Friday Updates - July 10, 2020


Friday, July 10, 2020


Police Chief David Kurz will retire on July 17, 2020

Courtesy DCAT Studios


The Town Council unanimously adopted a Resolution on Monday evening, introduced by Councilor Wayne Burton, condemning racism in all its pernicious forms and the violence it begets by embracing the goals of Black Lives Matter.

People send all sorts of things to Admin. Selig at the Town Hall – correspondence, articles, academic papers, books, dunce caps, lumps of coal (yes this is true), etc.  This week a book, Apocalypse Never – Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All by Michael Shellenberger, arrived from an anonymous sender.  If the sender would like to identify themself, please don’t hesitate to send Mr. Selig an email at  


PROFILE OF POLICE CHIEF DAVID (DAVE) KURZ - Who officially retires next Friday...

The funniest cop in New Hampshire is retiring next Friday. Durham Police Chief Dave Kurz may not have much competition in that regard but wouldn’t it be something if the most humorous person in any town were the police chief or an officer on the beat? 

As Chief Kurz knows well, community engagement and empathetic communication are fundamental to effective policing. What better way to disarm and connect, even with a scofflaw, than to make them laugh!

Dave Kurz launched into law enforcement fifty years ago with exactly this view. The long-haired teenager finished work for the day at the Cog Railway on Mt. Washington and was holding out his thumb and a “Going to see Mom” sign, heading southbound on I-93 when he was busted. The arresting officer put handcuffs on young Kurz and took him to the Littleton jail for the night.

The Vietnam War was raging and Dave believes the officer made assumptions about him: “Just a no-good hippie freak drug dealer.” At that moment, he told himself, “This is what I want to do, but I am going to do it differently.” Dave earned a degree in criminal justice (from the University of Maine) with a thesis titled, “Why Do They Call It Criminal Justice, Not Community Justice?” He since learned that officers have a lot of discretion. That arresting officer could simply have talked with him and sent him on his way.

Dave Kurz’s first police job was as a summer cop in Hyannis. He was walking his beat one night when a young mug muttered, “I smell bacon.” Quick with the repartee, Officer Kurz threw the kid a curve: “That’s a great line! Do you mind if I use it?”

In this business, humility and creativity often win the day. One morning at 3:00 a.m. Sergeant Kurz stopped a car that was weaving all over the road. The driver was enormous and wore the colors of the Devil’s Disciples motorcycle gang. Sergeant Kurz told him he was under arrest for drunk driving. The offender looked over the comparatively diminutive Kurz and said, “You’ll never take me.” Dave replied, “You are probably right, but I am going to hold on to you as best I can until my back up comes.” After a few choice words the guilty party put his hands behind his back. There never was any back-up coming.

And sometimes funny things just happen. Officer Kurz was running radar in his hometown of Gorham, Maine and pulled over a station wagon. As he stepped up to the vehicle he saw that the inside was strangely all white and fluttering with movement. The driver rolled the window down a few inches and Officer Kurz realized the car was full of live chickens.  It was 7:00 a.m. and the guy was drunk. He’d been in a card game all night and was driving off with his winnings. Chief Kurz still chuckles recalling the sight of that car being towed away with feathers flying all around. 

When Dave applied for a position in another town in Maine he was told by the consultant handling the hiring process, “You are the most qualified but the Town Manager won’t hire you, because he doesn’t like you.” Then he added, “We just landed a job in Durham, New Hampshire to assist them in identifying their next chief and I think you would be a great fit.” The rest is history. (Rene Kelley, Durham’s new chief, quipped, “I don’t know how he ever made it through the background check with that hitchhiking violation on his record.”)

As we all know, Durham presents its own challenges. Chief Kurz says, “We take seriously that the Town gives us this power and we try to demonstrate that the trust is warranted. Some residents in Durham are skeptical of policing in general but when they see that we are honest and committed to doing the right thing they are okay with us.”

