year! We look forward to making the Family Camp Out an annual event!
Summer Day Camp Update
Fifteen youngsters participated in the first summer camp program, "Wicked Gross Science and Super Hero Physics". Courtesy Durham P&R
Summer camps kicked off this week with Wicked Gross Science and Super Hero Physics. Participants spent the week exploring acids and bases, dissecting owl puke, creating alien slim and optical illusions!
Next up, Lego Engineering and Adventure Paddle Camps!
We still have space and are accepting registrations for the following weeks of camp:
7/18-7/21- Afternoon REACH Camp
7/22- Water Country Field Trip
7/25-7/28- Afternoon REACH Camp
7/29- Island Kayak Adventure Trip
8/1-8/4- Afternoon REACH Camp
8/5- Mini Golf and Blitz Air Park Field Trip
8/8-8/11- Afternoon REACH Camp
8/15-8/19- Extreme Earth Camp
8/22-8/26- Wicked Cool Med School
For more information or to register for camps/trips please visit us HERE.
Summer Drop-in Programs at Churchill Rink
DPR is offering a variety of FREE drop-in style programs this summer at Churchill Rink beginning Monday, July 11th for both youth and adults.
Join us for these weekly recurring programs:
Mondays: Art in the Park (4-6pm) & Scoot and Skate (5:30-7:30pm)
Tuesdays: Pick-Up Pickleball (6-8pm)
Wednesdays: Youth Street Hockey-Ages 7+ (5:30-7pm), Teen/Adult Street Hockey- Ages 13+ (7-8:30pm)
Thursdays: Backyard Games- wiffle ball, kickball, GaGa Ball, soccer, etc. (5:30-7:30pm)
For more information on DPR drop in programs, please visit HERE.
Stargazing At Wagon Hill Farm
Durham Parks & Recreation and UNH Astronomer John Gianforte - The SkyGuy, have teamed up to offer Stargazing Workshops! We will be offering an interactive stargazing workshop on the second Saturday of each month. For our July Workshop, participants can join us at the UNH Observatory where we will view the moon, Jupiter, constellations, and more!! $10/person, $20/family. Please pre-register with Durham Parks & Recreation by Thursday July 7th.
Stargazing Dates & Times
Saturday, July 9th- 9:00-10:00pm at the UNH Observatory.
Learn To Fish Workshop and Field Day with NH Fish & Game!
Wednesday, July 6th at Churchill Rink –Workshop from 4:30pm to 7:00pm
Saturday, July 9th at a local pond (TBD)- Fishing experience and instruction from 9:00am to 1:00pm. In the basic fishing course you will explore the skills and equipment needed and resources available to you to start your journey to becoming an angler.
For all ages 8 and above- Ages 8-14 require adult accompaniment. Register HERE by July 1st. $10/person. All equipment provided.
Art in the Park at Jackson's Landing
Mondays form 4-6pm beginning July 11th. Join us at Jackson’s Landing for an evening of Art in the Park. We will have a rotating schedule of Pottery Painting and Glass Fusing! For more information on Art In The Park click HERE.
Music on Main Summer Concert at Wagon Hill Farm
Thursday, August 4th 6-8pm, featuring: Fling.
Join us on Main Street for an evening of live music and family fun! FREE
FREE Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm
Thursdays from 5-6pm beginning June 9th. Bring a mat or a blanket and meet at the wagon. Participation is FREE. Class is canceled in the case of inclement weather.
Save The Date:
Picnic in the Park with The Little Red Wagon
Thursday, July 21st 5:30-7:30pm at Jackson’s Landing
Pack a picnic dinner, play at the playground and enjoy a 45 minute theatre performance- Luna Goes to Mars by The Little Red Wagon from UNH Theatre & Dance. FREE!
Community Archery Clinic with Archery in Motion
Wednesdays at Churchill Rink, July 27th- August 17th 10-11am
Ages 7+, $70/pp. Community Archery Clinic is geared for both youth and adults! Pre-register with DPR by July 20th. Space is limited.
Emery Farm – PYO blueberries starting today and coming soon the Market & Café at Emery Farm with expanded offerings of ice cream, morning coffee and bagels, and more!
Wildcat Fitness offering "Free Fridays" from June thru August. The Free Fridays offer allows full use of the gym and participation in yoga, barre, spin, TRX, HIIT, PiYo, Bootcamp, Dance Fit, and many other fitness classes. Stop by and bring a friend. More information HERE.
Durham Farmers' Market at Jackson's Landing - Every Monday now through October 3 (2:15 - 6PM) (JULY 4TH EXCEPTED- SEE ABOVE)
UNH MUB Summer Series with weekly Wednesday movies (including many in 3-D!), a mini-carnival, an outdoor movie, and more. For the full printable schedule click HERE.
FREE Summer Lunch - Provided by ORCSD Lunch Program, Jul 5 - Aug 11, 2016. Any child 18 and under eats free at the OR Middle School on Mon, Tue, Wed, & Thu. Cafeteria opens at 11:30 AM
39th Army Band performs Weds. July 6th at 6:30 pm!
