Friday Updates - June 12, 2020


Friday, June 12, 2020


Students listened to a few speakers at Wildcat Stadium during a march held on June 7th organized by UNH students following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Courtesy Todd Selig


Following the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, students at UNH organized a march last Sunday, June 7th, beginning on the great lawn in front of Thompson Hall where a number of individuals offered their thoughts and urged for social action.  A march ensued through downtown Durham to Wildcat stadium where there were additional speeches, chanting, and where a brief film was shown. It was peaceful and well attended by students and many members of the Durham community. We estimated in the 800+/- range in terms of numbers.  Protests in response to both Floyd’s death, and more broadly to police violence against people of color, has quickly spread across the US and internationally. 

And … one morning this week, a Durham resident Jane Viewey on Bennett Road had a visit from a young bear, maybe two years old, in her back yard.  They had not had any sightings this close to the Lamprey River and Bennett Rd. Jane asked us to post as there are a lot of young children living in this area now.


DURHAM'S DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS, MICHAEL (MIKE) LYNCH, TO RETIRE ON JUNE 26, 2020 - Article in the Foster's/Seacoast Online

As most residents have probably already heard, Durham's Department of Public Works Director, Mike Lynch, On June 26, 2020, Michael (Mike) Lynch will retire as Durham's Director of Public Works after serving forty-three years with the Town of Durham.

View a very nice article printed in the Foster's/Seacoast Online regarding Mike's retirement HERE.


VOTER REGISTRATION IN DURHAM - Remember to stop by the Town Hall to register to vote this fall.

Election officials in Durham would like to congratulate Oyster River students who are about to graduate and to invite them to consider registering to vote this summer. Many states, including New Hampshire, are encouraging voters to vote absentee this fall because of the pandemic. If you are registered in Durham, you can vote in person in the fall without standing in line to register or you can vote absentee here whether you are staying in Durham or going away to college. The supervisors of the checklist would like to encourage you (and anyone else who has moved to Durham and not registered yet) to register soon and then request your absentee ballot later if you should decide to vote that way.

Voter registration can be done in person at the town hall (while social distancing and wearing a mask, of course) or absentee. If you come in person you will be asked to show proof of identification, age (18 by the September 8 election), citizenship (passport or naturalization papers), and domicile within Durham. Affidavits may be signed in the absence of proofs. This may be done up until about 10 days before the election. To register absentee, please call the town clerk’s office (868-5577) and ask for the absentee registration packet. Read the instructions carefully. Make sure all forms in the packet are completed and signed (some need to be witnessed) before returning it with required proofs.

 June 2 was the last day to change party in New Hampshire before the State Primary on September 8. If you wish to check your standing, you may do so at If this does not reflect what you think it should, please call the town clerk’s office. They will direct you to a supervisor.


THE AMTRAK DOWNEASTER RESUMES! A Message from NNEPRA Executive Director Patricia Quinn

On Monday, June 8th, the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) Board voted this past Monday to begin Phase 1 of Downeaster Service Restoration effective June 15, 2020. This is exciting news, and while we are anxious to restore service, we know it will come with many changes and adjustments will need to be made along the way. As always, we are counting on your support and cooperation as we begin this process, and hopefully grow and expand service in the coming weeks and months.


Here are the basics of Phase 1 operations:  

  • Service will resume with one round trip on weekdays only. No weekend service.  
  • Southbound Train 680 and Northbound Train 685 will be the only trains operating.

-- The schedule for Train 680 has been modified to accommodate tie replacement happening between Exeter and Haverhill. The schedule for Train 685 has not been modified, but passengers should expect delays between Haverhill and Exeter for the next several weeks.  The updated schedule is attached.

  • Trains will not stop at Old Orchard Beach.
  • Station buildings should remain closed during Phase 1.

-- Signage is being put up directing passengers to go directly to the platform.

-- Platform signage will inform passengers that face coverings are required and remind them of social distancing requirements.

-- Hand sanitizer will be available on the platforms. 

  • The Downeaster Café will remain closed, however complimentary water will be available to passengers upon request. 


A number of protocols and procedures have been implemented to protect the health and safety of passengers and crews.  

  • Amtrak has implemented new cleaning and disinfecting protocols nationwide, and train equipment used in Downeaster service will undergo enhanced cleaning before and after each trip. During Phase 1, Train 680 will be disinfected upon arrival in Boston for the return trip of Train 685. Trains are sanitized overnight in Brunswick. 
  • Crews and passengers will be required to wear face covering while boarding and moving about the train.