He adds, “The most critical thing we do at the department is hire the right people for Durham. We know what we are looking for. Among other things, the officers have to be problem solvers and they certainly need to be compassionate. Police officers bring with them all of their personal qualities including their implicit biases. The department works diligently to train them to focus on the specifics of a given situation and to remain the consummate professional at all times.”

While other cities have to grapple with more gnarly conflicts “the issues here are alcohol, parties and the ancillary problems that follow.” A little understanding helps. When people inquire what it’s like to be chief in Durham, Dave asks them, “Would you want to live next door to yourself when you were 18? What we know is that they are basically good, intelligent kids that will become us eventually! They are us back then.” Chief Kurz responded to a call one night and told the students, “This looks like a great party. If I wasn’t working I would love to join you. But you are making way too much noise and disturbing the neighbors so quiet down!”

Asked if the current criticisms of policing across the country are fair Chief Kurz said, “When you see a policeman kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for eight minutes ignoring his pleas, yes, there is a problem. That officer should have been charged with homicide immediately. Good cops detest bad cops. I understand the anger and frustration. As a society we need to make adjustments, and they will be made.”

For years, Chief Kurz has been advising other police departments across the country in his area of expertise…community engagement. No surprise there. He walks the walk having established a standard of public safety excellence in the Durham Police Department through CALEA (the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) to ensure that our officers embrace best practices and provide transparent high-quality service to the community. This accreditation has never been more important than in these challenging times.

Chief Kurz turned 69 on July 4. He has been in the business for 47 years including 24 years as Durham’s chief. Dave will continue consulting with professional recruitment firm MRI but he is ready for a change: “I have a vision of sitting in a French village for a month and the most difficult decision each day will be what kind of cheese to have with my baguette.” 

He wants to see Little Bighorn and to explore new places. “How many Durhams are out there with something special to offer?” He will also be able to spend more time with his wife Jackie, a real estate attorney; his son Matthew, a computer technician with Systems Engineering; his daughter-in-law Lisa, an RN at Maine Medical; and his daughter Emily, a policy claims adjuster for Progressive Insurance. 

We thank Dave for his many years of distinguished service (and for bringing much-needed levity to sober Town Hall) and wish him the best in his retirement. Feel free to send him a note up until next Friday, July 17 at

(Thank you as well to Dir. of Planning Michael Behrendt who wrote this lovely piece!)



In an effort to be very proactive, Durham and UNH, working collaboratively, have organized a Zoom Town Hall Question and Answer session with UNH President Jim Dean, Provost Wayne Jones, Vice President for Operations Chris Clement, UNH Police Chief Paul Dean, and Durham Police to discuss and answer questions from the Durham community surrounding the planned reopening and resumption of UNH classes/operations this fall. Mr. Selig will moderate the session. There will be the opportunity for residents to pose questions in writing as part of the Zoom Town Hall.

When: Jul 15, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Town Hall Q&A Meeting with President Dean, his staff, and Town Officials Concerning Planned UNH Reopening

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or Telephone:

    US: +1 646 876 9923 

    Webinar ID: 949 1693 0116

UNH will host the Town Hall session on its Zoom platform. DCAT will be broadcasting a Planning Board meeting that evening. For residents not able to participate, we will provide an additional link after the fact so interested residents can watch rebroadcasts on line.

A thank you to the hard working team at UNH for their willingness to schedule this session for the broader Durham community. 



Administrator Selig wearing his mask. It’s a pandemic; wearing masks in public is the responsible thing to do. It conveys the clear message, "I care about your health, in addition to my own." Courtesy Todd Selig


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that wearing cloth face coverings (masks) is one of the most important things we can do to help stem the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others. You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected. Wearing masks in public is the responsible thing to do. It conveys the clear message, "I care about your health, in addition to my own.”

Everyone should wear a cloth face cover in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing.

To read more suggestions from the CDC, click HERE.



