Friday Updates - June 26, 2020


Friday, June 26, 2020


Sunset on oyster river at Jackson’s Landing. Courtesy Todd Selig


A Heartfelt Thank you and Goodbye from DPW Director, Mike Lynch

"I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of cards, notes, gifts, etc. sent to me from members of the community. I thank all of you for taking the time to write such kind words and offer best wishes in my retirement. After 43 years I can sincerely say I will miss working for you. I consider myself lucky to have had a career serving the Durham community. Goodbye and thanks again to all; it has been a pleasure."



Due to the July 4th holiday, there will be no Friday Updates published next week. The next publication will be on Friday, July 10, 2020.

THE TRANSFER STATION AND RECYCLING CENTER WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY, JULY 4TH. All Town offices are closed on Friday, July 3rd. There will be no commercial recycling collection on Friday, July 3rd.  



University of New Hampshire campuses will reopen to students starting Aug. 10, doing so with a number of changes and restrictions university officials say will ensure safety during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Precautionary changes include: reducing residence hall capacity by an estimated 20%, eliminating triple and quad rooms in the process; reserving two dorms for quarantine housing; mandatory facemasks; a stay-at-home policy for anyone who is ill; reducing dining hall capacity and new to-go meal options; a mixture of in-person and online courses, plus various course changes to comply with social distancing recommendations; remote learning approval processes for vulnerable students; and more.

Read a full story about the University’s planning efforts in Seacoast Online HERE.


VOTER REGISTRATION:  Election officials in Durham would like to encourage everyone who can legally vote in Durham and has not yet registered, to consider doing it as soon as possible. We don’t know where we will stand with COVID-19 in the fall, but we would like all who are entitled to vote here to be able to do so safely.  

Voter registration can be done in person at the town hall (while social distancing and wearing a mask, of course) or absentee. If you come in person you will be asked to show proof of identification, age (18 by the September 8 election), citizenship (passport or naturalization papers), and domicile within Durham. Affidavits may be signed in the absence of proofs. This may be done up until about 10 days before the election. To register absentee, please call the town clerk’s office (868-5577) and ask for the absentee registration packet. Read the instructions carefully. Make sure all forms in the packet are completed and signed (some need to be witnessed, but not by a notary) before returning the necessary forms along with required proofs. Instructions are in the packet.

Voters are also being urged to vote absentee this year. Normally the majority of us would choose to vote in person, but this year, because of COVID-19, voters who are leery of COVID-19 may consider it a physical disability and do both registration and voting by absentee. An absentee ballot request form can be found on Durham’s website ( )or the secretary of State’s website ( Completed forms should be sent or brought to the Durham town clerk’s office. One should be filled out for EACH election. The ballots will be sent to you when available.

June 2 was the last day to change party in New Hampshire before the State Primary on September 8. If you wish to check your standing, you may do so at If this does not reflect what you think it should, please call the town clerk’s office. They will direct you to a supervisor.



Funded as a result of a competitive NHDES Coastal Program grant the Town pursued and obtained last year in cooperation with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC), the project goal is to strengthen Durham's resilience to climate change by developing a master plan chapter that offers innovative solutions and implementable actions to inform future land use decisions in order to reduce public and private risk and vulnerability. This is a staff-initiative in pursuit of Council goals and will be delivered in near-final form to the Planning Board for review and adoption. It’s NOT intended to be a heavy lift for the board and it is NOT intended to be a long, drawn out multi-year Master Plan process. We’re working to align and update the many initiatives we already have in place into an up to date Master Plan chapter.  

Task 1: Review Existing Data. Resources, and Plans 

SRPC, with assistance from Town staff, will prepare a summary of existing climate science data, adaptation guidance and resources, and local planning reports and vulnerability studies (as you know, Durham has been VERY proactive to date and we'll review what we have done so far). This will also include any other relevant local or regional research and case studies to ensure project team members have a shared understanding of current climate science and prior local efforts. This exercise will also identify information gaps that need to be addressed through community outreach or future research.

Task 2: Determine Climate Topics and Chapter Framework  

Upon completion of Task 1, SRPC, with Town staff, UNH Extension, and NH Sea Grant, will host at least two stakeholder input sessions to brainstorm a range of climate-related impacts and coastal hazards that should be included and addressed in the chapter. 

