Introducing Durham's new recycling truck
Changes are coming to Durham's curbside recycling program!
Be on the lookout for a flyer being delivered to your home spelling out the details.
Sustainability made easy!
On Monday evening, the Town Council plans to discuss a Purchase & Sale Agreement for the former Town Office parcel at 15 Newmarket Road between Durham and Bill/Carrie Salas. The purchase price is $650,000.
A selection committee comprised of Parks & Recreation Committee member Jayson Seaman, former Parks & Recreation Committee Chairperson Nate Trauntvein, Town Councilor Kenny Rotner, outgoing Parks & Recreation Director Stefanie Frazee, and Mr. Selig have been actively reviewing applications. Over 70 applications were received from potential candidates. A number of applicants were invited to meet with the selection committee this past week for an initial interview.
The Thompson tract on the Lamprey River has long been identified by the Durham community as an important property for conservation dating back to a map prepared by John Hatch in the 1980’s all the way up through Durham’s 2000 Master Plan, the Conservation Commission’s most current “Conservation Focus Areas” map, and the current draft Master Plan update’s “Conservation Focus Areas.”
While Shirley Thompson was alive, many attempts were made to reach agreement to conserve the property by many parties, including the Town, the Nature Conservancy, the Durham Land Protection Working Group, and the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire (SELT). Although Shirley Thompson had a strong desire to see the land conserved, agreements could never be reached.
With Shirley’s passing, the trusteeship of the trust that owns the property transferred to Shirley’s daughter, Kim Laughton, with her sister, Norma Thompson, as a co-beneficiary of the trust. Last year, the Southeast Land Trust and Mr. Selig reached out to the sisters to inquire about their interest in conserving the property and both of them expressed a strong desire to work with the SELT and the Town to conserve the property.
Type of Project: The Town is proposed to acquire the fee simple interest in the approximately 43.4 acre Thompson Property, which has approximately 2,000 feet of frontage on Wednesday Hill Road and approximately 3,500 feet of frontage on the Lamprey River which is a nationally designated Wild and Scenic River. The intake pipe for the Durham/UNH Water System on the Lamprey River is located on an easement along the boundary of this parcel.
The Town would then permanently conserve the land by granting a conservation easement to SELT.
Appraised Value: The appraised value of the property is $450,000, based on an appraisal completed by McManus & Nault Appraisal dated January 31 2014. An updated appraisal has been commissioned by SELT With the Town of Durham as the intended user.
Development Potential: The property could support up to 6 house lots using frontage on Wednesday Hill Road.
Purchase Price: The purchase price is $425,000. This is a $25,000 “bargain sale” from the appraised value thanks to the generosity of Kim Laughton who was willing to take a reduction in her share of the proceeds.
Overall Project Cost: The total project cost is approximately $472,000 which includes all transaction-related costs, boundary survey, appraisal, SELT staff time, a management plan for the Town, and SELT easement stewardship fund/endowment.
Funds Secured to Date: SELT has worked hard to secure the funds necessary to make this project feasible for the Town and SELT. The grants and funding commitments secured to date total $335,950, which is 71% of the overall project cost. These funding sources include:
Lamprey River Advisory Committee: $141,000
NH Mooseplate Program: $15,000
PREP Grant: $10,000
NH Land and Water Conservation Fund: $150,000
NHDES Source Water Protection Program: $19,950
On Monday evening, the Town Council will be asked to schedule a public hearing on accepting the NH Moosplate Program grant and the PREP grant. In July/August the project itself will be brought forward to the Council for consideration.
At its meeting earlier this month, the Conservation Commission endorsed the project.
Funding for the residual project balance would come from the Conservation Fund, the Conservation Bond from many years ago, or from the Town of Durham via the Durham/UNH Water System, details of which will be discussed with the Council in the coming weeks.
Above, Keith Cota, NHDOT Project Manager, outlines the specifics of the Bunker Creek Bridge project for the audience at the Durham Town Hall last evening. Courtesy DCAT Studios
Approximately 40-45 residents attended the Public Hearing on Thursday evening, May 28th, relative to the NHDOT proposed Bunker Creek project. The project will replace the bridge carrying US Route 4 over Bunker Creek in the Town of Durham. The new bridge will be built in the same location as the existing bridge. The proposed improvements will also include the reconstruction of US Route 4 extending 1,300' east and 1,000' west of the bridge. DCAT aired the sessiona and it will be available on replay and on DCAT On Demand.