-- Conductors will ask passengers who are not wearing a mask to please put one on prior to boarding.  

-- If a passenger does not have a mask, one will be provided for them.  

-- If a passenger refuses to wear the mask, they will not be permitted to board the train. 

  • The number of passengers per train will be limited to no more than 50% of available seating capacity so riders are able to adhere to physical distancing guidelines.  

While NNEPRA expects Downeaster increase service throughout the summer months, no date has been set for subsequent phases. The NNEPRA Board of Directors plans to meet later this month to evaluate the potential for adding more daily trips. 


Complete information about the steps Amtrak is taking to protect the health and safety of their passengers and crews is available at   For the most up to date information about Downeaster service visit: View a schedule HERE.


GOVERNOR SUNUNU WILL DISCONTINUE STAY AT HOME ORDER JUNE 15TH – The cap on gatherings of 10 or less also expires on that date and will not be renewed.

The Governor announced Thursday afternoon that New Hampshire's Stay at Home Order will expire on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 11:59 PM, along with the cap on gatherings of 10 or less.

Effective Monday, June 15, 2020, the following industries may reopen under new guidance: Amateur & Youth Sports Phase II, Bowling & Entertainment Centers, Charitable Gambling, Funeral Homes, Gyms, Libraries, Motorcycle Rides, Museums & Art Galleries, Outdoor Attractions, Outdoor Racetracks, Pools, Road Races, and Tourist Trains. 

Indoor restaurant seating may resume as well commending June 15th at 50% capacity.  

Additionally, Governor Sununu announced that Indoor Movie Theaters, Performing Arts, and Amusement Parks may begin reopening on Monday, June 29, 2020. Guidance for these industries will be released early next week.

All released guidance documents may be found HERE.

Covid Testing:

The ASAP testing program (Asymptomatic Spread Assessment Program) is to encourage all to get tested.

Request testing HERE.


DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday Afternoon in the Sammy's Downtown Lot off Pettee Brook Lane

The Durham Farmers' Market is now open again this season on Monday afternoons through Monday, October 5, 2020 from 2:15- 5:30, closing 1/2 hour earlier than previous years. Vendors will adhere to predetermined sanitation and Covid 19 prevention standards. 

Customers are requested to wear masks, maintain 6’ distance from others, and send only one person per household to shop if possible.  

The market has several new vendors participating this year and they are pleased to have prepared food, maple products (including ice cream!), garden plants, and assorted vegetables available.  

One positive aspect is that folks can walk downtown to access the market and while they are there, shop/eat in other downtown establishments. 


left: Bernard takes his friends on one last adventure for the summer.

right: A chalk drawing done by one of the youngsters down the street whose parents would allow them to visit Bearnard every day. Courtesy John Pacheco



UNH is decommissioning and demolishing the water tower located off of Edgewood/Strafford Ave. The tower is no longer in use, and therefore will be dismantled. The water line leading to the tower will be cut and capped. Crews are scheduled to arrive June 15th, and demo work is anticipated to last 3-5 days with site cleanup and restoration to follow. Durham Fire is aware of the project, and fire watch will be maintained on site throughout the day with water on site per usual hot work permit requirements. 

What to expect: 

There will be large boom lifts on site, as well as trucks to remove the sections of the water tower as it is cut apart. Expect back up alarms and general construction noise for the week of the 15th. The following week will be much less noise with the site being cleaned up, and demobilizing. 



Julia Peterson, New Hampshire Sea Grant and UNH Cooperative Extension

Spending more time than usual at home these days due to the novel coronavirus pandemic? Thinking about working on the lawn or digging in the garden? Whether you are looking to enjoy more time outside or engage your children in a project, this season is a great time to develop some new habits that will improve your green thumb, help protect the environment, and save money. Whatever we do in our yards affects lakes, rivers, streams and bays downhill. By adopting a few simple practices, we can protect the health of water bodies we love while taking care of ourselves and the people around us by sheltering at home.

1. Take caution with spring clean up

One of the first activities drawing us outside in the spring is tidying up the accumulation of twigs, pine needles, and decaying leaves left behind during the winter. As this plant material decomposes, it releases nutrients, so there’s no need to aim for immaculate, but important to let the sunlight through. The bulk of the raked-up yard waste should be put in an area where it can compost away from any drainage area or water body. NEVER, rake yard waste into a stormdrain, down a river bank, or adjacent to any water body. Excess nutrients in a water body lead to algae blooms that rob aquatic and marine animals of oxygen, obscure water clarity, and even decrease adjacent property values. Learn more about composting HERE.

