Friday Updates - July 17, 2015


Friday, July 17, 2015



Where does the rainbow end?  In Durham, of course! End of the rainbow, touching down at Turning Point Farm 7/1/15. Courtesy Michelle Whisnant


A resident forwarded along this week very pretty imagery of a sunrise over the Oyster River in Durham from an aerial drone in the vicinity of the Route 108 bridge/Mill Pond Dam, click HERE.


In addition, the Town of Durham officially starts it's No Sort recycling program July 20th!  Check out the video by DCAT Studios HERE.  



This week long-time Code/Zoning/Building/Health Officer Tom Johnson gave formal notice that he plans to retire at the end of December.  

This notice will enable to the Town to move ahead with a plan to replace Mr. Johnson.  One idea that will be evaluated is whether it makes sense to move some or all of the functions previously handled by Tom under the Fire Department to potentially lower costs and increase efficiencies.  Whether or not this concept ultimately makes sense remains to be seen.  

It is also possible that Mr. Johnson could remain on after December in a part-time capacity but this remains to be seen and will be considered as part of our larger planning efforts for the transition within the department.  


An avid Pittsburg Steelers fan (with his Terrible Towel), Tom has been with the Town of Durham since 2001.



The Durham Police Department staff have been very proactive with the reality that there will be a considerable number of additional student beds within Downtown Durham.  Move in this fall is a high priority.  

To view work that has been undertaken to effectuate a smooth move in, click HERE.



The Town Council will receive a presentation by Town Auditors Melanson Heath & Company on the Town's 2014 audit report at the Council meeting next Monday evening, July 20th. To view the audit report, click HERE.



The Town of Durham is featured in this month’s New Hampshire Municipal Association Town & City Magazine dealing with the issue of LEED buildings.  The new Durham Town Hall will be a LEED certified building. 


To see the article, click HERE.



The Town has received word from the State of New Hampshire that Durham will be awarded a $5,000 grant for a dual port EV charging station for electric vehicles within the Pettee Brook Parking Lot.  The charging station will be installed as part of the Pettee Brook Parking Lot repaving, which will commence next week.

On behalf of the Town, I want to thank Energy Committee Chair Charles Forcey, Director Mike Lynch, Councilor Jim Lawson, and Assistant Director Bullen for their openness to this grant opportunity and their enthusiasm for collaborating with the committee on completing a project so well-aligned with the Council goals for 2015 as well as the emerging Energy chapter of the Master Plan.  Special thanks also to Jim Dreher on the Energy Committee for enthusiastically supporting this application and helping with the charging station research.


UNH will also contribute toward the cost of installation/purchase of the charging station.  


FOLLOW UP WITH EVERSOURCE ON SEACOAST RELIABLITY PROJECT – DCAT to take route tour with Eversource representatives on Wed., 7/22/15, beginning at 9 AM – residents welcome

This week representatives from Durham and UNH met with Eversource relative to the company’s Seacoast Reliability Project.  The group discussed a number of items to include:  follow up on suggestions/questions posed at the June 22, 2015 public forum held at the Durham Town Hall, the possibility of having DCAT/Channel 22 ride along with Eversource representatives to film the proposed route for airing on DCAT by the community, non-transmission alternative discussion, various structure locations/types, the Main Street underground solution through a portion of the University’s A-Lot, transition from above ground to underground at the Little Bay, and filing timelines for Eversource (August).    

On Wednesday, July 22, 2015, beginning at 9 AM at the Durham Town Hall, DCAT Coordinator/resident Craig Stevens will travel along the proposed Seacoast Reliability Project route with representatives from Eversource to ask questions on camera and film the route. 


Residents are welcome to attend if interested, but please let Administrative Assistant Jennie Berry know at by noon on Monday, July 20th. 


We are trying to coordinate a bus with UNH (due to the hurried nature of trying to schedule this tour quickly UNH is (very graciously) still confirming whether a bus/driver could be made available) and need to have a sense of numbers by that time.

We hope to have Craig Stevens film some examples of Eversource pole types in other parts of the region as part of this project to better illustrate what types of poles are being proposed for the various parts of the route in Durham.   When the video is ready, we’ll publish this in the “Friday Updates.”



