On Friday, June 26, 2020, Durham's Director of Public Works, Mike Lynch, will retire after 43 years of dedicated service with the Town of Durham. Courtesy DCAT Studios
Today is Juneteenth. Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note, this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863. According to http://juneteenth.com/ , the Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance.
Celebrations date to 1866, at first involving church-centered community gatherings in Texas. It spread across the South and became more commercialized in the 1920s and 1930s, often centering on a food festival. During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, it was eclipsed by the struggle for postwar civil rights, but grew in popularity again in the 1970s with a focus on African American freedom and arts.[7] By the 21st century, Juneteenth was celebrated in most major cities across the United States. Activists are campaigning for the United States Congress to recognize Juneteenth as a national holiday. Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in 48 of the 50 U.S. states. Learn more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth
The bright-eyed four-year old boy cleared off the kitchen table and placed his toy Tonka dump truck strategically on top. He taped the folded cardboard onto the front like a snowplow, took the box of white rice from the pantry, and poured it on the table. Wheeeeee! It’s snowing! He then plowed the rice all over, much to his mother’s chagrin.
Six decades on, Mike Lynch is retiring as the Durham Public Works Director after an astonishing 43 years in the department. His last day is next Friday, June 26.
Mike’s father worked in the Portsmouth Public Works Department for 37 years. Like Richard Lynch, Mike did virtually everything one can do in public works and it was the only serious job that he ever had.
In June 1977 (the same month that Elvis and the Supremes both gave their last concerts) Mike was working as a deck hand on a lobster boat when he learned of an opening at DPW. He interviewed with Director George Crombie, walked out with a hard hat, work gloves, and a vest, and started the next day. “They obviously did not do background checks then.”
Mike’s job was to maintain buildings, parks, and cemeteries. After six years he moved to the water department where he maintained all of the components of the system. Dog warden was then added to his job description. “The stray dogs were happy to see me. They were hungry and it was easy to lure them into the warm truck with biscuits.”
Later he transferred to the traffic control section where he crafted wood street signs by hand, maintained every traffic-control device, striped the roads, and replaced a lot of bulbs in street lights. He was later promoted to superintendent of highways and sanitation and finally, 22 years ago, to department director.
Mike said, “There are so many great things to do in the world of public works. Dams, buildings, roads. I have been able to do as an adult what I did as a kid. But bigger, better. It’s a dream job where you go toe to toe with Mother Earth.” He gets up at 5:00 every morning, puts his Timberland boots on, and heads in to the office expecting a new adventure.
Asked about the perception that public works personnel stand around while one guy is doing the work, Mike said that notion is completely false. “If that happens, it’s poor management. Why send two people to do something that one can do? Durham is a lean operation. The cavalry is not coming.”
But Mike says camaraderie among the workers is strong and there is a lot of joking around. Somebody sprays you with a hose, let’s some air out of your tire, or hides your tool. You complain you can’t find it and they discreetly return it. “You better get your eyes checked because it’s been there all along.”
Mike said of the public works crews, “They have a lot of pride in the job they do and in knowing that somebody will be safer tonight because the crack in the road is fixed, the crosswalk is repainted, the street light is working, and the world is back on its axis.”
Mike’s proudest accomplishments include management of three large construction projects - Durham Town Hall, Durham Public Library, and the public works facility - and the conversion of the old Craig Supply property, a brownfield site polluted by tetrachloroethylene, a liquid used in the dry cleaning process by the former occupant.
The Town took over the lot for nonpayment of taxes. Mike said, “We worked with EPA and DES to cap the site and seal the contaminant. We turned a blighted property into a 169-space parking lot that now makes $125,000 in revenue each year for the Town.”
Mike clearly loves this job so why is he leaving? “It’s time. I would like to do some things that are not on a schedule. Because I want to do them not because I have to do them. He would like to just sit at the kitchen table for an hour in the morning and enjoy a cup of coffee. “I will miss a lot of people. But it’s okay. Some other doors will open.”
He will also be able to spend more time with his family. Mike’s wife Dawn is now retired. She was the credit manager at Timberland where she worked for 25 years. His daughter Kasey works for Temescal Wellness in Dover which provides patients with cannabis products (in strict compliance with state and local law according to their website). Kasey is in charge of compliance. Her husband Jeff is a special needs teacher at Mastway School.
Mike hopes that he has made people’s lives better noting his part, for example, in getting 800 kids to school safely in the middle of a snow storm (just like the little boy 60 years ago).
Recreation Director Rachel Gasowski surely echoes the sentiments of many. “Mike has been incredibly supportive. During my first month with the Town, he made it a priority to introduce me to all things Durham. Each day he would tour me around to walk one of our trails or recreational areas, look at different projects, and introduce me to members of the community. I quickly learned that a 20-minute meeting with Mike actually meant at least an hour! Mike knows everything about the town, he has great passion for what he does, and he cares deeply about those he works with. No matter what crazy idea I threw at him, the answer was always ‘We can make that happen.’ I’m truly grateful for my time working with Mike and wish him all the very best in retirement.”
Mike’s last day with the Town following 43 years of dedicated service will be next Friday, June 26th. While we had planned to have a get together for staff and the public to come and wish Mike well as he enters retirement, in an abundance of caution given the pandemic, we are not doing so at this time and will tentatively target something for late-summer/fall, but that will depend upon pandemic conditions.
If you’d like to send Mike a short note at this time to wish him well, his email address is mailto:mlynch@ci.durham.nh.us.
VOTER REGISTRATION: Election officials in Durham would like to encourage everyone who can legally vote in Durham and has not yet registered, to consider doing it as soon as possible. We don’t know where we will stand with COVID-19 in the fall, but we would like all who are entitled to vote here to be able to do so safely.