UNH VP for Finance & Administration Christopher Clement and Fire Chief Corey Landry wish Asst. Chief Jason Clear well on his retirement. Courtesy DCAT Studios
Town staff and memberts of the public dropped by the Fire Department on Thursday this week to congratulate and wish Assistant Fire Chief Jason Cleary (left) well upon his retirement.
To read the nice Foster's article about Jason, click HERE.
The Durham Planning Board set a policy on Wednesday evening to clarify its procedures for not quasi-judicial matters coming before it. When any specific document or information is pertinent to a decision that the Planning Board will make at the meeting, the board will consider any items that are not either included in the packet or emailed out on the prior Friday, only at its discretion. We are in the process of obtaining clarification from legal counsel concerning how information should be handled that comes in after a public hearing has been closed for quasi-judicial matters (such as site plan & subdivision review).
On Wednesday evening, May 27, 2015, Town Counsel Laura Spector met with the Planning Board to discuss a variety of topics. Questions from the public were also accepted. A brief summary of the discussion is now being prepared and will be included in next week's "Friday Updates."
Residents are encouraged to watch the discussion on DCAT On Demand or on replay on Channel 22.
In cooperation with the Durham Fire Department, the brush pile at the Transfer Station remains closed temporarily due to the very dry conditions creating a high fire hazard potential. We will communicate when it will be safe again for us to collect the brush. Until then, please do not bring brush up, it will be turned away. The good news is there may be some rain in the forecast, we will communicate if it is significant enough to open back up.
An early reminder, the Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, July 4th. There will be no commercial collection on Friday, July 3rd as well. Attached is the holiday schedule for the year, which was also mailed out to all residents in December and is posted on the site.
Saturday September 26, 2015. The 2015 Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry Drive. As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only. To register, you must call the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 or e-mail publicworks@ci.durham.nh.us. Remember- The MAXIMUM COLLECTED PER HOUSEHOLD IS 5 GALLONS!
Consider reducing your purchase of products with hazardous ingredients; read labels thoroughly. Use and store products containing hazardous substances carefully to prevent any accidents at home. Never store hazardous products in anything other than their original containers and never remove labels. Never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become un-recyclable. Remember to follow any instructions for use and disposal provided on product labels.
LATEX AND OIL BASED PAINTS , MOTOR OIL, AND ANTI-FREEZE ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT HAZARDOUS WASTE DAY! These items can be brought up to the Transfer Station with your permit throughout the year. Latex paints must be dried out first, motor oil, anti-freeze and oil based paints can go up as is. Typically, hazardous waste is categorized as toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise hazardous. Please check the manufacturer’s label.
Starting this Monday June 1st, the contractor for Madbury Commons will begin constructing the Madbury Commons bridge which connects the Pettee Brook Parking Lot to the Madbury Commons Development. Half of the Pettee Brook Parking Lot will be closed and fenced off. The one way traffic flow within the lot will also be reversed. Please pay close attention to postage signage.
Construction of the bridge is expected to take 3-4 weeks. This will be followed up with work done by DPW to add a pedestrian walkway through the parking lot connecting to Pettee Brook Lane.
Please call Durham Public Works at 603-868-5578, with any questions.
MAIN STREET/MILL ROAD SEWER PROJECT UPDATE - Night Work Resumes Sun-Thurs evenings 9pm-6am The Town’s contractor will mobilize back to the site starting this Sunday night, May 31st beginning approximately at 8pm. It will be necessary to close the right hand ramp from Main St. onto Mill Road in order for the crew to install a sewer manhole in this area.
Vehicles wanting to travel from Main St. right onto Mill Road will be directed down one lane of the northbound side of Mill Road to Main St. Durham PD will be present to assist with traffic control. It is expected that this traffic configuration will take place for most of next week (May 31st – June 4th).
Please contact Town Engineer April Talon, P.E. at 603-868-5578 or email atalon@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions or concerns.