I am pleased to report that UNH, through the generous support of the Affirmative Action and Equity Office, will contribute or reimburse up to $3,000 for the installation of the new pedestrian control panels at the College & Main intersection.  The controls for the street lights at College Road/Main Street are a Durham project scheduled for this year.


Members of the Planning Board and Tom Johnson are provided with a site walk of the Durham Business Park development proposal submitted by Harmony Homes earlier today.  Center, Michael Sievert talk about the layout of the proposal.  Courtesy Todd Selig



The Planning Board conducted a site walk this morning, July 17, 2015, at the Durham Business Park relative to the preliminary design review proposal of Harmony Homes to build an eldercare facility there.  Those present asked many questions regarding the project.  There will be a public hearing on the preliminary design review at the Planning Board meeting scheduled for July 22, 2015.  


A rendering (from the Oyster River side) of the proposed Harmony Homes eldercare facility at the Durham Business Park which will be discussed by the Planning Board on Wednesday evening.  Courtesy Todd Selig



CDBG Economic Development grants provide funds through an annual set-aside for activities, which create and retain employment, primarily for low and moderate income people, by providing business financing through Regional Development Corporations (RDC) and Economic Development Entities (EDE), or through public facility improvements to support economic development efforts.

The main goal in this category is to create jobs that provide good wages, benefits, and training programs. CDBG Economic Development Funds can be used for acquisition of land and buildings, construction of commercial buildings, purchase of machinery and equipment, employee training, and public facilities improvements.

Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Municipalities and counties can apply to use the grant funds in a variety of ways, but typically the funds are subgranted to a Regional Development Corporation (RDC), or Economic Development Entity (EDE), or used directly by the municipality. The maximum amount awarded to a municipality for economic develop is $500,000 a year (this total is not counted against CDBG awards in other categories).

RDCs and EDEs can use the CDBG Economic Development funds to make loans to businesses, to acquire and develop real property for sale or lease, to businesses. In both cases the for-profit businesses commit to creating jobs for low and moderate income people. At least 60% of the jobs being created must be available to low and moderate income people. For each $1 of CDBG funds requested, $1 of non-CDBG money must be committed to the project. Matching funds can come from the business, the municipality or other sources and can be in the form of debt, equity, or the donation of land to an RDC or EDE. The commitment of match must be provided on submission of the application to CDFA.

When used directly by a municipality, funds are used to build or upgrade publicly owned infrastructure which will support the for-profit businesses in their need to expand, resulting in jobs for low and moderate income people.

The Town Council will receive a presentation on the CDBG program at its meeting on Monday evening, July 20th.  


APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH THREE NEW ERZ ZONES FOR DURHAM – Technology Drive, Durham Business Park, and Stone Quarry Drive

In 2008, Durham’s largest private employer, Goss International, employed 800 people.  Today, in 2015, they employ 375.  Due to the company’s employment decline, there is now an excess of 100,000 SF of office and light industrial space available, with more coming soon when the UNH Interoperability Lab relocates to their new downtown home at Madbury Commons this fall.  Despite aggressive marketing efforts on the part of the company and their agent, and partly due to highly competitive spaces available in other seacoast areas, filling this space has proven challenging.  In addition there are surrounding vacant properties that may one day become developable.

While New Hampshire is not known as an “incentive” state, and few programs are available to encourage redevelopment of these kinds of sites, there is one program, the New Hampshire Economic Revitalization Zone Program, managed by the New Hampshire Department of Resource and Economic Development that will provide a recruitment tool for this site.

This program was established over twenty years ago, and allows the creation of Economic Revitalization Zones (ERZ), and provides tax incentives for ERZ projects which are available to qualifying new and existing businesses in the state. The program encourages ERZ projects that meet certain state economic objectives, such as stimulating economic redevelopment, expanding the commercial and industrial base, creating new jobs, reducing sprawl, increasing tax revenue, and remediating Brownfields sites. The primary goal of the program is to increase the quality of ERZ projects which will contribute to the economic vitality of the state.

In 2009, Durham applied for and received its first and only ERZ designation for the Downtown Core (Economic Revitalization Zone #1).  

A community must request that a site or contiguous area be designated as an ERZ from the Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED).  The designated area must meet certain criteria, either as a Brownfield site, contain certain population and income levels, or be an unused or underutilized industrial park or vacant land.

There is no application fee.  The tax credit is for the State Business Profits Tax and does not decrease the town tax revenue in any way.  In fact, if successful, there should be an increase in the local property taxes as the redeveloped property gains value.