Other temptations in the spring include fertilizing too early and mowing too short. Different formulations of fertilizer require different minimum temperatures. Hold off on applying until you are sure your soil needs it and the soil temperature is adequate. Likewise, resist the temptation to mow too low. Encourage the early season grass roots to grow deeper into the soil by keeping more of the grass blade growing above ground.

2. Water wisely

Our lawns and gardens need about one inch of water per week, which is about the annual average amount of rainfall in northern New England . During dry spells, especially later in the summer, it may be necessary to water or irrigate to reach that amount. On the other hand, overwatering wastes water and can cause nutrients needed by plants to run off the property or leach deep into the soil out of reach of plant roots. Place a rain gauge or empty bean or tuna can out in the yard and check it weekly to see if the rain has reached a one inch mark. Only water or irrigate when the rainfall drops below that one inch weekly average. Learn more about watering wisely HERE.

3. Do a soil test

Although the UNH Soil Lab Testing is temporarily closed due to the pandemic, it doesn’t hurt to get ready to submit a soil sample for testing. Soil test results provide important information about nutrient and mineral levels in our soil, characteristics of the soil, and recommendations for fertilizer. Without this information, we may end up applying products or using practices that waste time and money, inhibit plant growth and contribute to pollution. Watch a short video about how to take a soil sample and learn more about soil testing HERE.

4. Measure the dimensions of your yard

Whether you are interested in overseeding a lawn, adjusting the soil pH with lime, top dressing with compost, or applying fertilizer, you will need to know the dimensions of the lawn area in order to purchase and/or apply the correct amount of seed, lime, compost, or fertilizer. Overapplying compost or fertilizer, in particular, can create water quality problems in lakes, rivers, and bays downstream, so it’s very important to apply only what’s needed, if it’s needed. Here’s a handy guide to measuring lawn dimensions and calibrating a spreader to make sure you are applying only what’s needed and no more, click HERE.

These are just a few tips for growing healthy lawns and protecting water quality while we are spending more time at home. This is a perfect opportunity to adopt habits that we have put off because we didn’t have as much time at home. Enjoy the season of growth while keeping yourself and others safe. Learn more tips for water quality friendly lawn care HERE


A UNH student speaks to the crowd while gathered at Thompson Hall during the June 7th march. Courtesy Todd Selig


INVESTIGATING CIVILIAN COMPLAINTS KEY TO TRUST, NH POLICE LEADERS SAY – Durham Chief David Kurz provides some insight into a key aspect of community policing.

As police departments grapple with how they can improve after George Floyd’s death and the nationwide swell of protests, some are pointing to the complaints against the officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck as a warning ignored.

Taking complaints seriously is critical to keeping the public’s trust, New Hampshire police leaders indicate.

“A complaint by any citizen, it doesn’t fall into a hole,” Durham police chief David Kurz said in a recent Union Leader article. “There has to be a conclusion.”

Complaints range from rudeness to allegations of crimes by police. The attorney general’s office would investigate allegations of crimes committed by police, Kurz said, while departments investigate complaints that officers violated department rules.

Read the complete Union Leader article on this topic HERE.


“BLACK LIVES MATTER.  OUR ACTION PLAN “- UNH announces new action-plan to help end systemic racism

DURHAM — The University of New Hampshire announced Wednesday a new two-part “action plan” for how the state’s flagship university can play a role in ending systemic racism in local communities, on its campus, other institutions, and beyond.

The action plan states UNH will start making changes this August, President Jim Dean wrote while unveiling the plan in a letter he titled “Black Lives Matter. Our Action Plan.” A key piece of the plan will involve listening to, learning from and supporting the efforts of people already working to make a difference, Dean wrote.

View President Dean's letter HERE.



Even Better Now has just opened its doors at 3 Jenkins Court in Downtown  Durham .

Even Better Now is an eclectic store that is best understood through the experience. It specializes in classic rescued furniture, mostly with mid-century or Danish flavor.  They find furniture with great bones, that may need restoration and TLC, that will find a new life in a new home.  Even Better Now also sources unique, often vintage gifts from all over the world, including items that you knew as a child and had forgotten you loved.  They also produce handmade items in-store that are not found anywhere else.

Even Better Now is also a Tabletop Game store that provides sales of tabletop games, game demos available to play anytime, and a public space to play games with friends and family.  

Even Better Now is the vision of Molly and James Hollister- to provide a store that allows them to promote the idea of living life with things that are beautiful and purposeful, constantly changing, with always something different and always fresh. 

