Friday Updates - July 17, 2020


Friday, July 17, 2020


Flowers in bloom in Durham. Courtesy Todd Selig


Last week, it was incorrectly reported that the Town Council had unanimously adopted a Resolution on Monday evening, July 6th, introduced by Councilor Wayne Burton, condemning racism in all its pernicious forms and the violence it begets by embracing the goals of Black Lives Matter. In actuality, the roll call vote was 8-1 as follows: Sally Tobias, yes; Wayne Burton, yes; Dinny Waters, no; James Lawson, yes; Al Howland, yes; Sally Needell, yes; Katherine Marple, yes; Andrew Corrow, yes; Kenny Rotner, yes.


Yes, you can still get there from here! Emery Farm will be OPEN next week during the Route 4 Closure. Peak blueberry season picking from 8-4 everyday! 10% discount on PYO for all Durham residents Monday 7/20 through Friday 7/24. View more information HERE.



Working collaboratively, Durham and UNH held a Zoom Town Hall Q&A session this past Wednesday evening with UNH President Jim Dean, Provost Wayne Jones, Vice President for Operations Chris Clement, UNH Police Chief Paul Dean, and Durham Deputy Police Chief Rene Kelley to discuss and answer questions from the Durham community surrounding the planned reopening and resumption of UNH classes/operations this fall. Mr. Selig moderated the session, the majority of which was dedicated to answering questions posed by Zoom callers.  

A thank you to the hard working team at UNH for their willingness to schedule this session for the broader Durham community.

Zoom counted 175 unique viewers at some point during the webinar.

The link above will allow anyone who missed the forum but who would like to watch at their convenience to do so.  


AMTRAK DOWNEASTER ADDS MORE TRAIN SERVICE - Four Round Trips to Operate Between Brunswick and Boston Daily Beginning July 20

The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) announced today that the Amtrak Downeaster will begin operating four round-trip trains between Brunswick, ME and Boston, MA every day beginning on Monday, July 20, 2020 as it enters Phase 2 of service restoration.

View more information HERE.




With University of New Hampshire students four weeks away from the start of campus move-in, Town officials are considering an emergency ordinance that would require people to wear masks in Durham when social distancing is not possible during the coronavirus pandemic.  The details of the ordinance are in the process of being developed.  

UNH officials plan to have the same requirements on campus when classes resume this fall.

Durham’s COVID-19 numbers are low, with 30 cumulative positive test results reported by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services on Monday. But, said Administrator Selig, thousands of students will soon be on campus and frequenting downtown businesses again.

Durham already has an administrative order that requests the use of cloth face coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19, but Mr. Selig has indicated that’s not proving to be effective with students or many townspeople.

The Town has been closely watching what is happening with Nashua’s face mask mandate. Judge Jacalyn Colburn of Hillsborough County Superior Court South denied a preliminary injunction in a civil lawsuit filed against the city and the mask mandate will remain in effect for now.

Read more on this topic in an article in the Union Leader HERE.


Proud fisherman at the landing. Courtesy Carol Birch


DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday Afternoon in the Sammy's Downtown Lot off Pettee Brook Lane

The Durham Farmers' Market is now open again this season on Monday afternoons through Monday, October 5, 2020 from 2:15- 5:30, closing 1/2 hour earlier than previous years. Vendors will adhere to predetermined sanitation and Covid 19 prevention standards. 

Customers are requested to wear masks, maintain 6’ distance from others, and send only one person per household to shop if possible.  

The market has several new vendors participating this year and they are pleased to have prepared food, maple products (including ice cream!), garden plants, and assorted vegetables available.  

One positive aspect is that folks can walk downtown to access the market and while they are there, shop/eat in other downtown establishments. 



The Town of Durham would like to inform of your voting options due to COVID-19 for the upcoming NH State Primary on September 8, 2020 and the General Election on November 3, 2020.


If you have not registered to vote in the Town of Durham, please contact the Durham Town Clerk’s Office at 603-868-5577 or email You may request an absentee voter registration packet to register by mail, or you may come into the Town Hall and register to vote in person. The Town Clerk’s office hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. We are also open until 6:00pm on the first Monday of every month.


The Supervisors of the Checklist will have a voter registration session in the Town Council Chambers on July 24, 2020 at 3:00pm. The last day to register before the September Primary is August 31, 2020. The Supervisors will hold their last session on August 31, at 7:00pm, also in the Town Council Chambers.