For a business to qualify for these tax credits, they must invest in plant or equipment and/or create at least one new job in the state.  There are other qualification details available from DRED.  This is potentially a significant incentive for some businesses with the maximum amount of the tax credit of $240,000 over five to six years.

Designating the Technology Drive, Stone Quarry Drive, and the Durham Business Park areas as an ERZ in Durham will provide another tool to help recruit new jobs, providing employment opportunities in the region, and helping to maintain a significant tax asset for the town.

The Town Council will consider whether to ask the Administrator to move forward with the ERZ applications for Technology Drive, Stone Quarry Drive, and the Durham Business Park at its meeting on Monday evening, July 20th.




As noted in a previous update, the Durham Police Department applied for a grant and received a Kustom StealthStat™ which has a Traffic Statistics Computer built into the unit. 


This box type radar unit is discretely mounted on sign poles or other vertical objects and allows the Town to track and analyze traffic that passes in front of the machine without the use or need for road tubes. Additionally, the statistical computer software plots and graphically displays the number of vehicles vs. time of day, vehicle speed vs. time of day and vehicle speed vs. number of vehicles.  

For a week the computer was set up on Oyster River Road near Croghan Lane aimed towards the relatively straight stretch of Oyster River Road where the posted speed limit is 25MPH.   Data was collected on 1,210 vehicles with the 10 mph “pace speed”, which is defined as the 10 MPH range containing the greatest number of vehicles, was determined be 16-25MPH with the average speed 22.5 mph.   


During the week, the frequency of vehicles exceeding the posted 25MPH by 10MPH was 0! 


On the weekend .1% of the vehicles exceeded the posted speed limit by 10MPH.  There were 19.5 vehicles per hour that traveled on Oyster River Road during this period.   



The chart of arrests for 2015 visually demonstrates the impact that the UNH academic year has on the Durham Police Department.  The average number of arrests for the same period since 2005 is 943 with this year’s data coming in at 1032, a 9% increase above the average.  However, the 1032 arrested in 2015 is significantly lower than the arrests occurring in 2014 when 1103 persons were arrested.  Arrests went down 6% from 2014 to this year.  The police department will begin providing weekly arrest data on August 26th when many off-campus apartments will see the students returning.



This morning's Land Stewardship Subcommittee meeting at The Works in Durham.  Pictured l-r:  Mike Lynch, Director of Public Works; Rachel Gasowski, Parks & Recreation Director; Dennis Meadows, resident. Courtesy Todd Selig



The Land Stewardship Committee met this morning at The Works in Durham.  

Present:  Dennis Meadows, Rachel Gasowski, Ann Welsh, Todd Selig, Vincent Dell’ova, Michael Lynch

The group briefly discussed the book entitled, Last Child in the Woods, by Richard Louv.  It was noted how important it is for residents, particularly children, to spend time in nature.

Wagon Hill Farm Updates. Mike Lynch brought up a mowing issue and stewardship plan notation relative to the group’s consensus last month to move to an every other year mowing schedule for the property rather than annual fall mowing. Mike noted the stewardship plan compliments the Town on the annual mowing for the grassland areas. Ann Welsh pointed out it does, but that every two years may be even better. The consensus was to move forward with the every other year mowing proposal, to observe how it works, and to reassess in the future.   The every other year schedule is not inconsistent with the stewardship plan.

A proposal for the Parks & Recreation Department to offer free Yoga at Wagon Hill Farm in the vicinity of the wagon was discussed on Tuesday evenings from the end of July thru mid September. The group felt comfortable with the use.

The fence at Wagon Hill Farm is to be moved back 25 feet from the water this coming Wednesday. This was a stewardship plan initiative.  The Stewardship Plan actually calls for 50 feet but the group felt that 50 feet was too far in practice given other interests at the property. Mike has a call in to Dave Murphy from NHDES to get advice on shoreline erosion/restoration issues and to see what grant programs may be available.

The group felt that the Town should have an entity such as the AMC look at trails at Wagon Hill Farm and professionally evaluate them with recommendations. We similarly need a professional to design erosion solutions for the shoreline.  Ideally we want a number with which we can budget for 2016. The L. Brown Trust was noted as a potential funding source.