NOTE: The library will be closed on Saturday, July 2nd, and Monday, July 4th, for the Fourth of July holiday
Children’s and Young Adult Programs:
Summer Story Time, Tues. July 5th at 10:30 am - This week “Balls & Sports”! Join us for fun stories, fingerplays, feltboard and a fun craft. We will play a fun ball game. July 12 – “Silly Snacks & Monsters”, July 19 – Bruins visit at 11 am, July 26 – “Let’s Move & Dance”. 9-12 year old Summer Reading Activity Hour, Tues. July 5th at 6:30 pm – This week” Fitness Fun & Obstacle Course!” Come and try out our obstacle course and challenges and win prizes. We’ll also play some fun group games and talk about what you are reading. July 12 – Karate Demonstration, July 19 – Cool Tech Toys, July 26 – Create Art. Team Art, Weds. July 6th at 4:00 pm – Come collaborate to build a chalk feather peacock that will stay at the library. (All ages) July 13 - , July 20 – Ribbons & Beads, July 27 – A water & wax dot piece Music on the Library Lawn (Family Music Night): “39th Army Band” (All ages, outside*), Weds. July 6th at 6:30 pm – Bring your lawn chairs for a fun night of music. Held rain or shine. July 13th – Harsh Armadillo, July 21st – T.J. Wheeler,, July 27th – Bill Staines. Frozen Yoga upstairs in the Oyster River Room! (All ages), Thurs. July 7th, 10:30 am – Join us for fun yoga by Cosmic Yoga. Watch on the big screen upstairs and follow along. Wear comfortable clothes! July 14 – Wildlife Encounters at the Madbury Town Hall, July 21 – Ambulance McGregor EMS visit, July 28 Durham Police and Police Car visit. All ages. 6-8 year old Summer Reading Activity Hour, Thurs. July 7th at 3:00 pm – This week: “Fitness Fun & Obstacle Course” Join us for stories, games, puzzles and a fun craft. We’ll also talk about what you are reading. July 14 – Harry Potter Cosmic Yoga, July 21 – Legos & Rockets, July 28 – Make –It! Nature Crafts! , Thurs. July 7th at 6:30 pm – Join us for fun outside nature crafts. This week: “Fairy Houses” (All ages) July 14 – Pet Rocks & Spooky Campfire Stories, July 21 – Moon Sand & Castles, July 28 - Painting Under the Stars. YA Writing Group (ages 10 & up) , Mon. July 11th at 4:00 pm - This week: “Mad Libs!”. Like to write? Join us in the YA Room for fun writing exercises. Post your writing to our blog “Write Away”. July 18 – Science Fiction, July 25 – Comics & Flip books Family Movie Night: “The Good Dinosaur” (All ages, Oyster River Room), Mon. July 11th at 6:00 pm – Popcorn is served and all are welcome to come and see this fun family movie! July 18 – “Air Bud”, July 25 – “Cars” (“drive-in movie”). FINALE CELEBRATION with Bryson Lang, Comedian/Master Juggler , Friday, July 29th at 10:30 am - Join us in celebrating your summer reading accomplishments. Bryson Lang will perform a hilarious act combining skillful juggling and original comedy! Prize books, reading certificates, and Bagel Works Prizes will be handed out. Cake will also be served. (All ages, Oyster River Room) * Note: In case of inclement weather, this program will be in the library’s Oyster River Room. A special thank-you to the Friends of the Durham Public Library for all their support. A big thank-you to The Sea Dogs, Bagel Works, The Candy Bar, Canobie Lake Park, Dunkin Donuts, The Durham Makery, Durham Bike, Durham House of Pizza, Franz’s Food, Fro-zone, Hayden Sports, Water Country, Tacomano, Young’s Restaurant, The Juicery, Subway, and other local businesses for their prize donations. Boston Bruins Mascot, Blade, and Ice Girls to visit Summer Reading on Tuesday, July 19th at 11 am- 12pm – The Durham Public Library has been chosen by the Boston Bruins summer reading outreach program, “When You Read, You Score!”, to have the Bruins Mascot, Blade, and Ice Girls visit! Blade will visit and children will be able to have their picture taken with Blade. We’ll hear a story about Blade, play some Boston Bruins trivia with the Ice Girls, where you can win awesome prizes from the team and then also make a fun hockey craft. Go, Bruins! Children's Summer Reading Program - Join us for our fun 5 week summer reading program! "On Your Mark, Get Set...READ!" Registration continues! Program runs from June 27th through July 29th. Keep track of your minutes read and win weekly prizes. We also keep track of all our minutes read together. There will be fun programs; Movie nights, Storytimes, 9-12 year old group, Team Art, Kick-off with Storyteller Simon Brooks, Music on the Library Lawn, 6-8 year old group, Young Adult Writing program, Nature Art Nights, Firemen, Police and EMS visits with their trucks, yoga, karate, finale with Bryson Lang, juggler and comedian and much more. Trivia, guessing jar and even a "Barrel of Monkeys" (ages 2 -12 years). Don't miss it!