UNH staff have been working diligently to develop a plan for reopening in the face of the pandemic. On campus students will begin a phased return to campus August 10th for approximately three weeks leading up to the start of classes at the end of the month. UNH and Durham officials will be honing some of the signage to be applicable off campus as well as on. Signage addresses topics such as the importance of face coverings, social distancing, and sanitizing hands. UNH also plans to have extensive protocols for testing, contact tracing, and two on-campus residential facilities will be available on campus for any students who might become ill. Before returning to campus, students will undergo testing. Students will attend classes in-person, remotely, and via a combination of approaches. On campus occupancy will be limited to no more than 2 students per room and some students likely will commute from home. Others will of course live off campus in Durham. To this end, there has been ongoing communication between UNH, Durham Police, UNH Police, and off campus landlords.

Look forward to COVID-19 signage going up on campus and through the downtown between now and August 10th.



The Town has been advised by legal counsel that there is not legislative authority for a municipality such as Durham to adopt a local ordinance requiring the wearing of masks downtown. In NH, municipalities only have those powers explicitly delegated to them by the state. While there are a number of health-related delegations of authority, none of them deal specifically with mask wearing. The City of Nashua has nonetheless proceed to adopt such an ordinance and was instantly challenged in Superior Court. 

The following video clip HERE will give you a sense of the court case.

What Durham has done is to issue an Administrative Order REQUESTING that individuals voluntarily wear cloth face coverings. This Order may be viewed HERE.

Local businesses DO have the authority to require the wearing of masks within their establishments -- just as a business may take the position, No Shoes/Shirt, No Service. However, the Town cannot force them to do so.

In recognition of the reality that it would be desirable for individuals required on campus at UNH to wear masks also wear masks off campus downtown, this week Administrator Selig contacted both the NH Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management AND the NH Department of Justice (AG’s Office), which has checked with the Governor’s Legal Counsel, about Gov. Sununu potentially issuing (at Durham’s request) an Executive Order specifically giving municipalities a local option of implementing a mask wearing requirement. Admin. Selig heard back from the AG’s Office Thursday afternoon that the Governor’s Office desires to wait to see what happens with the Nashua case. Note, some of Governor Sununu’s own Executive Orders were also challenged in that case. 

In addition, Mr. Selig has contacted Hanover, Plymouth, and Keene to inquire if they would have an interest in a local option mask wearing Executive Order.

As noted, the challenge to the Nashua mask policy (and some of the Governor’s Executive Orders) is still pending in Superior Court. Mr. Selig’s understanding is there’s a motion to dismiss and a lot of back and forth in the court pleadings. He believes it’s going to be a little while until there’s a decision, but will be keeping an eye on it. The AG’s Office could not say for sure but expected within the next 30-40 days. 


TRACKING COVID-19 LEVELS THROUGH WASTEWATER – Durham WWTP to Participate in Upcoming Research Study

A University of New Hampshire research team, led by Dr. Paula Mouser and supported by co-PIs Dr. Jim Malley, Dr. Stephen Jones, and Dr. Fabrizio Colosimo, are embarking on a research project funded by UNH entitled "Development and Deployment of a Rapid Surveillance Tool for SARS-CoV-2 in Environmental Samples".

Durham has volunteered to participation to investigate the presence of SARS-CoV-2 (the Coronavirus that causes COVID-19 illness) genetic material in the influent of WWTPs. The testing tool is not designed to determine if live, infectious virus is present.

The goal of this and potential future research is to develop a diagnostic tool at UNH capable of detecting COVID-19 entering wastewater treatment systems across NH. Similar studies are being undertaken in municipalities across the US including Boston, San Francisco, and Texas as well as internationally. The test will attempt to detect and quantify the amount of COVID-19 genetic material found in wastewater samples using an advanced droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) analysis targeting the “N gene”, a biomarker responsible for the unique shell of COVID-19. 

The researchers will also verify the N gene belongs to COVID-19 genetic material using sequencing technology at UNH's Hubbard Center for Genome Studies. Ultimately, the researchers hope this tool could prove useful for surveillance of COVID-19 trends over time in WWTPs and in other environmental samples (e.g., recreational waters, beaches).