Farm Day.  Farm Day is August 15, 2015. A lot of activities are planned. The Agricultural Commission will finalize plans in the next two weeks.

Fertilizer Issues.  The Conservation Commission is working on fertilizer issues. Town Engineer April Talon had raised a query of whether a new regulation dealing with fertilizer was a good idea for Durham. The Conservation Commission felt that an informational/education outreach effort would be preferable, at least at this time.


PARKING REPORT FOR THE JANUARY-JULY 2015 PERIOD – Parking Revenue up Over $100,000 to Date

Police Chief David Kurz has provided a January-July 2015 parking report to Administrator Selig illustrating parking trends in various areas of town.  To view it, click HERE.


An image 7 additional parking spaces planned to be constructed in the existing upper parking lot this fall by DPW.  Courtesy DPW



Before you read further, please know this is not the 40-80 car parking lot proposal that has been discussed in recent years at Wagon Hill Farm near the community gardens.  Rather, last summer we moved forward and added parking along the entry drive to Wagon Hill Farm to better accommodate sledders and other users of the property in order to move sledding parking off of Route 4 in the winter where it is hazardous to load and unload.    


The final phase of this low profile parking expansion plan is to add approximately 7 additional spaces immediately adjacent to the existing parking area at the top of the hill in the large stand of scraggly sumac.


The image above shows what this parking expansion would look like and how it would be integrated with the existing parking.  Administrator Selig does not anticipate supporting any plans for parking beyond this until 2018 at the earliest (see next item).  

Due to a busy Public Works Department schedule, the additional 7 or so spaces would not be constructed until the fall.  



Regular testing of the University of New Hampshire’s outdoor notification system will occur Friday, July 24, 2015, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The test will include the siren, a “canned” message and a recording signaling the end of the test. The entire exercise will take less than 10 minutes.

In addition, the university will also simultaneously send test messages through its alert system to registered cell phones, pagers, BlackBerrys, PDAs and/or e-mail accounts, and a directed communication to all UNH faculty, staff and students.


The outdoor notification system is designed to not only alert the campus community when there is imminent danger but also follows up with voice instructions. This two-step approach, called Alert and Inform, helps reduce confusion and restore order.

Sirens are located on the roof of the MUB, the roof of Morse Hall, A-Lot and the dirt parking lot near the equestrian facility. The system reaches a distance of nearly a mile in all directions.

Contact Paul Dean, UNH's chief of police and executive director of public safety, at 862-1427 for more information or with any questions.



Bring your family and friends to meander and explore farms and gardens in Durham, including the UNH Campus.  See how good food, fiber, and much more are grown throughout town.  Farms and gardens open for touring include: LaRoche Farm, Linden Woods Farm, Emery Farm, Tecce Farm, the Community Gardens at Wagon Hill Farm, UNH Woodman Farm and UNH Fairchild Dairy.  A full schedule of events will be available next week.  For more information, contact Theresa Walker of Durham Agricultural Commission at 659-7226.


A hawk resting on metal construction material located in front of Durham Dental on Mathes Cove. Courtesy Dawn Shockley.



Saturday September 26, 2015.  The 2015 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive.  As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only.  To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail  Remember- The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS 5 GALLONS!


Consider reducing your purchase of products with hazardous ingredients; read labels thoroughly. Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in anything other than their original containers and never remove labels. Never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become un-recyclable. Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.

LATEX AND OIL BASED PAINTS , MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY!  These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with your permit throughout the year.  Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil, anti-freeze and oil based paints can go up as is.  Typically, hazardous waste is categorized as toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer’s label.




It’s time to clean out your closets and drawers – summer is here and a clothing drive is coming to town. Oyster River High School students have planned a clothing drive the week of July 27th – 31st. Gently used, clean clothes will be collected to donate to Echo Thrift Store. Donation Boxes will be located in the entryway of Oyster River High School, the Durham Town Hall, and the UNH Memorial Union Building.

Echo Thrift Store provides a great internship site for ORHS students. Students this summer have handled the logistics: promotion, advertising and planning the clothing drive.

The shop is open Monday- Friday 10:00-5:00 and Saturdays 10:00-2:00.  Echo is located in the back of the Durham Community Church 17 Main Street Durham. 


Echo now has "Fill a bag" for $5 every day. "Fill a bag" applies to sale items in the hallway - which now has new items every week.