Task 3: Draft Master Plan Chapter

SRPC and Town staff will draft the master plan chapter. During this process, project staff will meet with the Durham Leadership Team to provide progress reports and solicit feedback and general guidance for the chapter. The Town Planner will provide regular progress reports to the Planning Board and communicate their input to SRPC. Members of the Agriculture Commission, Conservation Commission, and Energy Committee will also be invited to provide comments and input during the process.

Task 4: Public Input Sessions (approx. late-fall)

Once there is a working draft of the chapter, SRPC, Town staff, UNH Extension, and NH Sea Grant will host up to two public input sessions designed to seek input from community members using an engaged and focused approach. 

Task 5: Final Master Plan Chapter Revisions and Preparation for Adoption (January – June 2021) Based on the public input results, SRPC and Town staff will incorporate appropriate revisions and develop the final recommendations and implementation plan. Meetings with the Planning Board will be scheduled as needed to solicit comments and schedule a public hearing for potential adoption. 


Durham resident Maggie Moore took this photograph of a beautiful double rainbow arching over Beech Hill on June 6, 2020.


DURHAM FARMERS' MARKET - Each Monday Afternoon in the Sammy's Downtown Lot off Pettee Brook Lane

The Durham Farmers' Market is now open again this season on Monday afternoons through Monday, October 5, 2020 from 2:15- 5:30, closing 1/2 hour earlier than previous years. Vendors will adhere to predetermined sanitation and Covid 19 prevention standards. 

Customers are requested to wear masks, maintain 6’ distance from others, and send only one person per household to shop if possible.  

The market has several new vendors participating this year and they are pleased to have prepared food, maple products (including ice cream!), garden plants, and assorted vegetables available.  

One positive aspect is that folks can walk downtown to access the market and while they are there, shop/eat in other downtown establishments. 



The Durham Police wanted to alert residents that they are investigating 15 reports of thefts from mail boxes over the past several weeks. It appears that most of the thefts are outgoing mail but there have been several thefts from mailboxes that were delivered mail. The majority of the thefts have occurred on Cedar Point Road, Shearwater, Newmarket Road, Sunnyside as well as Simons Lane.  

One of the challenges with stolen mail is that often residents have no idea that there has been a theft unless they are expecting mail and do not receive the item. Residents should be alert and report any suspicious activity to the Durham Police at 603-868-2324.


GET PUMPED NEW HAMPSHIRE - Don't Wait for a Failure to Schedule a Septic System Pump Out

Every home generates wastewater – via toilets, showers, sink drains, and dish and clothes washers – which must be treated and disposed of properly to protect human health and the environment.

Read more about septic system maintenance HERE.


WHY IS PET WASTE A PROBLEM? - Do Your Part, Scoop the Poop!

Many NH towns have over 1,000 dogs living in them, and each dog "goes" once or twice a day. That's a lot of poop! Not only is it gross when it's left around, but it can be dangerous. Harmful bacteria and parasites - such as Giardia or Salmonella - that live in pet waste, can come in contact with other people and pets or wash into nearby waterways or storm drains.

Picking up our pet's waste and throwing it out is a small change than can make a big difference in keeping our waters clean.

Five small changes that make a big difference:

  • Always carry a plastic bag when you walk your dog.
  • Always pick up that poop.
  • Always dispose of in in a trash can.
  • Never put bagged or unbagged waste in a storm drain.



As most residents are aware, DPW had to curtail its regular curbside Spring Cleanup that was scheduled in April due to the virus. Staff had split schedules making it difficult to manage and the administration agreed it was not safe to expose staff to the potential of contaminants on items brought out from homes throughout the community. In lieu of the curbside cleanup, the Town opened the Transfer Station for 6 days for residents to bring in what they would have put out without needing to purchase a bulky waste coupon. 

During the 6 days of resident bulky drop off we had 1,193 vehicles come to the Transfer Station dropping off 135 tons of material! To offer some perspective, in previous years during Spring Cleanup conducted curbside we collected between 50-80 tons of material.