On Thursday this week, Administrator Selig met with Afghanistan visitors as part of the US State Department Visitor Exchange Program through the World Affairs Council of NH.They were interested in learning about transparency and how local government works. Courtesy DCAT Studios
Durham resident Sophia Isaak (age 10), daughter of Maria and Nick Isaak, is trying out to sing the National Anthem for the Portland Symphony. Once a prospective singer makes the finals though, they have to receive a large number of votes. Sophia hopes resident will go to the following link and cast a vote for her: http://949whom.com/vote-here-for-homs-national-anthem-contest-videos/
Thanks to the community for donating bikes and bike parts to Durham Bike & Sports. Durham Bike received over 60+ bikes that were picked up by Bikes not Bombs on Saturday May 23rd. They will be shipped to Ghana and used to provide health workers with transportation to get to those suffering from polio.
Ghana is now part of a large effort to produce bikes from bamboo.
To encourage residents and visitors to support Durham's businesses, the Durham Business Association has partnered with the Durham Economic Development Office on a "Summer Hot Deals promotion". Hot Deals from participating businesses will be published in the weekly "Friday Updates" beginning June 15, 2015 and running through August 15, 2015.
McGregor Memorial EMS members conducting "CPR on the Street"
As a fitting conclusion to National EMS Week last Friday, members of McGregor Memorial EMS conducted “CPR on the Street”. Research has shown that “hands-only” CPR at the initial stage of a cardiac arrest can dramatically increase survival rates.
Many residents, employees of local businesses and visitors took part in the session where the technique is taught and practiced to the Bee Gees famous song, “Stayin’ Alive” as it’s beat has the timing recommended by the American Heart Association.
Representing McGregor were Sean Madden - CPR Safe Manager, Amanda St. Martin – Paramedic, Jen Kray – Advanced EMT, Claire Galvin – EMT and Dr. Mary Katherine Lockwood – Advanced EMT.
The CPR Safe Program is one of the largest in the state having taught more than 6,000 persons in 2014. In addition to various levels of CPR training, CPR Safe also offers first aid and babysitting courses. Should you, your school, daycare or business be interested in training, please contact Sean at 603-862-3674 or visit the website at CPRSafe.org.
The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall unless otherwise indicated below. Click on the meetings listed below to view agendas and other information.
Town Council - Monday, June 1, 2015
Conservation Commission - Tuesday, June 2, 2015 - Site Walk at WHF
Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee - Tuesday, June 2, 2015 (7AM, PD Community Room)
Durham Energy Committee - Tuesday, June 2, 2015 (7PM at Library, Heritage Room)
Historic District Commission - Thursday, June 4, 2015
All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.
VIDEO ON DEMAND: Meetings can also be viewed via Video on Demand. Interested viewers can access the streaming site from the Town’s website at http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/ by clicking the DCAT on demand logo, or directly at http://dcat.pegcentral.com/.
Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule.
DCAT Programming Schedule.
Economic Development Director Mary Ellen Humphrey with Planning Board member David Williams
Stay tuned for the latest episode of Town Conversations, with David Williams where David has a frank conversation with Mary Ellen Humphrey Durham’s first P.T. Economic Development Director and the point person for encouraging and engaging new commercial and light industrial businesses in our town.
Interviewed by Planning Board Member David Williams, Director Humphrey brings depth and breadth of experience in private and public life: she was an entrepreneur for several decades with her own accounting firm; she also served in the New Hampshire Legislature, both House and Senate; most recently she was an Economic Development Specialist in Rochester, NH.
Recognizing Durham’s unique features, she speaks with candor of advocating Durham’s vision for economic development, while respecting and valuing our town’s natural resources and cultural heritage. The key to her efforts are encouraging and connecting prospective entrepreneurs to invest in a town that is among the most thoughtful about its own future as well as open to economic opportunities for new employers and employees alike. _______________________
Bunker Creek project Public Hearing. The public hearing held on Thursday, May 28th on the NHDOT proposed reconstruction of US Route 4 over Bunker Creek was recorded by DCAT available on our On Demand site and also will replay in the regular schedule on Monday @ 9:30 AM & Friday @ 4:00 PM.
Eversource Public Information Forum on Seacoast Reliability Project - Run time: 1:30
The front end of this video contains roughly 23 minutes of Q & A between Eversource Contractors and Durham Town Council Members, James Lawson and Carden Welsh.