Due to COVID-19, all registered voters are eligible to vote by absentee ballot (vote by mail). If you would like to request an absentee ballot, you may print the absentee ballot request form from the Town of Durham website ( or the State of NH website ( You may also come into the Town Clerk’s Office to obtain a form. If you are unable to print the form, contact our office and we can mail the request form to you.  


When completing your absentee ballot request form, please be sure to: 

  • Fill out a separate form for each election
  • Sign your form
  • Provide the correct mailing address, 
  • Specify which ballot you would like to receive for the NH State Primary (Republican or Democratic)
  • Check off the box that states physical disability if you are voting by absentee because of Covid-19 

Absentee ballot request forms must be returned to the Durham Town Clerk’s Office at 8 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824. These forms may be returned in person at the office, the towns drop box, by Fax #603-868-1858, or scanned and emailed to


Once we receive the Absentee Ballots from the Secretary of State’s Office, we will mail them out. When you receive your ballot, please follow all instructions and sign the physical disability reason on the affidavit envelope. We can accept the absentee ballots for the September Primary in person up until 5:00pm on Monday, September 7, 2020. If returning by mail, by 5:00pm on Election Day, September 8, 2020. For the General Election, we can accept ballots in person up until 5:00pm on Monday, November 2, 2020 and by mail up until 5pm on Election Day, November 3, 2020.

Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 603-868-5577 if you have any questions.



"For years, I have been making images of my mother as her dementia progresses. The process brings us closer.”

In haunting photographs and text, Durham photographer Cheryle St. Onge transforms profound loss into new discoveries of connection and splendor. Magical thinking at its best! Click on the article link HERE for an unforgettable experience.


A few residents dropped by to say goodbye and serenade Chief Kurz on Thursday at the Town Hall. Courtesy Todd Selig


VOTER REGISTRATION - If you have not yet registered to vote and are eligible to do so in Durham, we ask you to do so as soon as possible and to vote via absentee ballot.

Election officials in Durham would like to encourage everyone who can legally vote in Durham and has not yet registered, to consider doing it as soon as possible. We don’t know where we will stand with COVID-19 in the fall, but we would like all who are entitled to vote here to be able to do so safely. 

Voter registration can be done in person at the town hall (while social distancing and wearing a mask, of course) any time the clerk’s office is open or absentee.  Supervisors of the Checklist will have an official voter registration session at the Town Hall on

FRIDAY      JULY 24      3:00 PM

If you come in person you will be asked to show proof of identification, age (18 by the September 8 election), citizenship (passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers), and domicile within Durham. Affidavits may be signed in the absence of proofs. This may be done up until about 10 days before the election. To register absentee, please call the town clerk’s office (868-5577) and ask for the absentee registration packet. Read the instructions carefully. Make sure all forms in the packet are completed and signed (some need to be witnessed, but not by a notary) before returning the necessary forms along with required proofs. Instructions are in the packet.

Voters are also being urged to vote absentee this year. Normally the majority of us would choose to vote in person, but this year, because of COVID-19, voters who are leary of COVID-19 may consider it a physical disability and do both registration and voting absentee. An absentee ballot request form can be found on Durham’s website ( or the secretary of State’s website ( Completed forms should be sent or brought to the Durham town clerk’s office. One should be filled out for EACH election. The ballots will be sent to you as soon as they are available.

June 2 was the last day to change party in New Hampshire before the State Primary on September 8. If you wish to check your standing, you may do so at If this does not reflect what you think it should, please call the town clerk’s office. They will direct you to a supervisor.



DPW reports that our contractors were able to successfully connect the new Dover Road Force Main into our sewer system such that it is now on line.  So for those connected (the entire UNH campus and much of the downtown core and surrounding neighborhoods) to the municipal sewer system, give your flush a little extra oomph this evening knowing that we’re now using the new line!


Falls Way resident, Amy Leone, captured this scene of a young bear taking a breather on her neighbor's front steps last Sunday. As Amy said ... "Maybe he was watching the birds, contemplating the meaning of life, or waiting for the paper to be delivered? Either way it is a good reminder that bears are still active in the area."



Many above ground pools have been installed in Durham this summer. We want to remind everyone that the pools must have a 4 foot high barrier/side wall around them, including access from the house or deck, for the safety of young children. Portable ladders that access the pool must be removed, or in a closed/locked position with a non-climbable surface when not directly in view of an adult. 