Adult Programs:
Exercise Your Mind-READ - Adult July Reading Program/Contest New prize donated by AAI Inc. Jawbone UP2 Fitness tracker. - Pick up the weekly puzzle, complete it and enter it into the weekly drawing for a prize! Prizes donated by Wildcat Fitness and AAI, Inc., Portsmouth NH! Contact Armida Geiger 603-590-1117 Music on the Lawn- 39th Army Band Wednesdays 6:30 beginning July 6: NH 39th Army Band! - Bring a picnic dinner, chair and blanket and enjoy listening to the tunes from the 39th Army Band. Rain or shine. Held in the Oyster River Community Room if it's raining. Durham Photo Contest: July 4, 2015 through July 4, 2016 - $300 Cash Prize for the Winner! Contest is sponsored by a Durham resident, to capture the beauty, character, and identity of Durham using seven photographs that express Durham’s character. More information can be found on the DPL website. Friends of the Library Summer Big Read 2016 - Spend the summer reading at a suitably leisurely pace (about 250 pages a month) our September Book Discussion choice, to be facilitated by Jennifer Lee. The 2016 book is Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Copies to borrow for the summer are available at the library. If you buy your own, be sure it has notes and an introduction (and readable print.) There are several good paperback editions for between $11 and $13. Enrich your reading, if you like, by signing up with your name and email at the library, and you will receive by email from the facilitator: A brief historical and biographical background and short bibliography of background books. Suggestions for making your reading easier and more enjoyable. Periodic encouragements and provocative quotes, facts, suggestions, etc. The opportunity to ask questions before September. Signup is optional, but please do it by June 15. You can request to be put on the list at the library circulation desk, over the telephone (868-6699), or by email durhampl@gmail.com If you were on the email list last summer (for Middlemarch), simply email Jennifer. MUSEUM PASSES -- The Friends of the DPL sponsor passes to twelve different museums. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum- Boston Located in Boston the museum houses the collection of art patron, Isabella Stewart in a setting built to resemble a 15th century Venetian palace. One current exhibit, "Off the Wall: Gardner and Her Masterpieces", features about 25 Masterpieces from artists such as Botticelli and Rembrandt and spans the Renaissance to Rocco periods. The exhibit includes paintings and drawings from the permanent collection and additional items from archives that relate to how Gardner put together her remarkable collection. The exhibit is in the museum's new wing and runs through August 28th. The museum is closed Tuesdays. The pass provides up to four (4) people with $5 admission per person. Children under the age of 18 are always admitted free.Passes are available through the DPL online reservation system, Tixkeeper. Please pick up your reserved pass at the circulation desk. Museum passes are sponsored by the Friends of the Durham Public Library.
For more information, visit the Durham Public Library website.
We periodically include an excerpt from New Hampshire Icons - 50 Classic Symbols of the Granite State by Jennifer Smith-Mayo and Matthew P. Mayo. This Sunday, July 3, is the 147th anniversary of the beginning of operations for the Mount Washington Cog Railway where, believe it or now, Durham's Chief David Kurz used to work when he was growing up!
“Mount Washington Cog Railway. While hiking Mount Washington one day in 1857, Sylvester Marsh, of Campton, thought that a railway might be just the thing to get people from the bottom to the top. Fortunately for him, everyone – including the state legislature – thought he was nuts. So naturally, they decided to let him proceed. It helped that he was willing to pony up $5,000 of his own money to get the train rolling. Marsh persisted, built a hotel at the base in anticipation of the hordes of travelers he expected, and attracted investors based on a prototype engine and short run of track. His gamble paid off, and by 1869, the Cog’s unique 3-mile-long rail-and-rack tracks reached the summit of Mount Washington, and has been in operation ever since.
“Until recently, the train operated on a ratcheting mechanism involving a toothed cogwheel that clicked into place on a rack between the rails as the locomotive pushes from behind a single passenger car. The new mechanism incorporates clutches and disc brakes, and is considered even safer. The Mount Washington Cog Railway is the world’s first mountain-climbing cog railway, and has the steepest grade of any railroad in the world.
“The trains run from late April through early December, and roundtrips take about three hours. Trains depart from the Marshfield Base Station, with its restaurant, gift shop, and museum, and passengers spend one hour going up, one hour at the summit, and one hour heading back down…
“Over the years, the engines have run on wood, coal, diesel, and now, in an effort to reduce what is affectionately called “Cog Smog,” the fleet is being converted to a biodiesel mix. This produces less exhaust and runs more efficiently, though a coal-fired locomotive still makes an early-day run for the steam-power buffs in the crowd. After all, this is a historic railroad.”
And finally...
Garrison Keillor hosts the radio variety show “A Prairie Home Companion” for one last time, at the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday. He will be signing off after more than 40 years.
Have a safe and fun 4th of July!
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
t: 603.868.5571 m: 603.817.0720
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA
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