Saturday & Sunday: 10:30 AM
Tuesday: 7:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday: 5:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 PM
This video is also available on our On Demand site.
Join DCAT 22 Studios on a time lapse video tour of our New Town Hall. Watch from a bird’s eye view as the Town Hall starts as the old bank and quickly transforms into our new space. This video is only available on our On Demand site.
DCAT is Live Streaming
Please join DCAT for any of our regularly scheduled meetings live-streamed directly to the device of your choice . It’s easy, all you have to do is go to: live-stream.com and follow the prompts to set up your live stream account. You’ll receive email updates as to when the meeting will be held and the start time. All you have to do is click and watch. Live-stream works on any PC (just remember to update your Adobe Flash player), Apple or Android device. Please contact dcat@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Community members gathered downtown for a special Memorial Day ceremony and live performance by the ORMS Jazz Band on Monday morning. Courtesy Ron Streelman
Memorial Day Parade
A message from Ron Streelman:
“This years Memorial Day Parade recap....
Invocation…spot on
Placing Memorial wreath…memorable
Parade participants…uplifting
Grand Marshal…moving
Durham Middle School Jazz Band...upbeat
MUB ceremony…spiritual
God bless our fallen heroes!”
Thank you to all who helped make this year’s 68th Annual Memorial Day Parade a success!
Police Captain David Holmstock assists American Legion auxiliary member Beverly Burrows during the annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 25th. Courtesy Durham PD
Camp R.E.A.C.H. 2015 – Space Available - Haven't signed up yet? Don't wait! Click HERE to explore everything from chemistry, rockets and kayaking to legos and vet school! Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Sign up for both morning and afternoon sessions during the same week, and save $50!
View weekly calendar and class descriptions HERE.
Why join a Durham Parks & Recreation fitness class?
Convenient location - Drop in to most classes for only $10!
Fits your schedule - Classes available Monday through Saturday!
Quality - Classes instructed by certified, local, and passionate instructors!
Camp REACH participants work together to solve “helium stick”. Courtesy Stefanie Frazee
Bootcamp: An hour of POWER! Total body cardio and strength workout to start your day off right. Tai Ji Quan - Moving For Better Balance: This world-renowned balance training program combines Tai Ji Quan movements with therapy and function exercises to keep you on your feet and moving. Pilates: Improve your flexibility, gain core strength, and overall body tone. All in one hour! Zumba: A dynamic, easy to follow, cardio dance fitness class. We do hip-hop, salsa, flamenco, bollywood, and so much more! You don't need experience, just jump in and join the party! Yoga: Allow your mind, body, and spirit to connect through meditation and movement. Strength & Stretch: Improve your bone density and balance with a total body strengthening session, followed by stretching to improve flexibility. Yoga for Active Adults (55+): Quiet your mind, reduce stress, and learn relaxation techniques. Designed for every ability level. Tai Chi Advanced: Combination of Tai Ji Quan movements and therapeutic exercise to keep your body active. Designed for participants with Tai Chi experience.
Save the Date: Camp REACH Registration: April 17th – May 31st Music By The Bay Summer Concert Series @ WHF 6 – 8PM (FREE):
Studio Two – Beatles Tribute: June 25 (26th rain date)
Marcy Drive Band - Classic Rock Cover Band: July 16 (17th rain date)
Granite Planet - Dance, Pop, Rock, 60’s to Today: August 20 (21st rain date)
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AND EVENTS Durham Bike and Sports Mountain Bike Ride, every Sunday leaving from the shop at 10AM. Everyone welcome! Will ride local trails for 1-2 hours or check Facebook page for upcoming ride information or call 603-397-5140. Garden Plots at St. George's Episcopal Church. St. George's Episcopal Church has three 4'x8' garden plots and one 4'x4' garden plot open to renting this growing season. Please contact our garden steward, Laura Williford, at stgeorgesgardens@comcast.net or call 603-833-3740 for more information. Durham Farmers' Market Opens for the Season, every Monday from 2:15 - 6PM, beginning Monday, June 1st. Now located at Jackson's Landing. For more information, click HERE. Community Walk NH at UNH, June 3, 2015, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. The University of New Hampshire wishes to extend an invitation to the Durham community. In honor of Walk NH Week, Healthy UNH and Campus Recreation will sponsor - Walk NH at UNH - a community walk on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 on the Durham campus to encourage everyone to get out and be active for a healthy lifestyle. The walk will begin and end at the UNH Whittemore Center Arena.