As with other studies conducted by our group, the collected data will be reported anonymously to protect, to the extent possible, the identity of WWTPs. Results from this preliminary study will help inform future research efforts. The team also intends to share the gathered information with WWTP partners as it becomes available. Every effort will be made by UNH researchers to appropriately communicate the goals of the research, its limitations, and findings.

NHDES will be assisting UNH with sample collection over the next few weeks in conjunction with their planned PFAS sampling.


VOTER REGISTRATION - If you have not yet registered to vote and are eligible to do so in Durham, we ask you to do so as soon as possible and to vote via absentee ballot.

Election officials in Durham would like to encourage everyone who can legally vote in Durham and has not yet registered, to consider doing it as soon as possible. We don’t know where we will stand with COVID-19 in the fall, but we would like all who are entitled to vote here to be able to do so safely. 

Voter registration can be done in person at the town hall (while social distancing and wearing a mask, of course) any time the clerk’s office is open or absentee.  Supervisors of the Checklist have two official sessions set, both at the town hall:

MONDAY   JULY 13      3:00 PM

FRIDAY      JULY 24      3:00 PM

If you come in person you will be asked to show proof of identification, age (18 by the September 8 election), citizenship (passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers), and domicile within Durham. Affidavits may be signed in the absence of proofs. This may be done up until about 10 days before the election. To register absentee, please call the town clerk’s office (868-5577) and ask for the absentee registration packet. Read the instructions carefully. Make sure all forms in the packet are completed and signed (some need to be witnessed, but not by a notary) before returning the necessary forms along with required proofs. Instructions are in the packet.

Voters are also being urged to vote absentee this year. Normally the majority of us would choose to vote in person, but this year, because of COVID-19, voters who are leary of COVID-19 may consider it a physical disability and do both registration and voting absentee. An absentee ballot request form can be found on Durham’s website ( or the secretary of State’s website ( Completed forms should be sent or brought to the Durham town clerk’s office. One should be filled out for EACH election. The ballots will be sent to you as soon as they are available.

June 2 was the last day to change party in New Hampshire before the State Primary on September 8. If you wish to check your standing, you may do so at If this does not reflect what you think it should, please call the town clerk’s office. They will direct you to a supervisor.


Congestion on the Oyster River in Durham! It's good to see appropriate social distancing. Courtesy Mark Houle



Mill Road Speed Reduction - Discussion on this item has been delayed with the thought that traffic was reduced due to Covid-19

Packers Falls Road Speed Reduction - Discussion on this item has been delayed with the thought that traffic was reduced due to Covid-19

RiverWoods Walkability/NHDOT Rt. 4/Rt. 108 Signalization Improvements - NHDOT and DPW Director Rich Reine are talking about a new sidewalk to be installed via RiverWoods funding under the control of the Town in cooperation with NHDOT, which has the plans that are pending final approval. There will be two crosswalks at the off-ramp of Route 4 as well as the on-ramp to Route 4. Discussion about the pedestrian crossing at Canney Road focused upon the danger of the speed and the sight-distance. NHDOT provided the Council with a detailed presentation this past Monday evening concerning the intersection upgrade at Route 4/Route 108, which can be viewed on DCAT On Demand.

Longmarsh Road Trailhead Parking Challenges - The impetus of this project is the pressure to resolve parking challenges at the trailhead at the end of Longmarsh Road. The Calitri family was being inundated with cars blocking their driveway during this Covid-19 when everyone was seeking an escape and the Durham trails offered that opportunity. The Calitri family is in discussions with the Town to provide an easement/purchase or some mutually satisfactory arrangement so that the Town can build a small 6-8 car parking lot on the Calitri land. DPW Director Rich Reine will stake-out the property and have additional discussions with the family about a final arrangement. Additionally, he will be presenting an ordinance to the Town Council to control parking once the parking lot is in place. The Traffic Safety Committee recommends that the ordinance establish this area as a “Tow Zone” as a parking ticket will not resolve the issue.



The Superintendent is organizing an ORCSD Antiracism committee. The committee is still being formed, but will include district administrators, two school board members, parents, and community members.