There’s a terrific article on Celebrate Durham from May 2018 that talks in more detail about Even Better Now at

You can also support the business by going to…





Educational signage at Littlehale Culvert on Bagdad Road. Courtesy April Talon


Seabrook-Hamptons Estuary Alliance is co-hosting a webinar on Monday (6/15 at 6:30pm) called "Green Grass, Clear Water" on environmentally friendly lawn care for property owners. The speaker is Julia Peterson of UNH Sea Grant / Cooperative Extension The tips are relevant across the NH Seacoast region.

Educational signage has been installed at Littlehale Culvert on Bagdad Road to educate the walking public on the benefits and stormwater treatment provided by the tree planter and stormwater pond that were constructed as part of the culvert project. Questions and comments can be directed to Town Engineer April Talon at 603-868-5578 or email



The Durham Police have been sharing a variety of reports with the residents of Durham for many years. While these reports routinely share analysis of police actions or seek to explain future plans, often they are not the first link residents may find to be interesting as they peruse through Friday Updates.  

However, in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis Police officer, Town Administrator Selig has been receiving a number of emails from residents inquiring about the policies and procedures of the Durham Police. With that in mind Chief Kurz is republishing the 2019 annual analysis of the use of force by members of the department. The report is based upon individual “Response to Resistance” reports that must be completed by policy, which reads:

In all other cases, a Response to Resistance Report must be filed within 24 hours whenever an officer applies physical force to overcome any degree of resistance, other than the “simple” application of handcuffs, when making an arrest or taking someone into custody for any reason.

Durham residents should note that even the title of the report, Response to Resistance is very deliberate and serves as a reaffirmation that officers can only use force “in response to resistance” that they might encounter.  

Each January, the Administrative Captain prepares a summary analysis of all incidents involving force during the preceding calendar year for review by the Chief of Police. This report is a requirement of the CALEA accreditation process that embraces “best practices” in the law enforcement industry. While it may seem like a normal and logical analysis that every police department does, Chief Kurz has shared that this is not the case. Often police agencies may have solid policy in place but often do not adhere to them. With accreditation and inspections that occur routinely, this analysis must be accomplished. Ultimately, the report allows for an analysis of all force used by a Durham Police Officer. What can be discovered are the existence of any trends or patterns such as is one individual officer using too much force or does an officer resort to using force than other officers? Are there training programs that would enhance officer safety or are there policy deficiencies that may create challenges for the staff and/or those being arrested? Additionally the analysis serves to share with the community that power that is bestowed to the Durham Police by Durham Town Code and inform you of how that authority is being used.  

Ultimately it is a commitment to the community that the Durham Police will remain transparent in all matters other than those that invade an individual’s privacy.

View the report HERE.



As New Hampshire moves forward with phased re-openings under the state of emergency declaration, Eversource remains committed to providing whatever support it can to customers who may be experiencing financial hardship during these uncertain times. 

Eversource is still offering flexible payment plans to all customers who are having difficulty paying their energy bill during the COVID-19 pandemic. While customers are not currently at immediate risk of losing service, these plans provide them with an important option whenever moratoriums on disconnections expire.

Eversource has begun proactively reaching out to its customers in need, who have a $75 past-due balance for more than 35 days, across multiple communication channels to ensure they are aware of and can participate in the company’s programs and protections – especially in advance of the phased re-openings. Eversource will not be reaching out to customers who are already on a payment plan. 

Even if they’ve never needed help before, Eversource customers may call 1-800-662-7764 to discuss various payment plans, etc.



“This will be the last weekly newsletter from me until mid-July when I give you all a progress report on the opening of school next fall. At that time, I hope to have the broad outline of a plan to return to school, a plan to return to remote learning, and a plan for a hybrid model.

Last week I shared that Oyster River had plenty of room to grow and improve should we enter remote learning again. This week I want to thank everyone who made this experience as good as it could be, given the sudden shut down of schools across the state in mid-March.

I am entering my 45th year as an educator and I can say without equivocation that this has been the most unusual year of my career. I could not have envisioned a complete shut-down of school, nor could I have imagined a state- wide move to remote learning. There were so many traditions lost, many of them recognized as rites of passage, some considered significant milestones, and others just fun things we do to celebrate what students have learned, such as Music Concerts, Science Fairs, Plays, a week of coding to name a few.

Friday (June 12) the culminating event in the life of our students occurs, graduation. I want to wish our graduates the very best as they move on to college, the military, and/or the world of work. They are a resilient class, wonderful young people, with their entire lives before them. Many of us remember our high school graduations as a distant blurred memory. The class of 2020 will always remember their graduation, for good or bad, as the class that graduated during a pandemic.”