DPW has received a great deal of positive feedback about the program this year and given the increased usage of the service as evidenced by the tonnage figures above, there is some consideration being given to phasing out the curbside pickup altogether and instead instituting the same program as utilized this year.

It would represent a tremendous savings in terms of staff time -- typically requiring the Highway Crew and two heavy pieces of equipment for upwards of a month, taking them away from other tasks.

We'd love your feedback concerning this idea. Please send emails to Doug Bullen, Assistant DPW Director for Operations at


TRANSFER STATION UPDATE - Limiting the # of vehicles to achieve social distancing guidelines.

Because of the Governor's latest Covid-19 update, the Town is upping the allowable maximum vehicles from 10 ... to ... 15 cars at a time at the Transfer Station. 

We recommend wearing masks and expect visitors to respect social distancing. 

The Swap Shop will remain closed for the time being. If trends continue to move in a positive direction, it is possible that the Swap Shop may open in the fall.  



A full road closure and Bunker Creek bridge replacement is scheduled to begin at midnight on July 19, 2020 and anticipated to last through July 24, 2020. 


Progress since last update:

  • Reconstruction of 700 feet of roadway on eastern side of the bridge to Morgan Way.
  • Reconstruction of 450 feet of roadway on the western side of the bridge.  

Upcoming work:

  • Preparation for road closure and bridge replacement - July 1 – 17
  • Road closure and bridge replacement - week of July 20th, anticipated to be 5 days



At its meeting on Wednesday the Planning Board approved a small mixed-use building on the Harmony Homes site off Route 4.  The structure will include seven one-bedroom apartments which will be rented to employees of Harmony Homes, office space for training for Harmony Homes, and a small day care facility for employees.  Owner John Randolph has discussed the difficulty of finding employees in this market and decided to build apartments on site to attract workers.  The building was designed by architect Maggie Randolph and will incorporate similar colors and materials as the main facility.  

The board reviewed a new application for a large addition to the Bagdad Wood facility on Madbury Road (at Bagdad Road).  The site provides affordable housing for seniors aged 62 and over and handicapped/disabled people.  A public hearing will be held on July 8 and the board is holding a site walk on July 8 at 4:00 pm.  The public is welcome to attend all site walks.   The board discussed the report on property values related to the proposed Mill Plaza project.  Numerous residents provided comments on the report.  The Mill Plaza public hearing will continue on July 22 when the traffic study will be reviewed (if it is ready).

If you would like to email notices about Planning Board agendas and actions please send a note to Town Planner Michael Behrendt at



Did you know that you can have a healthy, green lawn that is both attractive and safer for the environment?

Some lawn care practices create local water quality problems. Excess nutrients (including nitrogen and phosphorus found in fertilizers) that run off our properties into nearby waterbodies can trigger harmful algal blooms. Many of us enjoy the time we spend working on our lawns and are willing to try new practices as long as our lawns continue to look good. Below are some simple and easy tips, customized for northern New England, that can lead to Green Grass & Clear Water.

Choose the right grass seed. The best seed mixes include low maintenance varieties with higher % of fine-leaf fescues and turf - or compact-type tall fescues, and lower % of Kentucky bluegrass and perennial rye grass.

Mow smart. Leave grass at least 3” high. Cut no more than one-third (1/3) of the blade each time you mow to encourage longer, stronger roots. Leave the grass clippings after mowing so they can return nutrients to the soil.

Have your soil tested. To learn more about specific characteristics and needs of your lawn, contact UNH Cooperative Extension HERE.

Don’t overwater. 1” of water per week (from rain or irrigation) is usually enough. Overwatering can cause nutrients to move out of root zones and into waterbodies or groundwater.

Only if your lawn requires added nutrients from fertilizer:

Avoid overapplying. Measure the area where you plan to apply and calculate the square footage. For lawns 10+ years old, apply half (1/2) the amount recommended for your square area one time per season. New lawns may need another application. Apply no more than 4 times per season.

Choose the right fertilizer. Select fertilizers with zero or low phosphorus unless a soil test says otherwise. Slow release nitrogen fertilizer is generally preferable. Over applying fertilizer (any type) can cause water quality issues.