The new location of Durham Bike & Sports next to Aroma Joe's on Main St.  



In case residents missed it, Durham Bike & Sports moved from its Jenkins Court location to 72 Main Street (behind Subway and Aroma Joe’s).  This shop has a long history in Durham, specializing in sales of bikes, longboards, accessories like helmets, mouth guards, bike locks, and full swim wear; and services including bike repair, ski/board tuning and waxing, and sake sharpening.  


Durham Bike is open M/W/F from 11-5 and T/T from 11-6, and Saturday 9-3. Visit their FaceBook page at



The "Summer Hot Deals" listed below will run through August 15th. Please contact the businesses directly with any questions.




3 Bridges Yoga, 37 Main St., 603-590-0010,

$30 5 class card, limit one time use per customer. Classes cannot be shared or transferred. All sales final.


A Drop of Om, 8 Willey Rd., 571-338-3229,

30% off Crystal Chakra Balance healing sessions and 10 Pack In Your Home Private Yoga and Pilates classes with Damla Aktekin when you mention this email. Offer valid for purchases before August 31.


Amy's Frame Shop, 44 Main St., 603-868-2511,

20% off a single custom framing order of $200 or more when you mention "Summer Hot Deals". Discount applied to materials only. One discount per customer. Valid for one item/art being framed & must include a custom frame. Order must be placed between Jun 15 - Jul 15, not to be used on past orders.


Domino's, 7 Mill Road, 603-868-6230

Spend $10 and get free breadsticks or cinnastix. Spend $20 and get a free small 1 topping as well as free breadsticks or cinnastix.


Durham Bike & Sports, 72 Main St., Unit 1 in Aroma Joe's Bldg, 603-397-5140,

40% off all 2015 bikes - 20% off all helmets - 50% off all mens' and womens' swimsuits & swim gear.


Hair Dimensions, 3 Jenkins Court, 603-868-1323

All hair services 20% off. Manicure & Pedicure Combo - $45 on Fri and Sat only


SolSistar, 9 Madbury Road, 603-397-5229,

Take 25% off of one item every Friday this summer when you mention "Summer Hot Deals". Offer not valid on previous purchases and sale items.


The Candy Bar, 44 Main St., 603-397-5154,!

20% off collectible candy tins, giant gummy bears/giant gummy worms, and black licorice when you mention this ad.


Town & Campus, 60 Main St., 603-868-9661,

Greeting cards 25% off, everyday.


UNH Dining Services, 75 Main St., 603-862-483,

UNH Dairy Bar, 3 Depot Road. Conquer the 2015 ice cream trail and pick up a NH guide map. Get passport stickers from all the NH ice cream locations listed for a free sweatshirt. You will also be entered in a drawing with a chance to win a basket of NH Made goodies, sweatshirt, and one year membership to your local Planet Fitness.


Wildcat Fitness, 7 Mill Rd., 603-397-3200

Free Fridays Until August 21st. All community members are welcome to use the gym free of charge on Fridays.

Free Pilates Class Every Monday in July, 5:15 PM. Members and non-members are welcome to take Mat Pilates in July. Pilates focuses on breath, mobility, flexibility, and posture. Mats provided at Wildcat Fitness.


Wildcat Pizza, 3 Madbury Rd., 603-868-5530,

$1 off any order over $15 (excludes value meals). Please mention coupon when ordering.


Leaven offers freshly baked loaves of bread at Durham's Farmers' Market. Courtesy SGA



Featuring: freshly baked loaves from Leaven, blueberries, Coppal House onions, summer squash, Mildred's Drumlin Farm potatoes and the fresh herbs, Zach's Farm sunflowers, herbs and greens from Coppal House Farm.


Drop by the Durham Farmers' Market on Monday, July 20th and see what else is new. Special market music provided by Jon Waterman.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week  All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.


Town Council - Monday, July 20, 2015

Economic Development Committee - Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Planning Board - Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Parks & Recreation Committee - Thursday, July 23, 2015 (P&R Building)


All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.


VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at


Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule.


DCAT Programming Schedule.