Supt. Morse goes on to thank parents, teachers, support staff, lunch staff, bus drivers, administrators, and of course the students for their significant efforts this year.  


Approximately 800 participants marched from Thompson Hall through downtown Main Street on Sunday afternoon, June 7th. Courtesy Todd Selig



The socially distanced ORHS graduation was held today, Friday, June 12th. View an outline of the top 10 within the class HERE.


PLANNING FOR THE FALL AT ORCSD – Oyster River teams up with Portsmouth School District

Asst. Superintendent Todd Allen reports that with the 2019-20 school year coming to an end, the attentions of ORCSD leadership and professional staff is turned to planning for the fall of 2020. There are many challenges in the COVID-19 World that the district must consider as it develops plans for a return to school.

Given the uncertainty caused by the virus, developing multiple parallel plans for return is necessary in-order to be ready to respond appropriately. Generally, there are three scenarios that Oyster River, along with school districts across the country, are taking-into-account as they prepare for the 20-21 school year.

1.) Do we have a full return to the in-person traditional model?

2.) Do we continue with the remote model that has been in place since March?

3.) Does a hybrid model that is a combination of in-person and remote learning make sense? All scenarios for a return to school involve significant planning in-order to be ready to implement and meet the needs of our students in the fall.

On June 15th and 16th a team of 50 ORCSD teachers and school leaders will be engaged in a 2-day collaborative workshop with the Portsmouth School District, facilitated by 2Revolutions, a professional development consultant that specializes in coaching local schools in dealing with change. Asst. Supt. Allen notes that the purpose of this effort will be to do a deep dive into planning for the fall with the intent of having an action plan to guide summer work that is based on best practices.

Significant value will be gained by working collaboratively with Portsmouth educators. Portsmouth is a similar sized district with similar demographics and challenges. The two districts will be able to act as critical friends for each other as they develop fall plans for a return to school



The Public Works Department is teaming up with The Nature Conservancy New Hampshire Chapter’s volunteer Oyster Conservationist program to pilot a Durham Community Oyster Garden at the Town Landing off of Old Landing Road to engage Durham community members and improve the health of Great Bay and the Piscataqua Estuary through oyster restoration.

TNC will provide the Town with 3 oyster cages in late July that would be located along the water at the Town Landing and sit in the tidal portion of the Oyster River. The Town would “foster” them and volunteers could sign up to pull the cages up out of the water so that the oysters could be cleaned, counted and inspected. The Town and community members would then work with TNC over the summer to provide data to them at different intervals. TNC would collect the cages in late September so that the Oysters could be counted and measured and placed with their oyster restoration areas in the estuary. Public Works recently installed an educational panel at the Old Landing Park so the public can visit the site and learn about oyster restoration efforts.

Please contact Town Engineer April Talon at 603-868-5578 or for more information or if you are interested in signing up!

View more information regarding oyster reef restoration efforts HERE



Applications for the NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund grant program will open online on June 11, and the deadline for applications is June 25 at 4:00 pm.

The NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund was established by Governor Chris Sununu through the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR). The State of New Hampshire will award grants from the allocated $60 million to help nonprofit organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority have partnered to administer this program.

More information about the application process, eligibility criteria, and upcoming informational webinars — to be hosted on June 11 and 15 — is available on the GOFERR website. Nonprofits are encouraged to complete an organizational profile as soon as possible. An online portal to complete the profile is also available at the GOFERR website. A completed profile is required as a first step to completing an application, and profiles may be completed before the application opens on June 11.

Grant funding is intended to reimburse the costs of business interruptions caused by required closures, and sustain nonprofits’ ability to contribute to the state’s recovery from the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Grants will not be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis; all applications will be evaluated based on program criteria. To receive funding, organizations must be recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund program supports three purpose areas: 

  • Nonprofit organizations that mitigate the critical public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis for residents who rely on those organizations for critical services. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations providing essential human services.
  • Nonprofit organizations that contribute to economic, cultural, and civic vitality. This includes, but is not limited to, arts organizations, nonprofit community development corporations, economic development organizations and technical assistance providers, organizations that provide safe outdoor places for people to recreate, community-based organizations that deliver timely and sometimes life-saving information about COVID-19, and civic organizations that unite people across differences to find solutions. 

Coalitions, networks, and collaboratives of nonprofit organizations that maximize cooperation and impact, and also speed the state’s distribution of funds to meet urgent needs.