Know when and where to apply. Apply only after spring “green up” and before mid-September. Avoid applying in mid-summer. Never apply near waterbodies or storm drains.

View more details about these tips and others HERE.


Drones are flown by a two-person crew in rights of way — one person operates the drone (shown here) and the other keeps the drone operator informed of any special conditions or hazards during the inspections. Courtesy Eversource


Eversource has announced that it has hired Mesa Associates to conduct inspections of its transmission lines using drones, due to the quality of the information gathered using this method. Mesa Associates crews have recently started or will soon be performing these inspections on a transmission line in Durham.  Flight times are between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., weather permitting.


At this time, Eversource is not mailing notices to property owners who abut their transmission corridors since the inspections are being performed entirely within the right-of-way.  They are also low profile; crews use regular pick-up trucks and spend about five minutes at each transmission structure. 


A member of the drone inspection project team is monitoring the daily locations of crews and reaching out to property owners with general information as the inspections continue.

View more information describing the scope of work and Frequently Asked Questions HERE.



The Public Works Department is looking for a team player to work in our Buildings and Grounds Division. Eligible applicants must have a Commercial Driver’s License, class B or better, and a high school degree or GED equivalent.  Landscaping experience a must, experience operating heavy equipment including snow plow equipment also necessary. General construction and building maintenance skills are needed for this versatile position. Must be able to lift 50lbs, work independently, willing to perform in various working conditions and be on call for 24-hour emergency operations such as snow plowing. Hourly wages $20.32/HR, plus overtime.  

This position offers excellent medical, dental, life and disability coverage, eleven paid holidays per year, State retirement, plus a sick leave incentive program.  

Applications are available at the Public Works office or online at Qualified applicants must submit resume and application to the Public Works Department at below address no later than July 6, 2020.

Doug Bullen

Assistant Director for Operations

100 Stone Quarry Drive

Durham NH  03824


TRAFFIC/CONSTRUCTION ADVISORY - Town of Durham Public Works 2020 Roads Program Improvements

Please be advised that the Town of Durham Public Work’s roadway contractors for the 2020 Roadway Improvement Project will begin roadway and drainage construction improvements requiring alternate lane traffic patterns, detours and delays for vehicle traffic beginning June 24, 2020, weather permitting. The Roads Program project is scheduled to be completed by the week of August 21st with individual roads shimmed and paved during this time period. The following Roads are included in the 2020 Program:

Access to residences and businesses will be maintained for homeowners and authorized vehicles including deliveries, guests, business patrons, etc., however minor delays may occur. Traffic Control personnel will be in place and motorists are asked to proceed with caution and/or seek alternate routes when possible. Thank you for your patience and cooperation! Any questions can be directed to Durham Public Works at (603) 868-5578


ABNORMALLY DRY WEATHER CONDITIONS PERSIST - NHDES is encouraging residential well users to conserve.

According to the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor released Thursday, the entire state of New Hampshire has been categorized as abnormally dry. Over the last 60 days, the state has received significantly less than normal precipitation. The majority of the northern half of the state including Belknap, Grafton, Carrol, and Coos counties have received 25 to 50% less precipitation than normal. To the south, the majority of Sullivan, Merrimack, Strafford, Rockingham, Hillsborough, and Cheshire counties have received 50 to 75% less precipitation than normal. The U.S. Monthly Drought Outlook for June indicates drought development is likely in these southern counties, as well as in southern Belknap County.

New Hampshire is approaching a stage of drought because rainfall over the last two months is about 60% of normal, and New Hampshire had a significantly less-than-average snowpack this past winter. Consequently, stream flows throughout the state are very low and if these weather trends continue, groundwater levels and water supply wells throughout the state will soon begin to be adversely impacted. 


NHDES encourages those relying on private residential wells to begin conserving now. Due to COVID-19, people are at home more often, which means a higher than usual demand on residential well supplies. To protect your well supply, it is recommended that outdoor water use be limited and water use be staggered, allowing the well time to recharge between demands. As drought conditions develop, more municipalities and water utilities will impose outdoor water use restrictions. 