Bayou New Hampshire with Julian Smith

Run time: 25 minutes

Saturday & Sunday @ 1:30 PM & 8:00 PM


Have you ever wondered why Town Councilor Julian Smith (pictured above), carries that club like stick as a cane?  Tune in and find out.  Julian gives DCAT 22 Studios a tour of what he calls “Bayou New Hampshire”.  Check out his extensive ponds and learn about the beavers that call Julian’s NH bayou, home.  Julian, like his beaver pals, has been very busy indeed.  DCAT 22 Studios original programming.  This video is also available on our On Demand site.  


Join DCAT 22 Studios on a time lapse video tour of our New Town Hall.  Watch from a bird’s eye view as the Town Hall starts as the old bank and quickly transforms into our new space.   This video is only available on our On Demand site.


DCAT is Live Streaming

Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account.  You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time.  All you have to do is click and watch.  Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device.  Please contact with any questions.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Camp R.E.A.C.H 2015 - Camp R.E.A.C.H. programs hit the water today (7/17) with Seven Rivers Paddling for a half day kayaking excursion, where they enjoyed the morning exploring some of the Great Bay Islands.  I’m hoping to hear they caught a glimpse of some local wildlife too!  


Registration is still open for several of our camps offered this summer.  Sign up today!      

July 27th-July 31st

Nature Explorers with Wicked Cool for Kids

Rocket Science with Wicked Cool for Kids

Full Day Kayaking with Seven Rivers Paddling

August 3rd-August7th      

Lego Engineering with Wicked Cool for Kids

Kids’ Cool Chemistry with Wicked Cool for Kids


August 10th-August 14th  

Wicked Cool Vet School with Wicked Cool for Kids

August 14th          

Half Day Kayaking with Seven Rivers Paddling

August 24th-August 28th  

STEAM Studio with Wicked Cool for Kids



Click HERE for Camp R.E.A.C.H details



Music By The Bay Summer Concert Series at Wagon Hill Farm - Mark your calendars for our final Music By The Bay Summer Concert Series of summer 2015.  On August 20th (rain date 21st), Granite Planet will delight Wagon Hill Farm waterfront with upbeat, danceable rock and pop music, ranging from the 60s to today.  This is free community event taking place from 6pm-8pm.  Parking is available in the apple orchard with a short walk to the waterfront.  Participants are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner, chair/blanket, bug spray and some friends!


View more on Granite Planet HERE.



Durham Day at Wagon Hill Farm - Saturday, September 26th from 12:30-4:00pm. Durham Day is a free community celebration of Durham with live music, BBQ, boat rides, KidZone activities and much more!


We are now accepting Durham Day Exhibitor/Participant Registration Forms.  Registration forms are available at Durham Town Hall, the Parks and Recreation Department or by visiting out website.  Click here for registration details.


We want to hear from you!

Have a new exciting program idea?  Please be sure to share your vision with Parks and Recreation Director, Rachel Gasowski by stopping by the Recreation Department Office (2 Dover Road), or by calling/emailing the department at (603) 817-4074/  


The Main St. Makery offers weekly crafts.  Next week's craft is to bling out flip flops.



Main Street Makery - Offering $5 weekly crafts. Next week come bling out some flip flops. As always, we will have everything you need. Funky flip flops look great at the beach! Come in anytime Tuesday- Friday, 10-6pm and Saturday, 10-4pm. SAVE THE DATE for the 2nd annual AlleyFest, Sunday, September, 20th.

Halcyon Music Festival, Wednesday, Jul 29, 2015, 7:30PM, Community Church of Durham. A full video preview of the 2015 event can be viewed HERE. For more information contact Katie Shine,, or visit

Sprint Race for Canoe and Kayaks, Saturday, Aug 15, 2015, hosted by The Great Bay Stewards. Fund-raiser for the educational and research efforts of the Great Bay Estuarine Research Reserve. Race will be 5 miles in length going from Jackson Landing in Durham to Durham Point and back.  Pre-registration recommended: On-site registration will begin at 10AM with a wave race start at noon to coincide with high tide in the river. $25 registration fee will be waived if a boat can raise $50 or more for the cause.


Music on the Library Lawn, “Poor Howard” Stith, Wed, July 22nd at 6:30-7:30 pm.  Sponsored by the Friends of the DPL.