Voter registration can be done in person at the town hall (while social distancing and wearing a mask, of course) or absentee. If you come in person you will be asked to show proof of identification, age (18 by the September 8 election), citizenship (passport or naturalization papers), and domicile within Durham. Affidavits may be signed in the absence of proofs. This may be done up until about 10 days before the election. To register absentee, please call the town clerk’s office (868-5577) and ask for the absentee registration packet. Read the instructions carefully. Make sure all forms in the packet are completed and signed (some need to be witnessed, but not by a notary) before returning the necessary forms along with required proofs. Instructions are in the packet.
Voters are also being urged to vote absentee this year. Normally the majority of us would choose to vote in person, but this year, because of COVID-19, voters who are leery of COVID-19 may consider it a physical disability and do both registration and voting by absentee. An absentee ballot request form can be found on Durham’s website (https://ci.durham.nh.us/) or the secretary of State’s website (http://sos.nh.gov/). Completed forms should be sent or brought to the Durham town clerk’s office. One should be filled out for EACH election. The ballots will be sent to you when available.
June 2 was the last day to change party in New Hampshire before the State Primary on September 8. If you wish to check your standing, you may do so at https://app.sos.nh.gov/Public/PollingPlaceSearch.aspx. If this does not reflect what you think it should, please call the town clerk’s office. They will direct you to a supervisor.
Funded as a result of a competitive NHDES Coastal Program grant the Town pursued and obtained last year in cooperation with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC), the project goal is to strengthen Durham's resilience to climate change by developing a master plan chapter that offers innovative solutions and implementable actions to inform future land use decisions in order to reduce public and private risk and vulnerability. This is a staff-initiative in pursuit of Council goals and will be delivered in near-final form to the Planning Board for review and adoption. It’s NOT intended to be a heavy lift for the board and it is NOT intended to be a long, drawn out multi-year Master Plan process. We’re working to align and update the many initiatives we already have in place into an up to date Master Plan chapter.
Task 1: Review Existing Data. Resources, and Plans
SRPC, with assistance from Town staff, will prepare a summary of existing climate science data, adaptation guidance and resources, and local planning reports and vulnerability studies (as you know, Durham has been VERY proactive to date and we'll review what we have done so far). This will also include any other relevant local or regional research and case studies to ensure project team members have a shared understanding of current climate science and prior local efforts. This exercise will also identify information gaps that need to be addressed through community outreach or future research.
Task 2: Determine Climate Topics and Chapter Framework
Upon completion of Task 1, SRPC, with Town staff, UNH Extension, and NH Sea Grant, will host at least two stakeholder input sessions to brainstorm a range of climate-related impacts and coastal hazards that should be included and addressed in the chapter.
Task 3: Draft Master Plan Chapter
SRPC and Town staff will draft the master plan chapter. During this process, project staff will meet with the Durham Leadership Team to provide progress reports and solicit feedback and general guidance for the chapter. The Town Planner will provide regular progress reports to the Planning Board and communicate their input to SRPC. Members of the Agriculture Commission, Conservation Commission, and Energy Committee will also be invited to provide comments and input during the process.
Task 4: Public Input Sessions (approx. late-fall)
Once there is a working draft of the chapter, SRPC, Town staff, UNH Extension, and NH Sea Grant will host up to two public input sessions designed to seek input from community members using an engaged and focused approach.
Task 5: Final Master Plan Chapter Revisions and Preparation for Adoption (January – June 2021) Based on the public input results, SRPC and Town staff will incorporate appropriate revisions and develop the final recommendations and implementation plan. Meetings with the Planning Board will be scheduled as needed to solicit comments and schedule a public hearing for potential adoption.
WHY IS PET WASTE A PROBLEM? - Do Your Part, Take the Pledge to Scoop the Poop!
Many NH towns have over 1,000 dogs living in them, and each dog "goes" once or twice a day. That's a lot of poop! Not only is it gross when it's left around, but it can be dangerous. Harmful bacteria and parasites - such as Giardia or Salmonella - that live in pet waste, can come in contact with other people and pets or wash into nearby waterways or storm drains.
Picking up our pet's waste and throwing it out is a small change than can make a big difference in keeping our waters clean.
Five small changes that make a big difference:
- Always carry a plastic bag when you walk your dog.
- Always pick up that poop.
- Always dispose of in in a trash can.
- Never put bagged or unbagged waste in a storm drain.
- Take the Pledge HERE to tell your town you're making a difference.
DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday Afternoon in the Sammy's Downtown Lot off Pettee Brook Lane
The Durham Farmers' Market is now open again this season on Monday afternoons through Monday, October 5, 2020 from 2:15- 5:30, closing 1/2 hour earlier than previous years. Vendors will adhere to predetermined sanitation and Covid 19 prevention standards.
Customers are requested to wear masks, maintain 6’ distance from others, and send only one person per household to shop if possible.
The market has several new vendors participating this year and they are pleased to have prepared food, maple products (including ice cream!), garden plants, and assorted vegetables available.
One positive aspect is that folks can walk downtown to access the market and while they are there, shop/eat in other downtown establishments.
As most residents are aware, DPW had to curtail its regular curbside Spring Cleanup that was scheduled in April due to the virus. Staff had split schedules making it difficult to manage and the administration agreed it was not safe to expose staff to the potential of contaminants on items brought out from homes throughout the community. In lieu of the curbside cleanup, the Town opened the Transfer Station for 6 days for residents to bring in what they would have put out without needing to purchase a bulky waste coupon.
During the 6 days of resident bulky drop off we had 1,193 vehicles come to the Transfer Station dropping off 135 tons of material! To offer some perspective, in previous years during Spring Cleanup conducted curbside we collected between 50-80 tons of material.
DPW has received a great deal of positive feedback about the program this year and given the increased usage of the service as evidenced by the tonnage figures above, there is some consideration being given to phasing out the curbside pickup altogether and instead instituting the same program as utilized this year.
It would represent a tremendous savings in terms of staff time -- typically requiring the Highway Crew and two heavy pieces of equipment for upwards of a month, taking them away from other tasks.
We'd love your feedback concerning this idea. Please send emails to Doug Bullen, Assistant DPW Director for Operations at dbullen@ci.durham.nh.us.