Durham/UNH have an exceptionally robust public water system. We’ll keep an eye on it.  With UNH out of session, our system demand right now is low, around 715,000 gallons per day compared to around 1.2 million when UNH is in session, which is small compared to our available system capacity. Per our water conservation plan, we would declare Stage 1 Drought Warning when the Lamprey River approaches 16 CFS, no substantial rain is in the forecast, and system demand hits 75% of the available capacity. We are still pumping from the Lamprey River as its been holding steady at 25-26 CFS.


A stinkpot turtle sunning itself at the pond. Courtesy Carol Birch


THE BREAKFAST CYCLE LOOP! - A local bike ride suggestion from Town Councilor/School Board member Al Howland.

Town Councilor Al Howland has mapped out and ridden a really great bike route that residents may want to try.  Durham Point makes it a little challenging, but the views make it worth the effort. Al did not have a GPS but his guess is this is around 13 miles. Two food options. Newmarket for first coffee … and then breakfast in downtown Durham.

View the map HERE.



As New Hampshire moves forward with phased re-openings under the state of emergency declaration, Eversource remains committed to providing whatever support it can to customers who may be experiencing financial hardship during these uncertain times. 

Eversource is still offering flexible payment plans to all customers who are having difficulty paying their energy bill during the COVID-19 pandemic. While customers are not currently at immediate risk of losing service, these plans provide them with an important option whenever moratoriums on disconnections expire.

Eversource has begun proactively reaching out to its customers in need, who have a $75 past-due balance for more than 35 days, across multiple communication channels to ensure they are aware of and can participate in the company’s programs and protections – especially in advance of the phased re-openings. Eversource will not be reaching out to customers who are already on a payment plan. 

Even if they’ve never needed help before, Eversource customers may call 1-800-662-7764 to discuss various payment plans, etc.



For several weeks via Friday Updates, the Durham Police have been discussing ways in which the agency can demonstrate transparency to the residents of Durham.  While the Chief Kurz has committed to remain transparent, in this time and place of seeking ways to reform the police, Chief Kurz and his staff are reviewing ways to enhance that transparency with the community it serves.  In that quest, visitors to the Town of Durham website will find the “Police” section and to the right is a menu with the third line down stating, “Department Policies”.  By using this link you will be immediately directed to that section:

This initiative is the result of a number of meetings with senior staff to provide an array of policies which were determined to be the most topical to today’s questions residents may have about professional policing.  One disclaimer pertains to several policies that are deliberately not added.  For instance, activity involving how officers respond to a bank alarm or a hostage/barricaded situation are simply not appropriate to publicly circulate in this fashion.  

Residents will hopefully note that due to the accredited status of the Durham Police, many of the procedures that are being discussed for inclusion in police policies in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder have always been in the Durham policy manual as these have long been deemed “best practice”.  Such edicts pertaining to the duty to intervene for instance as well as exhausting all de-escalation techniques has always been the practice and requirements of Durham Police.  

The Durham Police have long recognized the public trust bestowed upon them when the Town Code provides the agency with “police authority” and will continue to provide transparency and maintain an open dialog with those we serve.



The UNH community has compiled a guide to resources (books, movies, podcasts, organizations, etc.) for learning more about racial justice and equity. Click HERE to access.



The Public Works Department is teaming up with The Nature Conservancy New Hampshire Chapter’s volunteer Oyster Conservationist program to pilot a Durham Community Oyster Garden at the Town Landing off of Old Landing Road to engage Durham community members and improve the health of Great Bay and the Piscataqua Estuary through oyster restoration.

TNC will provide the Town with 3 oyster cages in late July that would be located along the water at the Town Landing and sit in the tidal portion of the Oyster River. The Town would “foster” them and volunteers could sign up to pull the cages up out of the water so that the oysters could be cleaned, counted and inspected. The Town and community members would then work with TNC over the summer to provide data to them at different intervals. TNC would collect the cages in late September so that the Oysters could be counted and measured and placed with their oyster restoration areas in the estuary. Public Works recently installed an educational panel at the Old Landing Park so the public can visit the site and learn about oyster restoration efforts.

Please contact Town Engineer April Talon at 603-868-5578 or for more information or if you are interested in signing up!