Week 4 of Summer Reading!
Adult Hero Puzzles Continue Weekly.  $25 Young's Restaurant Winner is Julie Riley, Comic Book winner is Christine Conlon. Thank you to Ken Young of Young's Restaurant for his generous donation to DPL!  $25 gift card donated by Thai Smile 2 Next drawing July 21 @ 10:00 am.  Stop by today and complete the puzzle.  Winner receives $25 gift card to Thai Smile 2 and 2nd drawing wins a comic book!  $25 gift card donated by Mixteca.   Drawing July 28 @ 10:00 am.  Stop by today and complete the puzzle.
Young Adult Writing group (ages 10 & up), Monday July 20th 4-5:00 pm – This week:  Script Writing!  Join us in the Young Adult room to hear about writing and do some writing exercises.  We will post your writing to our library blog “Write Away”.
Family Movie Night, “The Tale of Despereaux”, Monday July 20th at 6:00 pm – Join us for our family movie, “The Tale of Despereaux” in the community room.  All are welcome and popcorn is served.
Summer Storytime, Tues. July 21st, 10:30 am – This week: Book Heroes!  Join us for our summer storytimes.  We read stories, do feltboard, fingerplays, sing songs and make a fun craft.  All are welcome.
Greek Olympics and Mythology Trivia! 9-12 year old Activity Hour, Tues. July 21st, 6:30-7:30 pm - This week:  Greek Mythology Trivia and Olympics.  We’ll play games, win prizes and talk about what you are reading.
Make-It! Weds. July 22nd 4:00-5:00 pm (ages 8 & up) – Drop-in to knit, draw build or just create your own project.  We will have creative projects for you to make as well.
Music on the Lawn, “Poor Howard” Stith, Weds. July 22nd at 6:30-7:30 pm – 12-string Delta blues played in the tradition of Leadbelly and Blind Willy TcTell; Mike “Bullfrog” Rogers joins on harmonica.  Come hear some delta blues on guitar and harmonica.  This program is sponsored by The Friends of the Durham Public Library. Held rain or shine.
Meet our Tales for Tails Dog Heroes! All ages. Thurs. July 23rd at 10:30 am – Come and meet Ozzie, Cynder, North and Tango.  Read a story page and make a fun dog puppet.  All ages and all are welcome.

6-8 year old Activity Hour, Thurs. July 23rd 3:00-4:00 pm – This week:  Legos!  Come and build!  We’ll also talk about what you are reading.
Young Adult Superhero Movie Night, “Guardians of the Galaxy”, Thurs. July 23rd at 6:00 pm – Join us for our YA Movie and have some popcorn.

Also, Trivia Question of the Week, Guessing Jar, Hero Wall and Superhero Training!
Book Donation Week July 27-August 1 Please donate gently used books and DVD's.  All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Calling all gardeners! The library Rain Garden mass planting is July 21st.  In preparation volunteer gardeners are needed to weed, July 13-20.Thank you to the following weeders! Mary Bartsch, Rikki Cargill, Charlotte Ramsey, Ann Windsor, Nancy Shieb, Joan Drapeau, Mary Lou Campbell, Trang Triff, Beth Pescosolido, Carolyn Dupont, Jill Lockhardt and Lori Lavac.  Contact Ann, with questions/or schedule a day or time that works for you.
In the Gallery Featured during the month of July, 2015 NH Art Association Interns: Emily Webber, Danielle Antico and McKenzie Davidson. Visit the DPL Gallery located on the second floor.
Beach Reads  - By request, the Friends of the Library are offering pocketbook "Beach Reads" for sale in the Library cafe.
Win $300 in Photography Contest   - Need a camera to participate in the photo contest?  Inquire at the circulation desk and check out a camera. DPL is hosting a photography contest, sponsored by a Durham resident.  Contestants chronicle Durham, in a series of 7 photos that express Durham’s character. Contest rules & applicaton found on the library website
Technology Help - The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology, such as computers, iPads and phones. Call us to check on the availability of our volunteers at 868-6699 or email us at
Join the Durham Public Library Birthday Book Club.  Celebrate a child’s birthday in a unique way with a gift of a book to the library.  Talk to the Children’s Librarian at the children’s desk for more details.


Check out the Durham Public Library website for more information.


FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association
7' x 6' topographical map of the Town made and donated by John Hatch. Encased by Batchelder and Chase. It is in the Town Office. A work of art, it includes in color all buildings, types of roads, sewer and electrical lines, woods, streams and swamps. It is periodically updated.


Have a very nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

T:  603-868-5571    F:  603-868-5572


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