A number of Seacoast officials have signed on to a formal complaint filed with the N.H. Public Utilities Commission against Consolidated Communications.

Durham Public Works Director Mike Lynch filed the complaint about double utility poles, but it was signed on to by officials from Dover, Somersworth, Exeter, Portsmouth, Newmarket, Hampton and Newington.

Double utility poles are exactly what it sounds like. Eversource or Consolidated Communications come into communities and replace old wooden utility poles with new wooden structural poles. The old neglected infrastructure is then left in place for years.  Durham wants this to change.  

Read an article in Foster's Daily Democrat HERE.



The role of the Trustees of Trust Funds is to have custody of and administer the Town’s financial reserves and trusts. Trustees are elected directly by the voters, and not appointed by the Council, in order to assure the financial separation of the funds in their custody from other Town monies. In Durham, the Trustees also are involved with the management of two Town properties through trust funds left to care for those properties: Doe Farm and Smith Chapel. In addition, the Town Charter fixes the membership of the Cemetery Committee as the three Trustees and 3 members of the Town Council. Changes to the Charter approved by the Town at the March 2020 elections included the addition of up to 2 Alternate Trustees to the membership of the Trustees of Trust Funds. The Trustees are seeking residents interested in serving as Alternate Trustees.

The process for becoming an Alternate Trustee is:

  1. If interested in becoming an alternate trustee, e-mail the trustees at with your name and telephone number, or speak with one of the Trustees.
  2. The Chair of Trustees will call you to get started.
  3. If you decide to apply for appointment, you will need to prepare and submit to the Town Administrator an “Application for Board Appointment” which you can find HERE.

The nature of the Trustees’ responsibilities, including membership on the Cemetery Committee, requires some changes to the application process outlined on the application form:

  1. Meet with Chair of Trustees to be briefed on Trustees’ responsibilities.
  2. Attend at least one (preferably two) meeting(s) of the Trustees.
  3. Meet separately with the Chair of Cemetery Committee to receive a briefing on Cemetery Committee responsibilities; tour the cemetery with Cemetery Committee Chair to understand the burial process.
  4. Agree to attend NHDOJ seminar for Trustees in Concord (usually in May-June), and/or other workshops/training as appropriate.
  5. Attend the Council session for appointment as an Alternate Trustee.


  • Trustees are elected by popular vote at town elections. In the event of a vacancy between elections, the Council appoints a Trustee for the remainder of the vacant term, and a new trustee is elected at the next town election, to serve the remainder of the uncompleted term.
  • Alternate Trustees are appointed by the Town Council to a one-year term.
  • The Trustees view service as an Alternate Trustee to be preparation for election or appointment as a Trustee. 
  • Notices of vacancy should include Town Facebook, Twitter accounts and Friday Updates. 


Participants in Sunday afternoon's march held up numerous signs while listening to speakers. Courtesy Todd Selig



August 15th was to be the 8th Annual Durham Farm Day but the Agricultural Commission has decided it is not safe for us to hold the event this year. Instead, we invite you to share your photos, sketches, and paintings of gardens and farms across town with the hope we can celebrate our working landscape together, visually and virtually. Please email your images to

It is wonderful to see so many new gardens across town. The Agricultural Commission maintains an informal inventory of farms and gardens in Durham. If you would like to be added to the list, please email Agricultural Commission member Dan Winans,


OYSTER RIVER DAM AT MILL POND - Upcoming presentation by Engineers of VHB at June 15, 2020 Town Council Meeting via Zoom

As part of an on-going evaluation of alternatives for the dam, the Town of Durham has hired a consulting team to complete a thorough engineering and environmental analysis of the dam removal alternative along with options that would retain, modify, or replace the dam.

The Town Council will be meeting with the consulting team on June 15 at 7:00 PM to receive a progress update on the study, including a preliminary review of several project alternatives. All members of the Durham community are invited to ensure that the public is informed of the study and to seek community input that will be important to making the study successful.  

Meeting Objectives

  • To familiarize the public with the context, work plan, and schedule for the Feasibility Study;
  • To discuss preliminary project alternatives, including Dam Repair, Dam Stabilization, Dam Redesign, and Dam Removal;
  • To discuss next steps for the Feasibility Study, including the overall project schedule.

This Council Meeting is entirely virtual. 

The Zoom preregistration page can be found HERE.

Preregistration information is generally posted a few days before the meeting.

Information on how to join the zoom Town Council meeting can be found HERE.