View more information regarding oyster reef restoration efforts HERE


An informative sign about the UNH Emerald ash borer study at Doe Farm, attached to one of the green ash study trees. Courtesy Ellen Snyder


Provided by Todd Johnson, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Natural Resources and the Environment, UNH.

At the beginning of June, we initiated our research project (see Todd’s presentation to the Land Stewardship Subcommittee HERE) on the invasive beetle known as the emerald ash borer at Doe Farm. Our project is part of a larger study across multiple field sites evaluating how as green and white ash get older (and bigger), they may differ in their ability to defend themselves against the beetle. We are also studying how tree age and size may influence how likely the emerald ash borer is to be parasitized by specialized parasitoid wasps that have been released as part of management programs against the beetle throughout the United States (learn more about emerald ash borer management in NH HERE.

Read Todd’s full update HERE.



The role of the Trustees of Trust Funds is to have custody of and administer the Town’s financial reserves and trusts. Trustees are elected directly by the voters, and not appointed by the Council, in order to assure the financial separation of the funds in their custody from other Town monies. In Durham, the Trustees also are involved with the management of two Town properties through trust funds left to care for those properties: Doe Farm and Smith Chapel. In addition, the Town Charter fixes the membership of the Cemetery Committee as the three Trustees and 3 members of the Town Council. Changes to the Charter approved by the Town at the March 2020 elections included the addition of up to 2 Alternate Trustees to the membership of the Trustees of Trust Funds. The Trustees are seeking residents interested in serving as Alternate Trustees.

The process for becoming an Alternate Trustee is:

  1. If interested in becoming an alternate trustee, e-mail the trustees at with your name and telephone number, or speak with one of the Trustees.
  2. The Chair of Trustees will call you to get started.
  3. If you decide to apply for appointment, you will need to prepare and submit to the Town Administrator an “Application for Board Appointment” which you can find HERE.

The nature of the Trustees’ responsibilities, including membership on the Cemetery Committee, requires some changes to the application process outlined on the application form:

  1. Meet with Chair of Trustees to be briefed on Trustees’ responsibilities.
  2. Attend at least one (preferably two) meeting(s) of the Trustees.
  3. Meet separately with the Chair of Cemetery Committee to receive a briefing on Cemetery Committee responsibilities; tour the cemetery with Cemetery Committee Chair to understand the burial process.
  4. Agree to attend NHDOJ seminar for Trustees in Concord (usually in May-June), and/or other workshops/training as appropriate.
  5. Attend the Council session for appointment as an Alternate Trustee.


  • Trustees are elected by popular vote at town elections. In the event of a vacancy between elections, the Council appoints a Trustee for the remainder of the vacant term, and a new trustee is elected at the next town election, to serve the remainder of the uncompleted term.
  • Alternate Trustees are appointed by the Town Council to a one-year term.
  • The Trustees view service as an Alternate Trustee to be preparation for election or appointment as a Trustee. 
  • Notices of vacancy should include Town Facebook, Twitter accounts and Friday Updates. 



August 15th was to be the 8th Annual Durham Farm Day but the Agricultural Commission has decided it is not safe for us to hold the event this year. Instead, we invite you to share your photos, sketches, and paintings of gardens and farms across town with the hope we can celebrate our working landscape together, visually and virtually. Please email your images to

It is wonderful to see so many new gardens across town. The Agricultural Commission maintains an informal inventory of farms and gardens in Durham. If you would like to be added to the list, please email Agricultural Commission member Dan Winans,



Strafford Regional Planning Commission has coordinated with the Town for a study on the impacts of groundwater levels and water quality in Durham from projected sea level rise. This will be an important analysis and a fascinating one to determine potential impacts on wells, septic systems, roads, utilities, and other infrastructure. Jayne Knott, the consultant with JFK Environmental Services, will give a presentation on the project to the Conservation Commission on July 27. The Town will pay only a nominal amount for the complex study (interest only on a forgivable loan from the state). The above generic image (from shows how saltwater underlies groundwater in many locations near the coast and how saltwater is expected to penetrate further with sea level rise.



Openings are currently available in the following programs:

Art Camps (Grades 2-12): July 13-17 and July 20-24

Theatre Camps (Grades 1-12): July 6-10

Also visit our NH 4-H Virtual Community Center for new activities each week from hands-on learning, service projects, and fun challenges.