TRANSFER STATION UPDATE - Limiting the # of vehicles to achieve social distancing guidelines.
Because of the Governor's latest Covid-19 update, the Town is upping the allowable maximum vehicles from 10 ... to ... 15 cars at a time at the Transfer Station.
We recommend wearing masks and expect visitors to respect social distancing.
The Swap Shop will remain closed for the time being. If trends continue to move in a positive direction, it is possible that the Swap Shop may open in the fall.
THE TRANSFER STATION AND RECYCLING CENTER WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY, JULY 4TH. The Town offices are closed on Friday, July 3rd. There will be no commercial recycling collection on Friday, July 3rd.
The Durham Cemetery Committee would like to take the opportunity to update residents on what is happening at the cemetery and to review a few of the rules and regulations governing it use.
Despite the pandemic that we are experiencing, activity in 2020 has so far been below average, with only 4 burials this year, compared to 6 to 10 in most years. And despite the very dry weather, the DPW crews have kept the lawns in good shape. Many thanks to Ken Mitchell, the local Boy Scout troop leader, who took the lead in placing flags on all the veteran’s graves for Memorial Day, both in the cemetery and in the many probate burial grounds located throughout Durham. If you have a loved one buried in Durham who was a veteran and does not have a flag, please contact Cemetery Chair Craig Seymour mailto:cemetery@ci.durham.nh.us or call
(603) 781-0935.
This year all flags were placed next to the headstone to protect them and to make mowing and trimming easier. And remember, all flags will be removed right after Veteran’s Day.
Speaking of headstones …. they are the responsibility of the plot owner or his/her heirs, not the Town. This year, and in other years, there have been headstones that have fallen over because of movement of the ground from frost and water. A deep and well-built foundation is necessary for these heavy stones to last many decades. If yours is tipping, please contact the company or funeral home that installed it. And all plots are required to have a suitable headstone or marker installed within six months of the first burial.
While the Committee's rules and regulations permit the planting of small shrubs and flowers around the headstone (only), they too are the responsibility of the plot owner or his/her heirs. Plants must be trimmed and watered regularly (there are two water spigots and watering cans on the town side of the cemetery). This pertains to potted plants, flowers in vases and other decorations placed on graves such as pumpkins in the fall for holiday decorations in the winter. Once they begin to fade or die back, please remove them. As noted in the rules:
- The payment for any lot will provide routine care of grass. Payments do not include opening or filling of graves, placing of foundations for monuments, or the care thereof.
- Planting of small shrubs or trees is permitted with the permission of and in consultation with the Chair. Plantings selection and location should be made with consideration to maintenance and size as they mature. If plantings interfere with lawn care or other nearby plots, they may be removed at the discretion of Cemetery Chair or appointee.
The planting of flowers on graves should be to the side and in close proximity of the upright monument so as not to impede or interfere with grass mowing and trimming. The Town and Cemetery Committee are not responsible for damage to plantings from mowing and trimming activities. Non-natural grave decorations, including plastic or silk flowers, are discouraged and may be removed at the discretion of the Chair. Solar or battery powered lights are prohibited. All dead or damaged plantings, broken pots, vases and other unsightly grave decorations will be removed and disposed of.
A map of the cemetery and the Procedures and Regulations can be found on the Cemetery page of the Town’s website: https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/boc_cemetery
l - r: SRO Michael Nicolosi, Detective Holly Malasky, Captain David Holmstock, Officer Katie Callahan, Deputy Chief Rene Kelley, Chief Dave Kurz, Detective Sergeant Jack Dalton and Administrative Assistant Dawn Mitchell
ROCKS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS - A Maryland family sends unexpected gift to DPD officers!
Durham Police received a very heavy box shipped to the police facility this week. Inside were painted rocks from the Benson Family in Abingdon, Maryland. Heather Benson explained in a letter to Chief Kurz that they had wanted to find some way to thank their local deputy sheriff for all they did for the community and one of her daughters, either Ella or Hannah, decided to paint “Rocks for LEOs”. It appears that the initiative has taken on a life of its own as the Benson family has been sending them to police departments across the United States. In a personal letter to Chief Kurz, Heather indicated that they have now painted over 4,000 rocks and that Durham Police are the only department in New Hampshire to have received rocks that are individually numbered 4,001 through 4,021!
This was a simple but wonderful message from the heart to the officers and it was welcomed at a time when the staff truly appreciated the “thanks!”
As noted in last week’s Friday Updates, the Durham Police will be republishing a variety of reports for the interest of Durham residents. While these reports routinely share analysis of police actions or seek to explain future plans, we understand that they are not the first link residents may find interesting as they peruse through Friday Updates. (Note, Chief Kurz, Admin. Selig DO peruse these very carefully every year, as does the Council.)
Recognizing the ongoing national dialog concerning police misconduct in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis Police officer, Administrator Selig has been receiving a number of emails from residents inquiring about the policies and practices of the Durham Police. With that in mind Chief Kurz will continue to republish a number of our most recent annual reports accomplished in 2020 to review activity in 2019 regarding a variety of police activities. This week two reports will be provided. The first pertains to a review of Durham Police policies and practices as it pertains to bias and states:
Bias Based Policing
The Captain shall conduct a documented annual administrative review of agency practices that shall include the identification of any reports of bias and shall review agency practices related to profiling to ensure that they are compliant with all legal considerations. If any discrepancies are discovered, the Captain shall prepare a written report to the Deputy Chief of Police detailing the findings and offering a plan for resolution.
Each January, the Administrative Captain prepares an analysis of any complaints of alleged and/or perceived bias for the preceding calendar. That report can be read HERE.
Another topic for National discussion is the need for an “Early Warning System” which identifies officers who may be problematic in a variety of ways including too frequently using force. The Durham Police have long had this policy which states:
Early Warning System
A comprehensive Personnel Early Warning System is an essential component in the Durham Police Departments’ overall performance evaluation system. Used in concert with the Performance Evaluation System, the Personnel Early Warning System is designed to identify those employees who may need some level of departmental intervention before potential problems arise.