You have to pre-register to join the zoom meeting to speak at public comment, please follow the directions in the link.

If you have any questions or require any information, don’t hesitate to contact April Talon at (603) 868-5578 or



On May 14, the University cancelled its on-campus, in-person summer youth programs for 2020 given the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and to support the health and safety of students, families, and staff.

Since then, a number of UNH youth programs have developed remote learning opportunities to remain connected with students and families. Although the delivery will be different, the programs are designed to continue with enhanced student learning, connections with peers, and gaining new skills.

Registrations are limited, and in some cases, priority will be given to families who were already enrolled in the in-person camp. Although some programs are still being finalized, the remote learning programs include: Art Camp, EPIC (Computer Science), Tech Camp, Theatre Camp, Literacy Center tutoring, and Marine Science classes at Shoals Marine Lab. For more information and to check back for updates HERE.



Growing food for your family and for others is a good response to the disruptions in food availability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Durham Agricultural Commission believes there are specific steps we can all take to increase our food self-sufficiency and food security:

  • Expand the number of home gardens in Durham, to increase cooperative and collaborative food production efforts between neighbors and across neighborhoods;
  • Support our robust local food system, including Emery Farm, Tecce Farm, Durham Farmers’ Market, farm stands, food delivery programs offered by farms in the region, and purchasing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares from local farms; use the search tool developed by Seacoast Eat Local to find local food producers;
  • Ensure animal agriculture and the integration of plant and animal agriculture and gardening is available to suit the needs and interests of townspeople.

Recognizing that today, with so many working from home and directed to do so, all zoning in town is now mixed use, as most residences are also workplaces. To further enhance food security, we need to plan for more agriculture, not around it. The Agricultural Commission is working with the Planning Board to enable food production that encourages self-reliance and supports the community at large.

If you are already growing food on your property and have food or other gardening resources to share with others, please let us know and we will help spread the word. If you are not sure about what you can do to start a vegetable garden in your yard, please look at the Winans’ inspirational front yard at 109 Madbury Road! In addition, there are many gardening resources on the Agricultural Commission page on the Town’s website.

Please contact the Agricultural Commission for more information,



Turtles are very active right now in Durham as this is their peak nesting season- they’re trying to find a safe place to lay their eggs. Fish and Game is asking the public to report sightings of the following turtle species that are state endangered or of special concern, (Blanding’s Turtle, Wood Turtle, Eastern Box Turtle, and Spotted Turtle). Report sightings to or 603-271-2461.



This week’s Scavenger Hunt features turtles and snakes. With the warm weather and on-set of the month of June, turtles are on the move looking for nest sites, which means they are crossing roads. And snakes often seek out warm pavement for daytime basking. So, keep an eye out as you walk, cycle, or drive on local roads. Click HERE for this week’s tips on identifying some of the turtles and snakes you might encounter and what to do if you do. We encourage people to bicycle local roads or stroll around your neighborhood. Whether on foot or bike, a reminder to maintain appropriate social distancing, which generally means keeping you (and your dog) at least six feet away from others. Enjoy and Stay Safe. Trail maps for Durham conservation areas are available at: Find previous Scavenger Hunts HERE.



Are you looking for a chance to get outside during COVID-19 and help with a stewardship project? Land Stewardship Coordinator Ellen Snyder is seeking volunteers who want to spend one to two hours pulling invasive buckthorn seedlings and small saplings at Durham’s Thompson Forest on Wednesday Hill Road. You can learn about invasive plants and this effort to restore the woods to native plants. This is a great activity for individuals or families; this won’t be a group activity as we need to maintain a 10-foot distance. Volunteers just need to bring their own gloves and water bottle and dress for being in the woods. The best time to do this activity is a weekday between 8 am and 11 am to avoid the heat of the day. If interested, contact Ellen at to arrange a time.


DID YOU KNOW? - A tidbit from the Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee

The Emery Farm Cafe uses all compostable paper products, straws, cups and utensils. If you bring your compost to the transfer station or compost at your home with Mr. Fox, please consider composting these items when you order take out at their cafe.

 It’s important NOT to put these compostable items in the recycling or trash! If you do this, compostable items become trash and add to the problem of too much waste. (Note: By composting these items in commercial compost (transfer station, Mr. Fox) you do not need to clean them out - it’s ok if they have food on them. You can throw it all in compost together! Also, compostable paper products cannot be put in a backyard compost system - they will not break down!). 

***If you are a small business that composts, let us know and we will highlight you in future DYKs?


WHY IS PET WASTE A PROBLEM? - Do Your Part, Scoop the Poop!