The District is developing plans for three possible models for the start of school in the fall:

  1. Fully remote;
  2. hybrid model with some remote, and some in-person content;
  3. and traditional in-person school.

The School Board will be discussing these options with Administrators in a Workshop on July 14 at 7:00 pm, which will be live-streamed and recorded ( The School Board is expecting to make a decision about how to begin the school year at its August 5 meeting.

The ORHS schedule will be adjusted so that September 8 will be a fully Remote learning day (regardless of the in-person, remote, or hybrid model school begins with), in order for the Town of Durham to utilize the High School gym and adjacent hallways for the state primary election that date.

For the 2nd year in a row, Oyster River has been awarded the NHIAA Sportsmanship Award for Division II schools. Congratulations to the student-athletes and coaches across all sports for this recognition!



The roadside mowing program is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 13th and continue through August 10th. This program will include removing brush from the Town’s right of way. This year the roads highlighted are Mill Road, Packers Falls Road, Wiswall Road, Bennett Road and Durham Point Road. Any questions or concerns please call DPW at 868-5578. 


DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday Afternoon in the Sammy's Downtown Lot off Pettee Brook Lane

The Durham Farmers' Market is now open again this season on Monday afternoons through Monday, October 5, 2020 from 2:15- 5:30, closing 1/2 hour earlier than previous years. Vendors will adhere to predetermined sanitation and Covid 19 prevention standards. 

Customers are requested to wear masks, maintain 6’ distance from others, and send only one person per household to shop if possible.  

The market has several new vendors participating this year and they are pleased to have prepared food, maple products (including ice cream!), garden plants, and assorted vegetables available.  

One positive aspect is that folks can walk downtown to access the market and while they are there, shop/eat in other downtown establishments. 


View of platform at Durham Train Station at dusk. Courtesy Deborah Mueller

DURHAM MAKES A SPLASH IN THE ART WORLD – Congratulations Debbie Mueller - Durham, New Hampshire has made a splash on the art world.

Resident Debbie Mueller competed in the Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival during the weekend of June 20-21st. The festival was originally to have taken place in a Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, but due to COVID-19 the directors of the festival decided to create a virtual event. 30 painters from the United States and Canada worked during those two days to create Plein Air paintings (painted outdoors) in their own communities to reflect the isolation of the pandemic. Each artist was allowed to submit two paintings plus a nocturne, a painting of an evening scene.

Debbie’s daytime paintings of Nubble Lighthouse and peonies in her yard were Debbie’s regular submissions. For her nocturne, she went to the Durham Train Station at dusk, and painted the view onto the platform, illuminated by bright overhead lamps. The station was empty, save for an old man who sat for a while as Debbie began painting. She titled the painting, “Suspended Service”.

The competition was judged by Tom Forrestal, a prominent painter of the Maritime region in Nova Scotia. On Sunday, an awards ceremony was held, and Debbie’s painting of Nubble Lighthouse received both an honorable mention as well as the People’s Choice award. “Suspended Service” was awarded … Best in Show! The judge made a comment that the empty station reflected our shared experience of isolation during the pandemic.

View more information about the competition and exhibition HERE.



DPW this spring installed the new educational Oyster panel at the Town Landing and it looks awesome! The Nature Conservancy has created a lovely video to highlight the interactive panel, community oyster garden, and the partnership between the two groups. The link below is to the video on TNC’s Facebook page


Courtesy Andrew Corrow

WHY IS PET WASTE A PROBLEM? - Do Your Part, Scoop the Poop!

Many NH towns have over 1,000 dogs living in them, and each dog "goes" once or twice a day. That's a lot of poop! Not only is it gross when it's left around, but it can be dangerous. Harmful bacteria and parasites - such as Giardia or Salmonella - that live in pet waste, can come in contact with other people and pets or wash into nearby waterways or storm drains.

Picking up our pet's waste and throwing it out is a small change than can make a big difference in keeping our waters clean.