This is also an annual report completed each January by the Administrative Captain and can be read HERE.
Both these reports are a requirement of the CALEA accreditation process that embraces “best practices” in the law enforcement industry. While it may seem like a normal and logical analysis that every police department does, Chief Kurz has shared that this is not the case!
Too often police agencies may have solid policy in place but do not adhere to them. As Chief Kurz noted, this is the challenge with policing in the United States with 18,000 police agencies essentially developing policies as they wish.
This is one of the major reasons the Durham Police entered the CALEA accreditation process over 20 years ago so that the community is assured our officers are receiving the best and most up-to-date policing services the profession can provide and not just because the police say so, but because the accreditation process assures through inspections, assessment and proofs of compliance, that our Durham department can prove it!
The UNH Police Department receives its policing authority from the Town of Durham and similarly is a nationally accredited policing agency, also through CALEA!
Did you know that you can have a healthy, green lawn that is both attractive and safer for the environment?
Some lawn care practices create local water quality problems. Excess nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus found in fertilizers) that run off our properties into nearby waterbodies can trigger harmful algal blooms. Many of us enjoy the time we spend working on our lawns and are willing to try new practices as long as our lawns continue to look good. Below are some simple and easy tips, customized for northern New England, that can lead to Green Grass & Clear Water.
Choose the right grass seed. The best seed mixes include low maintenance varieties with higher % of fine-leaf fescues and turf - or compact-type tall fescues, and lower % of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial rye grass.
Mow smart. Leave grass at least 3” high. Cut no more than one-third (1/3) of the blade each time you mow to encourage longer, stronger roots. Leave the grass clippings after mowing so they can return nutrients to the soil.
Have your soil tested. To learn more about specific characteristics and needs of your lawn, contact UNH Cooperative Extension HERE.
Don’t overwater. 1” of water per week (from rain or irrigation) is usually enough. Overwatering can cause nutrients to move out of root zones and into waterbodies or groundwater.
Only if your lawn requires added nutrients from fertilizer:
Avoid overapplying. Measure the area where you plan to apply and calculate the square footage. For lawns 10+ years old, apply half (1/2) the amount recommended for your square area one time per season. New lawns may need another application. Apply no more than 4 times per season.
Choose the right fertilizer. Select fertilizers with zero or low phosphorus unless a soil test says otherwise. Slow release nitrogen fertilizer is generally preferable. Over applying fertilizer (any type) can cause water quality issues.
Know when and where to apply. Apply only after spring “green up” and before mid-September. Avoid applying in mid-summer. Never apply near waterbodies or storm drains.
View more details about these tips and others HERE.
A caption in the June 5 issue of FRIDAY UPDATES implied that the lupine blooming along Route 108 South (Newmarket Road) are wild and thus the larval food host for the federally endangered Karner Blue butterfly. (Mr. Selig, who takes responsibility for whatever appears in this weekly publication, apologizes!) An obvious clarification is that the extensive fields of lupine we see along roadways, planted by NHDOT, are cultivated lupine. The wild lupine, a different species (Lycaeides Melissa samuelis), is legally protected in New Hampshire.
For more about the Karner Blue butterfly, see NH Fish and Game's profile HERE.
Learn about wild lupine at the Tufts Pollinator Initiative HERE; and about
National Pollinator Week at the Pollinator Partnership website HERE.
The Public Works Department is looking for a team player to work in our Buildings and Grounds Division. Eligible applicants must have a Commercial Driver’s License, class B or better, and a high school degree or GED equivalent. Landscaping experience a must, experience operating heavy equipment including snow plow equipment also necessary. General construction and building maintenance skills are needed for this versatile position. Must be able to lift 50lbs, work independently, willing to perform in various working conditions and be on call for 24-hour emergency operations such as snow plowing. Hourly wages $20.32/HR, plus overtime.
This position offers excellent medical, dental, life and disability coverage, eleven paid holidays per year, State retirement, plus a sick leave incentive program.
Applications are available at the Public Works office or online at https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/jobs. Qualified applicants must submit resume and application to the Public Works Department at below address no later than July 6, 2020.
Doug Bullen
Assistant Director for Operations
100 Stone Quarry Drive
Durham NH 03824
TRAFFIC/CONSTRUCTION ADVISORY - Town of Durham Public Works 2020 Roads Program Improvements
Please be advised that the Town of Durham Public Work’s roadway contractors for the 2020 Roadway Improvement Project will begin roadway and drainage construction improvements requiring alternate lane traffic patterns, detours and delays for vehicle traffic beginning June 24, 2020, weather permitting. The Roads Program project is scheduled to be completed by the week of August 21st with individual roads shimmed and paved during this time period. The following Roads are included in the 2020 Program:
Access to residences and businesses will be maintained for homeowners and authorized vehicles including deliveries, guests, business patrons, etc., however minor delays may occur. Traffic Control personnel will be in place and motorists are asked to proceed with caution and/or seek alternate routes when possible. Thank you for your patience and cooperation! Any questions can be directed to Durham Public Works at (603) 868-5578
OVERVIEW OF NH HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VISIT TO UNH CAMPUS IN DURHAM - The House will tentative return to Durham on June 30th.
On June 11, for the first time since the Civil War, the NH House of Representatives met outside of the State House, holding its session at UNH’s Whittemore Center, one of the few places large enough to host the 400 members while allowing safe social distancing.
View a short 2 min. video about the day HERE.
WILDCAT TRANSIT SERVICES REDUCTION - Upcoming public hearing scheduled for June 24th
Due to UNH budget reductions and the conclusion of NHDOT supplemental construction mitigation funding provided by the Little Bay Bridge project, Wildcat Transit will be making service reductions on all routes effective with the planned restart of service for the 2020-21 academic year in late August. Wildcat Transit will reduce service frequencies during both full service (including weekends) and reduced service periods. Visit our website at https://www.unh.edu/transportation/ for schedule details.