Thank you and enjoy your backyard playground!



The Town of Durham initiated an action in February 2020 alleging, among other things, that the owner of 14 Edgewood Road was using its property in violation of the Durham Zoning Ordinance, which limits occupancy of the property to three unrelated persons. The parties ultimately entered into a settlement agreement whereby the owner acknowledges the over occupancy of the property and thus admits to the violations(s) alleged in the action. As a resolution to the matter the owner of the property, Tyche Capital Group, LLC, agrees to:

Provide the Town by August 1 of each of the next three school years copies of the leases it executes for three properties -- 14 Edgewood Road, 21 Edgewood Road, and 26 Strafford Avenue;

  • Not rent the three noted properties, or any other property it owns or comes to own in Durham, in violation of the limitation on the number of unrelated occupants set forth in the Durham Zoning Ordinance; and
  • Reimburse the Town for all costs incurred in the present litigation, as well as the costs incurred in obtaining an administrative search warrant. As of June 30, 2020, those costs totaled $4,929.40.

View the actual settlement agreement, HERE.


GET PUMPED NEW HAMPSHIRE - Don't Wait for a Failure to Schedule a Septic System Pump Out

Every home generates wastewater – via toilets, showers, sink drains, and dish and clothes washers – which must be treated and disposed of properly to protect human health and the environment.

Read more about septic system maintenance HERE.



DPW this spring installed the new educational Oyster panel at the Town Landing and it looks awesome! The Nature Conservancy has created a lovely video to highlight the interactive panel, community oyster garden, and the partnership between the two groups. The link below is to the video on TNC’s Facebook page


Town Councilor Wayne Burton. "It’s a pandemic; wearing masks in public is the responsible thing to do. It conveys the clear message, "I care about your health, in addition to my own." Courtesy Todd Selig



The UNH campus will resume normal permit and meter payment requirements in the campus parking areas effective Monday, August 24.  If you have been using the “open” campus parking this summer, please plan for this resumption of standard enforcement as the campus begins to reopen. Campus visitor parking options are described at Furthermore, please be on the lookout for special parking restrictions starting as early as the week of August 10 to accommodate this year’s extended move-in activities. Finally, please be reminded that when normal campus permit regulations are in effect, parking near the Colovos Road entrance to College Woods requires a UNH faculty/staff parking permit Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., but is open to all during evenings and on weekends. For non-permitted visitors arriving on weekdays, please refer to the visitor parking options using the link, above.



The annual farm economy in the Seacoast could increase by $130 million if each household in Strafford, Rockingham, and York Counties purchased just $10 of food per week from local farmers and producers. What are you currently purchasing at the grocery store that you could purchase directly from a local farm or producer? A full list of farms and food producers is available at



The Durham Police wanted to alert residents that they are investigating 15 reports of thefts from mail boxes over the past several weeks. It appears that most of the thefts are outgoing mail but there have been several thefts from mailboxes that were delivered mail. The majority of the thefts have occurred on Cedar Point Road, Shearwater, Newmarket Road, Sunnyside as well as Simons Lane.  

One of the challenges with stolen mail is that often residents have no idea that there has been a theft unless they are expecting mail and do not receive the item. Residents should be alert and report any suspicious activity to the Durham Police at 603-868-2324.



The road closure and bridge replacement will begin this coming Sunday evening, July 19th through Friday evening, July 24th

The signed detour route will be via NH Route 108 and the Spaulding Turnpike. Truck traffic will be encouraged to use NH Route 155 and the Spaulding Turnpike. Only local traffic will be permitted between NH Route 108 (west of Bunker Creek) and Back River Road (east of Bunker Creek) on US Route 4.


HORSES ON TOWN TRAILS - They're a problem and the Land Stewardship Subcommittee has recommended to the Council that the Town adopt an ordinance to prohibit such activity.

The Land Stewardship Subcommittee, volunteers, town staff, and partners have been working over the past several years to improve trails and bridges on Durham conservation areas. The goal is to improve the experience for visitors--hikers, runners, dog walkers, cyclists, cross-country skiers, snowshoers--and to protect the ecological health of the soils, fields, woods, and wetlands. To help meet this goal, visitors are asked to keep their dogs on leash and pick up dog waste, and some uses are prohibited, including motorized vehicles such as ATVs.