Five small changes that make a big difference:

  • Always carry a plastic bag when you walk your dog.
  • Always pick up that poop.
  • Always dispose of in in a trash can.
  • Never put bagged or unbagged waste in a storm drain.


GET PUMPED NEW HAMPSHIRE - Don't Wait for a Failure to Schedule a Septic System Pump Out

Every home generates wastewater – via toilets, showers, sink drains, and dish and clothes washers – which must be treated and disposed of properly to protect human health and the environment.

Read more about septic system maintenance HERE.



The annual farm economy in the Seacoast could increase by $130 million if each household in Strafford, Rockingham, and York Counties purchased just $10 of food per week from local farmers and producers. What are you currently purchasing at the grocery store that you could purchase directly from a local farm or producer? A full list of farms and food producers is available at


TRANSFER STATION UPDATE - Limiting the # of vehicles to achieve social distancing guidelines.

Because of the Governor's latest Covid-19 update, the Town is upping the allowable maximum vehicles from 10 ... to ... 15 cars at a time at the Transfer Station. 

We recommend wearing masks and expect visitors to respect social distancing. 

The Swap Shop will remain closed for the time being. If trends continue to move in a positive direction, it is possible that the Swap Shop may open in the fall.  



The Durham Police wanted to alert residents that they are investigating 15 reports of thefts from mail boxes over the past several weeks. It appears that most of the thefts are outgoing mail but there have been several thefts from mailboxes that were delivered mail. The majority of the thefts have occurred on Cedar Point Road, Shearwater, Newmarket Road, Sunnyside as well as Simons Lane.  

One of the challenges with stolen mail is that often residents have no idea that there has been a theft unless they are expecting mail and do not receive the item. Residents should be alert and report any suspicious activity to the Durham Police at 603-868-2324.



  • Preparation for road closure and bridge replacement - July 1 – 17
  • Upcoming work -- Road closure and bridge replacement – Sunday evening, July 19th through Friday evening, July 24th

The signed detour route will be via NH Route 108 and the Spaulding Turnpike. Truck traffic will be encouraged to use NH Route 155 and the Spaulding Turnpike. Only local traffic will be permitted between NH Route 108 (west of Bunker Creek) and Back River Road (east of Bunker Creek) on US Route 4.


HORSES ON TOWN TRAILS - They're a problem and the Land Stewardship Subcommittee has recommended to the Council that the Town adopt an ordinance to prohibit such activity.

The Land Stewardship Subcommittee, volunteers, town staff, and partners have been working over the past several years to improve trails and bridges on Durham conservation areas. The goal is to improve the experience for visitors--hikers, runners, dog walkers, cyclists, cross-country skiers, snowshoers--and to protect the ecological health of the soils, fields, woods, and wetlands. To help meet this goal, visitors are asked to keep their dogs on leash and pick up dog waste, and some uses are prohibited, including motorized vehicles such as ATVs.

Most recently, the Town and private donors invested a lot of funds and time to improve the trails, bridges, and parking area at Doe Farm, which received many visitors. In the last few months, horseback riders have been visiting Doe Farm and riding on the trails. Unfortunately, the Town’s trails, bridges, and trailheads are not built to accommodate horses--the parking lots are not large enough for horse trailers and the pedestrian bridges cannot sustain the weight of horses. The possibility of a horse breaking through or horse riders walking around a bridge is a concern. In addition, many of the trails are narrow and would be difficult to accommodate riders and other visitors. There is also the issue of horse poop left on trails.

The Conservation Commission and the Land Stewardship Subcommittee discussed this issue at their recent respective meetings. A review of horseback riding in the region indicates that local land trusts typically don’t allow or promote horseback riding, except sometimes on woods roads or other wide, hard-packed surfaces. Horseback rising is available and more suited to other locations such as the Rockingham Recreation Trail, dirt roads, and in some State Parks, such as Bear Brook and Pawtuckaway. NH State Parks offers guidance for equestrians HERE

Given the potential risk to trails and bridges, safety issues with horses crossing bridges, the likely impacts on other visitors, and the sustainability of the town trail systems, the Land Stewardship Subcommittee recommended that the Town Council adopt an ordinance that prohibits horses and horseback-riding on town trails. They felt that the higher risk to the land and infrastructure outweighed the smaller benefit of a few people who may want to ride horses, especially since there are other, better places for riders to enjoy a day on the trail. This issue will be taken up at a Town Council meeting where the public can provide comment. Admin. Selig has asked staff at the Police Department to develop a draft ordinance for consideration.