A public hearing, via Zoom, is scheduled to receive rider feedback on the anticipated service reductions. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 5:30 PM
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://unh.zoom.us/j/99655959645
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 996 5595 9645
If you cannot attend but wish to offer comment, send an email to Beverly Cray, Manager: mailto:Beverly.cray@unh.edu no later than July 21, 2020
Anyone requiring special accommodations must notify Beverly at least 5 days prior to the public hearing.
Aerial view of ORMS project. Courtesy of United Rentals (Luke Paquette)
One advantage of the early school closing is that Bauen and it's subcontractors have been able to spread out and work efficiently without traffic delays. So far, the civil construction has cleared and leveled the building footprint, built a large retaining wall on the back side of the property, and has completed about 1/3 of the foundation. In addition, 25 of 70 of the geothermal wells (500 ft deep) have been drilled. The aerial view shows the new school foundation in the background where the baseball field was previously located. The retaining wall photos show the wall which now rings the back side of the property to support the parking lot.
Foundation at ORMS project. Courtesy of Bauen Construction.
The Oyster River High School Class of 2020 had a beautiful day for its commencement ceremony on June 12.
The School Board has received thoughtful community input and a call to expand the school district's commitment to diversity and inclusion by taking specific steps towards anti-racism work now and in the future. This topic will be included in future board meetings.
The school district recognizes and thanks seven retirees on a combined 133+ years of service to our students! Congratulations and smooth sailing to Tony Lee, Virginia Swift, Christopher Hobson, Judy George, Susan Maziarz, Trudi Puffer, and Marilyn Winslow!
The school board also discussed its own performance in a self-evaluation discussion. Community feedback is always welcome and invited. An easy way is to email mailto:orcsdsb@orcsd.org.
PLANNING FOR THE FALL AT ORCSD – Oyster River teams up with Portsmouth School District
Asst. Superintendent Todd Allen reports that with the 2019-20 school year coming to an end, the attentions of ORCSD leadership and professional staff is turned to planning for the fall of 2020. There are many challenges in the COVID-19 World that the district must consider as it develops plans for a return to school.
Given the uncertainty caused by the virus, developing multiple parallel plans for return is necessary in-order to be ready to respond appropriately. Generally, there are three scenarios that Oyster River, along with school districts across the country, are taking-into-account as they prepare for the 20-21 school year.
1.) Do we have a full return to the in-person traditional model?
2.) Do we continue with the remote model that has been in place since March?
3.) Does a hybrid model that is a combination of in-person and remote learning make sense? All scenarios for a return to school involve significant planning in-order to be ready to implement and meet the needs of our students in the fall.
On June 15th and 16th a team of 50 ORCSD teachers and school leaders will be engaged in a 2-day collaborative workshop with the Portsmouth School District, facilitated by 2Revolutions, a professional development consultant that specializes in coaching local schools in dealing with change. Asst. Supt. Allen notes that the purpose of this effort will be to do a deep dive into planning for the fall with the intent of having an action plan to guide summer work that is based on best practices.
Significant value will be gained by working collaboratively with Portsmouth educators. Portsmouth is a similar sized district with similar demographics and challenges. The two districts will be able to act as critical friends for each other as they develop fall plans for a return to school
The New Hampshire Department of Education has issued guidance to assist local schools in safely opening their building for in-school summer programs. The guidance, drafted in cooperation with DHHS, Bureau of Public Health, Bureau of Infectious Disease Control and the Bureau of Special Medical Services, is designed to protect educators, staff, and students.
Recommendations include:
- Maintaining social distancing,
- Maintaining hand hygiene, sanitation, and illness policies.
- Use of washable/reusable masks,
- Providing safe drop-off/pick-up and meal procedures,
- Increasing time spent outside.
ABNORMALLY DRY WEATHER CONDITIONS PERSIST - NHDES is encouraging residential well users to conserve.
According to the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor released Thursday, the entire state of New Hampshire has been categorized as abnormally dry. Over the last 60 days, the state has received significantly less than normal precipitation. The majority of the northern half of the state including Belknap, Grafton, Carrol, and Coos counties have received 25 to 50% less precipitation than normal. To the south, the majority of Sullivan, Merrimack, Strafford, Rockingham, Hillsborough, and Cheshire counties have received 50 to 75% less precipitation than normal. The U.S. Monthly Drought Outlook for June indicates drought development is likely in these southern counties, as well as in southern Belknap County.
New Hampshire is approaching a stage of drought because rainfall over the last two months is about 60% of normal, and New Hampshire had a significantly less-than-average snowpack this past winter. Consequently, stream flows throughout the state are very low and if these weather trends continue, groundwater levels and water supply wells throughout the state will soon begin to be adversely impacted.
NHDES encourages those relying on private residential wells to begin conserving now. Due to COVID-19, people are at home more often, which means a higher than usual demand on residential well supplies. To protect your well supply, it is recommended that outdoor water use be limited and water use be staggered, allowing the well time to recharge between demands. As drought conditions develop, more municipalities and water utilities will impose outdoor water use restrictions.
Durham/UNH have an exceptionally robust public water system. We’ll keep an eye on it. With UNH out of session, our system demand right now is low, around 715,000 gallons per day compared to around 1.2 million when UNH is in session, which is small compared to our available system capacity. Per our water conservation plan, we would declare Stage 1 Drought Warning when the Lamprey River approaches 16 CFS, no substantial rain is in the forecast, and system demand hits 75% of the available capacity. We are still pumping from the Lamprey River as its been holding steady at 25-26 CFS.
THE BREAKFAST CYCLE LOOP! - A local bike ride suggestion from Town Councilor/School Board member Al Howland.
Town Councilor Al Howland has mapped out and ridden a really great bike route that residents may want to try. Durham Point makes it a little challenging, but the views make it worth the effort. Al did not have a GPS but his guess is this is around 13 miles. Two food options. Newmarket for first coffee … and then breakfast in downtown Durham.
View the map HERE.