The Lamprey River? We Like It! Sunday, Jun 7, 2015, 10AM to 12Noon, Mary Blair Park, Rt 27, West Epping. Join the Lamprey River Advisory Committee and explore nature and people's activities along the shores of the Lamprey River. Questions or more information, call Sharon Meeker, 603-659-5441, s-meeker@comcast.net.
7th Annual Bobcat Bolt 5K and Kids Fun Run, Saturday Jun 20, 2015, ORHS. hosted by the Oyster River Alumni Association. 5K Run/Walk starts 9AM. Kids Kids Fun Run starts 10:15AM (offering a 50 yard dash, 1/4 miler, 1/2 miler, & relay). Proceeds benefit the Josh Hardy Scholarship, Nate Hardy Award, and other local youth scholarships and initiatives supported by ORAA. Register for the 5K and Fun Run HERE. The Bobcat Bolt is hosted by the Oyster River Alumni Association. Proceeds benefit the Josh Hardy Scholarship, Nate Hardy Award, and other local youth scholarships and initiatives supported by ORAA. More HERE.
Great Bay Yacht Club Notice of Race - Saturday, Jul 18, 2015 (rain date Sunday, Jul 19), Hilton Sate Park, Dover, 9:30AM Registration, Races to follow.
Durham Bike and Sports – Biking Adventure Overnight Camps. Two-day overnight trip to a NH state park to challenge participants on some of the best mountain biking trails in NH. Focus on developing safe riding techniques, trail riding skills, basic repairs and maintenance, increasing fitness and exploring local and NH trail systems. Emphasis on FUN! Includes tenting overnight. Opportunities for swimming, fishing, and learning outdoor skills: basic first aid, outdoor cooking and safe and efficient camping skills. List of required and suggested equipment will be provided. Limited to 10 participants. Ages 12-15. $195. July 23-24 & Aug 6-7.
Thank you to the DPL Trustees, Friends and Patrons that marched with the Durham Memorial Day Parade!"
Family Storytime, Sat., May 30th at 10:30 am – This week “Hikes and Walks of NH!” Join us for this fun family storytime. We read hiking stories, do feltboard, fingerplays, songs and make a fun craft. Crafternoon – Saturday May 30th 12:00-4:00 pm – Come and create! Stop by the Children’s room for a fun craft. Frauds and Scams Tuesday June 2nd 7:00 pm - Every 3 seconds someone's identity is stolen! What are the top scams in NH? A Fraud Watch Protection representative will cover the latest fraud trends, behaviors and identity theft. Contact Armida Geiger ageiger@ci.durham.nh.us. No registration needed. Overflow parking at 1 Coe Dr., Oyster River Middle School. First Aid Class Tuesday June 2 & August 4 6-8 pm - Offered by McGregor Memorial EMS Register at http://cprsafe.org for the AHA Heartsaver First Aid Class It's a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course teaching critical skills to respond to and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and other first aid emergencies. Contact Sean Madden 862-3674. Fee $20 Oyster River Knitters Tuesday June 2, 7-9 pm - Meets the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00-9:00pm. Knit? Crochet? All levels of knitters & crocheters are welcome for a couple of hours of knitting and chatting. We spend time together sharing advice and support. Acoustic Open Mic Wednesday June 10 6:30 pm - Last one before the summer "Music on the Lawn" beginning July 1. Alzheimer's Cafe June 5th 10:30 am - Socialize, relax and support one another. This is for dementia patients still residing in their own homes and their caregivers. Stop by, drop in...all are welcome. Contact Nicole Moore 603-868-6699 Beach Reads - By request, the Friends of the Library are offering pocketbook "Beach Reads" for sale in the Library cafe. Book Sale - Saturday June 20th 10-4 - Friends of the Library annouce: THE VERY BIG ONE DAY BOOK SALE! Friends of the Library Adult Summer Read - Spend the summer reading at a suitably leisurely pace (about 250 pages a month) our September Book Discussion choice, to be facilitated by Jennifer Lee. The 2015 book is Middlemarch by George Eliot. Copies to borrow for the summer are available at the library. Enrich your reading if you like by signing up with your name and email at the library, and you will receive: A brief historical and biographical background, along with suggestions for enjoyable reading, sent in