The Oyster River at Jackson's Landing. Courtesy Mark Houle



Did you know that you can have a healthy, green lawn that is both attractive and safer for the environment?

Some lawn care practices create local water quality problems. Excess nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus found in fertilizers) that run off our properties into nearby waterbodies can trigger harmful algal blooms. Many of us enjoy the time we spend working on our lawns and are willing to try new practices as long as our lawns continue to look good. Below are some simple and easy tips, customized for northern New England, that can lead to Green Grass & Clear Water.

Choose the right grass seed. The best seed mixes include low maintenance varieties with higher % of fine-leaf fescues and turf - or compact-type tall fescues, and lower % of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial rye grass.

Mow smart. Leave grass at least 3” high. Cut no more than one-third (1/3) of the blade each time you mow to encourage longer, stronger roots. Leave the grass clippings after mowing so they can return nutrients to the soil.

Have your soil tested. To learn more about specific characteristics and needs of your lawn, contact UNH Cooperative Extension HERE.

Don’t overwater. 1” of water per week (from rain or irrigation) is usually enough. Overwatering can cause nutrients to move out of root zones and into waterbodies or groundwater.

Only if your lawn requires added nutrients from fertilizer:

Avoid overapplying. Measure the area where you plan to apply and calculate the square footage. For lawns 10+ years old, apply half (1/2) the amount recommended for your square area one time per season. New lawns may need another application. Apply no more than 4 times per season.

Choose the right fertilizer. Select fertilizers with zero or low phosphorus unless a soil test says otherwise. Slow release nitrogen fertilizer is generally preferable. Over applying fertilizer (any type) can cause water quality issues.

Know when and where to apply. Apply only after spring “green up” and before mid-September. Avoid applying in mid-summer. Never apply near waterbodies or storm drains.

View more details about these tips and others HERE.


Firefighter Dave Blatchford gives this pooch a much needed bath!

DOG WASH - After rolling in poop, a call to the Fire Dept. for assistance!

On a recent summer night, the on-duty shift at the Durham Fire Department received a special request from a local resident who was enjoying an evening walk with her dog in College Woods when the dog stopped, dropped, and rolled in another dog’s feces and was then unable to be transported home in the car.  

The on-duty shift was happy to lend a helping hand to the woman’s canine companion by giving him a bath and drying him off so she could continue home!


DURHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTINUES TO PROVIDE MORE TRANSPARENCY - Click on link below to view department policies.

For several weeks via Friday Updates, the Durham Police have been discussing ways in which the agency can demonstrate transparency to the residents of Durham. While the Chief Kurz has committed to remain transparent, in this time and place of seeking ways to reform the police, Chief Kurz and his staff are reviewing ways to enhance that transparency with the community it serves. In that quest, visitors to the Town of Durham website will find the “Police” section and to the right is a menu with the third line down stating, “Department Policies”. 

By using this link you will be immediately directed to that section:

This initiative is the result of a number of meetings with senior staff to provide an array of policies which were determined to be the most topical to today’s questions residents may have about professional policing. One disclaimer pertains to several policies that are deliberately not added. For instance, activity involving how officers respond to a bank alarm or a hostage/barricaded situation are simply not appropriate to publicly circulate in this fashion.  

Residents will hopefully note that due to the accredited status of the Durham Police, many of the procedures that are being discussed for inclusion in police policies in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder have always been in the Durham policy manual as these have long been deemed “best practice”. Such edicts pertaining to the duty to intervene for instance as well as exhausting all de-escalation techniques has always been the practice and requirements of Durham Police.  