Most recently, the Town and private donors invested a lot of funds and time to improve the trails, bridges, and parking area at Doe Farm, which received many visitors. In the last few months, horseback riders have been visiting Doe Farm and riding on the trails. Unfortunately, the Town’s trails, bridges, and trailheads are not built to accommodate horses--the parking lots are not large enough for horse trailers and the pedestrian bridges cannot sustain the weight of horses. The possibility of a horse breaking through or horse riders walking around a bridge is a concern. In addition, many of the trails are narrow and would be difficult to accommodate riders and other visitors. There is also the issue of horse poop left on trails.

The Conservation Commission and the Land Stewardship Subcommittee discussed this issue at their recent respective meetings. A review of horseback riding in the region indicates that local land trusts typically don’t allow or promote horseback riding, except sometimes on woods roads or other wide, hard-packed surfaces. Horseback rising is available and more suited to other locations such as the Rockingham Recreation Trail, dirt roads, and in some State Parks, such as Bear Brook and Pawtuckaway. NH State Parks offers guidance for equestrians HERE

Given the potential risk to trails and bridges, safety issues with horses crossing bridges, the likely impacts on other visitors, and the sustainability of the town trail systems, the Land Stewardship Subcommittee recommended that the Town Council adopt an ordinance that prohibits horses and horseback-riding on town trails. They felt that the higher risk to the land and infrastructure outweighed the smaller benefit of a few people who may want to ride horses, especially since there are other, better places for riders to enjoy a day on the trail. This issue will be taken up at a Town Council meeting where the public can provide comment. Admin. Selig has asked staff at the Police Department to develop a draft ordinance for consideration.



To keep the community up to date, the following is a general summary of the many initiatives in process under the leadership of Parks and Rec. (P&R) Director Rachel Gasowski.

Camp Boxes:

Camp Boxes have gone well this summer and have kept P&R very busy prepping and preparing them.  Rachel has received some great feedback from several families so far.  P&R is wrapping up lesson plans and supplies for its final two weeks of Camp Boxes and will possibly add a 7th week if time allows. Currently the last week of Camp Boxes is Aug. 3rd.

½ Day Tuesday Program:

The 1st session went really well, but we were rained out of our second session.  The group is small (which they need to be anyway given the pandemic) but it has been a good test run to implementing onsite programming with kids with COVID procedures/guidelines and expectations as P&R transitions to fall and thinks about after school programming.  


August. Onsite Camps:

P&R has two onsite camps taking place in August.  Our Outdoor Adventure Week (Aug. 10-14) has been modified a bit and is now a 4 day camp vs. 5 days.  Parents will be transporting to and from activity locations (within a ½ hour drive from Durham) since transporting participants in the P&R van is not possible at this time.  Activities this week are all outside and the kids will remain socially distanced for the majority of the day (kayaking, surfing & paddle boarding).  Facemasks will be required by both campers and staff when a 6’ distance isn’t possible.  Adventure Paddle Camp (Aug. 17-21) will run as originally planned with the same expectations as our Outdoor Adventure Week . Rachel reports we have a full roster of 10 kids registered for each of these August camps. 


Summer Events:

We currently have two summer events planned that P&R can run.  Outdoor Movie at ORHS (using the baseball and softball outfields). Those participating will be encouraged to wear masks and asked to set up their blankets and chairs at least 10’ from another family.   And an Aug. Music By The Bay (WHF) Same set up at the movie.  Look for details to come in the near future.

Fall Programs:

Currently in the works but will largely depend on what is decided for school and other pandemic-related considerations, which are constantly in flux!  Based on our list of after school programs we typically offer (majority are small groups and outside) P&R will be in good shape to implement these following COVID guidelines. We will keep Adult Fitness programs outside for as long as possible and will determine if they will transition back to Zoom classes or indoors here at the P&R Office once the weather gets cooler.  

Fall Events

-Durham Day

-Trot In The Trees 5K

-Downtown Trick or Treat

-Ffrost Fest

Are all on hold at this time.  Exploring creative ways to revamp some of these (as we have done with spring events) or offer new events that are appropriate and safe for where things are at with COVID as time ticks on. 


Jay and Marty Gooze hosted a small "Thai Wednesday" lunch at their home this week to wish retiring Chief David Kurz a fond farewell. Jay has been volunteering at the Police Department for a number of years. Pictured are l-r: Audrey Cline, Michael Behrendt, Jim Rice, Dave Kurz, Todd Selig and Jay Gooze.