Rain or snow runoff can carry pet waste directly into waterways or storm drains, which usually empty without any treatment into a stream, river, or estuary. Untreated fecal matter can be a source of harmful bacteria and nutrients. Just as we don’t want human sewage in our water, it is important to prevent pet waste from being carried into our waterways.

It isn’t just water quality that can suffer. Leaving pet waste on the ground, especially in public areas like parks or playing fields, may pose a risk to children, adults, and even pets.

Consider This …

Pet waste carries disease causing organisms such as Giardia and Salmonella which can make water unsafe for drinking or swimming; to protect the public from illness, swimming beaches and shellfish beds can be shut down due to bacterial contamination, and pet waste can be a cause of that contamination. Pet waste left on playing fields or in parks can be unhealthy and messy. 

Let’s work together to keep pet waste out of our water resources and recreational areas.

Do Your Part: Scoop the Poop!

Scooping your pooch’s poop isn’t just a courtesy for those walking behind you; it’s the healthy and environmentally sound thing to do. Picking up after your dog is not only easy, in Durham it’s the law!


Bearnard and his friends bid farewell to those that followed the group's various adventures during the COVID-19 stay at home order and hope that everyone will now be able to enjoy their own summer activities now that this order will expire on June 15th, keeping in mind to still continue being safe. Courtesy John Pacheco





Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Get Ready for Summer Reading at Durham Public Library!

This summer’s “Imagine Your Story” Youth Summer Reading program is for ages 0-12 and runs from Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 31st!

Register ONLINE at beginning June 15th! Summer reading is going to look different this year. Instead of in-person programs, we’re going virtual! Check out the library website for more information about how to participate in our programs. View a preview video of the upcoming programs HERE!

Programs will be presented using Zoom. To ensure security and safety using this platform, registration is required for all virtual events. Once you have registered, a link will be sent to you to access the program. Visit to register! 

2020 Summer Reading Programs at Durham, Lee, and Madbury Public Libraries

Special Joint Events:


Thursday, June 25th, 10:30 am 

Science Tellers Zoom Party 

Thursday July 9th, 10:30 am 

Wildlife Encounters

Wednesday July 15, 10:30 am or 11:30

Marine Mammal Rescue with Seacoast Science Center

Thursday July 23, 10:30 am 

Chain Reactions (Rube Goldberg Machines)

Finale Event

Friday July 23, 10:30 am 

Simon Brooks


Virtual Story Times 

Mondays, 10:30 am | Madbury Library

Tuesdays, 10:30 am | Durham Public Library

Wednesdays, 10:30 am | Lee Library


Our Adult Summer Reading Challenge is back!

In addition to some great virtual programs, DPL’s Adult Summer Reading Challenge card will be available beginning June 15th and will continue through the 5 weeks of summer reading! 

  • Challenge cards will be available in our lobby, for pick-up with your reserves and a pdf version is available on our website! 
  • Complete one or all of the 12 “Imagine Your Story” reading challenges and receive a raffle ticket for our summer reading tote and library swag! 1 ticket for each challenge completed!
  • Return the card in our outdoor book drop, in the lobby drop or email us your completed challenges at

Drawings will be held each week of summer reading! 

Durham Public Library is thrilled to now offer new digital services to our patrons, just in time for summer!

Kanopy is an on-demand film streaming service now available for free at Durham Public Library. Library card holders can sign up to start streaming more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema with collections from Umbrella Entertainment, Madman Entertainment, Under the Milky Way, SND Films, Great Courses, Kanopy Kids and thousands of independent filmmakers. Kanopy is free for users with a DPL library card and all cardholders may check out six titles per month. Visit our website at to start watching today!

hoopla is an all-in-one media service where you can browse 700,000+ titles in six different formats—audiobooks, eBooks, comics/graphic novels, full music albums, movies, and TV—and instantly borrow, then download or stream, the titles of your choice!You can access the title you borrow instantly on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. With hoopla, there are no holds or waiting! Patrons may borrow six titles per month per library cardholder. You will need your library barcode, a valid email address and your library password/pin to set up your account. Visit us at to get started! 


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1976 - President Gerald Ford ate here! On campaign trail, he spoke to the Field House but made headquarters in UNH President Mill's home, complete with body guards, plainclothes police, beacon lights and tight security. His party was served food prepared by the Navey Yard.



If you know of others who might find Durham's weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. It's possible to sign up for them HERE.

Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA

t: 603.868.5571 | w:

He/him/his pronouns

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