DID YOU KNOW? - A tidbit from the Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee

The Durham Transfer Station collects plastics for recycling. Plastic items should all have a triangle on them with a number inside. The chart below explains the different types of plastics and gives examples of each. 





Did you know that the Town has a Facebook & Twitter account and frequently posts Durham & UNH news, happenings, and articles of interest in our area and the seacoast?

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.




Durham Parks and Recreation, its Director and Committee, strive to offer a wide range of quality programs, parks, and facilities that encourage all community members to participate in healthy, fun, and enriching activities. Together, they celebrate the essential role public recreation plays in fostering a cohesive and vibrant community.


Limited library services are expanding beginning Monday! We have missed you all!

Beginning June 29th, the Library will be open for 20-minute visits to the Library for quick browsing and checkouts and the use of computers, printer, and copy machine. Notary services are available by appointment only. Meeting rooms and the Café will remain closed until further notice.  

During this phase of reopening we are limiting the number of patrons in the building to no more than 50% of our normal comfortable browsing capacity on the main floor. We also request that anyone using the Library do so wearing a cloth mask or face covering. Masks will be available to patrons who request them. Currently, we are requesting that patrons not gather or congregate in the Library. 

Our contactless “Library to-go” services will continue. Please check the website at for more information including exclusive hours for high-risk patrons. 



Adult Summer Reading Challenge is back!

Our DPL Adult Summer Reading Challenge has begun and will continue through the 5 weeks of summer reading! The first drawing will be held Friday, July 3rd. 

  • Challenge cards will be available in our lobby, for pick-up with your reserves and a pdf version is available on our website! 
  • Complete one or all of the 12 “Imagine Your Story” reading challenges and receive a raffle ticket for our summer reading tote and library swag! 1 ticket for each challenge completed!
  • Return the card in our outdoor book drop, in the lobby drop or email us your completed challenges at
  • Drawings will be held at the end of each of the 5 weeks. 

Don’t forget to check the Upcoming Events page on our website to register for some great virtual events including classical and digital music lectures and free live creative cooking courses!


Summer Reading begins Monday at Durham Public Library!

This summer’s “Imagine Your Story” Youth Summer Reading program is for ages 0-12 and runs from Monday, June 29th – Friday, July 31st!

Register ONLINE at beginning June 15th and continuing through summer reading. This year we’re going virtual! Check out the library website children’s and young adult pages for more information about how to participate in our programs and for information on this week’s events.

  • YA Monday: Art Studio on Monday, June 29th 4:00-5:00 pm
  • Summer Storytimes: Fairy Tales (Zoom and craft to go) on Tuesday, July 30th at 10:30 am
  • Imagination Station: Grab 'n go Fairy Tale Activities (all ages but geared to ages 4-9) craft to go Weds. and Thurs. pick-up 12:00-5:00 pm
  • Special Programs: Fairy Doors to take home and paint & decorate – Thursday, July 2nd at 10:30 am (craft pick-up)


HISTORY IN AN OYSTERSHELL - A Brief History of Durham, NH 1600 - 1976 (A little volume that was the Heritage Project of the Durham Historic Association Bicentennial celebration)

Preface - "Since before God made the first little green apples, oysters have probably been growin in the Oyster River; and some of the largest and juiciest to be found anywhere in the world are still growing here today. The following vignettes from rollicking history of Durham town on the Oyster River are therefore presented between the shells of an oyster."


1976 - Fishing preceded colonization in New England by many centuries, and fish and fishing have continued to be important to Durham. In may, a fish ladder over the Mill Pond dam was dedicated. This structure is remarkable in the seacoast region in that it is partially financed by the town.



If you know of others who might find Durham's weekly "Friday Updates" of interest, please pass them along. It's possible to sign up for them HERE.

Have a very nice weekend.


Todd I. Selig, Administrator

Town of Durham, NH

a: 8 Newmarket Rd., Durham, NH 03824 USA

t: 603.868.5571 | w:

He/him/his pronouns

Everyone can tackle climate change. How can you reduce your carbon footprint?