early June. Periodic encouragements and provocative quotes. The opportunity to ask questions before September. Signup is optional; you can request to be put on the list at the circulation desk, over the telephone (868-6699), or by email (durhampl@gmail.com). Writers Response Meet-Up -June 4th at 6 pm - Interested in writing? Come to the Library Cafe. All are welcome. Contact Mary Ellen Humphrey mary.ellen.humphrey@gmail.com Summer Reading Registration, “Every Hero Has a Story!” begins Mon. June 15th. Our 5 week program will run from June 29th through July 31st. Don’t miss it. More details coming soon! Photography Contest - The Durham Public Library is hosting a photography contest, sponsored by a Durham resident, to capture the beauty, character, and identity of Durham as it exists throughout the course of one year beginning July 4, 2015. Durham has so much to offer, so much visual splendor, and yet we tend to overlook what attracts us to the town as we bustle through our busy lives. We would like contestants to remind us why they live here by chronicling a year in the town in a series of seven photographs that express Durham’s character. The contest winner, as determined by a panel of judges, will be awarded a cash prize of $300 thoughtfully donated by the contest sponsor. The winner will also have their work displayed for a month on the library’s art display wall including a kickoff reception for the exhibit. Anyone interested in participating in the contest should visit the library website www.durhampubliclibrary.org for contest rules and an application. Preserve and share local history - Do you have Oyster River High School yearbooks gathering dust in your attic? Donate them to the Durham Public Library to make those photos of your family and friends available to future generations. Play an essential role in helping us preserve and share our local history. Contact Nancy Miner nminer@ci.durham.nh.us Please note- Library Book Donation Week (May 25-May 30) will not be held this month. Technology Help - The library offers help for people who need assistance using technology, such as computers, iPads and phones. Call us to check on the availability of our volunteers at 868-6699 or email us at durhampl@gmail.com. Exhibit in the Gallery - View the Seacoast Camera Club digital photography exhibit on display during the month of May. Patch Club: reading incentive program for ages 2-12 years. Sign-up at the Children’s Desk! May 31st is the last day of the patch program. We will start again on Sept. 1st! Join the Durham Public Library Birthday Book Club. Celebrate a child’s birthday in a unique way with a gift of a book to the library. Talk to the Children’s Librarian at the children’s desk for more details. Upcoming:
~ June 15 - Summer Reading Registration Begins
~ June 16 - CPR/AED Class 6 pm
~ June 20 - Friends of the DPL - Book Sale 10 am-4 pm
~ June 23 - The Joys of Fly Fishing 6:30 pm
~ June 29 – Family Movie “Big Hero 6” 6 pm
~ June 26-July 31 - Kids Summer Reading/Every Hero Has A Story!
~ July 1 - David Hyde Costello Author/Musician Little Pig Joins the Band Summer Reading Kick-off! 10:30 am
~ July 1 Music on the Lawn-39th Army Band 6:30 pm
Check out the Durham Public Library website durhampubliclibrary.org for more info.
FROM "HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A BRIEF HISTORY OF DURHAM, NH, 1600 - 1976 written by Philip A. Wilcox and members of the Durham Historic Association 1955 - The Oyster River Copperative School District was formed combining the schools of Durha, Lee, and Madbury. By 1956 all pupils, kindergarten through grade 12, were housed and no longer did local students have to go out of town to high school. Present enrollment is 1776, with 86 teachers.
And now some humor from an Oyster River fourth grader ...
Knock, knock. Who's there? Amos. Amos who? A mosquito bit me!
Knock, knock. Who's there? Annie. Annie who? Annie bit me again!
Knock, knock. Who's there? Anna. Anna who? Anna third time too!
Have a very nice (and hopefully mosquito free) weekend.
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
T: 603-868-5571 F: 603-868-5572
tselig@ci.durham.nh.us http://www.ci.durham.nh.us
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?