As New Hampshire moves forward with phased re-openings under the state of emergency declaration, Eversource remains committed to providing whatever support it can to customers who may be experiencing financial hardship during these uncertain times.
Eversource is still offering flexible payment plans to all customers who are having difficulty paying their energy bill during the COVID-19 pandemic. While customers are not currently at immediate risk of losing service, these plans provide them with an important option whenever moratoriums on disconnections expire.
Eversource has begun proactively reaching out to its customers in need, who have a $75 past-due balance for more than 35 days, across multiple communication channels to ensure they are aware of and can participate in the company’s programs and protections – especially in advance of the phased re-openings. Eversource will not be reaching out to customers who are already on a payment plan.
Even if they’ve never needed help before, Eversource customers may call 1-800-662-7764 to discuss various payment plans, etc.
Nadine Perry, UNH Chief Diversity Officer and Associate Vice President for community, equity, and diversity. Courtesy UNH/Foster's
UNH has hired Nadine Petty, executive director of the Center for Diversity and Enrichment at the University of Iowa, as its next chief diversity officer and associate vice president for community, equity and diversity.
The chief diversity officer is a member of the university’s senior leadership management team. Petty will start at UNH Aug. 10.
Petty's extensive experience and work effecting change will play a critical role in helping UNH to identify the important steps it must take to create institutional change on campus.
While at Iowa, Petty collaborated with campus and community partners to lead and implement programming to enrich the campus experience of underrepresented students and facilitated diversity training for faculty, staff and students. Before going to Iowa, she served as the director of TRIO Student Support Services at the University of Louisville, where she earned her doctorate in educational leadership and organizational development.
Read a more complete account in Foster's Daily Democrat HERE.
The UNH community has compiled a guide to resources (books, movies, podcasts, organizations, etc.) for learning more about racial justice and equity. Click HERE to access.
New UNH projections indicate COVID-19 costs could create a budget deficit of up to $10 million when the university’s current fiscal year ends June 30, as well as a deficit of up to $30 million in the upcoming year as freshman enrollment is trending downward.
UNH President Jim Dean outlined the projections in a financial update he emailed university employees Monday.
HE attributed the potential $10 million deficit in fiscal year 2020 largely to the $27 million in refunds recently given to students due to UNH’s COVID-19 closures. Projections for the $30 million deficit in FY21 includes up to $20 million in expenses related to safely reopening the campus and additional losses expected because of a smaller incoming freshman class.
President Dean indicates UNH expects the size of the first-year class in Durham to be smaller based on the 2,742 deposits received by June 1, which was 3.1% smaller than the same date last year. Additionally, financial aid was increased to meet the needs of this incoming freshman class. With extraordinary COVID-19 costs and declining net tuition revenue, UNH is projecting a large operating deficit in FY 21 that could reach $30 million.
Public and private education institutions across the country are experiencing similar financial issues and enrollment declines due to COVID-19 and its economic impacts.
As UNH tentatively plans to open this fall, the latest projections are prompting additional cuts and changes to ensure fiscal health in the coming years. To read a more detailed account, check out an article in Foster’s Daily Democrat HERE.
The Public Works Department is teaming up with The Nature Conservancy New Hampshire Chapter’s volunteer Oyster Conservationist program to pilot a Durham Community Oyster Garden at the Town Landing off of Old Landing Road to engage Durham community members and improve the health of Great Bay and the Piscataqua Estuary through oyster restoration.
TNC will provide the Town with 3 oyster cages in late July that would be located along the water at the Town Landing and sit in the tidal portion of the Oyster River. The Town would “foster” them and volunteers could sign up to pull the cages up out of the water so that the oysters could be cleaned, counted and inspected. The Town and community members would then work with TNC over the summer to provide data to them at different intervals. TNC would collect the cages in late September so that the Oysters could be counted and measured and placed with their oyster restoration areas in the estuary. Public Works recently installed an educational panel at the Old Landing Park so the public can visit the site and learn about oyster restoration efforts.
Please contact Town Engineer April Talon at 603-868-5578 or atalon@ci.durham.nh.us for more information or if you are interested in signing up!
View more information regarding oyster reef restoration efforts HERE.
Water Lily at Old Reservoir and Oyster River. Courtesy Carol Birch
Applications for the NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund grant program will open online on June 11, and the deadline for applications is June 25 at 4:00 pm.
The NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund was established by Governor Chris Sununu through the Governor’s Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR). The State of New Hampshire will award grants from the allocated $60 million to help nonprofit organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority have partnered to administer this program.
More information about the application process, eligibility criteria, and upcoming informational webinars — to be hosted on June 11 and 15 — is available on the GOFERR website. Nonprofits are encouraged to complete an organizational profile as soon as possible. An online portal to complete the profile is also available at the GOFERR website. A completed profile is required as a first step to completing an application, and profiles may be completed before the application opens on June 11.
Grant funding is intended to reimburse the costs of business interruptions caused by required closures, and sustain nonprofits’ ability to contribute to the state’s recovery from the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak. Grants will not be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis; all applications will be evaluated based on program criteria. To receive funding, organizations must be recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The NH Nonprofit Emergency Relief Fund program supports three purpose areas:
- Nonprofit organizations that mitigate the critical public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis for residents who rely on those organizations for critical services. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations providing essential human services.
- Nonprofit organizations that contribute to economic, cultural, and civic vitality. This includes, but is not limited to, arts organizations, nonprofit community development corporations, economic development organizations and technical assistance providers, organizations that provide safe outdoor places for people to recreate, community-based organizations that deliver timely and sometimes life-saving information about COVID-19, and civic organizations that unite people across differences to find solutions.
Coalitions, networks, and collaboratives of nonprofit organizations that maximize cooperation and impact, and also speed the state’s distribution of funds to meet urgent needs.