The Durham Police have been seeking “best practices” in the area of police “use of force” for a number of years with the knowledge that Durham residents want their police department to lead the way, not follow.  In 2016 Chief Kurz attended a meeting in Washington about this topic and had Captain Holmstock compare the cutting edge proposals discussed with the existing policies of the department.  That exercise has obviously taken on new meaning in the aftermath of the George Floyd homicide and does serve to amplify the commitment to the residents of Durham from the police department that their trust is warranted in the authority bestowed upon us. 

The report can be viewed HERE.



The Planning Board will be reviewing the proposed architectural design for the Mill Plaza redevelopment at its meeting this Wednesday, July 22. You can see the most recent architectural renderings at link. Scroll through the eight pages.

Durham has detailed architectural regulations which projects downtown must comply with. View the regulations HERE.



August 15th was to be the 8th Annual Durham Farm Day but the Agricultural Commission has decided it is not safe for us to hold the event this year. Instead, we invite you to share your photos, sketches, and paintings of gardens and farms across town with the hope we can celebrate our working landscape together, visually and virtually. Please email your images to

It is wonderful to see so many new gardens across town. The Agricultural Commission maintains an informal inventory of farms and gardens in Durham. If you would like to be added to the list, please email Agricultural Commission member Dan Winans,


DID YOU KNOW? - A tidbit from the Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee

Every minute 1 million plastic bottles are purchased around the globe and only half of those get recycled.  

It’s Plastic Free July. This month challenge yourself to refuse single use plastic. (e.g. single use water or juice bottles and straws) 

Learn about Plastic Free July HERE.


Rendering of new addition to Bagdad Wood Development on Madbury Road. Courtesy Underwood Architectural Renderings.


On Wednesday the Planning Board approved an application for an addition to the Bagdad Wood development on Madbury Road. The site provides independent living apartments for residents 62 and over. The plan includes 26 new dwelling units to be added to the existing 40 units. The parking area will also be expanded with 33 additional spaces. The project is owned by Housing Initiatives of New England Corporation, a nonprofit organization that provides affordable housing for seniors across the region. The property is unobtrusively placed in a wooded setting which the owner worked hard to retain with extensive landscaping designed by Robbi Woodburn. The addition, designed by Sarah Hourihane of Lassel Architects, will match the handsome existing building. 





Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Limited Library Services:

The Library is be open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing and checkouts and the use of computers, printer, and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment only. Meeting rooms and the Cafe will remain closed until further notice. 

During this phase of reopening we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We also request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering. Masks will be available to patrons who request them. Currently, we ask that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library. Our contactless “Library to-go” services will continue. Please check the website at for more information including exclusive hours for high-risk patrons.


Adult Summer Reading Challenge Update! Congratulations to Nancy Boyland! Winner of the Week 2 Adult Summer Reading Challenge! Drawings are held each Friday through July 31st.


Join DPL for virtual programming next Thursday at 6:00 pm with the Creative Feast’s Chef Liz! In “Feasting from our Local Farms: The Benefits of Eating Locally”, Chef Liz Barbour explores our modern journey back to the local farm with a discussion about the benefits of buying locally and eating within the season. Enjoy a slide presentation followed by a cooking demonstration of 2 seasonal recipes. Farm fresh ingredients never tasted so good! Register HERE!


Summer Reading Continues at Durham Public Library through Friday, July 31st!

Register ONLINE at continuing through summer reading. Check out the library website for more information about how to participate in our virtual programs and for information on this week’s events.

YA Monday, July 20th, at 4:00-5:00 pm, Cookie Decorating!

Tuesday, July 21st at 10:30 am Storytime: Campfire Tales! (Zoom and craft to go) 

Wednesday July 22nd, pick-up, 12:00-5:00 pm, Grab ‘n Go Campfire Activities! (all ages but geared to ages 4-9) craft to go 

Thurs, July 23rd, 10:30 am. Special program: Chain Reactions and Creative Contraptions. Joint library event with Lee and Madbury libraries (Virtual).


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1600 - Eastern Indians were of the Algonquin tribe and in New Hampshire were the Sokokis, made up of 15 small family tribes; the Cochecos and Squamscotts in this vicinity. Indian Fever decreased the population by 90% in 1616-1618, and a smallpox epidemic further reduced it later.



If you know of others who might find Durham's weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. It's possible to sign up for them HERE.

Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA

t: 603.868.5571 | w:

He/him/his pronouns

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