The Durham Police have long recognized the public trust bestowed upon them when the Town Code provides the agency with “police authority” and will continue to provide transparency and maintain an open dialog with those we serve.



August 15th was to be the 8th Annual Durham Farm Day but the Agricultural Commission has decided it is not safe for us to hold the event this year. Instead, we invite you to share your photos, sketches, and paintings of gardens and farms across town with the hope we can celebrate our working landscape together, visually and virtually. Please email your images to

It is wonderful to see so many new gardens across town. The Agricultural Commission maintains an informal inventory of farms and gardens in Durham. If you would like to be added to the list, please email Agricultural Commission member Dan Winans,


DID YOU KNOW? - A tidbit from the Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee

The Durham Transfer Station collects plastics for recycling. Plastic items should all have a triangle on them with a number inside. The chart below explains the different types of plastics and gives examples of each. 


Firefighters Dave Blatchford and Matt Wilder recently came up with a creative way to help their fellow firefighters train during Covid-19 by building a “bail-out” training prop. The prop allows firefighters to train on the best practices to extricate themselves from a potentially dangerous situation whether it be from a building fire or possible building collapse. 

Congratulations to Dave and Matt on a job well done!




Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Limited Library Services

The Library is be open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing and checkouts and the use of computers, printer, and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment only. Meeting rooms and the Café will remain closed until further notice. 

During this phase of reopening we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We also request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering. Masks will be available to patrons who request them. Currently, we are requesting that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library.

Our contactless “Library to-go” services will continue. Please check the website at for more information including exclusive hours for high-risk patrons.


Adult Summer Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Cristina Healey! Winner for week 1

Our DPL Adult Summer Reading Challenge will continue through the 5 weeks of summer reading! The next drawing is Friday July 10th

Challenge cards will be available in our lobby, for pick-up with your reserves and a pdf version is available on our website!

Complete one or all of the 12 “Imagine Your Story” reading challenges and receive a raffle ticket for our summer reading tote and library swag! 1 ticket for each challenge completed!

Return the card in our outdoor book drop, in the lobby drop or email us your completed challenges at

Drawings will be held at the end of each of the 5 weeks.

Don’t forget to check the Upcoming Events page on our website to register for some great virtual events including classical and digital music lectures and free live creative cooking courses!


Summer Reading Continues at Durham Public Library

This summer’s “Imagine Your Story” Youth Summer Reading program is for ages 0-12 and runs through Friday, July 31st!

Register ONLINE at continuing through summer reading. This year we’re going virtual! Check out the library website children’s and young adult pages for more information about how to participate in our programs and for information on this week’s events.

YA Monday, July 13th, at 4:00-5:00 pm, Harry Potter & Superhereo Trivia,

Tuesday, July 14 at 10:30 am Storytime: Magical Creatures (Zoom and craft to go) 

Wednesday July 15th, 10:30 am and 11: 30 am. Special program, Seacoast Science Center, Joint library event with Lee and Madbury libraries (Virtual)

Weds. and Thurs, July 15th & 16th, 6 pick-up 12:00-5:00 pm, Imagination Station: Grab 'n go Magical Creature Activities (all ages but geared to ages 4-9) craft to go


Wed, July 15th, 6:00-7:30 pm, Spring Into Music: Part I with Robert Hoffman (Virtual on Zoom)

This series will spend 2 sessions listening to and discussing varying looks at how composers imagine nature in music and covering several genres including: classical music, jazz, the American songbook, as well as some international works. We will also discuss the poetry of spring and how it is captured in musical works.This program will take place virtually via Zoom. Please send an email with "DPL Music Series" in the subject line to to register and receive the program link! Attend one session or both! This program is free


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1976 - Fishing preceded colonization in New England by many centuries, and fish and fishing have continued to be important to Durham. In may, a fish ladder over the Mill Pond dam was dedicated. This structure is remarkable in the seacoast region in that it is partially financed by the town.



If you know of others who might find Durham's weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. It's possible to sign up for them HERE.

Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA

t: 603.868.5571 | w:

He/him/his pronouns

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