The role of the Trustees of Trust Funds is to have custody of and administer the Town’s financial reserves and trusts. Trustees are elected directly by the voters, and not appointed by the Council, in order to assure the financial separation of the funds in their custody from other Town monies. In Durham, the Trustees also are involved with the management of two Town properties through trust funds left to care for those properties: Doe Farm and Smith Chapel. In addition, the Town Charter fixes the membership of the Cemetery Committee as the three Trustees and 3 members of the Town Council. Changes to the Charter approved by the Town at the March 2020 elections included the addition of up to 2 Alternate Trustees to the membership of the Trustees of Trust Funds. The Trustees are seeking residents interested in serving as Alternate Trustees.
The process for becoming an Alternate Trustee is:
- If interested in becoming an alternate trustee, e-mail the trustees at mailto:trustees@ci.durham.nh.us with your name and telephone number, or speak with one of the Trustees.
- The Chair of Trustees will call you to get started.
- If you decide to apply for appointment, you will need to prepare and submit to the Town Administrator an “Application for Board Appointment” which you can find HERE.
The nature of the Trustees’ responsibilities, including membership on the Cemetery Committee, requires some changes to the application process outlined on the application form:
- Meet with Chair of Trustees to be briefed on Trustees’ responsibilities.
- Attend at least one (preferably two) meeting(s) of the Trustees.
- Meet separately with the Chair of Cemetery Committee to receive a briefing on Cemetery Committee responsibilities; tour the cemetery with Cemetery Committee Chair to understand the burial process.
- Agree to attend NHDOJ seminar for Trustees in Concord (usually in May-June), and/or other workshops/training as appropriate.
- Attend the Council session for appointment as an Alternate Trustee.
- Trustees are elected by popular vote at town elections. In the event of a vacancy between elections, the Council appoints a Trustee for the remainder of the vacant term, and a new trustee is elected at the next town election, to serve the remainder of the uncompleted term.
- Alternate Trustees are appointed by the Town Council to a one-year term.
- The Trustees view service as an Alternate Trustee to be preparation for election or appointment as a Trustee.
- Notices of vacancy should include Town Facebook, Twitter accounts and Friday Updates.
August 15th was to be the 8th Annual Durham Farm Day but the Agricultural Commission has decided it is not safe for us to hold the event this year. Instead, we invite you to share your photos, sketches, and paintings of gardens and farms across town with the hope we can celebrate our working landscape together, visually and virtually. Please email your images to mailto:theresawalker@comcast.net
It is wonderful to see so many new gardens across town. The Agricultural Commission maintains an informal inventory of farms and gardens in Durham. If you would like to be added to the list, please email Agricultural Commission member Dan Winans, mailto:dan.winans@unh.edu
Openings are currently available in the following programs:
Art Camps (Grades 2-12): July 13-17 and July 20-24
Theatre Camps (Grades 1-12): July 6-10
Also visit our NH 4-H Virtual Community Center for new activities each week from hands-on learning, service projects, and fun challenges.
Map of the Lord Property.
The Nature Conservancy has acquired two important tracts of land in Durham which will now be preserved: the 10.5-acre Lord Tract and the 30-acre Walker Tract. The Lord tract includes almost a third of a mile of frontage on the pristine Lamprey River and abuts the 233-acre Lamprey River Preserve which is also owned by the conservancy. The preserve supports diverse wildlife habitat (for fish, birds, turtles, and mussels), rare plant species, and extensive forest cover. The Lamprey River is the largest tributary to the Great Bay estuary and is critical to maintaining water quality in the bay.
The Walker Tract abuts the conservancy’s 282-acre Lubberland Creek Preserve, the Town’s Sweet Trail and protected Willey Parcel, and land owned by New Hampshire Fish and Game. Lubberland Creek is a series of open water impoundments created by a series of beaver dams. There are vernal pools, small swamps, and numerous large boulders in the neighboring forest areas.
The Town of Durham contributed $15,000 toward the purchase of the Lord tract and $5,000 for the Walker tract. These donations were a small percentage of the overall cost but helped to leverage the acquisitions. The Conservation Commission allocated the money from the Town’s Conservation Fund following a public hearing. The Nature Conservancy covered the bulk of the cost through state grants and private fund-raising.
Growing food for your family and for others is a good response to the disruptions in food availability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Durham Agricultural Commission believes there are specific steps we can all take to increase our food self-sufficiency and food security:
- Expand the number of home gardens in Durham, to increase cooperative and collaborative food production efforts between neighbors and across neighborhoods;
- Support our robust local food system, including Emery Farm, Tecce Farm, Durham Farmers’ Market, farm stands, food delivery programs offered by farms in the region, and purchasing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares from local farms; use the search tool developed by Seacoast Eat Local to find local food producers;
- Ensure animal agriculture and the integration of plant and animal agriculture and gardening is available to suit the needs and interests of townspeople.
Recognizing that today, with so many working from home and directed to do so, all zoning in town is now mixed use, as most residences are also workplaces. To further enhance food security, we need to plan for more agriculture, not around it. The Agricultural Commission is working with the Planning Board to enable food production that encourages self-reliance and supports the community at large.
If you are already growing food on your property and have food or other gardening resources to share with others, please let us know and we will help spread the word. If you are not sure about what you can do to start a vegetable garden in your yard, please look at the Winans’ inspirational front yard at 109 Madbury Road! In addition, there are many gardening resources on the Agricultural Commission page on the Town’s website.
Please contact the Agricultural Commission for more information, mailto:theresawalker@comcast.net.
The Planning Board received an application for an addition to Bagdad Wood, the senior development at the corner of Madbury Road and Bagdad Road. Bagdad Wood includes 40 independent dwelling units (36 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom units) for seniors 62 and over and handicapped/disabled residents. The proposed addition will be three stories and include 26 apartments (23 one-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom units). The addition will be situated at the rear and match the architectural design of the existing building. The current 41-space parking lot will be reconfigured to accommodate 74 spaces. The site is owned by Housing Initiatives of New England, a nonprofit organization that develops and owns affordable housing for seniors in New Hampshire and Maine. The plan will be presented to the board this Wednesday, June 24. View the documents related to the application HERE.
This week’s Scavenger Hunt features turtles and snakes. With the warm weather and on-set of the month of June, turtles are on the move looking for nest sites, which means they are crossing roads. And snakes often seek out warm pavement for daytime basking. So, keep an eye out as you walk, cycle, or drive on local roads.
Two weekends ago, for example, Mr. Selig and one of his daughters witnessed one of Durham's police officers pulled over with vehicle blue lights on to ensure a large turtle could safely cross Coe Drive!
Click HERE for this week’s tips on identifying some of the turtles and snakes you might encounter and what to do if you do. We encourage people to bicycle local roads or stroll around your neighborhood. Whether on foot or bike, a reminder to maintain appropriate social distancing, which generally means keeping you (and your dog) at least six feet away from others. Enjoy and Stay Safe.
Trail maps for Durham conservation areas are available at: https://www.ci.durham.nh.us/trails/trail-maps. Find previous Scavenger Hunts HERE.
Are you looking for a chance to get outside during COVID-19 and help with a stewardship project? Land Stewardship Coordinator Ellen Snyder is seeking volunteers who want to spend one to two hours pulling invasive buckthorn seedlings and small saplings at Durham’s Thompson Forest on Wednesday Hill Road. You can learn about invasive plants and this effort to restore the woods to native plants. This is a great activity for individuals or families; this won’t be a group activity as we need to maintain a 10-foot distance. Volunteers just need to bring their own gloves and water bottle and dress for being in the woods. The best time to do this activity is a weekday between 8 am and 11 am to avoid the heat of the day. If interested, contact Ellen at mailto:ellensnyder1@gmail.com to arrange a time.
Beauty is everywhere in Durham! Courtesy Todd Selig
DID YOU KNOW? - A tidbit from the Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee
The Juicery uses all compostable paper products, straws, cups and utensils. If you bring your compost to the transfer station or compost at your home with Mr. Fox, please consider composting these items when you order take out at their store.
It’s important NOT to put these compostable items in the recycling or trash! If you do this, compostable items become trash and add to the problem of too much waste. (Note: By composting these items in commercial compost (transfer station, Mr. Fox) you do not need to clean them out - it’s okay if they have food on them. You can throw it all in compost together! Also, compostable paper products cannot be put in a backyard compost system - they will not break down!).
***If you are a small business that composts, let us know and we will highlight you in future DYKs? Thanks!
Postal carrier John Pacheco found this creation while delivering mail to customers on Mill Pond Road.
Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.
Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.
Limited library services are set to expand beginning June 29th. Additional information is coming soon!
Get Ready for Summer Reading at Durham Public Library!
This summer’s “Imagine Your Story” Youth Summer Reading program is for ages 0-12 and runs from Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 31st!
Register ONLINE at http://www.durhampubliclibrary.org/ beginning June 15th! Summer reading is going to look different this year. Instead of in-person programs, we’re going virtual! Check out the library website for more information about how to participate in our programs. View a preview video of the upcoming programs HERE!
Programs will be presented using Zoom. To ensure security and safety using this platform, registration is required for all virtual events. Once you have registered, a link will be sent to you to access the program. Visit http://www.durhampubliclibrary.org/ to register!
2020 Summer Reading Programs at Durham, Lee, and Madbury Public Libraries
Special Joint Events:
Thursday, June 25th, 10:30 am
Science Tellers Zoom Party
Thursday July 9th, 10:30 am
Wildlife Encounters
Wednesday July 15, 10:30 am or 11:30
Marine Mammal Rescue with Seacoast Science Center
Thursday July 23, 10:30 am
Chain Reactions (Rube Goldberg Machines)
Finale Event
Friday July 23, 10:30 am
Simon Brooks
Virtual Story Times
Mondays, 10:30 am | Madbury Library
Tuesdays, 10:30 am | Durham Public Library
Wednesdays, 10:30 am | Lee Library
Our Adult Summer Reading Challenge is back!
In addition to some great virtual programs, DPL’s Adult Summer Reading Challenge card will be available beginning June 15th and will continue through the 5 weeks of summer reading!
- Challenge cards will be available in our lobby, for pick-up with your reserves and a pdf version is available on our website!
- Complete one or all of the 12 “Imagine Your Story” reading challenges and receive a raffle ticket for our summer reading tote and library swag! 1 ticket for each challenge completed!
- Return the card in our outdoor book drop, in the lobby drop or email us your completed challenges at mailto:durhampl@gmail.com
Drawings will be held each week of summer reading!
Durham Public Library is thrilled to now offer new digital services to our patrons, just in time for summer!
Kanopy is an on-demand film streaming service now available for free at Durham Public Library. Library card holders can sign up to start streaming more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema with collections from Umbrella Entertainment, Madman Entertainment, Under the Milky Way, SND Films, Great Courses, Kanopy Kids and thousands of independent filmmakers. Kanopy is free for users with a DPL library card and all cardholders may check out six titles per month. Visit our website at http://www.durhampubliclibrary.org/ to start watching today!
hoopla is an all-in-one media service where you can browse 700,000+ titles in six different formats—audiobooks, eBooks, comics/graphic novels, full music albums, movies, and TV—and instantly borrow, then download or stream, the titles of your choice!You can access the title you borrow instantly on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. With hoopla, there are no holds or waiting! Patrons may borrow six titles per month per library cardholder. You will need your library barcode, a valid email address and your library password/pin to set up your account. Visit us at http://www.durhampubliclibrary.org/ to get started!
HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)
Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."
1976 - Fishing preceded colonization in New England by many centuries, and fish and fishing have continued to be important to Durham. In may, a fish ladder over the Mill Pond dam was dedicated. This structure is remarkable in the seacoast region in that it is partially financed by the town.
If you know of others who might find Durham's weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. It's possible to sign up for them HERE.
Have a very nice weekend ... and Happy Father's Day! :)
Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham, NH
a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA
t: 603.868.5571 | w: www.ci.durham.nh.us
He/him/his pronouns
Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?